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Effective URL: https://www.smartsecuritynewbrunswick.com/
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Submission: On August 24 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

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                        <div>From Your Local <strong>New Brunswick</strong> Authorized Vivint Dealer starting from $29.99/month.*</div>
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            <h1 aria-level="1" id="msfHeading" class="main__h1 main__h1--pages main__h1--detail main__h1--pages--detail main__h1--home">Find an innovative smart security system in New Brunswick</h1>
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              <h2>Upgrade your security system in New Brunswick </h2>
              <p dir="ltr"> You no longer need to sacrifice convenience for security. Thankfully, Vivint has brought together a state-of-the-art security system in New Brunswick with the latest in automation to make your home safe and efficient. Now,
                you have enhanced control over your smart locks, alarms, and cameras, while also managing your light settings and thermostat in a single intuitive mobile app. </p> Of course, the real power of Vivint comes when you incorporate
              different elements into one customized plan for a completely connected home. Get alerts from your motion sensors when they sense something out of the ordinary, and then turn the lights on to frighten away potential thieves. Remotely
              lock the doors, adjust your lighting, and change thermostat settings with a single button push when you go to bed. Additionally, you can set your home to wake up and welcome you when you make your way up the drive. When integrating a
              Vivint system in New Brunswick, you can truly take peace of mind to a new level. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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              <h2 dir="ltr">Be the boss of your security system in New Brunswick</h2>
              <p dir="ltr">Elevate your property’s defense at night with a security system that is always ready. With motion sensing, camera surveillance, and sensors on windows and doors, you will be continuously protected against potential
                intruders. If a surveillance camera or smart sensor perceives unusual actions, a notification is instantly sent to your Vivint Smart Hub, Vivint App, and Vivint’s 24/7 monitoring team.</p>
              <p dir="ltr"> Vivint gives you full administrative power of your
                <a href="/home-security" title="[[Discover|Explore|Uncover|Find out about|Learn about]800 the cutting-edge home security solutions in New Brunswick, offering first-rate protection and ease.">home security system in New Brunswick</a>.
                When utilizing the smartphone app, you have the ability to turn your alarms on or off from any location, review HD live streams from your
                <a href="/cameras" title="Take advantage of the peace of mind that comes with installing premium home security cameras in New Brunswick, providing continuous surveillance.">home security cameras</a>, and give family members customized
                access to your smart locks. And because Vivint pairs your New Brunswick security system with automation capabilities, you can instantly arm your home security as you depart your house and have it disarm when you come back. </p>
                <div class="msmacro-video msmacro-video__container" style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;"> <iframe class="msmacro-video__iframe mslazy" title=""
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              <h2 dir="ltr">Integrated automation makes your life more comfortable</h2>
              <p> <a href="/home-automation">A versatile automation system lets your house adapt to your lifestyle.</a> Through the easy-to-use mobile app, you are provided complete authority over everyday devices like door locks, lighting,
                thermostats, and cameras. You are able to save money on your monthly energy expenses by customizing your lighting and home temperature levels to correlate with your daily routine. Customizing your schedule via the Vivint app lets you
                get your house ready for bed with one button push. </p>
              <p> Due to the fact your smart home automation easily incorporates with your security system, you bring your protection to a whole new level. By using customized rules, you are able to change temperature, lighting, and alarm settings
                depending on occupancy and preferences. Speak with guests by using your doorbell camera and your smartphone app. Or receive updates from your smart entry locks when your children return to the house. </p>
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              <h2 dir="ltr">Fire protection happens whether you’re at home or not</h2>
              <p dir="ltr"> Regular fire alarms issue a warning when triggered by smoke, but your advanced Vivint smoke detectors improve your home’s defense by identifying heat as well as smoke. If disaster does strike, they produce a loud signal
                and phone alert, while notifying Vivint’s monitoring team. With smart smoke and flood sensors, you know emergency professionals will be coming to help, and you can prioritize your family’s safety. </p>
              <h2 dir="ltr">Smart security in New Brunswick backed by 24-hour monitoring</h2>
