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      <li id="field_3_5" class="gfield populate-posts field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_3_5">Select a school</label>
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            <option value="" selected="selected" class="gf_placeholder">Select a school</option>
            <option value="Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama">Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama</option>
            <option value="Youngstown State University, Dana School of Music">Youngstown State University, Dana School of Music</option>
            <option value="Wheaton College – Norton, MA">Wheaton College – Norton, MA</option>
            <option value="Westmont College – Santa Barbara, CA">Westmont College – Santa Barbara, CA</option>
            <option value="Western Michigan University – Kalamazoo, MI">Western Michigan University – Kalamazoo, MI</option>
            <option value="West Valley College – Saratoga, CA">West Valley College – Saratoga, CA</option>
            <option value="West Chester University of Pennsylvania – West Chester, PA">West Chester University of Pennsylvania – West Chester, PA</option>
            <option value="Webster University – St. Louis, MO">Webster University – St. Louis, MO</option>
            <option value="Weber State University – Ogden, UT">Weber State University – Ogden, UT</option>
            <option value="Wallace State Community College – Hanceville, AL">Wallace State Community College – Hanceville, AL</option>
            <option value="Waldorf College – Forest City, IA">Waldorf College – Forest City, IA</option>
            <option value="Vassar College – Poughkeepsie, NY">Vassar College – Poughkeepsie, NY</option>
            <option value="Utah Valley University – Orem, UT">Utah Valley University – Orem, UT</option>
            <option value="Utah State University – Logan, UT">Utah State University – Logan, UT</option>
            <option value="University of West Florida – Pensacola, FL">University of West Florida – Pensacola, FL</option>
            <option value="University of Victoria – Victoria, BC, Canada">University of Victoria – Victoria, BC, Canada</option>
            <option value="University of Utah – Salt Lake City, UT">University of Utah – Salt Lake City, UT</option>
            <option value="University of Texas of the Permian Basin – Odessa, TX">University of Texas of the Permian Basin – Odessa, TX</option>
            <option value="University of Tennessee – Martin – Martin, TN">University of Tennessee – Martin – Martin, TN</option>
            <option value="University of Tennessee – Knoxville – Knoxville, TN">University of Tennessee – Knoxville – Knoxville, TN</option>
            <option value="University of South Florida – Tampa, FL">University of South Florida – Tampa, FL</option>
            <option value="University of South Africa – Pretoria, South Africa">University of South Africa – Pretoria, South Africa</option>
            <option value="University of Montevallo – Montevallo, AL">University of Montevallo – Montevallo, AL</option>
            <option value="University of Minnesota – Morris – Morris, MN">University of Minnesota – Morris – Morris, MN</option>
            <option value="University of Minnesota – Minneapolis, MN">University of Minnesota – Minneapolis, MN</option>
            <option value="University of Melbourne, Faculty of Music – Melbourne, Australia">University of Melbourne, Faculty of Music – Melbourne, Australia</option>
            <option value="University of Maryland – College Park, MD">University of Maryland – College Park, MD</option>
            <option value="University of Georgia – Athens, GA">University of Georgia – Athens, GA</option>
            <option value="University of Florida – Gainesville, FL">University of Florida – Gainesville, FL</option>
            <option value="University of Denver, Lamont School of Music – Denver, CO">University of Denver, Lamont School of Music – Denver, CO</option>
            <option value="University of Central Missouri – Warrensburg, MO">University of Central Missouri – Warrensburg, MO</option>
            <option value="University of Central Florida – Orlando, FL">University of Central Florida – Orlando, FL</option>
            <option value="University of Arkansas – Fayetteville, AR">University of Arkansas – Fayetteville, AR</option>
            <option value="University of Arizona – Tucson, AZ">University of Arizona – Tucson, AZ</option>
            <option value="University of Alabama, Birmingham – Birmingham, AL">University of Alabama, Birmingham – Birmingham, AL</option>
            <option value="Union College – Schenectady, NY">Union College – Schenectady, NY</option>
            <option value="Tulane University – New Orleans, LA">Tulane University – New Orleans, LA</option>
            <option value="Troy University – Troy, AL">Troy University – Troy, AL</option>
            <option value="Trinity University – San Antonio, TX">Trinity University – San Antonio, TX</option>
            <option value="The George Washington University – Washington, D.C.">The George Washington University – Washington, D.C.</option>
            <option value="Texas Christian University – Ft. Worth, TX">Texas Christian University – Ft. Worth, TX</option>
            <option value="Texas A&amp;M International University – Laredo, TX">Texas A&amp;M International University – Laredo, TX</option>
            <option value="Teachers College, Columbia University – New York, NY">Teachers College, Columbia University – New York, NY</option>
            <option value="State University of New York, Potsdam – Crane School of Music – Potsdam, NY">State University of New York, Potsdam – Crane School of Music – Potsdam, NY</option>
