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        <h1 class="small_15"> Free Calorie Counter and Weight Loss Tools!</h1>
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          <strong>Much more than a simple free calorie counter to help track calories and exercises</strong>!
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          <ul class="unorderdList_Standard floatLeft">
            <li>Food Journal</li>
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            <li>Customized Weight Loss Tickers</li>
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            <li>Weigh in, BMI, And BMR Tracking</li>
            <li>Estimated Weight Loss Calculations</li>
            <li>And Many Additional Weight Loss Tools!</li>
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        <h3 class="alignLeft"> Free Calorie Counting = Weight Loss!</h3>
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          <strong>Never pay a penny!</strong><br> We supply all these tools for <strong>free</strong>, if you like our services all we ask is for a link back to this site. <br>
          <br> Losing weight the healthy way is not easy, takes time with lots of dedication.<br> Information is the key to any battle! <br>
          <br> Our Free Calorie Counter and Diet Weight Loss systems will provide the information to win your weight loss battle. By keeping a record of your calories and exercises, you will have the tools to help keep you <strong>on track,
            motivated, healthy and losing weight</strong>.
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      <!-- Features -->
      <div class="informationBox" style="padding: 5px; border: none; font-size: 13px;">
        <h3> Matthews Free Calorie Counter Features:</h3>
        <ul id="ind_features">
          <li><strong>Simple and Fast</strong><br> With Free Calorie Counting tools such as our Food Pantry and Quick Tag Search System, you can get in, get out, and on with your life. <p class="small_13">
              <strong>3,500 Calories = 1 Pound,</strong>
              <em>Losing weight has never been simpler!</em>
          <li><strong>Full Nutritional Tracking</strong><br> Your <strong>Food Journal</strong> will keep track of your total nutrient intake, showing you what your daily nutrient intake currently is and if you have gone over your nutrient targets. A
            Daily Calorie Limit is also available to help keep count of your caloric intake. <br>
            <br> Your <strong>Exercise Log</strong> will track and tally up your Total Daily Energy Expenditure based on your current daily activity level. Or you can add exercises yourself from our extensive exercise library or make up your own!
          <li><strong>Weight Loss Support Forums</strong><br> Our <a href="forum/default.aspx">weight loss forums</a> are a great place to support and encourage one another. This is also a great place to get site updates, suggest new features or get
            technical help using our site. Stop in and say hi! </li>
          <li><strong>Free Custom Weight Loss Tickers</strong><br> Everyone one starts out with a default weight loss ticker. You can customize the weight loss ticker in several different styles. Code is also available so you can <em>display your
              weight loss ticker in your forum signatures, blogs or personal web pages.</em>
            <br> You don’t have to be a member to build a weight loss ticker! <a href="public/weight_loss_ticker.aspx">
                        Weight Loss Tickers</a> are <strong>free</strong> and available to the public.
          <li><strong>Support Groups</strong><br> Support Groups are specially tailored for those such as couples, co workers, and family members that share the same exercise routines or eat the same foods. <br>
            <br> Support Groups allow for members to share each other’s personal food and exercise libraries. So if you and your spouse are in a support group, only one of you has to enter a food into your personal food library and you both will have
            access to that food. <br>
            <br> Support Groups also keep track of everyone’s EWL per day and over all weight loss, in addition each of your total calorie intake and total calorie burned will be displayed in <strong>Biggest Loser</strong> leader boards. Everyone
