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Internal Revenue Code Section (“Section”) A involves the taxation of deferred
compensation such as stock options and stock appreciation rights.


Introduction Determining Fair Market Value of Equity Awards Under Section 409A
Common Stock Valuation and Option Pricing by Private Companies 8 Things You Need
to Know About Section 409A

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Employers are generally aware that Section A of the Internal Revenue Code of
"Section A" applies to deferred compensation but may not be aware that section
409a stock options can also apply to certain stock option programs, which could
result in compliance problems. How can we help your company with compensation
and benefits tax planning? From the above, you know that the stock options are a
form of equity compensation offered to the employees in the company. A
nonqualified deferred compensation plan includes virtually any agreement,
program, method, or other arrangements that offer for deferral, where the
compensation is not paid until a later year. Inthe US Congress passed the
American Jobs Creation Act creating Section A of the Internal Revenue Code
Section A in response to a perceived abuse of deferred compensation arrangements
that were in the media spotlight in the wake of several significant corporate
scandals at the time. Has it been 12 months since your last A? This type of
transaction requires payment of the option cost and applicable withholding taxes
prior to exercise but will result in you owning a number of shares of common
stock equal to the number of shares you elected to exercise. And it was in when
the A was finalized. They are calculated based on: Cash flows current and
projected The value of physical and intangible assets The existence of readily
identifiable potential strategic buyers Section 409a stock options sentiment 2.
Further, the exercise date and applicable triggering event must be specified at
the date of grant or extension to comply with Section A's deferral election

Your LinkedIn Connections with the authors. To print this article, all you need
is to be registered or login on Mondaq. A non-qualified stock option 1 is not
treated as deferred compensation under Section A if three conditions are met:
The exercise price can never be less than the fair market value of the
underlying stock on the date of grant and the number of shares subject to the
option is fixed on the grant date; The exercise of the option is taxable under
Code Section 83; and The option does not include any feature allowing the
grantee to defer compensation, other than the deferral of income until the later
of a the exercise of the option; or b the date the stock acquired through
exercise of the option becomes vested.

A discounted option can be created: At the grant date; or At a later date, if
the option term is extended when the exercise price is less than the fair market
value of the underlying stock. To comply with Section A, the option could only
be exercised on one or more of the Section A triggering events: Separation from
service; Death; Disability; Financial hardship; On a specified date; or Upon a
change in control. Footnote 1 An "incentive stock option" ISO is exempt from
Section A, in part because ISOs must be issued at fair market value, so any
discount of the exercise price would automatically convert an ISO into a
non-qualified stock option.

Cynthia A. A recent IRS advisory reviewed the income tax consequences of one
equity-based compensation arrangement. These two tax years were closed at the
time the IRS examined Year 3.


of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) requires the holder of an. Section A
regulations provide guidelines for valuing stock that is readily tradable on an
established securities market and stock that is not so.

Employee was not required to pay any additional amount in exchange for grant of
Option. Under the terms of the option agreement, a certain number of Option
Shares would vest each year following the grant date. The vested Option Shares
could then be exercised at any time during a specified number of years from the
vesting date. What conditions must be met in order for stock options to be
regarded as stock rights excludible from section A?

Stock options that qualify as incentive stock options ISOs are not subject to
section A. Options on preferred stock are not section A-excludable stock rights
even if all of the other conditions identified below are satisfied. The exercise
price may never be less than the fair market value FMV of the underlying stock
on the date the option is granted.

Section A regulations provide guidelines for valuing stock that is readily
tradable on an established securities market and stock that is not so traded.

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 * Employee stock options and 409a valuations?
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The regulations also establish with respect to stock that is not readily
tradable on an established market certain safe harbor valuation approaches. The
number of shares subject to the stock option must be fixed on the initial date
of grant. The date of grant can be no earlier than the date on which the
corporation completes the corporate action necessary to create a legally binding
right to the options for the service provider. The transfer or exercise of the
option is subject to taxation under section 83 and Reg.

Note: Section 83 b elections are not available for stock options, but that is
separate from taxation falling under section The option does not contain any
feature for the deferral of compensation beyond the later of the exercise or
disposition of the option or the time the stock acquired pursuant to the option
becomes substantially vested. If stock options do not satisfy any one or more of
the above conditions and are subject to section A, what does that really mean?
What are the potential adverse tax consequences if an option grant subject to
section A does not conform to the section A requirements?

The options result in a section A failure with the following consequences: Any
inherent unrealized gain in the options as measured on December 31 of the
vesting year is reportable as section A income and taxable to the option holder
in the year of vesting whether or not the options have been exercised.

Further, in each subsequent year prior to the exercise of the options, any
additional unrealized gain as measured on December 31 of such year is includable
as section A income. The use of any of the following methods is presumed to
result in a reasonable valuation:. Conclusion Section A has changed the
landscape in which private companies issue stock options.