            <option value="Spring Hill College – Mobile, AL">Spring Hill College – Mobile, AL</option>
            <option value="Spelman College – Atlanta, GA">Spelman College – Atlanta, GA</option>
            <option value="Southwestern Assemblies of God University – Waxahachie, TX">Southwestern Assemblies of God University – Waxahachie, TX</option>
            <option value="Southern Utah University – Cedar City, UT">Southern Utah University – Cedar City, UT</option>
            <option value="Southern Adventist University – Collegedale, TN">Southern Adventist University – Collegedale, TN</option>
            <option value="Snow College – Ephraim, UT">Snow College – Ephraim, UT</option>
            <option value="Seton Hill University – Greensburg, PA">Seton Hill University – Greensburg, PA</option>
            <option value="Santa Fe College – Gainesville, FL">Santa Fe College – Gainesville, FL</option>
            <option value="Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota – Winona MN">Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota – Winona MN</option>
            <option value="Rowan University – Glassboro, NJ">Rowan University – Glassboro, NJ</option>
            <option value="Radford University – Radford, VA">Radford University – Radford, VA</option>
            <option value="Principia College – Elsah, IL">Principia College – Elsah, IL</option>
            <option value="Portland State University – Portland, OR">Portland State University – Portland, OR</option>
            <option value="Pomona College – Claremont, CA">Pomona College – Claremont, CA</option>
            <option value="Pellissippi State Community College – Knoxville, TN">Pellissippi State Community College – Knoxville, TN</option>
            <option value="Oral Roberts University – Tulsa, OK">Oral Roberts University – Tulsa, OK</option>
            <option value="Oklahoma State University – Stillwater, OK">Oklahoma State University – Stillwater, OK</option>
            <option value="Oklahoma City University – Oklahoma City, OK">Oklahoma City University – Oklahoma City, OK</option>
            <option value="Oklahoma Christian University – Oklahoma City, OK">Oklahoma Christian University – Oklahoma City, OK</option>
            <option value="Odessa College – Odessa, TX">Odessa College – Odessa, TX</option>
            <option value="North Greenville University – Tigerville, SC">North Greenville University – Tigerville, SC</option>
            <option value="Nicholls State University – Thibodaux, LA">Nicholls State University – Thibodaux, LA</option>
            <option value="New Jersey City University – Jersey City, NJ">New Jersey City University – Jersey City, NJ</option>
            <option value="Moravian College – Bethlehem, PA">Moravian College – Bethlehem, PA</option>
            <option value="Montclair State University, John J. Cali School of Music – Montclair, NJ">Montclair State University, John J. Cali School of Music – Montclair, NJ</option>
            <option value="Missouri Western State University – St. Joseph, MO">Missouri Western State University – St. Joseph, MO</option>
            <option value="Millikin University – Decatur, IL">Millikin University – Decatur, IL</option>
            <option value="Midland College – Midland, TX">Midland College – Midland, TX</option>
            <option value="Middle Tennessee State University – Murfreesboro, TN">Middle Tennessee State University – Murfreesboro, TN</option>
            <option value="Mercer University, Townsend School of Music – Macon, GA">Mercer University, Townsend School of Music – Macon, GA</option>
            <option value="McLennan Community College – Waco, TX">McLennan Community College – Waco, TX</option>
            <option value="Martin Methodist College – Pulaski, TN">Martin Methodist College – Pulaski, TN</option>
            <option value="Loras College – Dubuque, IA">Loras College – Dubuque, IA</option>
            <option value="Lone Star College – Montgomery – Conroe, TX">Lone Star College – Montgomery – Conroe, TX</option>
            <option value="Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania – Lock Haven, PA">Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania – Lock Haven, PA</option>
            <option value="Lipscomb University – Nashville, TN">Lipscomb University – Nashville, TN</option>
            <option value="Lindenwood University – St. Charles, MO">Lindenwood University – St. Charles, MO</option>
            <option value="Liberty University – Lynchburg, VA">Liberty University – Lynchburg, VA</option>
            <option value="Lewis &amp; Clark Community College – Godfrey, IL">Lewis &amp; Clark Community College – Godfrey, IL</option>
            <option value="Lake Michigan College – Benton Harbor, MI">Lake Michigan College – Benton Harbor, MI</option>
            <option value="Kent State University – Kent, OH">Kent State University – Kent, OH</option>
            <option value="Kennesaw State University – Atlanta, GA">Kennesaw State University – Atlanta, GA</option>
            <option value="Kansas State University – Manhattan, KS">Kansas State University – Manhattan, KS</option>
            <option value="James Madison University – Harrisonburg, VA">James Madison University – Harrisonburg, VA</option>
            <option value="Indiana University of Pennsylvania – Indiana, PA">Indiana University of Pennsylvania – Indiana, PA</option>
            <option value="Immaculata University – Immaculata, PA">Immaculata University – Immaculata, PA</option>
            <option value="Hollins University – Roanoke, VA">Hollins University – Roanoke, VA</option>
            <option value="High Point University – High Point , NC">High Point University – High Point , NC</option>
            <option value="Hastings College – Hastings, NE">Hastings College – Hastings, NE</option>
