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Text Content

 * Experiences
    * All
    * Adventures
    * Game Shows
    * Holiday
    * Theatrical
    * Escape Rooms
    * Professional Development
    * DEI
    * International
    * Special Occasions

 * Pricing
    * Pricing & Packages
    * Request a Quote
    * Try Demo

 * Case Studies
    * Use Cases
    * Wall of Love

 * Locations
 * About
    * Our Story
    * Our Weve Platform
    * Team
    * Blog

Try a Demo
Talk to Sales




We create and offer fun and engaging virtual, hybrid, and in-person
team-building events for every budget. Our experiences enhance corporate
culture, improve employee retention, and give our clients reasons to connect and
celebrate all year long. Our proprietary technology platform seamlessly
integrates virtual and in-person experiences, and allows convenient online





Connect your teams with our engaging and educational experiences designed to
celebrate languages and cultures from all over the world. So whether your team
is learning a new language, wanting to understand a new culture better, or just
mix things up a bit, we have a game for you.


From showers and birthdays to anniversaries and happy hours, we have virtual
experiences that effortlessly bring your teams together in a connected and
creative way.


Our game designers are the best in the business and can build out an experience
that’s unique to your brand/event requirements, so you get EXACTLY what you


Play our original cell-phone scavenger hunt experience that we've been
perfecting for over 20 years anywhere in the world. Our Adventures can take
place indoors, outdoors, and feature an on-site host or be self-hosted.


Connect your team through the power of play with our fun and exciting Game Show
experiences. Our Game Shows can be in-person, virtual, or a mix of both, with
on-site or on-screen live hosts. And we have created themed Game Shows to test
your knowledge and celebrate!


It’s showtime! We have a range of performance-based games where your colleagues
are the stars, as you act out, lip sync, and get silly with your teams. The
final keepsake video will be shared and talked about for years to come!


Take on puzzles as a team to solve a murder mystery or land your spaceship
safely on Mars. These virtual experiences are great for teams with lots of
critical thinkers, engineers, and gamers.


We’ve brought in industry-leading experts to develop a series of experiences
focused on the health and well-being of your employees. Learn and implement
simple tools to manage difficult situations, communicate more effectively, and
propel your team in an upward direction.


Whether you’re celebrating Pride, Black History, Women’s History, Native
American History, Hispanic Heritage, or Asian American and Pacific Islander
History, we have fun, educational and interactive games to make sure everyone
has their moment to shine.


Connect your teams with our engaging and educational experiences designed to
celebrate languages and cultures from all over the world. So whether your team
is learning a new language, wanting to understand a new culture better, or just
mix things up a bit, we have a game for you.


From showers and birthdays to anniversaries and happy hours, we have virtual
experiences that effortlessly bring your teams together in a connected and
creative way.


Our game designers are the best in the business and can build out an experience
that’s unique to your brand/event requirements, so you get EXACTLY what you


Play our original cell-phone scavenger hunt experience that we've been
perfecting for over 20 years anywhere in the world. Our Adventures can take
place indoors, outdoors, and feature an on-site host or be self-hosted.


Connect your team through the power of play with our fun and exciting Game Show
experiences. Our Game Shows can be in-person, virtual, or a mix of both, with
on-site or on-screen live hosts. And we have created themed Game Shows to test
your knowledge and celebrate!


It’s showtime! We have a range of performance-based games where your colleagues
are the stars, as you act out, lip sync, and get silly with your teams. The
final keepsake video will be shared and talked about for years to come!


Take on puzzles as a team to solve a murder mystery or land your spaceship
safely on Mars. These virtual experiences are great for teams with lots of
critical thinkers, engineers, and gamers.


We’ve brought in industry-leading experts to develop a series of experiences
focused on the health and well-being of your employees. Learn and implement
simple tools to manage difficult situations, communicate more effectively, and
propel your team in an upward direction.


