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                        <h1>You'll Receive Stellar Customer Satisfaction</h1>
                        <p>Customer satisfaction and loyalty is measured by organizations using a well-known and proven performance benchmark called Net Promoter Score®. The measurement for the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is simple. Organizations are
                          scored based on how their customers answer one question: Based on your experience, would you recommend this company to your colleagues or peers?&nbsp;</p>
                        <p>Survey participants rank companies on a 1-to-10 scale. The goal is to achieve a ranking of a 9 or 10, which indicates customers are loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and referring others. Rankings are then aggregated
                          to determine an overall Net Promoter Score.&nbsp;<br><br>US Assure is proud to maintain an average Net Promoter ranking of 9.59 across its agent network, resulting in a combined Net Promoter Score of +90. Any score greater
                          than +50 is considered excellent.&nbsp;</p>
                        <p>Let US Assure support the growth of your business today. Contact us at <strong>(800) 800 - 3907</strong>, or
                          <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank" gtm-data-element="new producer" gtm-data-element-type="link" gtm-data-element-location="in-text"><strong>register online now for instant access</strong></a>.&nbsp;
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                        <p class="blueHeader">Agent and broker testimonials</p>
                        <p>Peer-to-peer recommendations are a trusted guide for decision-making. Following are insights from our agent and broker network on why their experiences with US Assure have led them to be promoters of how we assure success
                          for our customers.</p>
                        <p>"<em>This was the first builders risk policy our agency has ever done. I was able to get a hold of someone right away the few times I had to call in for help and the service was tremendous. The system was very easy to quote
                            and issue the policy.</em>" Mitchell, Solid Ground Insurance, Nebraska</p>
                        <p>“<em>It is fast and easy to quote. And if it goes to underwriting, they get back to you right away.</em>” Delia, Insurance One Agency, Texas&nbsp;</p>
                        <p>"<em>The representatives I have spoken with have always been knowledgeable, and helpful, as I am new at quoting Builder's Risk and Renovation policies with US Assure.</em>" Tane, Steil Insurance Agencies, Louisiana</p>
                        <p>"<em>I believe this is an excellent product. And combined with ease of doing business, it is naturally a 'go to' for me.</em>" Pam, Legacy Insurance, Florida&nbsp;</p>
                        <p>"<em>I had made an error in issuing the policy and had to call to get help to correct it. They were so very helpful and got the issue resolved immediately.</em>" Karen, Daly Williams Agency, Louisiana</p>
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              <li>US Assure</li>
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            <div id="Footer_Headline" class="headline">Your Partner for Construction and Property Insurance</div>
            <div id="Footer_Description">With more than 40 years of experience, US Assure offers quick product access, provides online policy issuance and expects no minimum volume commitment to get started – all while putting our customers at the
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                <li>US Assure</li>
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Text Content


 * Why US Assure
   * Benefits
   * Customer Reviews
   * Getting Started
   * History
   * Leadership
   * Partners
 * Our Programs
   * Builders Risk
     * General Information
       * Application and Quote
       * Cost
       * Coverages
       * Eligible Clients and Projects
       * Policy Types
     * New Construction
     * Remodeling
     * Installation Floater
     * Premises Liability
   * Property
     * Contractors Equipment Insurance
     * Rental Home Insurance
     * Vacant Structure Insurance
 * Resources
   * Topics
   * Products
   * Type
 * Events
 * Contact Us
   * Billing
     * Pay a Bill
   * Report a Claim
   * Careers
     * Best Places to Work Award
     * Employee Testimonials
     * Opportunities & Apply
 * Blog
   * All Blog Articles
   * Construction
   * Property
   * Risk Mitigation
 * Agent Log In
 * Become an Agent

 * Why US Assure
 * Customer Reviews


Customer satisfaction and loyalty is measured by organizations using a
well-known and proven performance benchmark called Net Promoter Score®. The
measurement for the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is simple. Organizations are scored
based on how their customers answer one question: Based on your experience,
would you recommend this company to your colleagues or peers? 

Survey participants rank companies on a 1-to-10 scale. The goal is to achieve a
ranking of a 9 or 10, which indicates customers are loyal enthusiasts who will
keep buying and referring others. Rankings are then aggregated to determine an
overall Net Promoter Score. 

US Assure is proud to maintain an average Net Promoter ranking of 9.59 across
its agent network, resulting in a combined Net Promoter Score of +90. Any score
greater than +50 is considered excellent. 

Let US Assure support the growth of your business today. Contact us at (800) 800
- 3907, or register online now for instant access. 

Agent and broker testimonials

Peer-to-peer recommendations are a trusted guide for decision-making. Following
are insights from our agent and broker network on why their experiences with US
Assure have led them to be promoters of how we assure success for our customers.

"This was the first builders risk policy our agency has ever done. I was able to
get a hold of someone right away the few times I had to call in for help and the
service was tremendous. The system was very easy to quote and issue the policy."
Mitchell, Solid Ground Insurance, Nebraska

“It is fast and easy to quote. And if it goes to underwriting, they get back to
you right away.” Delia, Insurance One Agency, Texas 

"The representatives I have spoken with have always been knowledgeable, and
helpful, as I am new at quoting Builder's Risk and Renovation policies with US
Assure." Tane, Steil Insurance Agencies, Louisiana

"I believe this is an excellent product. And combined with ease of doing
business, it is naturally a 'go to' for me." Pam, Legacy Insurance, Florida 

"I had made an error in issuing the policy and had to call to get help to
correct it. They were so very helpful and got the issue resolved immediately."
Karen, Daly Williams Agency, Louisiana

 * US Assure
 * P.O. Box 10197
 * Jacksonville, FL 32247
 * (800) 800 - 3907

Your Partner for Construction and Property Insurance
With more than 40 years of experience, US Assure offers quick product access,
provides online policy issuance and expects no minimum volume commitment to get
started – all while putting our customers at the center of everything we do.
 * US Assure
 * P.O. Box 10197
 * Jacksonville, FL 32247
 * (800) 800 - 3907


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Rights Reserved.