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Jersey has been a leading international finance centre for more than 60 years.
Thanks to a forward-thinking and ESG-driven approach, we are at the forefront of
banking, corporate services, fintech, funds, investment management and private
wealth, plus the specialist areas of Islamic finance and philanthropy.

Learn more


Fairway Group Promotes Nine Team Members
19 January 2023
Praxis Rewards Team Development with Annual Promotions Round
1 February 2023
Butterfield Makes Senior Appointments in Channel Islands
31 January 2023
Carey Olsen Advises Hollyport Capital on US$2.2 Billion Fund Close
24 January 2023
Carey Olsen Adds New Partner to Trusts and Private Wealth Practice in Jersey
24 January 2023
Hawksford Announces 59 International Promotions
24 January 2023
Carey Olsen Confirmed As The Leading Legal Adviser to Jersey Domiciled Funds
23 January 2023
Crestbridge Welcomes New Director, Real Estate Funds
20 January 2023
Emily Dawson Appointed as New Head of Corporate and Family Office at Investec
Bank (Channel Islands) Limited
20 January 2023
Investec Increases its Commitment to Jersey by Moving to A New Larger Office
20 January 2023
Fairway Group Promotes Nine Team Members
19 January 2023
Praxis Rewards Team Development with Annual Promotions Round
1 February 2023
Butterfield Makes Senior Appointments in Channel Islands
31 January 2023
Carey Olsen Advises Hollyport Capital on US$2.2 Billion Fund Close
24 January 2023
Carey Olsen Adds New Partner to Trusts and Private Wealth Practice in Jersey
24 January 2023
Hawksford Announces 59 International Promotions
24 January 2023
Carey Olsen Confirmed As The Leading Legal Adviser to Jersey Domiciled Funds
23 January 2023
Crestbridge Welcomes New Director, Real Estate Funds
20 January 2023
Emily Dawson Appointed as New Head of Corporate and Family Office at Investec
Bank (Channel Islands) Limited
20 January 2023
Investec Increases its Commitment to Jersey by Moving to A New Larger Office
20 January 2023
Fairway Group Promotes Nine Team Members
19 January 2023
All News ›


About Jersey Finance ›

Jersey Finance Limited is proud to work with key partners to represent and
promote Jersey as the clear leader in global finance.

Sector Expertise in Financial Services Jersey ›

Jersey has been a leading international finance centre for more than 60 years.
Thanks to a forward-thinking and ESG-driven approach, we are at the forefront of
banking, corporate services, fintech, funds, investment management, private
wealth, and the specialist areas of Islamic finance and philanthropy. Financial
firms in Jersey provide services to clients around the world.

Market Intelligence ›

We are proud to work with and support a range of markets worldwide. Here’s a
look at what we’re doing to build a better future for global partners, clients
and investors.

Financial Services Jersey: Find a Local Company ›

We work with a range of national and international financial services companies
based in Jersey, providing assistance to clients worldwide. Browse our business
directory for more information on the Jersey finance industry, or search for a
specific company.


Keep up to date with the latest industry news, blogs and commentary on global
issues. We provide a host of information.

Fairway Group Promotes Nine Team Members

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Collas Crill’s International Private Client and Trusts Team Sees Growth in

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Mourant Publishes its First Global Gender Pay Gap Report

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Moore Stephens – Social Ambition and Giant Tortoises

Community News, Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Praxis Rewards Team Development with Annual Promotions Round

Jersey Industry News

1 February 2023
Butterfield Makes Senior Appointments in Channel Islands

Jersey Industry News

31 January 2023
January Skills Round Up

Our News

31 January 2023
Life in Finance Celebrates 10 Years

Our News

25 January 2023
Carey Olsen Advises Hollyport Capital on US$2.2 Billion Fund Close

Jersey Industry News

24 January 2023
Carey Olsen Adds New Partner to Trusts and Private Wealth Practice in Jersey

Jersey Industry News

24 January 2023
Hawksford Announces 59 International Promotions

Jersey Industry News

24 January 2023
Carey Olsen Confirmed As The Leading Legal Adviser to Jersey Domiciled Funds

Jersey Industry News

23 January 2023
Focus on South East Asia, Fintech and Sustainable Finance Set Out at Jersey
Finance 2023 Annual Update

Our News

23 January 2023
Crestbridge Welcomes New Director, Real Estate Funds

Jersey Industry News

20 January 2023
Emily Dawson Appointed as New Head of Corporate and Family Office at Investec
Bank (Channel Islands) Limited

