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Camunda 7 Docs
 * Get Started
 * Camunda Platform 7
 * Optimize
 * Cawemo
 * Enterprise
 * Security


Camunda Platform 7 7.20 (7.20)
 * Introduction
   * Download
   * Licenses
   * Implemented Standards
   * Architecture Overview
   * Supported Environments
   * Telemetry
   * Extensions
   * Third-Party Libraries
     * Camunda Platform License Book
   * Public API
 * User Guide
   * Process Engine
     * Process Engine Bootstrapping
     * Process Engine API
     * Process Engine Concepts
     * Process Variables
     * Process Instance Modification
     * Process Instance Restart
     * Delegation Code
     * Expression Language
     * Scripting
     * Templating
     * Custom Code & Security
     * External Tasks
     * Connectors
     * Process Versioning
     * Process Instance Migration
     * Database
       * Database Schema
       * Database Configuration
       * Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database Configuration
       * CockroachDB Database Configuration
       * MySQL Database Configuration
       * Performance
     * History and Audit Event Log
     * Deployment Cache
     * Password Hashing
     * Password Policy
     * Transactions in Processes
     * The Job Executor
     * Multi-Tenancy
     * Id Generators
     * Metrics
     * Incidents
     * Process Engine Plugins
     * Identity Service
     * Authorization Service
     * Deployments
     * Process Diagram Visualization
     * Time zones
     * Decisions
       * Configuration
       * Repository
       * Decision Service
       * Decisions in BPMN & CMMN
       * History
     * Batch
       * Batch operations
     * Error Handling
   * Process Applications
     * The Process Application class
     * The processes.xml Deployment Descriptor
     * Process Application Event Listeners
     * Process Application Resource Access
     * Maven Project Templates (Archetypes)
   * Runtime Container Integration
     * Camunda Platform Services
     * JNDI Bindings for Camunda Platform Services
     * Apache Tomcat
     * WildFly
     * Job Execution with Managed Resources
   * Camunda Platform Run
   * Spring Framework Integration
     * Bootstrapping
     * Transactions
     * Deployment
     * Spring Bean Resolving
     * Testing
   * Spring Boot Integration
     * Version Compatibility
     * Configuration
     * REST API
     * Web Applications
     * Process Applications
     * Spring Eventing Bridge
     * Developing and Testing
   * Quarkus Integration
     * Version Compatibility
     * Configuration
     * Engine CDI Integration
     * Resource Deployments
   * CDI and Java EE Integration
     * JTA Transaction Integration
     * Expression Resolving
     * Contextual Programming Model
     * Built-In Beans
     * CDI Event Bridge
   * Testing
     * Assert Examples
   * Model API
     * BPMN Model API
       * Read a Model
       * Create a Model
       * Delegation Code
       * Fluent Builder API
       * Repository Service
       * Extension Elements
     * CMMN Model API
       * Read a Model
       * Create a Model
       * Delegation Code
       * Repository Service
       * Extension Elements
       * Limitations
     * DMN Model API
       * Read a Model
       * Create a Model
       * Repository Service
       * Extension Attributes
   * Data Formats (XML, JSON, Other)
     * Configuring Spin Integration
     * Data Formats in Processes
     * XML
     * JSON
   * User Task Forms
     * JSF Task Forms
   * DMN Engine
     * Embed
     * Evaluate Decisions
     * Expressions
     * FEEL Engine
       * Type Handling
       * Custom Functions
       * Spin Integration
       * Legacy Behavior
     * Data Types
     * Testing
   * Logging
   * Security Instructions
   * Camunda License Keys
   * External Task Client
     * Spring Boot Starter
     * Version Compatibility
 * Reference
     * Overview
       * Configure Authentication
       * Usage with a Pre-Built Distribution
       * Embed the API
       * Hypertext Application Language (HAL)
       * Variables in the REST API
       * Date Format
     * OpenAPI
     * Specification ↗
   * Javadoc ↗
   * BPMN 2.0
     * Tasks
       * Service Task
       * Send Task
       * User Task
       * Business Rule Task
       * Script Task
       * Receive Task
       * Manual Task
       * Task Markers
     * Gateways
       * Data-based Exclusive Gateway (XOR)
       * Conditional and Default Sequence Flows
       * Parallel Gateway
       * Inclusive Gateway
       * Event-based Gateway
     * Events
       * Start Events
       * None Events
       * Message Events
       * Timer Events
       * Error Events
       * Escalation Events
       * Signal Events
       * Cancel and Compensation Events
       * Conditional Events
       * Link Events
       * Terminate Events
     * Subprocess
       * Embedded Subprocess
       * Call Activity
       * Event Subprocess
       * Transaction Subprocess
     * Extension Reference
       * Extension Elements
       * Extension Attributes
   * DMN 1.3
     * Decision Table
       * Input
       * Output
       * Rule
       * Hit Policy
     * Decision Literal Expression
     * Decision Requirements Graph
     * FEEL
       * Legacy FEEL Reference
         * Data Types
         * Language Elements
     * Extension Reference
       * Extension Attributes
   * CMMN 1.1
     * Classic vs Fluent API
     * CMMN Concepts
       * Plan Items and Item Definitions
       * Plan Item Lifecycles
       * Entry and Exit Criteria
     * Tasks
       * Human Task
       * Process Task
       * Case Task
       * Decision Task
     * Grouping Tasks
       * Stage
     * Milestones
     * Sentries
     * Markers
       * Manual Activation Rule
       * Required Rule
       * Auto Complete