            <option value="Gustavus Adolphus College – Saint Peter, MN">Gustavus Adolphus College – Saint Peter, MN</option>
            <option value="Gordon State College – Barnesville, GA">Gordon State College – Barnesville, GA</option>
            <option value="Georgia College – Milledgeville, GA">Georgia College – Milledgeville, GA</option>
            <option value="George Mason University – Fairfax, VA">George Mason University – Fairfax, VA</option>
            <option value="Franz Liszt College of Music Weimar at Kangnam University – Seoul, Korea">Franz Liszt College of Music Weimar at Kangnam University – Seoul, Korea</option>
            <option value="Franklin &amp; Marshall College – Lancaster, PA">Franklin &amp; Marshall College – Lancaster, PA</option>
            <option value="Florida Gulf Coast University, Bower School of Music – Fort Myers, FL">Florida Gulf Coast University, Bower School of Music – Fort Myers, FL</option>
            <option value="Fairfield University – Fairfield, CT">Fairfield University – Fairfield, CT</option>
            <option value="East Tennessee State University – Johnson City, TN">East Tennessee State University – Johnson City, TN</option>
            <option value="Duquesne University, Mary Pappert School of Music – Pittsburgh, PA">Duquesne University, Mary Pappert School of Music – Pittsburgh, PA</option>
            <option value="DeAnza College – Cupertino, CA">DeAnza College – Cupertino, CA</option>
            <option value="Cuyamaca College – San Diego, CA">Cuyamaca College – San Diego, CA</option>
            <option value="Converse College, Petrie School of Music – Spartanburg, SC">Converse College, Petrie School of Music – Spartanburg, SC</option>
            <option value="Concordia University – St Paul, MN">Concordia University – St Paul, MN</option>
            <option value="Columbus State University, Schwob School of Music – Columbus, GA">Columbus State University, Schwob School of Music – Columbus, GA</option>
            <option value="Collin College – McKinney, TX">Collin College – McKinney, TX</option>
            <option value="College of Mount St. Joseph – Cincinnati, OH">College of Mount St. Joseph – Cincinnati, OH</option>
            <option value="Cheyney University of Pennsylvania – Cheyney, PA">Cheyney University of Pennsylvania – Cheyney, PA</option>
            <option value="Chestnut Hill College – Philadelphia, PA">Chestnut Hill College – Philadelphia, PA</option>
            <option value="Carl Sandburg College – Galesburg, IL">Carl Sandburg College – Galesburg, IL</option>
            <option value="Cardinal Stritch University – Milwaukee, WI">Cardinal Stritch University – Milwaukee, WI</option>
            <option value="California State University, Dominguez Hills – Carson, CA">California State University, Dominguez Hills – Carson, CA</option>
            <option value="California State Polytechnic University, Pomona – Pomona, CA">California State Polytechnic University, Pomona – Pomona, CA</option>
            <option value="Cairn University – Philadelphia, PA">Cairn University – Philadelphia, PA</option>
            <option value="Bowie State University – Bowie, MD">Bowie State University – Bowie, MD</option>
            <option value="Boise State University – Boise, ID">Boise State University – Boise, ID</option>
            <option value="Bluffton University – Bluffton, OH">Bluffton University – Bluffton, OH</option>
            <option value="Blue Ridge Community College – Flat Rock, NC">Blue Ridge Community College – Flat Rock, NC</option>
            <option value="Blackburn College – Carlinville, IL">Blackburn College – Carlinville, IL</option>
            <option value="Benedictine College – Atchison, KS">Benedictine College – Atchison, KS</option>
            <option value="Bemidji State University – Bemidji, MN">Bemidji State University – Bemidji, MN</option>
            <option value="Belmont University – Nashville, TN">Belmont University – Nashville, TN</option>
            <option value="Ball State University">Ball State University</option>
            <option value="Valley Christian Schools – San Jose, CA">Valley Christian Schools – San Jose, CA</option>
            <option value="The School of Performing Arts – Naperville, IL">The School of Performing Arts – Naperville, IL</option>
            <option value="Syddansk Musikkonservatorium, Konservatoriet i Esbjerg – Esbjerg, Denmark">Syddansk Musikkonservatorium, Konservatoriet i Esbjerg – Esbjerg, Denmark</option>
            <option value="St. Paul’s Co-educational College – Hong Kong, China">St. Paul’s Co-educational College – Hong Kong, China</option>
            <option value="St. Margaret’s Episcopal School – San Juan Capistrano, CA">St. Margaret’s Episcopal School – San Juan Capistrano, CA</option>
            <option value="Somerset College – Queensland, Australia">Somerset College – Queensland, Australia</option>
            <option value="Shaftsbury Camerata – Cyberjaya, Malaysia">Shaftsbury Camerata – Cyberjaya, Malaysia</option>
            <option value="Rimsky Korsakov Music School">Rimsky Korsakov Music School</option>
            <option value="Qatar Music Academy – Doha, Qatar">Qatar Music Academy – Doha, Qatar</option>
            <option value="Pittsburgh Creative &amp; Performing Arts Magnet School – Pittsburgh, PA">Pittsburgh Creative &amp; Performing Arts Magnet School – Pittsburgh, PA</option>
            <option value="Philadelphia High School for the Creative and Performing Arts – Philadelphia, PA">Philadelphia High School for the Creative and Performing Arts – Philadelphia, PA</option>
            <option value="Pacific Northwest Ballet and School – Seattle, WA">Pacific Northwest Ballet and School – Seattle, WA</option>
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Text Content