Whether you’re celebrating Pride, Black History, Women’s History, Native
American History, Hispanic Heritage, or Asian American and Pacific Islander
History, we have fun, educational and interactive games to make sure everyone
has their moment to shine.


Connect your teams with our engaging and educational experiences designed to
celebrate languages and cultures from all over the world. So whether your team
is learning a new language, wanting to understand a new culture better, or just
mix things up a bit, we have a game for you.


From showers and birthdays to anniversaries and happy hours, we have virtual
experiences that effortlessly bring your teams together in a connected and
creative way.


Our game designers are the best in the business and can build out an experience
that’s unique to your brand/event requirements, so you get EXACTLY what you


{{ name }}
{{ current || 'Select' }}
{{ key }}
Event Theme
Event Format
Host Type


As low as $500 per event

Play our Original Game Show team building experience in-person, virtually, or a
mix of both. New games and content added monthly to keep things fresh!


As low as $500 per event

Looking for the ultimate scavenger hunt adventure game? Our Classic Adventure
has options for every budget and team.


As low as $11 per person

JeopardAI is a whole new way to experience one of the greatest game shows of all
time, and test the power of AI with your team.


As low as $22 per person

How to Talk to a Human with Radiolab founder, Jad Abumrad, is an interactive
experience that helps make 1-on-1 exchanges easier.


As low as $11 per person

When it comes to Halloween team-building activities, our 60-minute Halloween
Game Show is the most spooktacular.


As low as $11 per person

Get into the spirit of the holiday season with our hilarious live-hosted Holiday
Extravaganze game show! Perfect for your office Holiday Party.

Load More


We are a unique balance of high touch and high tech, which allows us to offer
seamless in person, virtual and hybrid team experiences, and accommodate last
minute changes from in person to hybrid or virtual without breaking a sweat.


Off-Sites and Morale Boosters


Connect your Remote or Hybrid Team


Do a Bit of Both, or Connect with Other Office Locations


Our Event Management Dashboard allows clients to purchase, schedule, customize,
and see the results of their events all in one place. Access package deals,
insight into the hosts, and scheduling of in-person, hybrid, and virtual events,
and the ability to reschedule, use the flex switch, customize, and more!



Company Mergers/Acquisitions and Restructuring 

When two companies merge or there is a restructuring of some sort, you want to
create an environment where everyone feels connected, integrated, and a part of
the new team. It’s not always as smooth...

Company Mergers/Acquisitions and Restructuring 

When two companies merge or there is a restructuring of some sort, you want to
create an environment where everyone feels connected, integrated, and a part of
the new team. It’s not always as smooth and easy as expected though. Enter The
Go Game! There’s no better way to help adults feel more connected than through
the power of play. With our creative game solutions, your employees will be able
to break the ice, let off steam, and come away with stronger bonds and a shared
sense of inclusion & connection to each other and the company.



All offsites have one goal in common: you want your guests to walk away feeling
refreshed, educated, inspired, and connected. Enter The Go Game. We are your
go-to experience experts to take your offsite to the next level. We can


All offsites have one goal in common: you want your guests to walk away feeling
refreshed, educated, inspired, and connected. Enter The Go Game. We are your
go-to experience experts to take your offsite to the next level. We can
incorporate custom content into our unique, laughter-inducing, connection-driven
events that will result in happier employees, increased morale, and a strong
boost to company culture. And more connected employees leads to increased
productivity. Win win.


All the Time

When it comes to employee engagement goals, you’re looking for ways to bring
your employees together in a unique, not-awkward, fun way. This is where The Go
Game thrives! With over 22 years of experience, we are experts at connecting...

All the Time

When it comes to employee engagement goals, you’re looking for ways to bring
your employees together in a unique, not-awkward, fun way. This is where The Go
Game thrives! With over 22 years of experience, we are experts at connecting
humans in meaningful, playful, and creative ways (nope, there are no awkward ice
breaker games over here!). Whether it’s for professional development, team
building, culture building, employee appreciation, or supporting DEI goals, we
have an incredibly thoughtful, engaging, and fun experience waiting for you. And
if we don’t have exactly what you’re looking for, we’d love to work together in
creating the perfect fit!