Jersey Industry News

20 January 2023
Investec Increases its Commitment to Jersey by Moving to A New Larger Office

Jersey Industry News

20 January 2023
Fairway Group Promotes Nine Team Members

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Collas Crill’s International Private Client and Trusts Team Sees Growth in

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Mourant Publishes its First Global Gender Pay Gap Report

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Moore Stephens – Social Ambition and Giant Tortoises

Community News, Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Praxis Rewards Team Development with Annual Promotions Round

Jersey Industry News

1 February 2023
Butterfield Makes Senior Appointments in Channel Islands

Jersey Industry News

31 January 2023
January Skills Round Up

Our News

31 January 2023
Life in Finance Celebrates 10 Years

Our News

25 January 2023
Carey Olsen Advises Hollyport Capital on US$2.2 Billion Fund Close

Jersey Industry News

24 January 2023
Carey Olsen Adds New Partner to Trusts and Private Wealth Practice in Jersey

Jersey Industry News

24 January 2023
Hawksford Announces 59 International Promotions

Jersey Industry News

24 January 2023
Carey Olsen Confirmed As The Leading Legal Adviser to Jersey Domiciled Funds

Jersey Industry News

23 January 2023
Focus on South East Asia, Fintech and Sustainable Finance Set Out at Jersey
Finance 2023 Annual Update

Our News

23 January 2023
Crestbridge Welcomes New Director, Real Estate Funds

Jersey Industry News

20 January 2023
Emily Dawson Appointed as New Head of Corporate and Family Office at Investec
Bank (Channel Islands) Limited

Jersey Industry News

20 January 2023
Investec Increases its Commitment to Jersey by Moving to A New Larger Office

Jersey Industry News

20 January 2023
Fairway Group Promotes Nine Team Members

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Collas Crill’s International Private Client and Trusts Team Sees Growth in

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Mourant Publishes its First Global Gender Pay Gap Report

Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
Moore Stephens – Social Ambition and Giant Tortoises

Community News, Jersey Industry News

19 January 2023
All News ›


We are proud to host a range of leading events, both locally and
internationally, providing global networking opportunities and the chance to
learn about the latest industry developments.

The AYU Digital Asset Fund Forum 12/04/2023
Future Connect: Networking Event – Apr. 2023 20/04/2023
Life in Finance 2023: Meet and Greet Event 04/05/2023
Future Connect: Networking Event – May 2023 11/05/2023
Jersey Finance: US Community of Interest 07/02/2023
CEO Connect: Private Lunch 07/02/2023
Jersey Finance: US Dinner in New York 08/02/2023
IFI Global: Tokenization – The Future for Real Assets? 08/02/2023
Future Connect: Networking Event – Feb. 2023 09/02/2023
Jersey Finance’s Gulf Regional Event Series – Qatar Roundtable 12/02/2023
Jersey Finance Funds Focus: London 07/03/2023
Jersey Finance: Spotlight Private Wealth Exclusive Networking Reception
The AYU Emerging Manager Conference Switzerland 09/03/2023
Nigeria Financial Crime Risk Assessment Roundtable – in Partnership with Themis
Future Connect: Networking Event – Mar. 2023 16/03/2023
The AYU Emerging Manager Conference London 30/03/2023
The AYU Digital Asset Fund Forum 12/04/2023
Future Connect: Networking Event – Apr. 2023 20/04/2023
Life in Finance 2023: Meet and Greet Event 04/05/2023
Future Connect: Networking Event – May 2023 11/05/2023
Jersey Finance: US Community of Interest 07/02/2023
CEO Connect: Private Lunch 07/02/2023
Jersey Finance: US Dinner in New York 08/02/2023
IFI Global: Tokenization – The Future for Real Assets? 08/02/2023
Future Connect: Networking Event – Feb. 2023 09/02/2023
Jersey Finance’s Gulf Regional Event Series – Qatar Roundtable 12/02/2023
Jersey Finance Funds Focus: London 07/03/2023
Jersey Finance: Spotlight Private Wealth Exclusive Networking Reception
The AYU Emerging Manager Conference Switzerland 09/03/2023
Nigeria Financial Crime Risk Assessment Roundtable – in Partnership with Themis
Future Connect: Networking Event – Mar. 2023 16/03/2023
The AYU Emerging Manager Conference London 30/03/2023
The AYU Digital Asset Fund Forum 12/04/2023
Future Connect: Networking Event – Apr. 2023 20/04/2023
Life in Finance 2023: Meet and Greet Event 04/05/2023
Future Connect: Networking Event – May 2023 11/05/2023
All Events ›


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Access a wealth of information, including articles, factsheets, podcasts and
videos from Jersey Finance Limited.