 * Buyer’s Guide
 * Pianos
   * Overview
   * Grand pianos
     * Steinway grands
     * Boston grands
     * Essex grands
   * Upright pianos
     * Steinway uprights
     * Boston uprights
     * Essex uprights
   * Spirio
     * Spirio
     * Spirio R
   * Used pianos
   * Exotic wood pianos
   * Limited edition
   * Special Collection
 * Education
   * Overview
   * Why Steinway
   * Masterclass
   * Steinway Schools
 * Services
   * Overview
   * Caring For Your Steinway
   * Concert Services
   * Piano Removals
   * Piano Servicing
   * Piano Tuning
   * Restoration
 * About
 * World of Steinway
   * Overview
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 * Buyer’s Guide
 * Pianos
   * Overview
   * Grand pianos
     * Steinway grands
     * Boston grands
     * Essex grands
   * Upright pianos
     * Steinway uprights
     * Boston uprights
     * Essex uprights
   * Spirio
     * Spirio
     * Spirio R
   * Used pianos
   * Exotic wood pianos
   * Limited edition
   * Special Collection
 * Education
   * Overview
   * Why Steinway
   * Masterclass
   * Steinway Schools
 * Services
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   * Piano Removals
   * Piano Servicing
   * Piano Tuning
   * Restoration
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   It features a hand-engraved outline of the Grade I listed Hall – one of the
   UK's most treasured and distinctive buildings – on the exterior of the piano
   lid. Inside there is an etching outlining the glass and iron dome roofing of
   the Hall, with additional nods to the building’s iconic shape on the music
   desk and numbered brass plate. There is just one Model D concert grand in the
   limited edition series – the pinnacle of concert grands – along with seven
   model B classic grand pianos, often referred to by pianists as the ‘perfect
   Read more