Sales/Company Kickoffs

Your Sales and Company Kickoff events are meant to inspire and engage your
employees, resulting in higher retention, increased morale, and improved ROI for
your company. With The Go Game, we will help you reinforce your...

Sales/Company Kickoffs

Your Sales and Company Kickoff events are meant to inspire and engage your
employees, resulting in higher retention, increased morale, and improved ROI for
your company. With The Go Game, we will help you reinforce your company goals by
incorporating play into your event! With our custom, interactive, and memorable
experiences, your guests will be reminiscing for months - even years - about the
memories made, laughter had by all, and deepened connections created with


On-boarding New Hires and Interns

The hiring process is important and it’s also expensive and time consuming. When
you bring on new hires, you want them to be dedicated employees who stay at your
company a long time. When you bring in a new cohort...

On-boarding New Hires and Interns

The hiring process is important and it’s also expensive and time consuming. When
you bring on new hires, you want them to be dedicated employees who stay at your
company a long time. When you bring in a new cohort of interns, you want them to
consider applying to your company when they graduate. To meet these goals, both
new hires and interns need to feel connected to each other and the company. This
will result in the highest ROI and productivity output. Enter the power of play.
Through play, The Go Game can create custom experiences to enhance your
onboarding program, engage in creative & meaningful ways, and turn your
new-hires & interns into your company’s biggest fans.


Conferences and Annual Meetings

For your conferences and annual meetings, you want your guests to be active
participants, not passive wall-flowers. With The Go Game, you can enhance/deepen
the learning at session breakouts, encourage attendee...

Conferences and Annual Meetings

For your conferences and annual meetings, you want your guests to be active
participants, not passive wall-flowers. With The Go Game, you can enhance/deepen
the learning at session breakouts, encourage attendee networking, and drive
traffic to the showroom floor. And, not to mention, have fun while doing it! Our
interactive, app-drive, gamified experiences will not only drive the results
you’re looking for but will also help to foster relationships and meaningful
connections between participants. The power of play is a key piece to any
conference or meeting!


Holiday Parties and Year End Celebrations

When your guests leave the company holiday party, you want them smiling ear to
ear thinking, “wow, that was the best company holiday party ever!” You want your
guests to connect with each other and you want...

Holiday Parties and Year End Celebrations

When your guests leave the company holiday party, you want them smiling ear to
ear thinking, “wow, that was the best company holiday party ever!” You want your
guests to connect with each other and you want them to feel appreciated. Dinner,
a band, and a few toasts won’t do. Here at The Go Game we believe that the power
of play leads to the most impactful, enjoyable, and meaningful celebrations.
Join our thousands of clients we have worked with to create unforgettable events
where guests are truly a part of the experience vs an unengaged spectator.


Product Launches

The way you launch a product can make or break the success of said product. Your
goal is to educate while not boring your customers, to engage while not
overwhelming, and to make an impact that’s memorable. The Go Game is here to...

Product Launches

The way you launch a product can make or break the success of said product. Your
goal is to educate while not boring your customers, to engage while not
overwhelming, and to make an impact that’s memorable. The Go Game is here to
help you do exactly that. There’s no better way to learn and engage than through
the power of play. Through our proprietary app that guides teams through a
real-life game zone (think, downtown San Francisco or your company campus), your
guests will experience custom game content highlighting your product features,
interact with other teams through Head to Head challenges, and connect with
actors who will be strategically placed through the game to create an immersive
experience. This will be a product launch to go in the company history books!


Company Mergers/Acquisitions and Restructuring 

When two companies merge or there is a restructuring of some sort, you want to
create an environment where everyone feels connected, integrated, and a part of
the new team. It’s not always as smooth...

