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@   Labor Links   @   Major Labor Events   @   Labor-Related Non-Fiction -
General   @

@   Labor-Related Non-Fiction - Historical   @   Labor Film Festival   @

@   on Page 2:  top of page   @   Labor Leaders   @   Music, Other Media   @  
Labor-Related Fiction   @

"If a man love the labour of his trade, apart from any suggestion
of success or fame, the gods have called him."
— Robert Louis Stevenson [1850-94]

"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance
to work hard at work worth doing."
— Theodore Roosevelt [1858-1919], Labor Day speech, 1903

"If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich
would have kept it all to themselves."
— Lane Joseph Kirkland [president AFL-CIO, 1980-95]

"Men do not shrink from work, but from slavery. The man who works
primarily for the benefit of another does so only from compulsion,
and work so done is the very essence of slavery."
— Eugene V. Debs [1855-1926]

"You don't own it until it costs you something."
— George Meany [president AFL-CIO 1955-79]

"Adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage has decreased 38% since 1968."
— Howard Dean, 2003

"The average real weekly earnings of a typical [American] blue-collar worker are
lower today than in 1964."
— Time Magazine, September 2011

"Labor is the source of all wealth."
—  G.E. Nordell


Labor Links

sociologist C. Wright Mills [1916-62]
labor leader Eugene V. Debs [1855-1926]

links, timeline, and more links consolidated on the
'Labor, Capitalism & the Working Mind' Page
at Working Minds / Solutions

American Labor History Timeline at Working Minds / Solutions
UFCW Labor History Timeline 1800-1900
UFCW Labor History Timeline 1900-1979

"A Brief History of Unions" [1.5 minute short] from PA-AFLCIO on YouTube

The United Federation of Indentured Servants [est. 2010]

The AFL-CIO • community affiliate Working America [est. 2003] • Main Street blog

@            @            @            @            @            @            @            @            @            @

Major Labor Events . . . and works about them


Haymarket Riot in Chicago, 1886
On 4 May 1886, Chicago, Illinois police watched a peaceful labor rally in
Haymarket Square; someone tossed a bomb at the police line, causing a riot. The
'Haymarket Massacre' resulted in the deaths of 11 strikers and 8 policemen.
Eight labor leaders were convicted in a show trial - there was no actual
evidence; four were sentenced to life in prison (one of whom committed suicide)
and four died of slow strangulation in a botched hanging.
Haymarket Riot entry at Wikipedia • Martyrs Monument entry at Wikipedia

"The Autobiographies of The Haymarket Martyrs" [1978]
Edited by Philip S. Foner
Pathfinder Press pb [8/2001] for $20.94   "Urban Disorder and The Shape of
Belief: The Great Chicago Fire, The Haymarket Bomb, and The Model Town of
Pullman" [1995] by Carl Smith
Kindle Edition from Univ Chicago Press [1996 edition] for $16.50
Univ Chicago Press 2nd edition 9x6 pb [11/2007] for $25.80
Univ Chicago Press 9x6 pb [6/96] out of print/many used
Univ Chicago Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [1/95] out of print/used    "Haymarket: A
Novel" [2003] by Martin B. Duberman
A fictional account of the Haymarket Massacre of 1886, centering on labor martyr
Albert Parsons.
Seven Stories Press 9¼x6.3 hardcover [12/2003] for $17.47   "Death In The
Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, The First Labor Movement & The Bombing That
Divided Gilded Age America" [2006]
by James Green
Anchor 7¾x5¼ pb [3/2007] for $10.85
Pantheon 9¼x6½ hardcover [3/2006] for $18.60



The Pullman Strike in Illinois, 1894
On 11 May 1894, 4,000 workers at Pullman Palace Car Company in Illinois went on
a wildcat strike; the strike gradually grew to 50,000 employees and
effectively shut down railroad passenger traffic in major parts of the United
States. On July 3rd, company owner George Pullman [1831-97] called out
federal troops against the strikers. On July 7th, Eugene V. Debs [1855-1926] and
other union officials were arrested, indicted & jailed with bail set at
$10,000 each. On August 2nd, the Pullman Company reopened, and the strike was
declared over the next day. Rehired workers were forced to sign
a pledge not to unionize (effectively blocking the railroad labor movement until
The Great Depression).
Pullman Strike Timeline • Pullman Strike entry at Wikipedia
Northern Illinois University Library Digitization Project Pullman Strike pages

