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By: Lisbeth Perez
Jun 25, 2024
3:16 pm


The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is gearing up to launch a pilot
version of its Olympus managed cloud environment in September which aims to
provide advanced management capabilities for Pentagon cloud users, an agency
official said today.

Les Benito, the chief of product development and management at DISA’s Hosting
and Compute Center, told reporters that the Olympus platform is currently in
development and the team is assessing “what [capabilities] makes the most sense”
to incorporate.

Olympus, which DISA first announced in March, simplifies how defense agencies
deploy commercial cloud solutions and build their cloud environments to keep up
with the increasing demand for data – which has been a challenge for many
agencies within the Defense Department (DoD).

“We heard a lot from our customers that [it’s] great we have the [Joint
Warfighting Cloud Capability contracts] and we can get cloud easily … but they
need help managing those environments,” Benito said.

Olympus, he explained, provides two core services to DoD cloud users — shared
services needed for any cloud environment to be successful, and the management
of that environment.

“As we look forward to the future, and we start doing things like the
multi-cloud and multiple classifications, how do we make it easier to do things
like connect between the cloud if you had a secret environment in one cloud
environment and you had to connect to another secret environment? How do we make
that easier? How do we make that connection in a way that it can be shared
across different organizations instead of everybody setting up their own? It’s
much easier for us to do it one time instead of a ton of times,” Benito said.

“Instead of having every organization set up [the cloud environment] themselves
… why not have a shared environment,” he added.

Additionally, as a service-agnostic platform, Olympus supports integration with
various tools and systems such as the DevSecOps platform Vulcan for software
development and DISA’s Stratus private cloud offering. Additionally, DISA is
looking to host the OLYMPUS platform on all four of the cloud service providers
under JWCC.

Benito emphasized that Olympus remains in the early stages of development and
that the exact details of capabilities that will be available in the program are
still unknown.

“We’ve only been working [on Olympus] for a couple of months at this point,”
Benito said, adding that as the team continues to develop the platform it
continues to change and take shape.

“Where we started won’t be where we end up at the end of the day, because we
continue to iterate. But …the team is working to get the pilot ready. We hope to
have it by September, to start bringing folks on board. We’ve already got a few
organizations that are interested and excited about coming on,” he said.

Read More About
Defense & Intelligence
 * ONCD Claims Cyber Workforce Progress, Talks Next Steps
 * DISA Aims for September Delivery of Olympus Pilot
 * DHS Report Weighs Threats AI Poses to Chemical, Nuclear Safety

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Lisbeth Perez
Lisbeth Perez is a MeriTalk Senior Technology Reporter covering the intersection
of government and technology.


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