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We show average dudes how they can completely out kick their coverage in just 90

 * Start Now For LESS Than A Dollar Per Day


If you don’t know who I am, my name is Chad.Most people know me as the “Defund
Simping” guy on TikTok.But there’s more to my story than just having over half a
million followers.Truthfully, I don’t care about the number on the screen.I care
about changing lives.If you’ve seen my content, then you know it’s about more
than being a “TikTocker”It’s about helping guys revolutionize their dating
life.My track record is…Well, pretty solid.I’ve dated some of the most beautiful
girls in the world, and have broken the game down to a science.I practice
exactly what I preach, and I help guys do exactly as I have done.Change their
dating life.The good news is, you’re not far away.You’re about 60 to 90 days
away from completely changing your dating life.60 days away from complete
change.You will go from looking at the hot girl in the club and saying “she’s
bad”, to taking her home.The truth is, the world sees me as a “dating
savant.”That’s just the final product.The final product of years of hard and
embarrassing work.I’ve been in your shoes.Seeing hot girls and doing nothing
about it, fumbling the bag on dating apps, and tripping myself up in easy
conversations.That’s exactly what inspired me to start my program Defund
Simping.It’s the best dating program on the planet.Inside of Defund Simping…I
completely pull back the curtain and give guys everything they need to know
about talking with girls, how to dress, working out, going out, and more that
will help you transform your dating life.In the community we talk tactics,
strategy, and mindsets to get results.Think of it like having David Beckham in
your back pocket for advice.We will teach you everything you need to know to win
the game.Because that’s all it is.Getting the girls you want is simply a
game…And I’m going to show you how to play.

 * Start Now For LESS Than A Dollar Per Day


Dating is just like a sport.You can play all you want, but if you don’t have the
proper training you’re going to fall short in the biggest moments.Why?Because in
times of extreme pressure you revert back to your most deeply held habits.You
revert back to your training.If you have trained your mind to shell up around
the most beautiful girls…That’s exactly what is going to happen.Those deeply
held habits are what causes you to get nervous, shell up, and avoid the hottest
girls in the club.You are unprepared.You don’t know what to say, or how to
approach.You aren’t sure if you have a good enough outfit on, or if you smell
desirable.But more importantly you’re afraid.Afraid of rejection.So you don’t
even try.But chances are, if you would’ve just went up to her it probably would
have worked out.But here’s where things get interesting…You need something to
approach that girl.You need confidence.And confidence, my friend, can’t be
faked.It’s the one trait that you can’t fake.Because the only way you truly
become confident is by earning it.So let’s reverse engineer this…We know that if
you just go up to the girl it’s probably going to work.But you need confidence
to approach her.So, how can we get that confidence?The best way to earn
confidence is to learn from the best in the game, and then practice, practice,
practice.You need to learn exactly what to wear, what to say, and how to close
the deal, so that you have all of the confidence in the world to approach
her.That’s how you get it done.And that’s why I created Defund Simping.Because I
saw a lot of my boys, and people online struggling to get the girls that they
deserve.If you don’t know about my program it’s a discord + course where I show
you how to secure the most beautiful girls possible.We have lessons, live calls,
and a community to help you no matter what your current situation is.Because
once I peel back the curtain and show you exactly what to do, you will see the
light.Everybody over complicates this whole thing.That’s what Defund Simping
does.It simplifies the game.We give you the steps, you implement them, we help
you iterate, and you enjoy your newfound life.Defund Simping will revolutionize
your dating lifeClaim your seat here >>>

 * Start Now For LESS Than A Dollar Per Day





 * Start Now For LESS Than A Dollar Per Day

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