  "The Pullman Boycott: A Complete History of The Great {Railroad} Strike"
[orig McGill Printing 1894] by W.F. Burns
Cornell Univ Library 7¾x5½ pb [6/2009] for $23.99
Kessinger Publng 9x6 hardcover [9/2010] for $36.76
read free as online text at Internet Archive   "The Pullman Strike: The Classic
First-Hand Account of An Epoch-Making Struggle In U.S. Labor History" [orig
Charles H. Kerr Publng 1894]
by Rev. William H. Carwardine
Nabu Press 9¾x7½ pb [9/2011] for $17.42
Charles H. Kerr Publng Centennial Edition 11x5 pb [1/94] out of print/used
read free as online text at Internet Archive   "The Strike Commission's Report"
[orig 1894]
by George A. Benham
BiblioLife 8½x5½ pb [8/2009] for $14.75
read free as online text at Internet Archive   "Pullman Strike of 1894: Turning
Point For American Labor" [for ages 9-12; 1994]
by Linda Jacobs Altman
Millbrook Press YA hardcover [3/94] for $26.89   "The Pullman Case: The Clash of
Labor & Capital In Industrial American Society"
[1999] by David Ray Papke
Univ Press of KS 8½x5½ pb [4/99] for $12.95
Univ Press of KS 9x6 hardcover [4/99] out of print/used   "The Pullman Strike
and The Crisis of The 1890s: Essays On Labor and Politics"
[1999] Edited by Richard Schneirov, Shelton Stromquist & Nick Salvatore
Univ Illinois Press 9x6 pb [5/99] out of print/used
Univ Illinois Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [5/99] out of print/used   "The Pullman
Strike and The Labor Movement In American History"
[for ages 9-12; 2001] by R. Conrad Stein
Enslow Publrs 9¼x6¼ YA hardcover [3/2001] for $26.60   "After The Strike: A
Century of Labor Struggle At Pullman" [2003]
by Susan Eleanor Hirsch
Univ Illinois Press 9x6 hardcover [4/2003] out of print/used   "The Pullman
Strike of 1894" [for ages 9-12; 2006]
by Rosemary Laughlin
Morgan Reynolds Publng YA hardcover [4/2006] for $26.95   "The Edge of Anarchy:
The Railroad Barons, The Gilded Age, and The Greatest Labor Uprising In America"
[2019] by Jack Kelly
Eugene V. Debs and his new railway labor union protested wage cuts and raised
prices at the mandatory company store at George Pullman's factory in Chicago;
the Pullman Strike nearly shut down interstate commerce and brought out the U.S.
Army to force striking workers to go back to work.
Kindle Edition from St. Martin's Press [1/2019] for $14.99
St. Martin's Press 9¾x6½ hardcover [1/2019] for $15.99

Spirit of America Bookstore's
railroad tycoon George Pullman [1831-97] Page


Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in New York City, 1911
The tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City on 25 March 1911
occurred because of unsafe work conditions, including fire doors nailed shut.
146 workers died, some of them leaping from upper stories to escape the flames.
The event emboldened the 'muckraker' journalist movement
and led to laws for safety and against child labor.
online history of the fire at Cornell University / I.L.R. School • entry at

"The Triangle Fire" [1985] by Leon Stein
I.L.R./Cornell 8½x5½ pb [4/2001] for $16.95
Carroll & Graf hardcover [7/85] out of print/used   "Triangle: The Fire That
Changed America" [2003]
by David von Drehle
Atlantic Monthly Press hardcover [9/2003] for $18.20   "Triangle: A Novel"
[2006] by Katharine Weber
A woman in a nursing home who survived the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Fire tells
her story to her granddaughter. After the woman's death, a feminist scholar
notices inconsistencies in the story and sets out to uncover the woman's
FS&G 8¼x5¾ hardcover [6/2006] for $15.64


The Ludlow Massacre in SE Colorado, 1914
The miners working in southeast Colorado went on strike for better safety and
wages; the mining companies kicked strikers out of company housing, and tent
cities gradually built up, with support from the national U.F.W.A. union. On 20
April 1914, the Colorado National Guard and hired hoodlums opened fire with
machine guns on a tent city of 1,200 strikers and their families outside Ludlow,
Colorado. The 'Ludlow Massacre' resulted in the deaths of 9 strikers and 2 women
and 11 children.
Ludlow Massacre Historic Site in SE Colorado • entry at Wikipedia
Colorado Coal Field War documentation project at University of Denver