Company Mergers/Acquisitions and Restructuring 

When two companies merge or there is a restructuring of some sort, you want to
create an environment where everyone feels connected, integrated, and a part of
the new team. It’s not always as smooth and easy as expected though. Enter The
Go Game! There’s no better way to help adults feel more connected than through
the power of play. With our creative game solutions, your employees will be able
to break the ice, let off steam, and come away with stronger bonds and a shared
sense of inclusion & connection to each other and the company.



All offsites have one goal in common: you want your guests to walk away feeling
refreshed, educated, inspired, and connected. Enter The Go Game. We are your
go-to experience experts to take your offsite to the next level. We can


All offsites have one goal in common: you want your guests to walk away feeling
refreshed, educated, inspired, and connected. Enter The Go Game. We are your
go-to experience experts to take your offsite to the next level. We can
incorporate custom content into our unique, laughter-inducing, connection-driven
events that will result in happier employees, increased morale, and a strong
boost to company culture. And more connected employees leads to increased
productivity. Win win.


All the Time

When it comes to employee engagement goals, you’re looking for ways to bring
your employees together in a unique, not-awkward, fun way. This is where The Go
Game thrives! With over 22 years of experience, we are experts at connecting...

All the Time

When it comes to employee engagement goals, you’re looking for ways to bring
your employees together in a unique, not-awkward, fun way. This is where The Go
Game thrives! With over 22 years of experience, we are experts at connecting
humans in meaningful, playful, and creative ways (nope, there are no awkward ice
breaker games over here!). Whether it’s for professional development, team
building, culture building, employee appreciation, or supporting DEI goals, we
have an incredibly thoughtful, engaging, and fun experience waiting for you. And
if we don’t have exactly what you’re looking for, we’d love to work together in
creating the perfect fit!


Sales/Company Kickoffs

Your Sales and Company Kickoff events are meant to inspire and engage your
employees, resulting in higher retention, increased morale, and improved ROI for
your company. With The Go Game, we will help you reinforce your...

Sales/Company Kickoffs

Your Sales and Company Kickoff events are meant to inspire and engage your
employees, resulting in higher retention, increased morale, and improved ROI for
your company. With The Go Game, we will help you reinforce your company goals by
incorporating play into your event! With our custom, interactive, and memorable
experiences, your guests will be reminiscing for months - even years - about the
memories made, laughter had by all, and deepened connections created with


On-boarding New Hires and Interns

The hiring process is important and it’s also expensive and time consuming. When
you bring on new hires, you want them to be dedicated employees who stay at your
company a long time. When you bring in a new cohort...

On-boarding New Hires and Interns

The hiring process is important and it’s also expensive and time consuming. When
you bring on new hires, you want them to be dedicated employees who stay at your
company a long time. When you bring in a new cohort of interns, you want them to
consider applying to your company when they graduate. To meet these goals, both
new hires and interns need to feel connected to each other and the company. This
will result in the highest ROI and productivity output. Enter the power of play.
Through play, The Go Game can create custom experiences to enhance your
onboarding program, engage in creative & meaningful ways, and turn your
new-hires & interns into your company’s biggest fans.


Conferences and Annual Meetings

For your conferences and annual meetings, you want your guests to be active
participants, not passive wall-flowers. With The Go Game, you can enhance/deepen
the learning at session breakouts, encourage attendee...

Conferences and Annual Meetings

For your conferences and annual meetings, you want your guests to be active
participants, not passive wall-flowers. With The Go Game, you can enhance/deepen
the learning at session breakouts, encourage attendee networking, and drive
traffic to the showroom floor. And, not to mention, have fun while doing it! Our
interactive, app-drive, gamified experiences will not only drive the results
you’re looking for but will also help to foster relationships and meaningful
connections between participants. The power of play is a key piece to any
conference or meeting!


Holiday Parties and Year End Celebrations

When your guests leave the company holiday party, you want them smiling ear to
ear thinking, “wow, that was the best company holiday party ever!” You want your
guests to connect with each other and you want...

