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          <i>The CMA Weekly Newsletter delivers resource articles, best practices and thought leadership that are not found on the usual news and trade sites. Stay up to speed on industry news along with association highlights, webinars, tips from solution partners, CatMan training, retail highlights, job postings &amp; much more.</i>
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          <i>The CMA hosts a variety of events to keep its members and professionals up to date on the latest trends, industry news and new approaches. Stay informed and don't miss out on our annual conference updates, industry events, webinars &amp; share groups.</i>
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          <i>Certification is critically important to the success of category management, especially when we consider the rapid changes occurring in our industry. The importance of this program is that it identifies the core skills or competencies necessary to evaluate and improve the professional capabilities of all constituents in the category management community. Stay up to date on certification news and any new offerings.</i>
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          <i>We partner with multiple training companies that are well-known in the category management industry. Our expert educators offer training based around new technologies, innovative approaches and best practices to make sure you are prepared in your career path in category management. </i>
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          <i>The CMA focuses on continuing to grow and enhance services to our members. Get late-breaking news, special announcements and more as the Category Management Association stays ahead of the fast-changing industry.   </i></td>
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          <i>Whether you are interested in Insights and Analytics, Shopper Marketing, Space Management, or Intellectual Property, we have a monthly webinar for you! Our experts and guest topic leaders deliver fresh content to keep you informed with our latest and greatest industry happenings.</i>
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CMA Newsletter   The CMA Weekly Newsletter delivers resource articles, best
practices and thought leadership that are not found on the usual news and trade
sites. Stay up to speed on industry news along with association highlights,
webinars, tips from solution partners, CatMan training, retail highlights, job
postings & much more. Events & Conferences   The CMA hosts a variety of events
to keep its members and professionals up to date on the latest trends, industry
news and new approaches. Stay informed and don't miss out on our annual
conference updates, industry events, webinars & share groups. Certification  
Certification is critically important to the success of category management,
especially when we consider the rapid changes occurring in our industry. The
importance of this program is that it identifies the core skills or competencies
necessary to evaluate and improve the professional capabilities of all
constituents in the category management community. Stay up to date on
certification news and any new offerings. Training & Continuing Education   We
partner with multiple training companies that are well-known in the category
management industry. Our expert educators offer training based around new
technologies, innovative approaches and best practices to make sure you are
prepared in your career path in category management. General Promotions   The
CMA focuses on continuing to grow and enhance services to our members. Get
late-breaking news, special announcements and more as the Category Management
Association stays ahead of the fast-changing industry. Webinars   Whether you
are interested in Insights and Analytics, Shopper Marketing, Space Management,
or Intellectual Property, we have a monthly webinar for you! Our experts and
guest topic leaders deliver fresh content to keep you informed with our latest
and greatest industry happenings. Space Planning Newsletter   Stay up on the
latest trends in the retail space planning industry, as well as news from the
Space Planning Community.


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Our address is 7900 Xerxes Ave S, Suite 2100, Minneapolis, MN, 55431