              <p dir="ltr"> Every second counts when disaster strikes. When a sensor in your system is activated, an actual representative from Vivint’s 24/7 monitoring team is instantly contacted. After making a quick assessment of the situation,
                they’ll contact you to confirm you are out of danger and that the proper emergency personnel is on the way. No Matter if you need a <a href="/security-systems-for-renters">security system for your New Brunswick apartment</a>, or you
                are looking for a <a href="/business-security-systems">security system for your business in New Brunswick</a>, Vivint can help out.</p>
              <h2 dir="ltr">Access all your services with a single cell phone app</h2>
              <p dir="ltr">Your security system, camera surveillance, fire detectors, and automation need to work together to be effective. For this reason Vivint incorporates all your smart security products into a single easy-to-use mobile
                interface. By using this innovative platform, you can manage your home from a distance or customize settings in relation to the time or when devices are triggered. Have updates sent to you when your smart products sense unusual
                movement or when they notice heat -- and review your video footage in high-definition.</p>
              <p> Since industry advancements will always continue, Vivint has made it simple to incorporate new products when needed. After all, why would you want a smart home in New Brunswick if it’s stuck in the past? </p>
              <div class="trustsymbols" style="text-align:center;"> <img src="/corporate/uploads/TG_best_in_class_2020.jpg" alt=""><img src="/corporate/uploads/PCMagEditorsChoice_smallnew.jpg" alt="" width="252" height="295"><img
                  src="/corporate/uploads/dt-recommended-product_smallnew.jpg" alt="" width="173" height="295"></div>
              <h2>Find New Brunswick Emergency Services Info</h2>
              <div>Your safety in New Brunswick is of top priority to us at Vivint. And not every time you have an crisis or community concern will you need to call our monitoring center. Because of that, we want to make sure you know how to reach
                Police, Fire, and Poison Control in New Brunswick.</div>
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                  <div><strong>All Emergency Services</strong></div>
                  <div>Call 911 for:</div>
                  <div>Police, Fire, &amp;</div>
                  <div>Ambulance Services</div>
                  <div><strong>New Haven Police Department</strong></div>
                  <div><a href="tel:203-946-6316">203-946-6316</a></div>
                  <div>1 Union Ave, New Haven, CT 06519</div>
                  <div><a href="https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/nhpd/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Visit Site For More Info</a></div>
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                  <div><strong>New Haven Fire Deaprtment</strong></div>
                  <div><a href="tel:203-946-6300">203-946-6300</a></div>
                  <div>952 Grand Ave, New Haven, CT 06511</div>
                  <div><a href="https://www.newhavenct.gov/gov/depts/fire/default.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Visit Site For More Info</a></div>
                  <div><strong>Connecticut Poison Control Center</strong></div>
                  <div><a href="tel:1-800-222-1222">1-800-222-1222</a></div>
                  <div>263 Farmington Ave, Farmington, CT 06030</div>
                  <div><a href="https://health.uconn.edu/poison-control/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Visit Site For More Info</a></div>
              <h2 dir="ltr">Discover the benefits of a security system in New Brunswick</h2>
              <p dir="ltr"> Your first move in installing security system is to call <a href="tel:+17326074656" class="pyh-link pyh-link--phone" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span>(732) 607-4656</span></a> or submit the form below. A
                Vivint representative will walk you through your available security system and automation features and find the ideal solution for your property. Call today for your no-obligation free estimate! </p>
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                        content="Not so long ago, home security systems were confined to hard-wired devices connected through a lengthy installation process. Those days are gone. Wireless advancements have revolutionized the industry and introduced a world of possibilities for residents. Are you wondering if a wireless smart home in New Brunswick is a good option for your family? See what you need to know about going wireless. What to know before switching to wireless The core of any wireless network is a sound link to the internet. Reliable, speedy internet and a compatible wireless router are the principal components you&amp;#8217;ll need. If you haven&amp;#8217;t upgraded your router in quite some time, consider doing it now to benefit from the most recent performance advancements. If you dwell in a region without reliable fast internet or cell coverage, you might be better suited with a wired installation. Or, if you move into a house that is already wired for , it may be reasonable from a financial standpoint to continue with that configuration. No matter where you reside, internet and utility blackouts can happen. With this in mind, search for security solutions with cellular and battery backups