Grand Pianos Upright pianos Spirio Used pianos Limited edition Exotic wood
pianos Special Collection
The STEINWAY GRAND is the gold standard of musical instruments, representing
over 160 years of dedication to craftsmanship and uncompromised expression. It
is for these reasons that over 19 out of 20 concert pianists choose the STEINWAY
GRAND PIANO — and why the instrument remains at the heart of cultured homes the
world over.
 * Steinway Grands
 * Boston grands Performance Grand Pianos Between 5' 1" and 7' 1/2"
 * Essex grands Classic Grand Pianos Between 5' 1" and 5' 7"

STEINWAY & SONS UPRIGHT pianos are handcrafted to the highest standard of
quality in the same factory as our grand pianos, using the same materials,
techniques, conditioning processes and craftsmen. The only difference is that
they’re built in the “vertical department,” where those same processes are
vertically oriented. The result lives up to the STEINWAY name in every respect.
 * Steinway Uprights
 * Boston uprights Professional Upright Pianos Between 3' 9" and 4' 3"
 * Essex uprights Professional Upright Pianos Between 3' 6" and 4' 0"

The new STEINWAY SPIRIO model is the world's finest high-resolution player
piano. A masterpiece of artistry and engineering in your home, Spirio enables
you to enjoy performances by great pianists - played with such nuance, power and
passion that it is utterly indistinguishable from a live performance.
 * Spirio

Buying a certified pre-owned STEINWAY has never been easier. Get the peace of
mind from knowing your piano is a true Steinway model. Our RESTORED AND
PRE-OWNED pianos have been lovingly cared for over the years, so their quality
appears as good as new.
 * M-524914 GRAND
 * M-571373 GRAND
 * B-156677 GRAND
 * A-156540 Salon Grand
 * O-563638 Living Room Grand
 * B-603052 Classic Grand
 * A-127701 Grand
 * M-254626 Medium Grand
 * M-390198 GRAND

Throughout the 167-year history of Steinway & Sons, there has been a tradition
of honouring special occasions by inviting leading designers to create
exceptional instruments. Over the years, these limited editions have delighted
privileged owners. These precious instruments are unique masterpieces featuring
the individual style of each designer.
 * Royal Albert Hall
 * Black Masterpiece
 * Lenny Kravitz
 * “Imagine” Series