"The Great Coalfield War" [1972]
by George S. McGovern & Leonard F. Guttridge
Univ Press of CO 8¾x6 pb [9/96] for $23.95
Houghton Mifflin hardcover [1972] out of print/used   "Buried Unsung: Louis
Tikas & The Ludlow Massacre" [1982]
by Zeese Papanikolas; Foreward by Wallace Stegner
Univ NE Press 9x6 pb [6/91] for $24.95
Univ UT Press hardcover [10/82] out of print/used   "Blood Passion: The Ludlow
Massacre & Class War In The American West" [2007]
by Scott Martelle
Rutgers Univ Press 8½c5¼ pb [9/2008] for $15.56
Rutgers Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [8/2007] for $25.95

see also Ludlow, Colorado info on the SE Colorado Travel & Business Links Page

  "Killing For Coal: America's Deadliest Labor War" [2008]
by Thomas G. Andrews
Harvard Univ Press 9½x6¼ pb [9/2010] for $12.53
Harvard Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [10/2008] for $18.01


The Battle of Matewan in West Virginia, 1920
During the Spring of 1920, labor leader John L. Lewis was successful in
organizing miners in West Virginia and elsewhere. As many as 3,000 had signed
union cards in Matewan, knowing that when mine managers found out, the miners
would be fired and most would lose their company-owned homes. On 19 May 1920, a
party of 10 'detective' thugs and three Felts brothers arrived in Matewan to
evict families from company housing at the Stone Mountain Mine Camp; the town's
police chief refused to help them. After evicting six families into a drizzling
rain, the detectives returned to town and were met by angry miners and local
police. Police Chief Sid Hatfield attempted to arrest members of the
Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency for the illegal evictions. A shot rang out and
Albert Felts then shot Mayor Testerman in the stomach; Testerman or Hatfield
then killed Al Felts. Lee Felts ran and hid in the post office; when he refused
to come out, he was killed by a hail of bullets. The gunfight resulted in 10
deaths, including the mayor, 7 detectives, and two miners.

In January 1921, 23 men including Chief Hatfield were indicted for the murder of
Albert Felts; the defendents either had charges dismissed or were acquitted.
On 1 August 1921, Chief Hatfield and his deputy Ed Chambers (both unarmed) were
murdered on the steps of the McDowell County [WV] Courthouse
in revenge for the deaths of the two Felts brothers at Matewan. The identity of
the murderers was known (one was an employee of Baldwin-Felts),
but no one was ever brought to trial.
Town of Matewan, WV 'Battle of Matewan' pages • 'Battle of Matewan' entry at

  "Matewan" feature film [Cinecom/Goldcrest Aug 1987]
Based on a coal miners strike in Mingo County, West Virginia in 1920. The mine
owners brought in strike breakers and encouraged brutal violence against the
local strikers. Written & directed by John Sayles; starring Chris Cooper, James
Earl Jones, Mary McDonnell, Will Oldham & David Strathairn
P.D.X. color DVD [undated] for $12.68
LionsGate/Fox color DVD [6/2004] out of prodn/used
Hallmark Home Ent color VHS [4/97] out of prodn/used
Daring Records soundtrack CD [1/95] out of prodn/used
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
27"x40" poster from Amazon via third parties   
"Thunder In The Mountains: The West Virginia Mine War, 1920-21" [1990]
by Lon Savage
a journalist's account of the miners' strike in Matewan, West Virginia
Univ of Pittsburgh Press pb [10/90] for $14.95
Univ of Pittsburgh Press hardcover [10/90] out of print/used


The Battle of Blair Mountain in West Virginia, 1921
Following the revenge murder of Matewan Police Chief Sid Hatfield in August
1921, union organizers and out-of-work miners gathered for a march on Logan and
Mingo Counties; they were all heavily armed. Terms presented to the Governor in
Charleston were summarily rejected. Miners continued to gather in Logan, Mingo,
Boone and Kanawha counties. Sheriff Don Chafin set up defenses at Blair
Mountain, with financial support from the Logan County Coal Operators Assn.
13,000 armed men marched from Kanawha County; a long meeting at Madison
convinced the union marchers to return home without further bloodshed. But
Sheriff Chafin's men began shooting union sympathizers in the town of Sharples.
Word spread and the union marchers turned back toward Blair Mountain. Skirmishes
began on August 25th, with full engagement by August 29th; it is said that more
than a million bullets were expended in the fight. Chafin's forced dropped
war-surplus bombs from small aircraft; U.S. Army planes were used for aerial
surveillance. President Harding ordered federal troops to stop the shooting,
which they did upon arrival on September 2nd. Fifty to 100 men were reported
killed on the union side, with hundreds wounded; the mining companies reported
10 to 30 dead. West Virginia indicted 985 men on charges of murder, conspiracy &
treason; the leaders were acquitted for lack of evidence, but hundreds of miners
were convicted & imprisoned,
until paroled by the Governor in 1925.
entry at Wikipedia • Blair Mountain Heritage Alliance [est. 2012]
"The Battle of Blair Mountain" song performed by Louise Mosrie:  watch video
[6/2013 upload; 4:48] online at YouTube