The Emergence of Super-IFCs


4 January 2023
JFSC Consultation Paper No 1 2023 : Amendment Fees for certain registered people
under Supervisory Body Law

Consultations & Legislation

Jersey Foundations


31 December 2022
Supporting Private Clients in Asia: Insights from Ocorian


22 December 2022
Trusts: A Positive Impact on Society and Within the Scope of Regulation


31 January 2023
Maples Update on Jersey Limited Liability Company Law


The Year of the Rabbit: A look ahead to growing relations between mainland China
and Jersey


26 January 2023
Picking The Wrong IFC Could Shut Off An Investment Manager’s Fundraising


24 January 2023
Live: Government of Jersey Consultation: Pension Regulation Phase 2 – CIFO

Consultations & Legislation

Time to respond
21 Days
17 Hours
2 Minutes
47 Seconds
Looking Back at 2022 and Forward to 2023


24 January 2023
The Challenge of the Workforce Shortage – and its Consequences


19 January 2023
2022 Africa Roundup Interview Series


17 January 2023
Supporting US Fund Managers’ Ambitions


16 January 2023
Jersey Continues to Evolve US Proposition: An Industry Perspective


9 January 2023
Legal and Technical Update 12/2022

Legal and Technical Updates

Jersey for Islamic Finance


6 January 2023
The Emergence of Super-IFCs


4 January 2023
JFSC Consultation Paper No 1 2023 : Amendment Fees for certain registered people
under Supervisory Body Law

Consultations & Legislation

Jersey Foundations


31 December 2022
Supporting Private Clients in Asia: Insights from Ocorian


22 December 2022
Trusts: A Positive Impact on Society and Within the Scope of Regulation


31 January 2023
Maples Update on Jersey Limited Liability Company Law


The Year of the Rabbit: A look ahead to growing relations between mainland China
and Jersey


26 January 2023
Picking The Wrong IFC Could Shut Off An Investment Manager’s Fundraising


24 January 2023
Live: Government of Jersey Consultation: Pension Regulation Phase 2 – CIFO

Consultations & Legislation

Time to respond
21 Days
17 Hours
6 Minutes
59 Seconds
Looking Back at 2022 and Forward to 2023


24 January 2023
The Challenge of the Workforce Shortage – and its Consequences


19 January 2023
2022 Africa Roundup Interview Series


17 January 2023
Supporting US Fund Managers’ Ambitions


16 January 2023
Jersey Continues to Evolve US Proposition: An Industry Perspective


9 January 2023
Legal and Technical Update 12/2022

Legal and Technical Updates

Jersey for Islamic Finance


6 January 2023
The Emergence of Super-IFCs


4 January 2023
JFSC Consultation Paper No 1 2023 : Amendment Fees for certain registered people
under Supervisory Body Law

