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Lismore Ring Holder


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Rose Quartz Ring Holder I Worry Stone

Tiny Bandit

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Velvet Slipper - Large - Silver


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Sparkling Rose 3 Wick Candle


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Silk Chemise - Mink



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Molten Cuff Bracelet


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Amber (Currently Unavailable) Smoke Blue
Rita Crystal Vase in Various Colors

Le Marche

from $92.50 from $92.50 SAVE 35% with code: TWINKLE
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Curve Silver Neckring

Georg Jensen


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Idyll Love Crystal Candle

Tiny Bandit

from $48.00 from $48.00
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Idyll Love Crystal Ritual Oil

Tiny Bandit


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Grape Earstuds in Various Styles

Georg Jensen

from $260.00 from $260.00

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Aire Boheme Crystal Candle in Various Sizes

Tiny Bandit

from $48.00 from $48.00 SAVE 35% with code: TWINKLE

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Brass Steel Carbon Black

Swing Cuff in Various Colors


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Curve Rings in Various Sizes

Georg Jensen

from $350.00 from $350.00

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Rug Sale

A fresh step in the new Year. Shop sale rugs now!

Furniture Sale

ENDS MIDNIGHT Furniture sales on now, shop our biggest sale of the year, ends

2022 Is Here!

Plan ahead. Tools for goal setting, planning and life organization.

50% Off Holiday

Last chance to stock up for next years holiday!

Mirror Sale

New markdowns are here. Shop the best in designer mirrors, Sale ends soon!


Fresh additions from Ethnicraft


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Beige (Shipping Late March 2022) Pepper (Shipping Late March 2022)
Trapeze 3 Seater Sofa


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Teak Quatro Outdoor Side Table


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Teak Quatro Outdoor Coffee Table


from $839.00 from $839.00
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Teak Oscar Desk


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Teak Mosaic Tv Cupboard


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from $2,689.00 from $2,689.00
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Teak Mosaic Sideboard


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from $3,099.00 from $3,099.00
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Teak Jack Outdoor Side Table


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Mocha (Shipping Early April 2022) Off White (Shipping Early April 2022)
Teak Jack Outdoor Footstool



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Teak Jack Outdoor Coffee Table


from $1,039.00 from $1,039.00
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Teak Jack Outdoor Adjustable Lounger


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Teak Graphic Tv Cupboard


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from $2,729.00 from $2,729.00
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Teak Bok Outdoor Dining Table


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Stone Coffee Table


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Stability Console


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Stability Coffee Table


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Inspired by great design and informed by the needs of everyday living,
Burkedecor.com is a comprehensive source for home furnishings and decor items.
Our passion for quality craftsmanship and artfully decorated spaces has led to
an extensive compilation of furnishings, home improvement products and fixtures
available through our online boutique.   Whether you are furnishing a room in
your home, designing an office space or remaking a commercial environment for a
hospitality or restaurant location, we understand a well-designed project is
defined by balance. Decorating is the juxtaposition of materials, textures,
colors and functionalities. Our vast online catalog of décor and furniture
features a range of aesthetics from top design talents in the home furnishings
industry.   Whether you are looking for new everyday dinnerware, a unique piece
of wall art, or new outdoor rugs or an investment piece, Burkedecor.com is an
online boutique with wide variety of designer furnishing materials from around
the world. 

Burkedecor.com ensures every product sold is of the finest quality and the most
competitively priced on the market. Our team of photographers, designers, and
style makers have created a unique and personal experience for every client in
the market for homewares. Whether you are furnishing an entire space, or
sourcing that one final piece that ties everything together, buying at
Burkedecor.com has countless advantages for your home styling needs. With
our personalized boutiques, detailed product collections, and popular brands,
our clients have the capability of styling their home from the convenience of a
computer or smart device.

Burkedecor.com’s home store launched online in 2007 as a small design-oriented
boutique. Our website has evolved over the last decade and our online catalog
now features over 80,000 items. We offer a team of in-house team of design
professionals to assist with in helping clients with any size
decorating project. We also offer B2B purchasing and procurement services for
architects, interior designers, hospitality firms, property management companies
and contractors. Learn more about our Trade Program and apply today to find out
more about how we can help you with your next project.  Burke Decor has retail
locations in Los Angeles, CA and Boardman, OH. To obtain information about our
local decorating services, hours and contact information for our retail
locations, please visit our retail division here. 

At Burkedecor.com you will find everything you need from unique objects,
furniture and gifts, to wallpapers and personal care accessories. Our online
store categorizes all products efficiently making it easier for our clients to
purchase everything they need through one home decor provider.  Clients can shop
by price, by color, by material and by size.  We also welcome clients to contact
us for custom quotations, product information and design suggestions. 

Our range of products include all decorating styles like Modern, Coastal,
Traditional, Contemporary, and Vintage. Our modern style consists of urban
modern, organic modern, and modern minimalism. Here you will find the most
trendsetting brands from around the world as well as products from the leading,
up-and-coming artisans and designers.

In addition to our amazing collection of home décor items, you can shop Burke
Décor’s incredible selection of bathing accessories. Pamper yourself with Burke
Décor’s collection of luxurious scented candles, herbal lotions, and countless
other personal care accessories. These accessories can also be great gifts for
family and friends. 

Stylizing your space can be overwhelming, which is why Burke Décor aims to make
the online boutique function as your own interior designer. Plus our stylists
are ready to help you with their expert advice. Feel free to contact us
regarding patterns, color schemes, designs, size, or compatibility. Our team can
guide from choosing a product to delivering it to your doorstep. We are always
happy to help our customers to choose the best for their homes. 

We believe homes should look like the people who live there and embody their
style and the things they love. We hope you will enjoy the innovative designs
featured on our website and that you will find something unexpected, either for
your home or to gift. Bridging the gap between art and design, our curated
boutiques feature furnishings for the dining room, bedroom, living room, spa,
modern kitchen, office, baby nursery and outdoor space. You can browse
thousands of pieces without even moving an inch from your comfort zone,
making buying furniture easier and hassle free. We thank you for your interest
in our products and look forward to helping you design your next space. 

Burke Decor also has an extensive Trade Program for B2B clients, hospitality
companies, designers, builders and architects. To learn more about opening
account, please contact us.


Burke Decor

Winter White Sale

Start the New Year off right with fresh linens and soft goods.

New Arrivals

Fresh from Ethnicraft, chic new furniture and accents with a European flair.

New Year Tools

Plan for a great New Year with planners, calendars and journals.


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