   "Storming Heaven: A Novel" [1987] by Denise Giardina
A compelling novel of Appalachian labor strife in the 1920s.
Ivy Books pb [5/94] for $6.99
Ballantine 8½x5½ pb [2/99] out of print/used
W.W. Norton hardcover [8/87] out of print/used   "The Battle of Blair Mountain:
The Story of America's Largest Labor Uprising" [2004]
by Robert Shogan
Kindle Edition from Basic Books [2006 edition] for $9.99
Basic Books 9x6 pb [7/2006] for $12.31
Basic Books 9½x6¼ hardcover [5/2004] out of print/70+ used



United Auto Workers Sit-Down Strike, 1937
1937 Feb 11: United Auto Workers of Flint, Michigan won their 6-week sit-down
strike when General Motors agreed to recognize the union.

  "Striking Flint: Genora (Johnson) Dollinger Remembers The 1936-37 General
Motors Sit-down Strike" [2014] by Genora Dollinger, as told to Susan Rosenthal
Kindle Edition from ReMarx Publng [1/2014] for $2.99
ReMarx Publng pb [1/2014] out of print/used
paperback also available at publisher's website for $3.50 + s/h


Brookside Mine Strike in Harlan County, Kentucky, 1972-73
The mine owners demanded a no-strike clause in any new contract, so the 180
miners at the Brookside Mine went on strike in June 1972. The extremely bloody
Brookside Strike ended in August 1973, then the national U.M.W.A. contracts
expired in November 1973; the national strike was peaceful, and was settled
before Christmas.

      "Harlan County U.S.A." feature film [Cinema 5 Jan 1977, P.B.S. 1978]
103-minute filmed account of the bitterly violent miner strike in Kentucky.
Directed by Barbara Kopple; featuring union leaders W.A. 'Tony' Boyle, Houston
Elmore & Harry Patrick, coal company execs John Corcoran & Norman Yarborough,
and the miners and family members of Harlan County, Kentucky; won Oscar for Best
Documentary Feature; listed on National Film Registry (1990); extras on DVD
include commentary, interviews, outtakes, theatrical trailer, and the "Making
of.." short
Criterion widescreen color DVD [5/2006] for $23.51
Sony Pictures Home Ent. color VHS [7/91] for $18.99
Rounder Records Umgd soundtrack CD [5/2006] 22 tracks for $14.99
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia   "Harlan County War" feature
film [Showtime Networks June 2000]
With her miner husband nearly killed in a cave-in, and her father dying of
'black lung' disease, a Kentucky housewife joins the strikers' picket line just
as the strike turns violent. Directed by Tony Bill; script by Peter Silverman;
original music by Van Dyke Parks; starring Holly Hunter, Stellan Skarsgård, Ted
Levine, Wayne Robson, Alex House & Charlotte Arnold
Showtime Ent. color DVD [8/2001] for $8.99
Showtime Ent. color VHS [8/2001] for $7.29
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia


United Farm Workers Grape Boycott, 1965-70
César E. Chávez [1927-93]


Air Traffic Controllers Strike, 1981

  "Collision Course: Ronald Reagan, The Air Traffic Controllers, and The Strike
That Changed America" [2011] by Joseph A. McCartin
Kindle Edition from Oxford Univ Press [10/2011] for $12.07
Oxford Univ Press 9½x6½hardcover [10/2011] for $18.53

see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Ronald Reagan [1911-2004] Page


The Great Arizona Mine Strike, 1983-1986
The Arizona copper mine strike began in July 1983 as a bargaining dispute
between the Phelps Dodge Corporation and a group of union copper miners; while
most of the U.S. copper industry was shut down due to low prices for refined
copper, Phelps Dodge kept their mines in Arizona working, albeit at 80% of
capacity. Many union members took scab jobs to feed their families; a vote in
September 1984 rejected union representation. (The strike officially continued
until February 1986 when the N.L.R.B. rejected the last of many appeals by the
United Steelworkers and other unions.) • strike entry at Wikipedia

  "Holding The Line: Women In The Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983"
[1989] by Barbara Kingsolver
Kindle Edition from I.L.R. Press [10/2012] for $9.99
I.L.R. Press 9x6 pb [11/96] for $17.49
I.L.R. Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [10/89] out of print/50+ used
publisher's official book site   "Copper Crucible: How The Arizona Miner's
Strike of 1983 Recast Labor-
Management Relations In America" [1994] by Jonathan D. Rosenblum
I.L.R. Press 2nd edition 9¼x6¼ pb [12/98] for $16.09
I.L.R. Press 9x6 pb [10/94] out of print/60+ used
I.L.R. Press 9x6 hardcover [10/94] out of print/used