Consultations & Legislation

Jersey Foundations


31 December 2022
Supporting Private Clients in Asia: Insights from Ocorian


22 December 2022
All Knowledge Hub ›


Watch and listen to Jersey Finance’s latest videos, event recordings and

Nairobi Roadshow 2022 – Highlights


27 June 2022
Nairobi Roadshow Special Edition Mini-Series


6 June 2022
Securitization and Offshore Structured Finance: How Jersey Helps US Managers
Bridge the Gap to EU Investors


18 May 2022
Video: Jersey for South Africa Funds


13 May 2022
Looking Back at 2022 and Forward to 2023


24 January 2023
2022 Africa Roundup Interview Series


17 January 2023
How Domiciling in Jersey Can Help US Managers Targeting EU Capital


25 November 2022
Fintech Demo Day 2022

Articles, Video

9 November 2022
Sustainable Finance Innovation in Jersey


2 November 2022
Jersey Finance Annual Private Wealth Conference 2022 Event Highlights


27 October 2022
Women in Leadership: Podcast Mini-Series


26 October 2022
Rising Stars Winners: Podcast Mini-Series


17 October 2022
South Africa Roadshow 2022: A Word from our Sponsor Podcast


13 October 2022
The Future of Investment Management


3 August 2022
Video: Jersey’s Relationship With East Africa


20 July 2022
A Gift to the People of Rwanda from Jersey


29 June 2022
Nairobi Roadshow 2022 – Highlights


27 June 2022
Nairobi Roadshow Special Edition Mini-Series


6 June 2022
Securitization and Offshore Structured Finance: How Jersey Helps US Managers
Bridge the Gap to EU Investors


18 May 2022
Video: Jersey for South Africa Funds


13 May 2022
Looking Back at 2022 and Forward to 2023


24 January 2023
2022 Africa Roundup Interview Series


17 January 2023
How Domiciling in Jersey Can Help US Managers Targeting EU Capital


25 November 2022
Fintech Demo Day 2022

Articles, Video

9 November 2022
Sustainable Finance Innovation in Jersey


2 November 2022
Jersey Finance Annual Private Wealth Conference 2022 Event Highlights


27 October 2022
Women in Leadership: Podcast Mini-Series


26 October 2022
Rising Stars Winners: Podcast Mini-Series


17 October 2022
South Africa Roadshow 2022: A Word from our Sponsor Podcast


13 October 2022
The Future of Investment Management


3 August 2022
Video: Jersey’s Relationship With East Africa


20 July 2022
A Gift to the People of Rwanda from Jersey


29 June 2022
Nairobi Roadshow 2022 – Highlights


27 June 2022
Nairobi Roadshow Special Edition Mini-Series


6 June 2022
Securitization and Offshore Structured Finance: How Jersey Helps US Managers
Bridge the Gap to EU Investors


18 May 2022
Video: Jersey for South Africa Funds


13 May 2022
All Videos ›
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targeted advertisements that are relevant to you across the web. Targeted
advertisements may be displayed to you based on your previous visits to this
website.1 yearHTTP_gcl_auGoogleUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with
advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.3
monthsHTTPtest_cookieGoogleUsed to check if the users’ browser supports cookies1
dayHTTPsa-user-id Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to
present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.5
yearsHTMLsa-user-id-v2 Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to
present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.5
yearsHTML_p_hfp_client_id Used to implement social platforms on the website.
Enables the social platforms to track the users by assigning them a specific
ID.1 dayHTTPSRM_B Tracks the user’s interaction with the website’s
search-bar-function . This data can be used to present the user with relevant
products or services.1 yearHTTPMUIDMicrosoftbing uses cookies to improve
advertising and record anonymous information about user behaviour, where the
user has originated from bing search or advert1 yearHTTPANONCHK Registers data
on visitors from multiple visits and on multiple websites. This information is
used to measure the efficiency of advertisement on website.1 dayHTTPuvc Detects
how often the social sharing service, AddThis, encounters the same user.1
yearHTTPloc Geolocation, which is used to help providers determine how users who
share information with each other are geographically located (state level)13
monthsHTTPouid Sets an ID-string for the specific visitor. This is used to
recognize the visitor upon re-entry. This allows the website to register the
visitor’s behaviour and facilitate the social media sharing function provided by
Addthis.com.13 monthsHTTPum Registers the visitors behaviour on social media -
can be used to optimize ad-relevance and general targeting.3
monthsHTTPUID Unique user ID that recognizes the user on returning visits29
daysHTTPna_id Used to recognize the visitor upon re-entry. This allows the
website to register the visitor’s behaviour and facilitate the social sharing
function provided by Addthis.com.13 monthsHTTPvc Number of views we've seen from
user730 daysHTTPUID Unique user ID that recognizes the user on returning
visits29 daysHTTP


We are working hard to classify these cookies together with a description of the
cookies purpose. We will update them as soon as we have the correct information.

Day/sPending_dc_gtm_UA-9350615-1.jerseyfinance.jePending10 Day/sPending

Blocked in
Always OffView
These cookies are always blocked because the country you are in does not allow

NameProviderPurposeExpiryType_gaGoogleThis helps us count how many people visit
the website by tracking if you’ve visited it before. Collect info and report
website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to
google.2 YearsHTTP_gidGoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate
statistical data1 dayHTTP

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