There is no one pricing or valuation answer applicable to all issuers. We would
be happy to help you. The use of any of the following methods is presumed to
result in a reasonable valuation: A valuation that is not more than 12 months
old and is prepared by an independent appraiser. This type of transaction
requires payment of the option cost and applicable withholding taxes prior to
exercise but will result in you owning a number of shares of common stock equal
to the number of shares you elected to exercise. Cashless Exercise: Allows you
to receive the value of your stock options or obtain shares of Company stock
without any cash outlay.

With a cashless exercise, you purchase shares of Company stock at the grant
price and simultaneously sell them at the market price. You can either receive
cash or use the proceeds to purchase additional shares of Company stock.

Exercise and Sell to Cover: A cashless exercise method that allows you to
exercise a quantity of options and sell just enough of the resulting shares to
cover the cost of the option as well as any applicable taxes. This type of
transaction will result in you owning a reduced number of common shares from
your original option amount because you will have used a portion of your shares
to pay the costs of acquiring the shares you are holding. Who should I contact
if I have additional questions?

A representative from the Deloitte Tax Group will be conducting a one hour
informational session at the Santa Clara Campus on Wednesday, December 14th.


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Get the Most Out of Employee Stock Options Like any relationship, the one
between you and your options is complicated. What types of exercise transactions
can I complete in Shareworks?

How much will you make, and how much will it cost stock option exercise cost,
taxes, and fees? What is the process? How long will it take? The first step is
to gather and confirm investor interest Do not act upon exercising for the
purposes of selling without ensuring that there are viable buyers for your


Contact your company's plan administrator and indicate you'd like to cash out
your stock. For a privately held company, the company must buy back your stock
for a price set by an outside auditor. Complete the required paperwork and wait
for your check. If you have been given stock options as part of your employee
compensation package, you will likely be able to cash these out when you see fit
unless certain .

What are some financing options? Typically a shares to lien value and a PIK
interest rate as well as additional fees. Job Loss?


You may intend to exercise stock options and immediately sell the shares to
generate needed cash. However, if you lose your job, vesting usually stops on
all types of stock compensation. In that case, you must quickly exercise any
outstanding vested stock options, typically within 90 days or less of your
employment termination. As explained in this website's section Job Events , if
you do not exercise vested in-the-money stock options in time you will forfeit
their value. In an employee stock purchase plan, you can usually withdraw any
accumulated funds that are waiting for the next purchase date.

Furthermore, you can reduce or stop future ESPP contributions from your salary.

Remember that the tax treatment is affected by selling those shares early. This
is another reason to carefully choose and specify the lot of shares you want to
sell, as explained in 2 above. The terminology used to describe the different
transaction methods may vary slightly within each plan. Please review your plan
terms and conditions to determine if these types of requests are allowed.

Option-based plans In the case of option-based plans, there are multiple types
of transactions to choose from within Shareworks. Employee share purchase plan
When you participate in an employee share purchase plan or other form of share
purchase plan, you can complete the following types of transactions. Related
articles How do I withdraw my shares? This content is not provided or
commissioned by the bank advertiser.

MyBankTracker generates revenue through our relationships with our partners and
affiliates. We may mention or include reviews of their products, at times, but
it does not affect our recommendations, which are completely based on the
research and work of our editorial team.

We are not contractually obligated in any way to offer positive or
recommendatory reviews of their services. View our list of partners.
MyBankTracker has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card
products. MyBankTracker and CardRatings may receive a commission from card
issuers. Advertiser Disclosure. Advertiser Disclosure: Many of the savings
offers and credit cards appearing on this site are from advertisers from which
this website receives compensation for being listed here. These offers do not
represent all deposit accounts and credit cards available.

Credit score ranges are provided as guidelines only and approval is not
guaranteed. Learn how you should handle your stock options that you received
from a previous employer. Find out when you should exercise the options. By
Lance Cothern Updated: Mar 11, Lance is a licensed Certified Public Accountant
CPA in the state of Virginia and he covers money management, budgeting,
financial products, and more.


He is also the founder of Money Manifesto, a personal finance blog, where he
writes about his family's relationship with money. Read more. Learn to Be a
Better Investor. Forgot Password. Instead of providing cash incentives,
companies sometimes award employees with shares of company stock or options to
buy the stock at a reduced price.

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 * Should You Exercise and Sell All Your Employee Stock Options Right Now??

You might receive employee stock as part of your company retirement or as part
of a program to transfer all ownership of the company to employees. When and how
you can cash in your stock depends on the rules for your company.


Determine if you are vested in your company employee stock ownership program.
Companies set rules that require an employee to work for the company for a
specified period of time — from two to five years, usually — in order to be
percent vested in the stock program. At the end of this period, all the stock
set aside by the company in your name belongs to you.


Section A is broadly written to encompass nonqualified stock options as a type
of nonqualified deferred compensation plan. Despite the fact that stock.