Writers Guild Strike in Hollywood, 2007-2008

"Hollywood On Strike!: An Industry At War In The Internet Age" [2011]
by Jonathan Handel
Kindle Edition from Hollywood Analytics [2/2011] for $7.99
CreateSpace 9x6 pb [2/2011] for $22.95   "TV On Strike: Why Hollywood Went To
War Over The Internet" [2013]
by Cynthia Littleton
Kindle Edition from Syracuse Univ Press [1/2013] for $16.47
Syracuse Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [1/2013] for $19.77

"Pencils Down! The 100 Days of the Writers Guild Strike" documentary film [2014]
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3854548/ • http://www.pencilsdownfilm.com/ •
video/DVD not available (2015)

@            @            @            @            @            @            @            @            @            @

Labor-Related Non-Fiction - General

"Child Labor In America" [] by Juliet H. Mofford 1-878668-98-6

"Children At Work" [] by JoAnne Weisman Deitch 1-57960-065-4

"The International Handbook of Labour Unions: Responses To Neo-liberalism" []
Edited by Gall Gregor, Adrian Wilkinson, Richard Hurd


"Marching Together: Women of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters" [Dec 1997]
by Melinda Chateauvert

"The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: C.L. Dellums and the Fight for Fair
Treatment and Civil Rights" [Feb 2014] by Robert Allen