Holiday Parties and Year End Celebrations

When your guests leave the company holiday party, you want them smiling ear to
ear thinking, “wow, that was the best company holiday party ever!” You want your
guests to connect with each other and you want them to feel appreciated. Dinner,
a band, and a few toasts won’t do. Here at The Go Game we believe that the power
of play leads to the most impactful, enjoyable, and meaningful celebrations.
Join our thousands of clients we have worked with to create unforgettable events
where guests are truly a part of the experience vs an unengaged spectator.


Product Launches

The way you launch a product can make or break the success of said product. Your
goal is to educate while not boring your customers, to engage while not
overwhelming, and to make an impact that’s memorable. The Go Game is here to...

Product Launches

The way you launch a product can make or break the success of said product. Your
goal is to educate while not boring your customers, to engage while not
overwhelming, and to make an impact that’s memorable. The Go Game is here to
help you do exactly that. There’s no better way to learn and engage than through
the power of play. Through our proprietary app that guides teams through a
real-life game zone (think, downtown San Francisco or your company campus), your
guests will experience custom game content highlighting your product features,
interact with other teams through Head to Head challenges, and connect with
actors who will be strategically placed through the game to create an immersive
experience. This will be a product launch to go in the company history books!


Company Mergers/Acquisitions and Restructuring 

When two companies merge or there is a restructuring of some sort, you want to
create an environment where everyone feels connected, integrated, and a part of
the new team. It’s not always as smooth...

Company Mergers/Acquisitions and Restructuring 

When two companies merge or there is a restructuring of some sort, you want to
create an environment where everyone feels connected, integrated, and a part of
the new team. It’s not always as smooth and easy as expected though. Enter The
Go Game! There’s no better way to help adults feel more connected than through
the power of play. With our creative game solutions, your employees will be able
to break the ice, let off steam, and come away with stronger bonds and a shared
sense of inclusion & connection to each other and the company.



All offsites have one goal in common: you want your guests to walk away feeling
refreshed, educated, inspired, and connected. Enter The Go Game. We are your
go-to experience experts to take your offsite to the next level. We can


All offsites have one goal in common: you want your guests to walk away feeling
refreshed, educated, inspired, and connected. Enter The Go Game. We are your
go-to experience experts to take your offsite to the next level. We can
incorporate custom content into our unique, laughter-inducing, connection-driven
events that will result in happier employees, increased morale, and a strong
boost to company culture. And more connected employees leads to increased
productivity. Win win.


All the Time

When it comes to employee engagement goals, you’re looking for ways to bring
your employees together in a unique, not-awkward, fun way. This is where The Go
Game thrives! With over 22 years of experience, we are experts at connecting...

All the Time

When it comes to employee engagement goals, you’re looking for ways to bring
your employees together in a unique, not-awkward, fun way. This is where The Go
Game thrives! With over 22 years of experience, we are experts at connecting
humans in meaningful, playful, and creative ways (nope, there are no awkward ice
breaker games over here!). Whether it’s for professional development, team
building, culture building, employee appreciation, or supporting DEI goals, we
have an incredibly thoughtful, engaging, and fun experience waiting for you. And
if we don’t have exactly what you’re looking for, we’d love to work together in
creating the perfect fit!



Workday Elevates their SKO with a Custom Adventure Experience

For their 2023 SKO, Workday wanted to take their theme of "Elevate" to an
eleven. So they brought us in to create a custom Adventure experience throughout
the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. We upgraded ...

Bandwidth's Last Minute Museum Adventure Game

Bandwidth was looking to let loose with their team and had scheduled a
Self-Hosted Classic Adventure. But the day before the event, the weather looked
way too cold to play. So our contact reached out ...

Hormel Chili's Phoenix Adventure

Hormel Chili worked with ITA Group event planners to put together a Retail
Managers Meeting in Arizona called Food Forward. They brought us in to bring a
bit of fun to the experience and to mix and ...

