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Submission: On September 28 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

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StoryBook is an enterprise storytelling platform that makes it easy to involve
all your staffers in the telling of the brand story you script. And simple to
recognise and reward any of your staffers extra ordinary contributions that help
to make experiences of your narrative a remarkable one.


StoryBook makes it easy for everyone in your cast to tell tales; tales that
showcase what great contributions to your brand story look like for all to see.
Tales that put the stories about your staffers great acts on centre stage where
they get the limelight and instant applause they deserve.  


StoryBook’s simple and familiar social media format makes it easy for anyone to
tell a story about anybody’s  remarkable contribution to your narrative. Stories
can be added from anywhere, at any time, in video, audio or text format. Stories
show up in your story book as they’re posted  – instantly crediting the actors
in the story for their performance, and showcasing what good acts worth copying
look like. 


StoryBook counts on everyone in your enterprise community to clap.  Anyone can
like, endorse or rank a story to send positive vibes and points to the actors
that deserve it.  StoryBook’s black box of smart algorithms uses the communities
story rankings to update the enterprise, team and personal scoreboards that keep
everyone connected to your story progress in real time.


Behind every historic human accomplishment sits a simple and inspiring story.
Contemporary  neuroscience and storytelling research now prove how vital the
ordinary story is to the human brain; linking story to the ignition of powerful
primal emotions that galvanise action. StoryBook harnesses the familiar story
form and leverages story science to spark the hearts of your people. Minds and
hands follow.  

Because your community get to co-own your StoryBook and the heroes that the
community self-generates, StoryBook legitimacy and staff adoption happen


StoryBook is easily distributed to every member  of your enterprise community
over the internet on an inexpensive per-user fee basis.  We help you to set your
StoryBook up in days and provide any support services or expertise you need to
create and run your story brand programme. Because the secure StoryBook platform
requires no infrastructure or management effort to administer, it is effortless
and simple to run. 


StoryBook has most recently underpinned the Old Mutual Vision 2020 rewards and
recognition programme.  The platform was also used by Deloitte to engage 4000
Southern African employees in the Deloitte Way programme for 4 years. StoryBook
also helped PG Glass to frame their brand story and guide staffers contributions
to it. Other programmes include CFMC Australia, Girls and Boys Town SA and CRS –
a Centric Holdings group company. Results achieved for Deloitte earned FuseWorks
a Deloitte Admired Vendor accolade in 2015.


“The StoryBook platform helped Deloitte consolidate our employee engagement
effort across Southern Africa for 4 years. We quickly achieved and kept an 80%
engagement level”.

– Philip Grobler. Past HR Director. Deloitte

“Our Phumelela Champions programme focussed all our staff on our brand story. We
achieved great results”.

– Ilse Blank. Past Marketing and Communications manager. PG Glass 


StoryBook is a FuseWorks (Pty) Ltd product. FuseWorks formed in 2001 to supply a
blend of human engagement expertise, story-telling science and tech to fire up
the energy of enterprise communities. In our time we have helped blue-chip and
mean-and-lean enterprise to achieve a unique people edge and the bottom line
paybacks that aligned and inspired people deliver to their brands. In addition
to the satisfying reward of long-lasting client relationships, our work has
earned us a Tech 100 Award and a PSA’s Innovator of the Year Finalist Award. 
FuseWorks is based in Sandton in South Africa.


Jonathan Hall

StoryBook is the brain child of the FuseWorks CEO Jonathan Hall. Before forming
FuseWorks in 1997, Jonathan played a key role in the development of the PPC Ltd
brand story and the staff engagement programme that together delivered rapid and
high market share gains. The programmes earned PPC three consecutive Best
Company To Work For awards and an IMM Marketing Company of the Year Award.
Jonathan has since applied his hands-on employee engagement experience and
applied neuroscience to imagine, design and run a string of highly successful
engagement programmes in and out of South Africa.


Mathew Payne

Mathew is the expert behind FuseWorks innovative tech. He brought his T4
electrical engineering qualification competence to the firm in 1998 and has
added a wide range of software development, database design and administration,
and security skills to his experience and the team since. Today Mathew manages
the FuseWorks development team and client solution implementations which include
technical and security compliance functions. Mathew also sits on FuseWorks
business case design and business specification team that collaborates to ensure
the integration of business logic and best-fit tech efficiency.



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+27 83 251 0716

Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

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Story Book is a FuseWorks platform. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2021 © FuseWorks
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