   "A Letter To American Workers" [1918 & 1934]
by V.I. Lenin
Liberator Press/Martin Lawrence UK 7½x5 pamphlet [1934] out of print/scarce
  "Labor's Untold Story" [1955]
by Richard O. Boyer & Herbert M. Morais
recommended by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. [1922-2007]
UERMWA pb [12/55] out of print/used via Amazon
available from UERMWA [24th printing]   "A History of American Labor" [1961]
by Joseph G. Rayback
Free Press 8¼x5½ pb [1/66] for $23.95   "Talkin' Union: The American Labor
Movement" [1970]
Edited by Juliet Haines Mofford
Discovery Enterprises 7¼x5 pb [1970] for $7.95   "Rank and File: Personal
Histories By Working-Class Organizers" [1973]
Edited by Alice & Staughton Lynd
Haymarket Books 2nd edition 8x5½ pb [1/2012] for $14.60
Monthly Review Press 8x5¼ pb [1973] out of print/many used
Beacon Press 8x5¼ hardcover [1973] out of print/used   "Working: People Talk
About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do" [1974] by Louis
'Studs' Terkel [1912-2008]
Kindle Edition from The New Press [7/2011] for $10.99
The New Press 8¼x5½ pb [2/97] for $10.99
Avon mass pb [3/75] out of print/100+ used
Pantheon Books 9½x6½ hardcover [2/74] out of print/100+ used   "Strike!" [1974]
by Jeremy Brecher
an examination of the mass strike; new chapters cover the 40 years since the
original edition
Kindle Edition from P.M. Press [6/2014] for $7.99
P.M. Press 9x5 pb [rev 6/2014] for $18.74
South End Press 8½x5½ pb [10/99] out of print/50+ used
South End Press 8½x5½ hardcover [1/98] out of print/used   "Out of The
Sweatshop: The Struggle For Industrial Democracy" [1977]
Edited by Leon Stein
Quadrangle/New York Times Books pb [6/77] out of print/used
Quadrangle/New York Times Books 9½x6 hardcover [6/77] out of print/many used
  "American Labor Struggles, 1877-1934" [1982]
by Samuel Yellen
Pathfinder Press 8¼x5½ pb [2/84] for $23.94
Ayer hardcover [10/82] out of print/used   "Dynamite: A Century of Class
Violence In America, 1830-1930" [1984]
by Louis Adamic
A.K./Rebel Press 8¼x6 pb [6/84] for $12.99   "The Rights of Employees & Union
Members: The Basic A.C.L.U. Guide To The Rights of Employees & Union Members"
by Wayne N. Outten, Robert J. Rabin & Lisa R. Lipman
SoIL Univ Press 6¾x6½ pb [2nd edition 3/94] for $14.35   "The Electronic
Sweatshop: How Computers Are Turning The Office of The Future Into The Factory
of The Past" [1988]
by Barbara Garson
Penguin pb [10/89] out of print/used
S&S hardcover [5/88] out of print/used   "Impatient Armies of The Poor: The
Story of Collective Action of The Unemployed, 1808-1942" [1991] by Franklin
Univ Press of Colorado 9½x6¼ hardcover [1991] out of print/40+ used   "The
Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure" [1992]
by Juliet B. Schor
Basic Books 7¾x5¼ pb [2/93] for $11.20
Basic Books hardcover [2/92] out of print/used   "Days of Anger, Days of Hope: A
Memoir of The League of American Writers,
1937-1942" [1994] by Franklin Folsom
Univ Press of Colorado 9½x6½ hardcover [6/1994] out of print/40+ used
  "Negotiating Hollywood: The Cultural Politics of Actors' Labor" [1995]
by Danae Clark
A pioneering study of labor struggles in 1930s Hollywood
Univ MN Press 9x6 pb [10/95] for $22.00
Univ MN Press 9¼x6 hardcover [10/95] for $44.95   "The Union Steward's Complete
Guide" [1997]
Edited by David Prosten
Union Comm'n Service 10x8 pb [11/97] for $13.97   "From The Ashes of The Old:
American Labor & America's Future" [1998]
by Stanley Aronowitz
Basic Books pb [2/2000] out of print/used
Houghton Mifflin hardcover [9/98] for $25.00   "When The Mines Closed: Stories
of Struggles In Hard Times" [1998]
by Thomas Dublin, photographs by George Harvan
Cornell Univ Press 9½x6¼ pb [9/98] for $23.95
Cornell Univ Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [9/98] out of print/used   "Why Unions
Matter" [1998] by Michael D. Yates
"particularly successful in the chapters that focus on the nuts & bolts of union
Monthly Rvw Press 9x6 pb [12/98] for $17.00
Monthly Rvw Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [12/98] out of print/used   "A Short History
of The U.S. Working Class: From Colonial Times To The Twenty-First Century"
[1999] by Paul Le Blanc
Humanity Books 9x6 pb [7/99] for $24.00
Humanity Books 9¼x6¼ hardcover [7/99] for $52.00   "Kids On Strike!" [ages 9-12;
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Houghton Mifflin 10x7½ pb [8/2003] for $9.95
Houghton Mifflin 10¼x7¾ hardcover [10/99] for $16.00   "The Great Labor
Quotations: Sourcebook & Reader" [2000]
by Peter Bollen
Red Eye Press 9x6 pb [8/2000] for $13.97   "The New Rank and File" [2000]
Edited by Staughton & Alice Lynd
I.L.R. Press 9¼x6 pb [12/2000] out of print/many used
I.L.R. Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [12/2000] for $66.95   "White Collar Sweatshop: The
Deterioriation of Work & Its Rewards In Corporate America" [2001] by Jill
Andresky Fraser
W.W. Norton 8¼x5½ pb [6/2002] for $11.17
W.W. Norton hardcover [2/2001] for $26.95   "Sweatshop Warriors: Immigrant Women
Workers Take On The Global Factory"
[2001] by Miriam Ching Yoon Louie
South End Press 8½x5¼ pb [7/2001] for $12.70
South End Press 9x5¾ hardcover [7/2001] for $40.00
Women of Color Resource Center [est. 1990] in Oakland, California
La Fuerza Unida of San Antonio, Texas   "From The Folks Who Brought You The
Weekend: A Short, Illustrated History of Labor In The United States" [2001]
by Priscilla Murolo & A.B. Chitty; illustrations by Joe Sacco
"[an] extraordinarily fine addition to U.S. history and labor literature"
New Press 9.4x6¼ pb [2/2003] for $12.57
New Press hardcover [9/2001] out of print/used