German International School New York's Game Show + Secret Agent Team Building

For their Faculty Development Day, German International School New York wanted
to bring some fun to the mix. They were wanting to laugh, be challenged, get to
know each other a little better, and ...

Telogical Celebrates Employee Appreciation Day with Virtual Amazing Race

At Telogical, they absolutely love their employees and feel they have one of the
best teams! For that reason, they aim to show their appreciation for their
employees everyday, but especially on ...


Everyone was blown away - this ain' your mama's average scavenger hunt - this is
next level!

My team was dreading the 'team building activity' as they find them forced and
stupid, but they absolutely loved The Go Game! Highest praise I can give, you
really made my job easy. Thanks again!

I truly can't get over how great it was to work with the Go Game team. From the
salesperson down to the day of. Everything was so streamline! I can't stop
raving about this team!!!

Very fun event and wonderful presentation at the end! I've done similar
activities in the past, but nothing even compared to this. Well done.

The Go Game is team building on steroids. Seeing how this game brings
people/teams together so quickly - at the start the energy is low with the
uncertainty around what will happen and who they are going on this adventure
with and by the end, everyone is high fiving, laughing, and best of friends!

From start to finish, The Go Game experience was entertaining and just downright
fun. What a unique way to learn about Nashville, get to know my teammates and
take part in some hilarious challenges.

Everyone was blown away - this ain' your mama's average scavenger hunt - this is
next level!

My team was dreading the 'team building activity' as they find them forced and
stupid, but they absolutely loved The Go Game! Highest praise I can give, you
really made my job easy. Thanks again!

I truly can't get over how great it was to work with the Go Game team. From the
salesperson down to the day of. Everything was so streamline! I can't stop
raving about this team!!!

Very fun event and wonderful presentation at the end! I've done similar
activities in the past, but nothing even compared to this. Well done.

The Go Game is team building on steroids. Seeing how this game brings
people/teams together so quickly - at the start the energy is low with the
uncertainty around what will happen and who they are going on this adventure
with and by the end, everyone is high fiving, laughing, and best of friends!

From start to finish, The Go Game experience was entertaining and just downright
fun. What a unique way to learn about Nashville, get to know my teammates and
take part in some hilarious challenges.

Everyone was blown away - this ain' your mama's average scavenger hunt - this is
next level!

My team was dreading the 'team building activity' as they find them forced and
stupid, but they absolutely loved The Go Game! Highest praise I can give, you
really made my job easy. Thanks again!

I truly can't get over how great it was to work with the Go Game team. From the
salesperson down to the day of. Everything was so streamline! I can't stop
raving about this team!!!

Very fun event and wonderful presentation at the end! I've done similar
activities in the past, but nothing even compared to this. Well done.

The Go Game is team building on steroids. Seeing how this game brings
people/teams together so quickly - at the start the energy is low with the
uncertainty around what will happen and who they are going on this adventure
with and by the end, everyone is high fiving, laughing, and best of friends!

From start to finish, The Go Game experience was entertaining and just downright
fun. What a unique way to learn about Nashville, get to know my teammates and
take part in some hilarious challenges.




Fun. Laughter. Magic. Enthusiasm. Play. Wit. Charm. Personality. Snark.
Silliness. Warmth. Connection.



Event Production Manager


Senior Game Producer


Sr. Account Executive


Game Producer


Customer Success Manager


Content Lead


Director of Sales


Senior Game Producer


Event Production Manager


Senior Game Producer


Sr. Account Executive


Game Producer


Customer Success Manager


Content Lead


Director of Sales


Senior Game Producer


Event Production Manager


Senior Game Producer


Sr. Account Executive


Game Producer
Get to Know Them


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Every Tuesday 8:30am UTC / 10:30am CET / 2:00pm IST our world-class hosts put on
a next level game show and Q&A session for you to try before you buy.

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