       * Repetition Rule
     * Extension Reference
       * Extension Elements
       * Extension Attributes
     * Migration between Specification Versions
       * 1.0 to 1.1
   * Forms
     * Embedded Forms
       * Controls
         * Text Inputs
         * Textareas
         * Date Inputs
         * Boolean Inputs
         * Selects
         * Hidden Input Fields
         * File Upload and Download
         * BPMN Event Buttons
       * Javascript
         * The cam-script Directive
         * Available API
         * Participating in the Form Lifecycle
         * Debugging Scripts
         * Generating a Business Key
         * Examples
       * Lifecycle and Events
       * Working with Json Data
       * Working with Java Objects
       * Integrating the Forms SDK
         * Getting a Distribution
         * Bootstrapping
         * AngularJS Integration
         * Full Example
     * Camunda Forms
   * Spin Dataformats
     * XML
       * Reading XML
       * Manipulating XML
       * Writing XML
       * Querying XML
       * Mapping XML
       * Configuring XML Handling
     * JSON
       * Reading JSON
       * Writing JSON
       * Querying JSON
       * Mapping JSON
       * Configuring JSON Handling
     * Extending Spin
   * Connectors
     * HTTP Connector
     * SOAP Connector
     * Extending Connect
   * Deployment Descriptors
     * bpm-platform.xml
     * processes.xml
     * Tags
       * <job-executor />
       * <process-archive />
       * <process-engine />
 * Installation
   * Camunda Modeler
   * Database Schema
   * Remote Engine Distribution
   * Shared Engine Distribution
     * Tomcat
       * Pre-Packaged Distribution
       * Manual Installation
       * Configuration
     * JBoss EAP/Wildfly
       * Pre-Packaged Distribution
       * Manual Installation
       * Configuration
     * IBM WebSphere
       * Manual Installation: WebSphere Liberty
       * Configuration
     * Oracle WebLogic
       * Manual Installation
       * Configuration
   * Docker
   * Standalone Webapplication (.war)
   * Spring Boot
   * Karaf / OSGi
 * Modeler
   * BPMN
   * DMN
   * Forms
   * Element Templates
 * Web Applications
   * Admin
     * User Management
     * Group Management
     * Tenant Management
     * Authorization Management
     * System Management
     * Auditing
     * Configuration
     * Plugins
   * Cockpit
     * Dashboard
     * BPMN Processes
       * Dashboard
       * Process Definition View
       * Process Instance View
       * History
       * Instance Modification
       * Instance Restart
       * Instance Migration
       * Failed Jobs
       * Suspension
       * Correlate Message
       * Collapsed Subprocesses
     * DMN Decisions
       * Dashboard
       * Decision Definition View
       * Decision Requirements Definition Instance View
       * Decision Requirements Definition View
       * Decision Instance View
       * Live Editing
     * CMMN Cases
       * Dashboard
       * Case Definition View
       * Case Instance View
     * Cleanup
     * Deployments
     * Auditing
     * Batch
       * Batch operation
       * Batch View
     * Reports
     * Open Tasks Dashboard
     * Extending
       * Configuration
       * Plugins
   * Tasklist
     * Working with Tasklist
     * Dashboard
     * Filters
     * User Assignment
     * Task Lifecycle
     * Plugins
     * Configuration
     * Accessibility
   * Welcome
     * Plugins
     * Configuration
   * Shared Configuration Options
     * Authentication
     * CSRF Prevention
     * Cookie Security
     * HTTP Header Security
 * Examples
 * Update & Migration
   * Minor Version Update
     * 7.19 to 7.20
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere Liberty
       * Wildfly / JBoss EAP 7
     * 7.18 to 7.19
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
       * Wildfly / JBoss EAP 7
     * 7.17 to 7.18
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
       * Wildfly / JBoss EAP 7
     * 7.16 to 7.17
       * JBoss EAP 6 or Wildfly / JBoss EAP 7
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.15 to 7.16
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.14 to 7.15
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.13 to 7.14
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.12 to 7.13
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.11 to 7.12
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.10 to 7.11
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.9 to 7.10
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.8 to 7.9
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.7 to 7.8
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.6 to 7.7
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * Web Application Plugins
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.5 to 7.6
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * Web Application Plugins
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.4 to 7.5
       * Glassfish
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * Web Application Plugins
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.3 to 7.4
       * Glassfish
       * JBoss AS/Wildfly
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.2 to 7.3
       * Glassfish
       * JBoss
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * WebSphere
     * 7.1 to 7.2
       * Glassfish
       * JBoss
       * Tomcat
       * WebLogic
       * Websphere
     * 7.0 to 7.1
   * Spring Boot Starter Migration and Update
     * 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
     * 2.3.0 to 3.0.0
     * 3.1.0 to 3.2.0
     * 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
     * 3.4.0 to 7.13.0
   * Migrating from Community to Enterprise Edition
   * Patch Level Update
   * Rolling Update
   * Activiti Migration