  "The Union Member's Complete Guide: Everything You Want – And Need – To Know
About Working Union" [2001]
by Michael Mauer
Union Comm'n Service 9x7¾ pb [11/2001] for $10.36   "Blue-Collar Hollywood:
Liberalism, Democracy & Working People In American Film" [2003] by John Bodnar
Johns Hopkins Univ Press 9x6 pb [8/2006] for $25.00
Johns Hopkins Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [4/2003] for $45.00   "Corruption and
Reform In The Teamsters Union" [2003]
by David Witwer
Univ IL Press 9½x6¼ hardcover [6/2003] for $41.94   "Beasts of The Field: A
Narrative History of California Farm Workers, 1769-1913"
[2004] by Richard Steven Street
listed as Los Angeles Times Book Review Best of 2004
Stanford Univ Press 10x7 pb [4/2004] for $19.77
Stanford Univ Press 10¼x7 hardcover [3/2004] for $75.00   "Which Side Are You
On?: Trying To Be For Labor When It's Flat On Its Back"
[orig 1991, rev 2004] by Thomas Geoghegan
The New Press 8x5¼ pb [7/2004] for $15.95
Plume 8x5¼ pb [8/92] out of print/many, many used
Farrar, Straus & Giroux 9½x6¾ hardcover [8/91] out of print/many, many used
  "Slaves To Fashion: Poverty & Abuse In The New Sweatshops" [2004]
by Robert J.S. Ross
U.M.P. pb [10/2004] for $12.97
U.M.P. 9¼x6 hardcover [10/2004] for $65.00   "Restoring The American Dream: A
Working Families' Agenda For America" [2005] by Thomas A. Kochan
M.I.T. Press 9x6 pb [10/2006] for $11.16
M.I.T. Press 9x6 hardcover [9/2005] for $21.24
publisher's bookpage   "Fired!: Tales of The Canned, Canceled, Downsized &
Dismissed" [2006]
Book & film edited by Annabelle Gurwitch
Touchstone 8¾x5¾ pb [2/2006] for $12.97
L.A. Theatre Works audio CD of the play [7/2005] for $25.95
author's book, play & film site • official movie site
Shout Factory Theatre color DVD [6/2007] for $4.28
film credits [aired March 2007]   
"Mobsters, Unions and Feds: The Mafia & The American Labor Movement" [2006]
by James B. Jacobs
NY Univ Press 9¼x6½ hardcover [1/2006] for $20.76   "Subterranean Fire: A
History of Working-Class Radicalism In The United States"
[2006] by Sharon Smith
Haymarket Books pb [2/2006] for $10.40   "Solidarity For Sale: How Corruption
Destroyed The Labor Movement & Undermined America's Promise" [2006] by Robert
PublicAffairs 9½x7 hardcover [2/2006] for $18.81   "Taking Back The Workers'
Law: How To Fight The Assault On Labor Rights"
[2006] by Ellen Dannin
I.L.R. Press 9½x6½ hardcover [3/2006] for $35.00   "Drawing The Line: The Untold
Story of The Animation Unions From Bosko To Bart Simpson" [2006] by Tom Sito
Univ Press of KY 9½x6¼ hardcover [10/2006] for $24.32   "The State of Working
America" [2006]
by Lawrence Mishel & Jared Bernstein & Sylvia Allegretto
Cornell Univ Press 11th edition 9x6 pb [6/2009] for $15.69
I.L.R. Press 11th edition 9x6 hardcover [6/2009] for $55.92
I.L.R. Press 10th edition pb [12/2006] for $16.47
I.L.R. Press 10th edition hardcover [12/2006] for $68.95
official book-series site • Economic Policy Institute [est. 1986]   
"Speechless: The Erosion of Free Expression In The American Workplace" [2007]
by Bruce Barry
Berrett–Koehler 9¼x6¼ pb [6/2007] for $18.45
official booksite   "The Wages of Whiteness: Race and The Making of The American
Working Class"
[2007] by David R. Roediger, Introduction by Kathleen Cleaver
Verso Books 8¼x5½ pb [7/2007] for $19.96
Verso Books 8x6 hardcover [7/2007] for $54.53   "Solidarity Divided: The Crisis
In Organized Labor and A New Path Toward Social Justice" [2008]
by Bill Fletcher, Jr. & Fernando Gapasin
Univ CA Press 9x6 pb [10/2009] for $12.21
Univ CA Press 9x6¼ hardcover [6/2008] for $40.00   "Can They Do That?: Retaking
Our Fundamental Rights In The Workplace" [2009]
by Lewis Maltby
Portfolio 9x6¼ hardcover [12/2009] for $17.13   "America On Strike: A Survey of
Labor Strikes In America" [2010]
by Richard Edward Noble
Author was born & raised in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and yet found out only by
accident and as an adult about the 'Bread and Roses Strike' in Lawrence in 1912,
the largest strike action in American history. He decided to find out what
happened then and why labor history is hidden from view in America today.
Kindle Edition from Amazon Digital Services [4/2011] for $7.99
CreateSpace 9x6 pb [3/2010] for $17.50   
"Punching Out: One Year In A Closing Auto Plant" [2011]
by Paul Clemens
Doubleday 8¼x5¾ hardcover [1/2011] for $17.13   "We Are All Fast-Food Workers
Now: The Global Uprising Against Poverty Wages"
[2018] by Annelise Orleck
Kindle Edition from Beacon Press/Penguin Random House [2/2018] for $17.99 {sic}
Beacon Press 9x6 pb [2/2018] for $11.45

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Labor-Related Non-Fiction - Historical Events