STEINWAY EXOTIC WOOD pianos blend classic furniture styles with exotic veneers
to create a unique work of art. Individually manufactured from the most
exquisite natural woods sourced from around the world, the STEINWAY CROWN JEWEL
COLLECTION presents breathtaking designs and superior sound quality.
 * Crown Jewel Collection World's Finest Veneers For Upright and Grand Pianos

Your Steinway can be the perfect expression of you. Whether that means a few
subtle embellishments or an eye-catching statement, we invite you to add your
personal touch. Using a variety of techniques such as painting, inlays,
customised finishes and special material applications, we can help you
personalise your Steinway, making it absolutely your own. The only limit is the
 * Louis XV Sketch 1186
 * Louis XV Sketch 1020

Request the Steinway brochure

Steinway & Sons have been crafting the finest grand pianos in the world for over
160 years. We are dedicated to uncompromising craftsmanship that demands the
highest standard of quality, ensuring Steinway pianos remain the epitome of
elegance, expression and excellence.

The piano company Steinway still builds pianos to the same unrivalled standards
and with the best quality tools and materials as we did when Heinrich Engelhard
Steinway founded Steinway & Sons in 1853. With techniques passed from master to
apprentice, our artisans aim not only to produce the best pianos in the world
but unique works of art. Our pianos are the gold standard of musical
instruments. The upwards of 12,000 individual pieces it takes to create a
Steinway work in perfect harmony to produce incomparable sound, with unmatched
tone and touch. Shop Boston and Essex brands online here.


The Gold Standard
We have been crafting the finest pianos since 1853. Steinway & Sons are heralded
as the best piano makers in the world, making the Steinway the piano against
which all others are judged.

Uncompromised Craftsmanship
Each Steinway piano is crafted to perfection by artisans who are committed to
delivering the world standard for sound, touch, beauty, and value.

The Choice for Education
Steinway pianos are more accessible than ever before and provide an unparalleled
educational experience for students at our All-Steinway Schools.

At the Centre of Innovation
Steinway & Sons have been granted more than 130 patents since our very first in
1857. Our latest innovation is the Spirio; the world’s finest high-resolution
player piano.

Global Ownership
Steinway have showrooms in some of the most exciting cultural centres worldwide,
with the UK’s most prestigious piano store nestled in the heart of London.

Superior Materials
Each component of a Steinway is crafted with precise attention to detail from
the highest quality materials. The best materials create superior sound, tone
and responsiveness.

Favoured by Professionals
Steinway pianos are the preferred choice by professionals, hand-selected from
the best piano makers in the UK. Our pianos are perfect for any skill level,
providing inspiration for pianists new and old.

Steinway pianos are trusted by professionals and are the best choice for
burgeoning musical talent. British schools offering music students a first-class
and well-maintained inventory of pianos are committed to inspiring students to
reach their full potential.

Leaders in music education covet the unrivalled sound, rich tone and delicate
touch of Steinway pianos and look to our instruments to deliver the unparalleled
educational experience their students expect.





