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Welcome To Rotary Club of Edmonton Gateway
We have your back!


We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 7:15 AM
Wyndham Hotel
4440 Gateway Blvd.
Edmonton, AB T6H 5C2

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
District Site
Venue Map
Steven's Hope for Mozambique
Photo Albums
Robust Reds 2016 - 10th Anniversary
Winemaker's Dinner 2016
Macambucine School Multi-Purpose Hall, Mozambique
Macambucine School, Mozambique January 2015
Pussa Reconstruction Project
Macambucine School, Mozambique
Site Pages
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) Camp Application
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) Institute
Rotary Youth Leaership Experience (RYLE) Camp
Post-Secondary Scholarships
UofA Rotaract Club
Club Mailing Address
Club Projects
Robust Reds
Paul Harris Fellows
Home Page Stories
Firesides are Back!

Jamie and Steve hosted a very successful Fireside on Monday evening - May15!
St patrick's day Week 2023

Our Club had another busy week.
We met for breakfast on March 16 at the Windham Hotel. We had a great turnout
for our meeting.
Terena and Tony were both celebrating birthdays. We treated them to a rousing,
off key, rendition of the “Happy Birthday” song.
Judy had located and she distributed our old name badges. We will  be getting
new badges. We were encouraged to add a “tag” on badges (ie. Nickname, motto,
etc.). Please let Terena know what you want to appear on you badge.
Jamie is planning a Fireside session for our new members. A Fireside chat is a
session that is run for new Rotarians to introduce them to Rotary.
Judy and Deb were recruiting members to join them next Thursday ant Soup
Sisters. It sounds like a great opportunity for service and fellowship.
Mozambique news from Lorne Parker
Members of our Cub, who have visited our school in Macambucuine, will remember
Joa. He is our lead painter, has interpreted for us, and is our general handyman
around the school. Joa has a large family, with children attending high school
and university. While he works whenever and wherever he can, it isn't easy
finding steady employment in Mozambique. In that regard, he is asking if there
is any way we can help his family, by buying a computer for his university-aged
daughter and helping offset some of the high school costs (bus fare, school
fees, books, etc.). If you are interested in supporting this family, you can do
so in several ways: send an Interac transfer to Lorne at lorneparker@shaw.ca;
provide a donation through Steven's Hope (can provide a tax receipt through
Shannon); or give Lorne/Judy a donation at the next Rotary gathering. No amount
is too small or too big. Lorne is going to purchase a computer from Makro in
South Africa for the university-aged daughter and will send the high school
support directly. As is true for all our donations to Mozambique, we require
receipts for all expenditures made with the funds provided. Please contact Lorne
directly if more information is required. Thanks for your consideration of this
Our speaker this week was Nathan Ip 
Nathan is with Edmonton Unlimited (formerly Innovation Edmonton). He talked
about the work that his organisation does and to support early stage innovative
entrepreneurs. He talked about how his organisation supports new businesses and
the changes in the tech industry and in the job market. Innovation From Here For
The World – Edmonton Unlimited
Nathan is also a candidate for the provincial NDP in the Edmonton SW riding. He
talked, briefly, about some of the items that will be included in their platform
once the election is called.

Evening at the Theater
We were invited by Shadow Theater to attend their opening night for the latest
production “ All the Little Animals I have Eaten”. It was a great evening and a
thought-provoking play.  

march 1 2023

Twelve members and guests met for breakfast at the Wyndham Hotel on March 1,
It was great to have one of our alumnus members, Temi, t for a visit. Maybe she
will rejoin our Club.
The Wyndham has resurrected the breakfast buffet in the Terrace and we were able
to enjoy the buffet. It was great!
Our Youth Director, Jamie Pallet, invited members to join him for a U of A
Rotaract fundraiser for The Boyle Street Community Services on Saturday March 4.
Jamie participated in the Coldest Night of the Year walk over the last weekend.
He reported that our club raised over $1,000 for that event. He said that it was
a fun event and encouraged more of us to be involved next year. Finally we held
a draw for a beautiful ”Coldest Night of the Year”. Thanks for doing this Jamie.
Our Club will be making Soup with the “Soup Sisters” on March March 23. It is a
great organisation and it sounds like a fun event. Contact Judy or deb if you
can join us.
Our speaker this week was Anika Zepp from the Realtors community Foundation. The
realtor’s Community Foundation was founded by Edmonton and area realtors to join
forces and help the community. Today there are approximately 4,500 realtor
members and it paid $450,000 in grants last year. Grants are made to local
registered charities. Anika promised to keep us informed about their upcoming
walk and golf tournament fundraisers and to feature any of our fundraiser events
the foundations newsletter. REALTORS® Community Foundation
We have arranged for Nathan ip, Ndp candidate for Edmonton Southwest to speak to
our club on March  15. Please mark your calendar and invite a guest.

