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Welcome Walmart employees!

Here at Goodwin Chevrolet we care about our community and we know that many of
our friends and family are looking for new vehicles. We're helping each dollar
go farther for you by participating in the GM Supplier Discount Program, where
you can purchase or lease a great GM vehicle at an outstanding price! 

Walmart employees are uniquely qualified and are eligible for the GM Supplier
Discount Price, a special discounted price that's below the MSRP. This
outstanding value can be applied to the purchase or lease of eligible new
Chevrolet vehicles simply by using an authorization number and presenting it at
Goodwin Chevrolet. Combine this discount with the most current offers to save
even more this month.

To take advantage of this incredible opportunity, you must have an authorization
number which you can get here. Authorization numbers may be requested for the
purchase or lease of a total of two vehicles per calendar year and are valid for
six months from the date of request. 

Your Walmart company code is

Get Your
Authorization Number 

So don't wait - take advantage of your unique supplier savings on a new Chevy
vehicle this month!

Learn more about available Supplier pricing savings for Walmart employees by
visiting or calling Goodwin Chevrolet  Oxford for details.





Q: What is the vehicle discount? A: As an eligible GM supplier employee, you can
take advantage of the supplier discount price, which is a special discounted
price less than the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP).  Q: When I
purchase or lease with the GM Supplier Discount, how long do I have to keep the
vehicle?A: The vehicle must be retained for a minimum of six (6) months from the
vehicle delivery date. Q: How many vehicles am I eligible to
purchase/lease?A: You may purchase/lease up to two (2) eligible, new and unused
vehicles during the current year. Q: How do I get the GM supplier
discount?A: Sign in at gmsupplierdiscount.com and click on the "Programs" link.
Then select "GM Supplier Discount" and follow the prompts to obtain your
authorization number. Print it out and take it to Goodwin Chevrolet Oxford to
obtain your discount. Q: Is my company code also my authorization number?A: No.
Your Company Code is the number you must use to register at
gmsupplierdiscount.com. If you don't know your Company Code, ask your human
resources representative. Once online, you can request your authorization
number.  Q: I recently acquired a new GM vehicle. Can I apply the GM Supplier
Discount?A: No. Previous purchases/leases are not eligible. Q: Can I share the
GM Supplier Discount with friends and family?A: Each time you purchase or lease
a new GM vehicle under the GM Supplier Discount Program, you can share your
supplier discount with one friend or family member. You can share your special
pricing for up to one year from the date of your vehicle purchase. Once you
obtain an authorization number, your friend or family member will have six (6)
months to use it. Q: How do I get an authorization number for my friend or
family member?A: After you purchase or lease a new GM vehicle through the GM
Supplier Discount Program, you can share the discount for up to one year from
the date of your vehicle purchase. You will need to obtain a special
authorization number for your friend or family member.
* Obtain their date of birth and ZIP code. 
* Go to gmsupplierdiscount.com and sign in.
* Click on "Programs" from the top navigation bar, select "Share Your Discount"
and then "Obtain Authorization," and follow the prompts to get an authorization
number. Once they have the authorization number, all your friend or family
member needs to do to obtain the discount is go to a participating GM Dealership
like Goodwin Chevrolet with their authorization number. You do not have to go to
the dealership with them. Q: How do I know that I'm getting the correct
discount?A: Before you buy, you can visit gmsupplierdiscount.com and select
"Build & Price" from the top navigation bar. Once you choose your model and
options, you'll see your price listed below the MSRP. When at the dealer, you
can ask to view the vehicle invoice. Simply look for the SUPPLR price listed in
the far right-hand column of the invoice. Q: Can I title a vehicle under my
business name?A: Yes. Eligible participants can title a vehicle in the name of
their business.. Q: Which GM vehicles are eligible?A: The GM Supplier Discount
is available on almost all new cars, SUVs, crossovers and trucks from Chevrolet,
Buick, GMC and Cadillac. Some models may have limited availability. See Goodwin
Chevrolet Oxford or visit the Vehicle Eligibility page at
gmsupplierdiscount.com. Vehicle eligibility may change at any time. Q: Can I
obtain this discount from any GM Dealer?A: This program is available through
participating GM Dealers like Goodwin Chevrolet Oxford, however, participation
is voluntary. Not all dealers participate and dealer participation is on a
model-by-model basis, so be sure to state your intention to use the GM Supplier
Discount during your first contact with your dealer.

Q: Who is eligible?A: Eligible participants include active hourly and salaried
(full- and part-time) employees of eligible GM suppliers and business
associates, like Bath Iron Works. Note: To qualify for the program, you must be
a legal resident of the United States. Q: Can I combine this discount with
current offers?A: This program is compatible with most other regionally
advertised cash allowances or APRs. You will need to check with your
participating GM Dealer for details on specific offers or visit
gmsupplierdiscount.com and select "Offers" from the top navigation bar. Q: How
long is Supplier Pricing available for Walmart employees?A: As long as Supplier
Pricing is available from General Motors the team at Goodwin Chevrolet Oxford,
ME is ready to help. You can always check on the status of the Supplier Pricing
offer by giving our expert team a call. Q: Do you have to be currently employed
to receive supplier discount pricing?A: You must be currently employed for a
minimum of 30 days to quality. 


 1. Goodwin Chevrolet Oxford
    1606 Main Street
    Oxford, ME 04270
     * Sales: (207) 739-4688

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