            also has access to each other’s weight loss ticker.
          <li><strong>Calorie Counter Articles</strong><br> Take a break from Calorie Counting and visit the Article Section. From Fitness to Nutrition, Weight Loss to Women’s Health, our articles will help you stay on track, motivated and losing
            weight! View our available articles in our <a href="articles/search.aspx">
                        Article Index.</a> </li>
          <li><strong>Weight Loss Statistics</strong><br>
            <em>Comprehensive weight loss information</em>, specially tailored to your diet that will allow you to see where you are in your current daily and overall weight loss goals.
          <li><strong>Estimated Weight Loss </strong>
            <br> We can calculate a daily Estimated Weight Loss (EWL) based on your BMR, BMI, Total Daily Calorie Intake and Total Daily Calories Burned. We can also calculate your EWL since your last weigh in. <br>
            <em>Your EWL will give you an idea of where you stand if you cannot get to a scale.</em>
          <li><strong>Build your Personal Food Library</strong><br> Everyone starts out with a simple food library. You can start adding foods to build your Personal Food Library that best fits your lifestyle. <br>
            <br> Add food manually or search through our extensive <strong>USDA Foods Database</strong>:
          <li><strong>Build your Personal Exercise Library</strong><br> Create your own Exercise Library, personally suited to your regular daily activities. Add exercises manually or use our exercise calculator that list dozens of common exercises.
            <br> Your Personal Exercise Library works a lot like your Personal Food Library.
          <li><strong>Daily Journal</strong><br> A Daily Journal is offered to help keep you on track and motivated. Take notes on your day’s activities, write down your thoughts on a particular exercise, or keep track of your overall dietary goal.
          <li><strong>Past History Edit</strong><br> Maybe you had a rough day, or maybe you just could not get to the computer, whatever the case you can add or edit Foods, Exercises and Journal entries to days you may have missed. </li>
          <li><strong>Large Food Database</strong><br> Use our Quick Text Search to quickly find foods in your Personal Food Library or search over <strong>9,000 USDA Approved Foods</strong> to find the foods that best fit your weight loss goals.
          <li><strong>Weigh In Chart</strong><br> Our Weigh In chart will give you an overall picture of your weight loss at each weigh in date. This will allow you to visualize your diet trends and overall progress. </li>
          <li style="color: #281D61;">All this for <strong>FREE!</strong> Why? You can read <a href="public/about_us.aspx">my story here</a>. <br> If you are ready to take the leap, ready for a fresh start, ready to take that first step or just
            continuing your weight loss journal, there is no better time, so <a style="font-size: 15px;" href="http://www.matthewscaloriecounter.com/public/registration.aspx">
                        Join Now!</a> </li>
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              <span style="float: left; font-weight: bold;">Matthews Calorie Counter now has a Blog!</span>
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              <p style="margin-top: 0px;"> We are moving these Beta Updates to our <a href="http://matthewscaloriecounter.blogspot.com">
                                Official Blog.</a>
                <br> Having a blog will allow us to share more information about new free calories counter features, changes and allow more interaction with the our <strong>Free Caloric Counter</strong> community. Having a blog will also allow us to
                feature different aspects of our free calorie counting services and additional <strong>weight loss tools</strong> that you may not know about. <br>
                <br> So please drop by, leave a comment, suggestion, question or just to say hi!
              </p> -Admin
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   History My Support Group