  "The Great Coalfield War" [1972]
by George S. McGovern & Leonard F. Guttridge
Univ Press of CO 8¾x6 pb [9/96] for $23.95
Houghton Mifflin hardcover [1972] out of print/used   "The Great Labor Uprising
of 1877" [1977]
by Philip S. Foner
Pathfinder Press 8¼x5¼ pb [1/2002] for $21.94
Pathfinder Press hardcover [6/77] out of print/used   "No Retreat, No Surrender:
Labor's War At Hormel" [1989]
by Dave Hage & Paul Klauda
Wm. Morrow 9¼x6¼ hardcover [5/89] out of print/many used
Hormel 1985 Strike entry at Wikipedia   "On Strike At Hormel: The Struggle For A
Democratic Labor Movement" [1990]
by Hardy Green
Temple Univ Press 8x5½ pb [5/91] out of print/used
Temple Univ Press 9x6¼ pb [2/90] out of print/used
Hormel 1985 Strike entry at Wikipedia   "Hard-Pressed In The Heartland: The
Hormel Strike & The Future of The Labor Movement" [1999] by Peter Rachleff
South End Press 8½x5½ pb [7/99] for $12.53
South End Press 8¾x5¾ hardcover [7/99] out of print/used
Hormel 1985 Strike entry at Wikipedia   "Hollywood Noir: Featuring Ronald
Reagan" [2001]
by Richard Olsen
Xlibris 8½x5½ pb [10/2001] for $21.99
Xlibris 8¾x6 hardcover [10/2001] for $31.99

see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Ronald Reagan [1911-2004] Page

  "Bread and Roses: Mills, Migrants & The Struggle For The American Dream"
by Bruce Watson
Penguin 7½x5½ pb [7/2006] for $10.88
Viking 9½x6¼ hardcover [8/2005] for $18.96   "Labor, Civil Rights and The Hughes
Tool Company" [2005]
by Michael R. Botson, Jr.
The National Labor Relations Board unanimously ended Jim Crow unionism &
segregated labor unions at the giant Hughes Tool factory in Houston, Texas in
July, 1964 - a victory for both the labor movement and for the civil rights
Texas A&M Univ Press 9¼x6 hardcover [9/2005] for $18.06
see also Spirit of America Bookstore's Howard Hughes [1905-76] Page   "Slaughter
In Serene: The Columbine Coal Strike Reader" [2005]
by Eric Margolis, Joanna Sampson, Phil Goodstein & Richard Myers
purchase online at Bread & Roses Workers' Cultural Center
publisher's bookpage   "Death Underground: The Centralia and West Frankfort Mine
Disasters" [2006]
by Robert E. Hartley & David Kenney
Explosions killed 111 men at the Centralia No. 5 mine in 1947 and 119 men at the
New Orient No. 2 mine in West Frankfort in 1951 – the two southern Illinois
towns were only forty miles apart. Authors identify and document the cover-ups
by industry & government, including the blaming of whistle-blow-ers who came
forward, that uncannily resemble the situation in American coal mines sixty
years later.
Southern Illinois Univ Press 9¼x6½ pb [7/2006] for $17.52
Southern Illinois Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [7/2006] out of print/used   
"Hollywood On Strike!: An Industry At War In The Internet Age" [2011]
by Jonathan Handel
Kindle Edition from Hollywood Analytics [2/2011] for $7.99
CreateSpace 9x6 pb [2/2011] for $22.95   "Blood On The Tracks" for Kindle [2011]
by Cecelia Holland
The story of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, focusing on events in Baltimore
and Pittsburgh.
79-page Kindle Single from Amazon Digital Services [6/2011] for 99¢
more details at Wikipedia   "Gun Thugs, Rednecks, and Radicals: A Documentary
History of The West Virginia Mine Wars" [2011] Edited by David Alan Corbin
Kindle Edition from P.M. Press [11/2011] for $9.99
P.M. Press 9x6 pb [11/2011] for $17.31   "TV On Strike: Why Hollywood Went To
War Over The Internet" [2013]
by Cynthia Littleton
Kindle Edition from Syracuse Univ Press [1/2013] for $16.47
Syracuse Univ Press 9x6 hardcover [1/2013] for $19.77   "Rank and File
Rebellion: The 1981 Ontario Hospital Strike" [orig 1981, book 2014]
by Ron Rosenthal
official bookpage [1/2014]
download & read pamphlet [1/2014] as .PDF file
pamphlet print edition available from publisher for $2.50 + $2.00 s/h

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Labor Film Festival

Spirit of America Bookstore's Labor Movement Film Festival Pages

"A Brief History of Unions" [1.5 minute short] from PA-AFLCIO on YouTube

    The Labor Film Database - over 1,600 films - based in Washington, DC
Global Labor Film Festival [May Day 2013 = #1] in seven countries


here on the Labor Movements Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore

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Non-Fiction - General   @

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Media  @  Labor-Related Fiction  @

Labor, Capitalism & the Working Mind

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