to stay connected.What are the perks of a wireless smart home in New Brunswick? Defending your home against common risks like theft and fire is the primary purpose of any home security system. You can accomplish this with hard-wired and wireless systems, but if you want to take advantage of the newest improvements, a wireless smart home is your top option. By installing a wireless system, you can take advantage of the following: &amp;#9679; Remote access: Would you appreciate being able to lock your doors or scan real-time clips from your phone? A wireless smart home provides a measure of connectivity you&amp;#8217;ve never experienced. You can investigate or change settings of any integrated devices remotely, like your smart thermostat or lighting. &amp;#9679; Instant notifications: You can not only access your system, but it can also get in touch you. If a device is triggered, an update will be sent automatically to your mobile device app. You&amp;#8217;ll always be alerted when something happens, regardless of where you are. &amp;#9679; Adaptable and scalable: Different from wired devices, you can install wireless ones just about anyplace. Want to have a surveillance camera on your desktop or in your child&amp;#8217;s room? You got it! It&amp;#8217;s also straightforward to incorporate or remove components from your wireless smart home. Possible shortcomings of wireless systems Although wireless smart homes in New Brunswick have proven safe and beneficial, there are a couple of potential disadvantages. You might give thought to the following: &amp;#9679; You may have to change batteries. If you incorporate battery-powered tools, there&amp;#8217;s always the possibility of failure when the battery dies. However, smart components will inform you when battery life is depleting and usually last for many years without calling for a replacement. &amp;#9679; Placing devices. There might be restrictions on how far you may install wireless sensors away from the primary command hub. This isn&amp;#8217;t an issue in most homes, but you should inquire about the limit prior to installing. &amp;#9679; Threat of online hacking. Just like any computer network, the potential of hacking is there. But you can considerably lower this risk by implementing secure passwords, always updating default settings, and choosing routers with integrated security. Customize your Vivint wireless smart home in New Brunswick today! Experience everything a wireless smart home can do by personalizing your own with a Vivint agent today. You&amp;#8217;ll appreciate being able to monitor and control your New Brunswick security system from any location. Contact (732) 607-4656 to get started.">
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                        content="You enjoy where you reside and would like to do everything you can to keep your community protected. After all, your local area and the individuals in it play a vital role in your family&amp;#8217;s life and the development of your children. You probably already do things like secure your doors after nightfall, but what else should you do to encourage safety in your community? Find out today by perusing our top community safety tips for New Brunswick. How to keep your New Brunswick neighborhood safe There are numerous things you can do to elevate the safety in your community, from upgrading to an advanced home security system to just being more aware of what you share on online platforms. Take a look at the following tips.1. Make an investment in your property&amp;#8217;s security Investing in the protection of your home is also a plus for your community. By installing an integrated home security system, you&amp;#8217;re not only discouraging criminal behavior at your residence, but you&amp;#8217;re also helping to keep prospective intruders out of your community. Luckily, today&amp;#8217;s smart homes provide more security devices than past iterations. You can have lights turn on automatically - a fantastic choice when you&amp;#8217;re away - and even check video camera streams right from your smartphone. Some outside cameras and video doorbells even have built-in deterrents to scare off prowlers. Connecting your property to a round-the-clock monitoring team is another important precaution and results in a prompt response if an urgent situation arises. 2. Your neighbors are a vital aspect of your community - get to know them! You might be surprised by the number of residents who honestly aren&amp;#8217;t close to their neighbors. Forming a support system within your area is important. You&amp;#8217;ll be able to do things for one another, like get the mail on vacations, watch animals, and even take note of odd activity. Some communities might operate their own social networking page. Be sure you&amp;#8217;re connected, as this is a fantastic way to stay informed about what&amp;#8217;s taking place in your area. 3. Don&amp;#8217;t neglect your property There&amp;#8217;s real value in having pride of ownership, but taking care of your property has a security aspect too. A neglected yard could be enticing to prospective intruders, as it gives the impression you may be negligent about your home&amp;#8217;s protection as well. Additionally, wild trees and hedges near access points can produce unwelcome hideouts. Keep things well maintained, and think about using surveillance devices to closely look after your surroundings. Pairing your outdoor surveillance with motion-detecting lighting is another excellent idea. 4. Avoid sharing more than you should on social websites You don&amp;#8217;t want to encourage criminal behavior by posting too much info on social media. Never publicize that you will be out of town, as you don&amp;#8217;t know who&amp;#8217;s going to see it. Alternatively, keep this info private with close neighbors and family members who will be watching over your property. Do your part to keep your New Brunswick neighborhood safe with a Vivint smart home Now that you have a few tips on how to keep your New Brunswick neighborhood safe, it&amp;#8217;s time to act. Call (732) 607-4656 today to discover how you can bolster your home&amp;#8217;s defense. A knowledgeable Vivint team member is ready to help you personalize a fully integrated smart home.">