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   My Profile Profile Setup Inbox Friends List Diet Settings Support Group

 * Forums
 * Calculators
   Daily Calorie Intake Calculator Exercise Calculator BMI Calculator BMR
   Calculator Weight Loss Calculator

 * Weight Loss Ticker
 * Services

 * Weigh In
 * Calorie Counter
 * Exercise Log
 * Daily Journal
 * Diet Statistics
 * Diet History
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 * Join Now!


 * New Personal Food Libraries
 * New Food Journals
 * Full Nutrient Tracking!
 * New Exercise Libraries
 * New Exercise Logs
 * Daily Journal Libraries
 * New Charts
 * BMI & BMR Tracking
 * Weight Loss Projections
 * Macronutrient Tracking

More Controls, More Features, More Options, Sleaker Design and Still Easy To


 * Biggest Loser Leader Boards
 * Food & Exercise Library Sharing
 * Weight Loss Wall Chat
 * Member Diet Statistics
 * Leadership Options
 * Open or Private Groups
 * Perfect for Families, Friends and Co-Workers

Support groups provide a competitive and supportive atmosphere allowing you to
help keep each other motivated, on track, accountable and losing weight!

To Join or Create a Support Group, visit the Support Group page


Weight loss tickers are a great way to show off your weight loss and
are easily integrated into your forum signature, blog or website.

Visit our Weight Loss Ticker Library to get started, no account needed, 100%


Build, Customize & Share Your Weight Loss Profile

 * Your Story & Bio
 * Weight Loss Ticker
 * Recent Foods & Exercises
 * Daily Journal Entry
 * Friends
 * Recent Forum Posts
 * Recent Comments
 * Weight Loss Chart
 * Profile Comments
 * Visit Matthews Profile!



 1.  McDonald's
 2.  Burger King
 3.  Taco Bell
 4.  Wendy's
 5.  Healthy Choice
 6.  Weight Watcher's
 7.  Banquet
 8.  Kraft
 9.  Oscar Mayer
 10. Kellog's
 11. Nabisco
 12. Pizza Hut
 13. Domino's
 14. Little Caesars
 15. Papa John's
 16. Popeyes
 17. KFC
 18. Campbell
 19. Morning Star Farms
 20. Coffees
 21. Beef
 22. Lamb
 23. Cheeses
 24. Cereals
 25. Chicken Products
 26. Fruits
 27. Pasta
 28. Snacks
 29. Nuts
 30. Soups
 31. Sauces
 32. Milks
 33. Candy
 34. Fish
 35. Beans
 36. Tofu
 37. Veal
 38. Game Meat
 39. Seeds
 40. Pork
 41. Turkey
 42. Ham
 43. Salad Dressing
 44. Rice
 45. Oils
 46. Bagels
 47. Bread
 48. Nuts, almonds
 49. Carrots, raw
 50. Apples, red
 51. Cottage, cheese
 52. Orange Juice, frozen
 53. Coffee, instant
 54. Eggs, scrambled
 55. Bagels
 56. Celery, raw
 57. Bananas, raw


 1.  Baby Foods
 2.  Baked Products
 3.  Beef Products
 4.  Beverages
 5.  Breakfast Cereals
 6.  Cereal Grains and Pasta
 7.  Dairy and Egg Products
 8.  Fast Foods
 9.  Fats and Oils
 10. Finfish and Shellfish Products
 11. Fruits and Fruit Juices
 12. Lamb, Veal, and Game Products
 13. Legumes and Legume Products
 14. Meals, Entrees, and Sidedishes
 15. Nut and Seed Products
 16. Pork Products
 17. Poultry Products
 18. Sausages and Luncheon Meats
 19. Snacks
 20. Soups, Sauces, and Gravies
 21. Spices and Herbs
 22. Sweets
 23. Vegetable Products


Much more than a simple free calorie counter to help track calories and

 * Food Journal
 * Full Nutritional Tracking
 * Full TDEE Tracking
 * Exercise Log
 * Personal Food & Exercise Libraries
 * Dietary Analysis
 * Weight Loss Support Forums

 * Customized Weight Loss Tickers
 * Support Groups
 * Daily Journal
 * Projected Weight Loss Calculations
 * Weigh in, BMI, And BMR Tracking
 * Estimated Weight Loss Calculations
 * And Many Additional Weight Loss Tools!


Never pay a penny!
We supply all these tools for free, if you like our services all we ask is for a
link back to this site.

Losing weight the healthy way is not easy, takes time with lots of dedication.
Information is the key to any battle!

Our Free Calorie Counter and Diet Weight Loss systems will provide the
information to win your weight loss battle. By keeping a record of your calories
and exercises, you will have the tools to help keep you on track, motivated,
healthy and losing weight.

Join Now!

























 * Simple and Fast
   With Free Calorie Counting tools such as our Food Pantry and Quick Tag Search
   System, you can get in, get out, and on with your life.
   3,500 Calories = 1 Pound, Losing weight has never been simpler!

