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Text Content

(602) 566-9758Attend The Webinar

A Recorded Version Will Be Available If You Cannot Attend


There's absolutely NO cost or obligation to attend.


Brittany Perez, one of our ERC Qualification Experts, will discuss the Employee
Retention Tax Credit (ERC) program created under the CARES Act. She will also be
providing recent updates on IRS guidance regarding eligibility and answering any
questions that you may have on this program. 

May 12th, 2022 - 11am PST

Trusted by 1000s of Small Businesses and CPA Firms Nationwide

and many more...

Keep your business compliant with program rules and regulations

Accurately calculate your ERC credits 

Validate and document ERC eligibility

Reconcile attribution between the PPP and ERC payroll wages 

Provide audit-ready documentation

Prepare and file all necessary paperwork with the IRS

Provide audit-ready documentation

We do it ALL for you!

Prepare and file all necessary paperwork with the IRS

Validate and document ERC eligibility

What is the CARES Act Employee Retention Credit Stimulus?

The Employee Retention Tax Credit (“ERC”) is an economic recovery program
created by the CARES Act – the same legislation that created the Paycheck
Protection Program (PPP). In addition to PPP, your business may qualify for a
stimulus check of up to $26,000 per employee by claiming employee retention tax

Watch our webinar with the Arizona Commerce Authority to learn more about The
Employee Retention Tax Credit (“ERC”) 

"It's a lot for a small business owner to navigate the different stimulus
packages and ensure compliance. Stenson Tamaddon was easy to work with and
helped us with $285,530 in 2020 ERC Credits."

Laura Craig
Owner, Jalapeno Inferno

Frequently Asked Questions

 * I received a PPP loan, am I disqualified?
   You can still qualify for an ERC refund check, even if you had a PPP or PPP-2
   loan. While the CARES Act originally prohibited having both an ERC and a PPP
   loan, the stimulus legislation recently passed (Consolidated Appropriations
   Act of 2021) eliminated this prohibition retroactive to March 13, 2020. Your
   business can now have both a PPP loan and ERC refund, however, special
   calculations around payroll wages and attribution is required. Stenson
   Tamaddon provides these calculations and all required schedules as part of a
   professional engagement.
 * I did not have a revenue reduction, am I disqualified?
   There is not a necessity for a 25% reduction in revenue like PPP-2 if you can
   demonstrate a partial interruption in business operations. There are many
   ways businesses fully or partially suspend operations during each calendar
   quarter, and we help you document qualifying partial suspensions as part of
   an engagement. This includes, for example, capacity restrictions on indoor
   dining, canceled trade shows and group meetings, and other interruptions that
   are non-nominal in nature.
   If your business had to change operations due to governmental orders or if
   gross receipts declined by 20%, your business likely qualifies. A change in
   operations could mean extra cleaning or sanitizing, limiting capacity or
   reducing hours, installing/utilizing protective equipment, temperature
   checks, or operational impact related to key suppliers or customers. For
   example, a law firm may have no longer been able to do in-person court
   hearings or in-person depositions, and cases may have been delayed, even if
   the firm continued to operate.
 * What constitutes a partial suspension of operations?
   A partial suspension of operations can take many forms. Here are some common
   examples we see in businesses like yours:
    * unable to attend trade shows in-person (“travel or group meetings”)
    * had staff go from in-office to work-from-home and had an impact
    * retail or restaurant that reduced the number of customers allowed inside
    * closed down a department or business unit while other units continued to
   There are many ways businesses fully or partially suspend operations during
   each calendar quarter, and we help you document this as part of an
 * How long does it take?
   Our Experts usually take 1-2 weeks to process your payroll, reconcile any PPP
   covered period overlap, and build out the attribution schedules. We will then
   file your forms with the IRS who will take between 8-12 weeks to process your
   tax credit and send you a check.
 * I am pretty busy. What is my involvement?
   After processing thousands of PPP forgiveness applications and ERC credits we
   have perfected our process to ensure your time is well spent and kept at a
   minimum. Our ERC process only requires a short 15-minute call with you to
   review expectations, confirm our questionnaire responses and pull down
   payroll reports.

Let Us Help You Navigate Economic Stimulus

Attend The Webinar

© 2021 Stenson Tamaddon LLC. All Rights Reserved.

1 N Central Ave., Suite 1030, Phoenix, AZ 85004

370 Broadway, LLC, 373 Broadway, New York, NY 10013

Tel: (602) 566-9758  | Email: 

Keep your business compliant with program rules and regulations

Accurately calculate your ERC credits 

Reconcile attribution between the PPP and ERC payroll wages 

When you work with our economic stimulus experts, we'll help you...

Our Results for Clients

Attend The Webinar

Here's just a few examples of how we've helped

There's absolutely no cost or obligation.

for a primary care and telehealth medical practice in Boston, MA. 

$2 Million

of PPP loan forgiveness for a medical company in Boston

for a primary care and telehealth medical practice in Boston, MA.

for a trucking and transportation company in Lansing, MI.

$8 Million

in stimulus for a trucking company in Michigan

for a trucking and transportation company in Lansing, MI.

for a non-profit education organization in Houston, Texas.


in stimulus for a non-profit educational organization in Texas

for a non-profit educational organization in Texas

Ready to Get Help Navigating Economic Stimulus?

Attend The WebinarCall (602) 566-9758


There's absolutely NO cost or obligation to see if you are eligible.

Scottsdale, Arizona

She will review key qualifications for businesses as well as how to claim the
ERC tax credit -- allowing your business to receive a check for up to $26,000
per employee! 

Stenson Tamaddon has helped businesses retain over $3 billion in Employee
Retention Credits. 

That's why our firm is a preferred partner for both businesses and CPA Firms.