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                      <div class="pyh-blog__date pyh-blog__date--style-1" property="datePublished" content="7/29/2023 12:00:00 AM">July 29, 2023</div>
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                        content="You most likely have a fairly good idea of what motion detectors do merely based on their name. Indeed, they identify activity, but how precisely do they work? Take a moment to learn about the technology behind them and the many sorts of devices you might come across. You&amp;#8217;ll gain a better understanding of how they work and how you may integrate them into your advanced smart home. &amp;nbsp;What is the technology that powers motion detectors? Identifying motion can be done in a few specific ways, but motion detectors are ordinarily classified into either of these two categories - active or passive. &amp;#9679; Active motion detectors: These devices are viewed as active, as they regularly send out signals like microwaves and then calculate the rate of response. Activity is signified when the response time changes. Even though microwave sensors are most often found, you&amp;#8217;ll also encounter active motion detectors that utilize sound waves or infrared light. &amp;#9679; Passive infrared (PIR) motion detectors: Regularly seen within home defense systems, PIR motion detectors&amp;nbsp;perform by recognizing variations in the ambient temperature. &amp;#8203;&amp;#8203;Essentially, the instrument detects what the normal temperature ought to be within a designated area. If there are rapid heat spikes, like a trespasser sneaking across the space, the sensor takes notice and activates your warning. Since they don&amp;#8217;t actively transmit signals, passive detectors usually consume less power and are less expensive to operate. In addition to active and passive, you might find hybrid motion detectors that employ multiple technologies. These can help reduce false alarms, as each sensor must be triggered before the alarm is prompted. Other alternatives include vibration motion detectors and tomographic devices that are typically employed in bigger commercial spaces. Ways to incorporate New Brunswick motion detectors The chief objective of motion detectors is to identify activity within a specified area, usually to a distance of 50 feet away. You&amp;#8217;ll regularly find them incorporated into outdoor floodlights or as independent devices inside your property. When movement is detected, they&amp;#8217;ll activate your alarm system and notify your dedicated monitoring staff. But contemporary motion detectors are more versatile than they&amp;#8217;ve been in the past. As a matter of fact, they can connect directly with other smart equipment. To illustrate, they can trigger your linked smart light bulbs to turn on or your video camera to record when motion is detected. They might even notify your smart thermostat&amp;nbsp;to modify the temperature. Receive automatic alerts and customize settings for furry friends Another great perk of modern motion detectors is that you&amp;#8217;ll have immediate alerts delivered to your mobile phone&amp;nbsp;each time the sensor is set off. If you have animals, you can even circumvent false alarms by adjusting settings to accommodate the size of your four-legged companions. Start Designing Your Vivint Smart Home With Motion Detectors in New Brunswick Now that you have a greater understanding of how motion detectors work in New Brunswick, it&amp;#8217;s time to include them into your fully integrated smart home. Vivint&amp;#8217;s motion detectors cover wide areas, offer wide-angle detection, and last for multiple years without requiring a change of battery. They&amp;#8217;ll also work in harmony with your other home automation tools. Are you excited to begin? Dial (732) 607-4656 to consult with a helpful Vivint representative today.">
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        "areaServed": ["Elizabeth", "Westfield", "Bridgewater", "Old Bridge", "Hillsborough", "North Brunswick", "Englishtown", "Rahway", "Monroe Township", "Linden", "East Brunswick", "Somerset", "Piscataway", "Freehold", "Perth Amboy",
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Smart Security Specialists -- Your Vivint Authorized Dealer Covering New
Brunswick & Surrounding Areas
CALL (732) 607-4656
 * New Brunswick, NJ
 * Home Security
   * Security Systems For Renters
   * Business Security Systems
   * Security Sensors
   * Smart Locks
 * Cameras
   * Outdoor Security Cameras
   * Indoor Security Cameras
   * Vivint Doorbell Camera Pro
 * Smart Home Automation
   * Control
   * Vivint Smart Hub
   * Vivint App
   * Security
   * Carbon Monoxide Detectors
   * Monitored Fire Alarms
   * Water Sensors
   * Smart Thermostat
 * Smart & Secure Guide

