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Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

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Recommended email subject: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Manuscript

Editorial Process

Author Submission

Manuscripts are submitted to the journal by the corresponding or submitting
author. This pivotal step marks the beginning of the evaluation process. Review
the Submission Guidelines. Prepare Your Manuscript


Initial Review

Our journal's editor initiates the evaluation process by conducting an initial
review of your submission. This review involves several key aspects:

 * Alignment with Journal Scope
   We ensure that your manuscript aligns with the specific aims and scope of the

 * Adherence to Submission Guidelines
   We verify that your submission follows the author guidelines, including
   formatting, structure, and other essential requirements.

 * Similarity Check
   We perform a similarity check to ensure originality and prevent plagiarism.

Following this initial review, one of the following outcomes may arise:

 * Initial Review Pass
   If your manuscript successfully passes the editorial check, the next step
   involves inviting peer reviewers for further assessment.

 * Revisions Requested
   If there are any minor errors in your submission that can be easily
   corrected, the editorial team may request you to address formatting or
   missing information before entering the peer review process.

 * Desk Rejection
   In some cases, a submission might be rejected at this stage, before entering
   the peer review process. This indicates that the editorial team considers the
   manuscript unsuitable for publication in our journal. Depending on the
   reasons for this desk rejection, you may choose to submit your work to a
   different journal or consider revising and resubmitting it. (Learn about
   Manuscript Transfers)

How to Avoid Desk Rejection:

Choose a Suitable Journal (How to Find a Journal)

Seek Writing and Formatting Support (Preparing Your Manuscript)

Thoroughly Review Submission Guidelines on the Journal's Website


Invitation to Reviewers

Once a submission passes the initial review, the editorial team identifies and
reaches out to esteemed researchers and scholars within your specific domain.
Typically, each research article is subjected to assessment by a minimum of two
independent reviewers. If needed, additional invitations will be sent out to
ensure the acquisition of the required number of reviewers.

Potential reviewers evaluate the invitation based on their area of expertise,
potential conflicts of interest, and availability. They then make an informed
decision to accept or decline the review request. In cases of refusal, these
potential reviewers might also propose alternative experts who could provide an
unbiased evaluation of the manuscript.

Learn more about Reviewers


Review is Conducted

Upon receiving the manuscript, reviewers initiate a comprehensive evaluation,
carefully analyzing its methodology, originality, clarity, and adherence to
ethical guidelines.

The duration of the review process varies for each manuscript, typically ranging
from 2 to 8 weeks. This timeline depends on the quality of the submission and
the availability of reviewers. Authors can conveniently track the status of
their manuscript by logging into the submission system.

Upon completion of the review process, reviewers typically provide the editor
with one of the following five recommendations.

Accept without any changes

Accept with minor revisions

Consider after major revisions

Revise and resubmit


For a more comprehensive understanding of this aspect, we encourage you to
review our Peer Review Appeals and Complaints Policy.


Editor Assesses Review Reports

The editor considers the reviewers' comments and conducts an overall assessment
of the manuscript. If the reviews differ significantly, additional reviewers may
be engaged to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.


Author Revisions

Once the editor has received and thoroughly considered the reviewer reports,
alongside their own assessment of your work, you will be promptly notified of
the editorial decision. This decision is communicated to you via email, which
serves to provide transparency and clarity in the process.

The email will also include the comprehensive feedback and comments provided by
the reviewers. Depending on the specific peer review model employed by the
journal, the identities of the reviewers may or may not be disclosed. This
approach is designed to ensure a transparent and constructive exchange of
insights, enabling you to gain valuable perspectives on your work.

For manuscripts that receive an outcome of "Accept with minor revisions" or
"Consider after major revisions", authors embark on a process of revising and
responding to all comments from both the editor and reviewers. This revision
cycle may repeat until the editor can make an informed decision on the
acceptance of the manuscript. If concerns remain unresolved, even after several
rounds of revision, the possibility of rejection still exists.

In cases where the final outcome is "Revise and resubmit", the editor may call
upon peer reviewers to evaluate the revised content to ensure all concerns are
adequately addressed. Occasionally, new expert reviewers may be invited to
assess subsequent drafts, resulting in another round of peer review.


Editorial Final Decision

After receiving the revised manuscript, the editor evaluates the authors'
responses and the revised version. Based on the reviewers' recommendations and
their own assessment, the editor makes a final decision on acceptance.



Once accepted, the manuscript proceeds to the production phase, where it
undergoes formatting, proofreading, and final preparations before publication.

Find out more about Production Process.


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encouraged to actively share their research within the scientific community.

Find out more about Sharing and Promotion.

Peer Review Process

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