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 Training  -  Consulting


MissionAssurance focuses on the protection, continued function, and resilience
of capabilities and assets critical to supporting an organization’s key
functions. Within the context of mission assurance, readiness is based on an
essential task framework and is assessed and tracked. Finally, mission assurance
is a common integrative framework -- not a single policy or program -- to
prioritize protection and resilience efforts and reduce risks from a range of
complex threats and hazards.

Risk Management - a system of preventing or reducing the likelihood that
dangerous accidents or mistakes will occur, or reducing the amount of loss.


Operational Risk Management - involves structuring the organization so that when
something bad does happen, the company can absorb that hit in the best way


  - Identify and Prioritize Critical Missions, Functions, and Infrastructure.
  - Develop and Implement a Comprehensive and Integrated Mission Assurance Risk
Management Framework.
  - Use Risk-Informed Decision Making to Optimize Mitigation Solutions.


Key Focus Areas of MissionAssurance Planning and Operations:
  - Antiterrorism
  - Active Assailant / Active Shooter
  - Counter-Insider Threat
  - Workplace Violence
  - Physical Security
  - Operations Security
  - Communications Security
  - Tactical Medical Care


MissionAssurance, LLC is a licensed Texas Department of Public Safety,
Continuing Education Training School, Certificate Y28666901.

Need to obtain a Texas License to Carry, take the online portion here.


  This 48-hour course provides the experienced Level 3 Security Guard with the
knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the function of the High Risk
Operator (HRO). Qualified HROs bring a significant increase in force protection
and defensive actions to any private or corporate environment. Understanding
threat identification, hazard analysis, and impact mitigation strategies will
strengthen the overall safety and effectiveness of any security operation. In
this course you will not also learn to apply the mission assurance construct,
but also be challenged through a series of exercises to further develop existing
tactical knowledge with firearms and personnel movement. All in an effort to
reduce or eliminate risk. This course is both didactic and tactile with terminal
and performance objectives. This is our most high demand course. Graduates of
this course typically increase their salary by over 70% due to the high demand
for qualified High Risk Operators (HRO). Class size is limited to eight
(8) individuals. (18 hours classroom, 30 hours range; 200 rounds handgun, 150
patrol rifle, 60 shotgun required.)


Course Fee: $1495 USD.


Next open class; 04-08 NOV 24 (San Antonio, TX). 


Register for class. 


Course Overview:

  Threat Identification
       - Antiterrorism and Domestic Threats
       - Counter-Insider Threat
       - Workplace Violence
       - Active Assailant / Active Shooter
  Hazard Analysis
       - Physical Security
       - Personnel  ecurity
       - Operations Security
       - Communications Security
  Impact Mitigation and Response
      - High Risk Operations

      - Defensive Tactics
      - Developing a Response Plan
      - Emergency Management Strategies
      - Tactical Medical Care
  HRO Tactics
      - Adv. Handgun Techniques/Qualification

      - Adv. Shotgun Techniques/Qualification 

      - Adv. Rifle - PDW Techniques/Qualification
      - Shooting on the Move
      - Cover and Concealment

      - Night/Low-Light Engagements


  This is the course for licensed carry owners. Each candidate will work
individually with the instructor cadre to develop a personal protection plan
unique to their work and home environments. Both didactic and tactile training
will assist the individual to mitigate risks, sustain situational awareness, and
practice operations security concepts essential to the safety of them and their
families. Being mentally prepared is fundamental to success in a threat
situation. Class size is limited to six (6) individuals. (8 hours classroom, 8
hours range; 200 rounds required)


Course Fee: $195 USD.


Next open classes; 07-08 SEP 24, 05-06 OCT 24, 02-03 NOV 24 (San Antonio, TX).

Register for class. 


Course Overview:


  Threat Identification (Classroom)
      - Domestic Threats
      - Active Assailant/Shooter
  Hazard Analysis (Classroom)
      - Personal Security
      - Operations Security
      - Communications Security
   Impact Mitigation and Response (Classroom)
      - Escape and Evasion
      - Tactical Care Basics
      - Developing a Response Plan
  Defensive Tactics (Range)
      - Defensive Handgun Techniques
      - Target Engagement

      - Shooting on the Move
      - Cover and Concealment

egister for Class


   This course is designed to educate the student on the application of
fundamentals required to deter potential shooters before they strike and ending
attacks early to minimize the number of victims resulting in saving lives of
victims after the attack is over.  Learning how to properly develop an Emergency
Operations Plan (EOP) for your house of worship, school or business. Class size
is limited to sixteen (16) individuals. (4 hours classroom)


Course Fee: $65 USD.


Next open classe(s); 14 SEP 24 (San Antonio, TX).

Register for class.


Course Overview:

      - Knowing the signs.

      - Creating an emergency operations plan for your school, house of worship
or business.

      - Special security considerations for schools.

      - Special security considerations for houses of worship.

      - Using the Run, Hide, Fight Methodology. 

      - When fighting back means using a firearm.

      - Triage and treat the wounded.

      - The criteria for gun free zones.


  The STOP THE BLEED® course is for people who are interested in learning this
lifesaving skill. A bleeding injury can happen anywhere. Life-threatening
bleeding can happen in people injured in serious accidents or disasters. Class
size is limited to sixteen (16) individuals and is a minimum of 4 hours in

Course Overview:
      - How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound.
      - How to pack a wound to control bleeding.
      - How to correctly apply a tourniquet.



  Through a process of assessment and validation Mission Assurance will collect,
analyze, and evaluate threat and hazards that may impactand organization, and
develop a single or multiple mitigation and protection strategies commensurate
with both risk and structure. Through properly executed planning, Mission
Assurance will integrate measures and activities into operational doctrine,
plans, training, and exercises to instill and validate the new paradigm and
structure. The assessment may be as simple or complex as needed based upon size
and risk.Let Mission Assurance lead your organization through an initial risk
assessment as the first step to in the process of ensuring the enduring
functionality of your organization. Have an existing security program, let
MissionAssurance "Red Team" test your protection strategies.


   Headquarters, MissionAssurance, LLC
   San Antonio, TX  -  Washington, DC   
   Watch Office 202-957-7677


  We never sell or convey information on clients to anyone. We verify that all
clients are in good legal standing and are in compliance with applicable laws
and regulations.