Version: latest 7.20 7.19 7.18 7.17 7.16 7.15 7.14 7.13 7.12 7.11 7.10 7.9 7.8
7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.0 develop
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Welcome to the Camunda Platform 7 Manual! Camunda Platform 7 is a light-weight,
open-source platform for Business Process Management. The Manual introduces key
concepts in Camunda Platform 7, provides installation procedures as well as a
comprehensive reference section.


The Guide Get started with Camunda is the quickest and easiest way to get up and
running with Camunda Platform 7. Alternatives include:

BPMN 2.0
DMN 1.3
Spring Framework
Spring Boot
Java EE 7
Apache Maven

Once you completed a Getting Started Guide, you may find the following topics

 * Overview
 * Download
 * Architecture
 * Supported Environments

 * Installation
 * User Guide
 * Modeler
 * Web Applications
 * Update & Migration

 * REST Api
 * Javadoc
 * BPMN 2.0
 * CMMN 1.1
 * DMN 1.3
 * HTML Forms


In case you get stuck on a problem make sure to ask for Help in the Forums or on
Stack Overflow.

In case you are an Enterprise Support customer, create a support case in Jira.


A number of Community Extensions enhance Camunda with additional capabilities.
Browse the Camunda Community Hub for information on building a Camunda Community
Extension, discover new Camunda Community Extension open source projects to
contribute to, and more.

> Whitepaper: Camunda compared to Alternatives
> Download now

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