Get Complete Smart Home Security in New Brunswick
From Your Local New Brunswick Authorized Vivint Dealer starting from

CALL NOW (732) 607-4656



You no longer need to sacrifice convenience for security. Thankfully, Vivint has
brought together a state-of-the-art security system in New Brunswick with the
latest in automation to make your home safe and efficient. Now, you have
enhanced control over your smart locks, alarms, and cameras, while also managing
your light settings and thermostat in a single intuitive mobile app.

Of course, the real power of Vivint comes when you incorporate different
elements into one customized plan for a completely connected home. Get alerts
from your motion sensors when they sense something out of the ordinary, and then
turn the lights on to frighten away potential thieves. Remotely lock the doors,
adjust your lighting, and change thermostat settings with a single button push
when you go to bed. Additionally, you can set your home to wake up and welcome
you when you make your way up the drive. When integrating a Vivint system in New
Brunswick, you can truly take peace of mind to a new level.


Call (732) 607-4656 now to get a free quote
 Ready to turn your home into a smart home? Call now to get started or fill out
the form.
(light font) Vivint Banner Form

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Vivint Dealer Code

By clicking Start Your Quote, I consent to Vivint's use of automated dialing
technology, prerecorded/artificial voice, email, or text messaging to contact me
at the phone number and email provided about Vivint and Vivint offers. I
understand consent is not required to purchase. CA Residents: Do Not Sell My
Personal Information


Elevate your property’s defense at night with a security system that is always
ready. With motion sensing, camera surveillance, and sensors on windows and
doors, you will be continuously protected against potential intruders. If a
surveillance camera or smart sensor perceives unusual actions, a notification is
instantly sent to your Vivint Smart Hub, Vivint App, and Vivint’s 24/7
monitoring team.

Vivint gives you full administrative power of your home security system in New
Brunswick. When utilizing the smartphone app, you have the ability to turn your
alarms on or off from any location, review HD live streams from your home
security cameras, and give family members customized access to your smart locks.
And because Vivint pairs your New Brunswick security system with automation
capabilities, you can instantly arm your home security as you depart your house
and have it disarm when you come back.



A versatile automation system lets your house adapt to your lifestyle. Through
the easy-to-use mobile app, you are provided complete authority over everyday
devices like door locks, lighting, thermostats, and cameras. You are able to
save money on your monthly energy expenses by customizing your lighting and home
temperature levels to correlate with your daily routine. Customizing your
schedule via the Vivint app lets you get your house ready for bed with one
button push.

Due to the fact your smart home automation easily incorporates with your
security system, you bring your protection to a whole new level. By using
customized rules, you are able to change temperature, lighting, and alarm
settings depending on occupancy and preferences. Speak with guests by using your
doorbell camera and your smartphone app. Or receive updates from your smart
entry locks when your children return to the house.