January Social at Bombay Street

We had an excellent turnout of 15 guests to our Support Local evening!  Waaaaay
down in the far reaches of Mill Woods there is a plethora of great Indian
restaurants and we were treated to a delightful spread - a bit unorthodox in its
delivery I know -- of great food from the Gujorot region of India.  Our host and
co-owner - Tushar Mistry - was delighted to have us there.  We got to hear how
he was an engineer but had always loved food and cooking. He is planning to open
one of these restaurants in Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto.  We are hoping to have
him out to a meeting in the coming weeks.
@023 AGM

January 18 -
we had the impossible happen and the chef didn't show up for work and we had no
FOOD!  Luckily there was coffee and orange juice so we were able to soldier on
with our Assembly.
1) Each director gave an update on their activity and the most interesting was
the Treasurer stating we had money in the Casino account that needed to be used
up in the coming months/this year - and for us to consider how best to get money
into the community and have a benefit for the Club through increased awareness
and Membership attraction.  We encouraged members to consider some charities
they care about and to approach them to have them come and speak to the club or
organize an event with them.  AND to follow through with a consideration of
joining.  We have had a few suggestions come in already and the members are
following up on them.
2) We discussed having a tutorial session with our projector/computers to show
how to access Club Runner for all the new members. As well - how to access
MyRotary on the Rotary.org site.  Judy committed to getting that into the
3) At the same time as doing a Club Runner tutorial we agreed to do a vulnerable
record check tutorial for those needing the certification.
4) Strat planning to go to the 3rd session on February 9 at Shannon's.  All
members asked to attend if possible - it will follow on the heels of a brief
Board meeting at 5 with the Strat planning to start at 5:30.  Pizza will be
brought in.
5) Steve went over the need for a document to go to our insurers each time we
have a Rotary event where alcohol is consumed.
6) Youth - Jamie - scholarships in the works for Louis St. Laurent and Harry
Ainley.  As well he is working with a disadvantaged young person with a bit of
support from the club.  Jamie really needs a committee member to help him on
some of the projects so am asking for someone to step up!
7) Encouraging members to think about locations for Support Local in their own
8) District  Conference - April 20-23 in Jasper.  Club will pay registration
fees and one night accommodation for any members wishing to attend.
DG Visit 2023

This was our annual meeting with our District governor. Our District Governor
this year is John Nichol.
John was accompanied by his wife and senior Rotarian, Donna Nichol and our
Deputy Governor Brian Edwards.
President extended an invitation from Shadow Theater to join them at the opening
night of it’s new show “A Fresh Hell” next Thursday (January 19). Please save
the date  and watch for a more formal invitation from her night Thursday night.
District Governor John Nichol gave an interesting presentation to our group;
     1. he Congratulated our Club on our Stevens Hope project
     2. he gave us some information about our current Rotary International
President Jennifer Jones;
          a.  she is the first female president!!!
          b. her theme is “Imagine”
          c. the pillars of her objectives for her year include;
                - diversity
                -comfort and care
              -  empower girls and women
               - expand reach of rotary
     3. he talked about some of the things our Club can consider to grow our
membership and participation
     4. Recommended that we checkout the district website
     5. provided a bit of a sales pitch for the District Convention in April 20
23 in Jasper ( Lorne will be a speaker )
What is Rotary?


Upcoming Events

February 2023
Feb. 23
Support Local
5:30 p.m.
To Be Determined
March 2023
General Mtg.
Wyndhm Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Board Mtg.
To Be Determined
General Mtg.
Wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Support Local
5:30 p.m.
To Be Determined
April 2023
General Mtg.
wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Board Mtg.
To Be Determined
General Mtg.
Wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Support Local
5:30 p.m.
To Be Determined
May 2023
General Mtg.
Wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Board Mtg.
To Be Determined
General Mtg.
Wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Support Local
5:30 p.m.
To Be Determined
June 2023
General Mtg.
Wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Board Mtg.
To Be Determined
General Mtg.
Wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Support Local
5:30 p.m.
To Be Determined
July 2023
General Mtg.
Wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Board Mtg.
To Be Determined
General Mtg.
Wyndham Hotel - Gateway Blvd.
Support Local
5:30 p.m.
To Be Determined



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Rotary Links
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RI President Home
Rotary Global Rewards
Joining Rotary
Rotary History
Rotary Foundation
For New Members
Judy Wilson
Steve Lambert
Shannon Troke
Brian Hamilton
Services - Community
Debra Jack
Services - Club
Tereena Morelli
Services - International
Lorne Parker
Rotary Foundation co chair
Brian Liddell
Steven's Hope Liaison
Brian Liddell
Membership Co-Chair
Kenneth Saunders

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