 * Full Nutritional Tracking
   Your Food Journal will keep track of your total nutrient intake, showing you
   what your daily nutrient intake currently is and if you have gone over your
   nutrient targets. A Daily Calorie Limit is also available to help keep count
   of your caloric intake.
   Your Exercise Log will track and tally up your Total Daily Energy Expenditure
   based on your current daily activity level. Or you can add exercises yourself
   from our extensive exercise library or make up your own!
 * Weight Loss Support Forums
   Our weight loss forums are a great place to support and encourage one
   another. This is also a great place to get site updates, suggest new features
   or get technical help using our site. Stop in and say hi!
 * Free Custom Weight Loss Tickers
   Everyone one starts out with a default weight loss ticker. You can customize
   the weight loss ticker in several different styles. Code is also available so
   you can display your weight loss ticker in your forum signatures, blogs or
   personal web pages.
   You don’t have to be a member to build a weight loss ticker! Weight Loss
   Tickers are free and available to the public.
 * Support Groups
   Support Groups are specially tailored for those such as couples, co workers,
   and family members that share the same exercise routines or eat the same
   Support Groups allow for members to share each other’s personal food and
   exercise libraries. So if you and your spouse are in a support group, only
   one of you has to enter a food into your personal food library and you both
   will have access to that food.
   Support Groups also keep track of everyone’s EWL per day and over all weight
   loss, in addition each of your total calorie intake and total calorie burned
   will be displayed in Biggest Loser leader boards. Everyone also has access to
   each other’s weight loss ticker.
 * Calorie Counter Articles
   Take a break from Calorie Counting and visit the Article Section. From
   Fitness to Nutrition, Weight Loss to Women’s Health, our articles will help
   you stay on track, motivated and losing weight! View our available articles
   in our Article Index.
 * Weight Loss Statistics
   Comprehensive weight loss information, specially tailored to your diet that
   will allow you to see where you are in your current daily and overall weight
   loss goals.
 * Estimated Weight Loss
   We can calculate a daily Estimated Weight Loss (EWL) based on your BMR, BMI,
   Total Daily Calorie Intake and Total Daily Calories Burned. We can also
   calculate your EWL since your last weigh in.
   Your EWL will give you an idea of where you stand if you cannot get to a
 * Build your Personal Food Library
   Everyone starts out with a simple food library. You can start adding foods to
   build your Personal Food Library that best fits your lifestyle.
   Add food manually or search through our extensive USDA Foods Database:
 * Build your Personal Exercise Library
   Create your own Exercise Library, personally suited to your regular daily
   activities. Add exercises manually or use our exercise calculator that list
   dozens of common exercises.
   Your Personal Exercise Library works a lot like your Personal Food Library.
 * Daily Journal
   A Daily Journal is offered to help keep you on track and motivated. Take
   notes on your day’s activities, write down your thoughts on a particular
   exercise, or keep track of your overall dietary goal.
 * Past History Edit
   Maybe you had a rough day, or maybe you just could not get to the computer,
   whatever the case you can add or edit Foods, Exercises and Journal entries to
   days you may have missed.
 * Large Food Database
   Use our Quick Text Search to quickly find foods in your Personal Food Library
   or search over 9,000 USDA Approved Foods to find the foods that best fit your
   weight loss goals.
 * Weigh In Chart
   Our Weigh In chart will give you an overall picture of your weight loss at
   each weigh in date. This will allow you to visualize your diet trends and
   overall progress.
 * All this for FREE! Why? You can read my story here.
   If you are ready to take the leap, ready for a fresh start, ready to take
   that first step or just continuing your weight loss journal, there is no
   better time, so Join Now!


Matthews Calorie Counter now has a Blog!

We are moving these Beta Updates to our Official Blog.

Having a blog will allow us to share more information about new free calories
counter features, changes and allow more interaction with the our Free Caloric
Counter community. Having a blog will also allow us to feature different aspects
of our free calorie counting services and additional weight loss tools that you
may not know about.

So please drop by, leave a comment, suggestion, question or just to say hi!



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Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The material appearing on
MatthewsCalorieCounter.com is for entertainment use only and should not be used
as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Thinking LLC, All Rights Reserved.