 * Home Automation
   Learn More
 * Home Security
   Learn More
 * Security Cameras
   Learn More


Regular fire alarms issue a warning when triggered by smoke, but your advanced
Vivint smoke detectors improve your home’s defense by identifying heat as well
as smoke. If disaster does strike, they produce a loud signal and phone alert,
while notifying Vivint’s monitoring team. With smart smoke and flood sensors,
you know emergency professionals will be coming to help, and you can prioritize
your family’s safety.


Every second counts when disaster strikes. When a sensor in your system is
activated, an actual representative from Vivint’s 24/7 monitoring team is
instantly contacted. After making a quick assessment of the situation, they’ll
contact you to confirm you are out of danger and that the proper emergency
personnel is on the way. No Matter if you need a security system for your New
Brunswick apartment, or you are looking for a security system for your business
in New Brunswick, Vivint can help out.


Your security system, camera surveillance, fire detectors, and automation need
to work together to be effective. For this reason Vivint incorporates all your
smart security products into a single easy-to-use mobile interface. By using
this innovative platform, you can manage your home from a distance or customize
settings in relation to the time or when devices are triggered. Have updates
sent to you when your smart products sense unusual movement or when they notice
heat -- and review your video footage in high-definition.

Since industry advancements will always continue, Vivint has made it simple to
incorporate new products when needed. After all, why would you want a smart home
in New Brunswick if it’s stuck in the past?


Your safety in New Brunswick is of top priority to us at Vivint. And not every
time you have an crisis or community concern will you need to call our
monitoring center. Because of that, we want to make sure you know how to reach
Police, Fire, and Poison Control in New Brunswick.
All Emergency Services
Call 911 for:
Police, Fire, &
Ambulance Services
New Haven Police Department
1 Union Ave, New Haven, CT 06519
Visit Site For More Info
New Haven Fire Deaprtment
952 Grand Ave, New Haven, CT 06511
Visit Site For More Info
Connecticut Poison Control Center
263 Farmington Ave, Farmington, CT 06030
Visit Site For More Info


Your first move in installing security system is to call (732) 607-4656 or
submit the form below. A Vivint representative will walk you through your
available security system and automation features and find the ideal solution
for your property. Call today for your no-obligation free estimate!

Call (732) 607-4656 now to get a free quote

Ready to turn your home into a smart home? Call now to get started or fill out
the form.

(light font) Vivint Banner Form

Full Name

Phone Number



Vivint Dealer Code

By clicking Start Your Quote, I consent to Vivint's use of automated dialing
technology, prerecorded/artificial voice, email, or text messaging to contact me
at the phone number and email provided about Vivint and Vivint offers. I
understand consent is not required to purchase. CA Residents: Do Not Sell My
Personal Information

 * Are wireless smart homes in New Brunswick worth it?
   August 21, 2023
   Read More
 * Top Community Safety Tips For New Brunswick
   July 31, 2023
   Read More
 * How Do Motion Detectors Work In New Brunswick?
   July 29, 2023
   Read More

See All Articles


 * Elizabeth
 * Westfield
 * Bridgewater
 * Old Bridge
 * Hillsborough
 * North Brunswick
 * Englishtown
 * Rahway
 * Monroe Township
 * Linden
 * East Brunswick
 * Somerset
 * Piscataway
 * Freehold
 * Perth Amboy
 * Irvington
 * Matawan


New Brunswick, NJ 8901
(732) 607-4656

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Business Hours
8 AM – 11 PM
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8 AM – 11 PM
8 AM – 11 PM
8 AM – 11 PM
8 AM – 11 PM
8 AM – 11 PM
Smart Security Specialist is New Brunswick's Authorized Vivint Dealer. Our goal
is to give New Brunswick, NJ and surrounding locations — from Rutgers University
to State Theatre — information and access to Vivint-monitored home security
systems that are installed by professionals.

*Minimum $29.99/month services agreement required in conjunction with minimum
$599.99 equipment purchase.
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