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 * Select a school
   Select a schoolRoyal Welsh College of Music and DramaYoungstown State
   University, Dana School of MusicWheaton College – Norton, MAWestmont College
   – Santa Barbara, CAWestern Michigan University – Kalamazoo, MIWest Valley
   College – Saratoga, CAWest Chester University of Pennsylvania – West Chester,
   PAWebster University – St. Louis, MOWeber State University – Ogden, UTWallace
   State Community College – Hanceville, ALWaldorf College – Forest City,
   IAVassar College – Poughkeepsie, NYUtah Valley University – Orem, UTUtah
   State University – Logan, UTUniversity of West Florida – Pensacola,
   FLUniversity of Victoria – Victoria, BC, CanadaUniversity of Utah – Salt Lake
   City, UTUniversity of Texas of the Permian Basin – Odessa, TXUniversity of
   Tennessee – Martin – Martin, TNUniversity of Tennessee – Knoxville –
   Knoxville, TNUniversity of South Florida – Tampa, FLUniversity of South
   Africa – Pretoria, South AfricaUniversity of Montevallo – Montevallo,
   ALUniversity of Minnesota – Morris – Morris, MNUniversity of Minnesota –
   Minneapolis, MNUniversity of Melbourne, Faculty of Music – Melbourne,
   AustraliaUniversity of Maryland – College Park, MDUniversity of Georgia –
   Athens, GAUniversity of Florida – Gainesville, FLUniversity of Denver, Lamont
   School of Music – Denver, COUniversity of Central Missouri – Warrensburg,
   MOUniversity of Central Florida – Orlando, FLUniversity of Arkansas –
   Fayetteville, ARUniversity of Arizona – Tucson, AZUniversity of Alabama,
   Birmingham – Birmingham, ALUnion College – Schenectady, NYTulane University –
   New Orleans, LATroy University – Troy, ALTrinity University – San Antonio,
   TXThe George Washington University – Washington, D.C.Texas Christian
   University – Ft. Worth, TXTexas A&M International University – Laredo,
   TXTeachers College, Columbia University – New York, NYState University of New
   York, Potsdam – Crane School of Music – Potsdam, NYSpring Hill College –
   Mobile, ALSpelman College – Atlanta, GASouthwestern Assemblies of God
   University – Waxahachie, TXSouthern Utah University – Cedar City, UTSouthern
   Adventist University – Collegedale, TNSnow College – Ephraim, UTSeton Hill
   University – Greensburg, PASanta Fe College – Gainesville, FLSaint Mary’s
   University of Minnesota – Winona MNRowan University – Glassboro, NJRadford
   University – Radford, VAPrincipia College – Elsah, ILPortland State
   University – Portland, ORPomona College – Claremont, CAPellissippi State
   Community College – Knoxville, TNOral Roberts University – Tulsa, OKOklahoma
   State University – Stillwater, OKOklahoma City University – Oklahoma City,
   OKOklahoma Christian University – Oklahoma City, OKOdessa College – Odessa,
   TXNorth Greenville University – Tigerville, SCNicholls State University –
   Thibodaux, LANew Jersey City University – Jersey City, NJMoravian College –
   Bethlehem, PAMontclair State University, John J. Cali School of Music –
   Montclair, NJMissouri Western State University – St. Joseph, MOMillikin
   University – Decatur, ILMidland College – Midland, TXMiddle Tennessee State
   University – Murfreesboro, TNMercer University, Townsend School of Music –
   Macon, GAMcLennan Community College – Waco, TXMartin Methodist College –
   Pulaski, TNLoras College – Dubuque, IALone Star College – Montgomery –
   Conroe, TXLock Haven University of Pennsylvania – Lock Haven, PALipscomb
   University – Nashville, TNLindenwood University – St. Charles, MOLiberty
   University – Lynchburg, VALewis & Clark Community College – Godfrey, ILLake
   Michigan College – Benton Harbor, MIKent State University – Kent, OHKennesaw
   State University – Atlanta, GAKansas State University – Manhattan, KSJames
   Madison University – Harrisonburg, VAIndiana University of Pennsylvania –
   Indiana, PAImmaculata University – Immaculata, PAHollins University –
   Roanoke, VAHigh Point University – High Point , NCHastings College –
   Hastings, NEGustavus Adolphus College – Saint Peter, MNGordon State College –
   Barnesville, GAGeorgia College – Milledgeville, GAGeorge Mason University –
   Fairfax, VAFranz Liszt College of Music Weimar at Kangnam University – Seoul,
   KoreaFranklin & Marshall College – Lancaster, PAFlorida Gulf Coast
   University, Bower School of Music – Fort Myers, FLFairfield University –
   Fairfield, CTEast Tennessee State University – Johnson City, TNDuquesne
   University, Mary Pappert School of Music – Pittsburgh, PADeAnza College –
   Cupertino, CACuyamaca College – San Diego, CAConverse College, Petrie School
   of Music – Spartanburg, SCConcordia University – St Paul, MNColumbus State
   University, Schwob School of Music – Columbus, GACollin College – McKinney,
   TXCollege of Mount St. Joseph – Cincinnati, OHCheyney University of
   Pennsylvania – Cheyney, PAChestnut Hill College – Philadelphia, PACarl
   Sandburg College – Galesburg, ILCardinal Stritch University – Milwaukee,
   WICalifornia State University, Dominguez Hills – Carson, CACalifornia State
   Polytechnic University, Pomona – Pomona, CACairn University – Philadelphia,
   PABowie State University – Bowie, MDBoise State University – Boise,
   IDBluffton University – Bluffton, OHBlue Ridge Community College – Flat Rock,
   NCBlackburn College – Carlinville, ILBenedictine College – Atchison,
   KSBemidji State University – Bemidji, MNBelmont University – Nashville,
   TNBall State UniversityValley Christian Schools – San Jose, CAThe School of
   Performing Arts – Naperville, ILSyddansk Musikkonservatorium, Konservatoriet
   i Esbjerg – Esbjerg, DenmarkSt. Paul’s Co-educational College – Hong Kong,
   ChinaSt. Margaret’s Episcopal School – San Juan Capistrano, CASomerset
   College – Queensland, AustraliaShaftsbury Camerata – Cyberjaya,
   MalaysiaRimsky Korsakov Music SchoolQatar Music Academy – Doha,
   QatarPittsburgh Creative & Performing Arts Magnet School – Pittsburgh,
   PAPhiladelphia High School for the Creative and Performing Arts –
   Philadelphia, PAPacific Northwest Ballet and School – Seattle, WANew Yorker
   Musische Akademie im CJD Braunschweig – Braunschweig, GermanyMoscow Gnessin
   Special School (College) of Music – Moscow, RussiaLongwood Nagakute School of
   Music – Nagakute, JapanLevine School of Music – Washington, D.C.Kronberg
   Academy – Kronberg, GermanyHenry Mancini Arts Academy at Lincoln Park
   Performing Arts Center – Midland, PAGould Academy – Bethel, MEEpiscopal High
   School – Alexandria, VACushing Academy – Ashburnham, MACranbrook School –
   Sydney, AustraliaCicely L. Tyson School of Performing & Fine Arts – East
   Orange, NJAshford SchoolAmadeus International School of MusicUniversity of
   Cincinnati – College Conservatory of Music – Cincinnati, OHShenandoah
   University – Shenandoah Conservatory – Winchester, VAConservatorio de Música
   de Puerto Rico – San Juan, Puerto RicoHarbin Conservatory of Music – Harbin,
   ChinaChina Conservatory of Music, School of Piano – Beijing, ChinaCentral
   Conservatory of Music, School of Piano – Beijing, ChinaBaldwin Wallace
   University Conservatory of Music – Berea, OHAcademy of Vocal Arts –
   Philadelphia, PACurtis Institute of Music – Philadelphia, PACleveland
   Institute of Music – Cleveland, OHYale School of Music – New Haven, CTOberlin
   Conservatory of MusicWellington SchoolTrinity SchoolTonbridge SchoolStowe
   SchoolSt Albans SchoolPlockton High SchoolPangbourne CollegeLoughborough
   Endowed SchoolsLoretto SchoolHampton SchoolGresham’s Prep SchoolGresham’s
   SchoolDurham SchoolCheltenham CollegeCity of Edinburgh Music SchoolBromley
   High SchoolAshford SchoolUniversity of WolverhamptonUniversity of West
   LondonUniversity of LeedsRoyal Holloway College, University of
   LondonLiverpool Hope UniversityLeeds College of MusicLondon College of Music
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