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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Afghanistan (‫افغانستان‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+93</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Albania (Shqipëri)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+355</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Algeria (‫الجزائر‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+213</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">American Samoa</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Andorra</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+376</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Angola</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+244</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Anguilla</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Antigua and Barbuda</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Argentina</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+54</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Armenia (Հայաստան)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+374</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Aruba</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+297</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Ascension Island</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+247</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Australia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+61</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Austria (Österreich)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+43</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+994</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Bahamas</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Bahrain (‫البحرين‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+973</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশ)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+880</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Barbados</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Belarus (Беларусь)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+375</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Belgium (België)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+32</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Belize</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+501</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Benin (Bénin)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+229</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Bermuda</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Bhutan (འབྲུག)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+975</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Bolivia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+591</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Bosnia and Herzegovina (Босна и Херцеговина)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+387</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Botswana</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+267</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Brazil (Brasil)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+55</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">British Indian Ocean Territory</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+246</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">British Virgin Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Brunei</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+673</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Bulgaria (България)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+359</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-bf" role="option" data-dial-code="226" data-country-code="bf" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__bf"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Burkina Faso</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+226</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-bi" role="option" data-dial-code="257" data-country-code="bi" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__bi"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Burundi (Uburundi)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+257</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-kh" role="option" data-dial-code="855" data-country-code="kh" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__kh"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Cambodia (កម្ពុជា)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+855</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cm" role="option" data-dial-code="237" data-country-code="cm" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cm"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Cameroon (Cameroun)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+237</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ca" role="option" data-dial-code="1" data-country-code="ca" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ca"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Canada</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cv" role="option" data-dial-code="238" data-country-code="cv" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cv"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Cape Verde (Kabu Verdi)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+238</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-bq" role="option" data-dial-code="599" data-country-code="bq" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__bq"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Caribbean Netherlands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+599</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ky" role="option" data-dial-code="1" data-country-code="ky" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ky"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Cayman Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cf" role="option" data-dial-code="236" data-country-code="cf" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cf"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Central African Republic (République centrafricaine)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+236</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-td" role="option" data-dial-code="235" data-country-code="td" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Chad (Tchad)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+235</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cl" role="option" data-dial-code="56" data-country-code="cl" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cl"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Chile</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+56</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cn" role="option" data-dial-code="86" data-country-code="cn" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cn"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">China (中国)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+86</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cx" role="option" data-dial-code="61" data-country-code="cx" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cx"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Christmas Island</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+61</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cc" role="option" data-dial-code="61" data-country-code="cc" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cc"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+61</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-co" role="option" data-dial-code="57" data-country-code="co" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__co"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Colombia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+57</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-km" role="option" data-dial-code="269" data-country-code="km" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__km"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Comoros (‫جزر القمر‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+269</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cd" role="option" data-dial-code="243" data-country-code="cd" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cd"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Congo (DRC) (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+243</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cg" role="option" data-dial-code="242" data-country-code="cg" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cg"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+242</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ck" role="option" data-dial-code="682" data-country-code="ck" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ck"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Cook Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+682</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cr" role="option" data-dial-code="506" data-country-code="cr" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cr"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Costa Rica</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+506</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ci" role="option" data-dial-code="225" data-country-code="ci" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Côte d’Ivoire</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+225</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__hr"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Croatia (Hrvatska)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+385</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cu" role="option" data-dial-code="53" data-country-code="cu" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cu"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Cuba</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+53</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cw" role="option" data-dial-code="599" data-country-code="cw" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Curaçao</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+599</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cy" role="option" data-dial-code="357" data-country-code="cy" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Cyprus (Κύπρος)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+357</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-cz" role="option" data-dial-code="420" data-country-code="cz" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__cz"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Czech Republic (Česká republika)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+420</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-dk" role="option" data-dial-code="45" data-country-code="dk" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__dk"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Denmark (Danmark)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+45</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-dj" role="option" data-dial-code="253" data-country-code="dj" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Djibouti</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+253</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__dm"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Dominica</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-do" role="option" data-dial-code="1" data-country-code="do" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__do"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Dominican Republic (República Dominicana)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ec" role="option" data-dial-code="593" data-country-code="ec" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ec"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Ecuador</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+593</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-eg" role="option" data-dial-code="20" data-country-code="eg" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__eg"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Egypt (‫مصر‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+20</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sv" role="option" data-dial-code="503" data-country-code="sv" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__sv"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">El Salvador</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+503</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gq" role="option" data-dial-code="240" data-country-code="gq" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gq"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+240</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-er" role="option" data-dial-code="291" data-country-code="er" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__er"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Eritrea</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+291</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ee" role="option" data-dial-code="372" data-country-code="ee" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ee"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Estonia (Eesti)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+372</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sz" role="option" data-dial-code="268" data-country-code="sz" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Eswatini</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+268</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__et"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Ethiopia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+251</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-fk" role="option" data-dial-code="500" data-country-code="fk" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__fk"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+500</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-fo" role="option" data-dial-code="298" data-country-code="fo" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__fo"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Faroe Islands (Føroyar)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+298</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-fj" role="option" data-dial-code="679" data-country-code="fj" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__fj"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Fiji</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+679</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-fi" role="option" data-dial-code="358" data-country-code="fi" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__fi"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Finland (Suomi)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+358</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-fr" role="option" data-dial-code="33" data-country-code="fr" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__fr"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">France</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+33</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gf" role="option" data-dial-code="594" data-country-code="gf" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gf"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">French Guiana (Guyane française)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+594</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pf" role="option" data-dial-code="689" data-country-code="pf" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__pf"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">French Polynesia (Polynésie française)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+689</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ga" role="option" data-dial-code="241" data-country-code="ga" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ga"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Gabon</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+241</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gm" role="option" data-dial-code="220" data-country-code="gm" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gm"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Gambia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+220</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ge" role="option" data-dial-code="995" data-country-code="ge" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ge"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Georgia (საქართველო)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+995</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-de" role="option" data-dial-code="49" data-country-code="de" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__de"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Germany (Deutschland)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+49</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gh" role="option" data-dial-code="233" data-country-code="gh" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gh"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Ghana (Gaana)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+233</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gi" role="option" data-dial-code="350" data-country-code="gi" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gi"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Gibraltar</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+350</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gr" role="option" data-dial-code="30" data-country-code="gr" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gr"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Greece (Ελλάδα)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+30</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gl" role="option" data-dial-code="299" data-country-code="gl" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gl"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+299</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gd" role="option" data-dial-code="1" data-country-code="gd" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gd"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Grenada</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gp" role="option" data-dial-code="590" data-country-code="gp" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gp"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Guadeloupe</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+590</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gu" role="option" data-dial-code="1" data-country-code="gu" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gu"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Guam</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gt" role="option" data-dial-code="502" data-country-code="gt" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gt"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Guatemala</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+502</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gg" role="option" data-dial-code="44" data-country-code="gg" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gg"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Guernsey</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+44</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gn" role="option" data-dial-code="224" data-country-code="gn" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gn"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Guinea (Guinée)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+224</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gw" role="option" data-dial-code="245" data-country-code="gw" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__gw"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+245</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-gy" role="option" data-dial-code="592" data-country-code="gy" aria-selected="false">
              <div class="iti__flag-box">
                <div class="iti__flag iti__gy"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Guyana</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+592</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ht" role="option" data-dial-code="509" data-country-code="ht" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ht"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Haiti</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+509</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-hn" role="option" data-dial-code="504" data-country-code="hn" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__hn"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Honduras</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+504</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-hk" role="option" data-dial-code="852" data-country-code="hk" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__hk"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Hong Kong (香港)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+852</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-hu" role="option" data-dial-code="36" data-country-code="hu" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__hu"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Hungary (Magyarország)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+36</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-is" role="option" data-dial-code="354" data-country-code="is" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Iceland (Ísland)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+354</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-in" role="option" data-dial-code="91" data-country-code="in" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">India (भारत)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+91</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Indonesia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+62</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ir" role="option" data-dial-code="98" data-country-code="ir" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Iran (‫ایران‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+98</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Iraq (‫العراق‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+964</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Ireland</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+353</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-im" role="option" data-dial-code="44" data-country-code="im" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Isle of Man</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+44</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-il" role="option" data-dial-code="972" data-country-code="il" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__il"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Israel (‫ישראל‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+972</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-it" role="option" data-dial-code="39" data-country-code="it" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Italy (Italia)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+39</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Jamaica</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-jp" role="option" data-dial-code="81" data-country-code="jp" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__jp"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Japan (日本)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+81</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-je" role="option" data-dial-code="44" data-country-code="je" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Jersey</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+44</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-jo" role="option" data-dial-code="962" data-country-code="jo" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__jo"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Jordan (‫الأردن‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+962</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-kz" role="option" data-dial-code="7" data-country-code="kz" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Kazakhstan (Казахстан)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+7</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ke"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Kenya</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+254</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ki" role="option" data-dial-code="686" data-country-code="ki" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Kiribati</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+686</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Kosovo</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+383</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Kuwait (‫الكويت‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+965</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-kg" role="option" data-dial-code="996" data-country-code="kg" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+996</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-la" role="option" data-dial-code="856" data-country-code="la" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Laos (ລາວ)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+856</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-lv" role="option" data-dial-code="371" data-country-code="lv" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Latvia (Latvija)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+371</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-lb" role="option" data-dial-code="961" data-country-code="lb" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Lebanon (‫لبنان‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+961</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Lesotho</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+266</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-lr" role="option" data-dial-code="231" data-country-code="lr" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Liberia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+231</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ly" role="option" data-dial-code="218" data-country-code="ly" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ly"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Libya (‫ليبيا‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+218</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-li" role="option" data-dial-code="423" data-country-code="li" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Liechtenstein</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+423</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-lt" role="option" data-dial-code="370" data-country-code="lt" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Lithuania (Lietuva)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+370</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-lu" role="option" data-dial-code="352" data-country-code="lu" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Luxembourg</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+352</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-mo" role="option" data-dial-code="853" data-country-code="mo" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Macau (澳門)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+853</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Madagascar (Madagasikara)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+261</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Malawi</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+265</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Malaysia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+60</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Maldives</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+960</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Mali</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+223</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Malta</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+356</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Marshall Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+692</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-mq" role="option" data-dial-code="596" data-country-code="mq" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Martinique</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+596</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Mauritania (‫موريتانيا‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+222</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Mauritius (Moris)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+230</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Mayotte</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+262</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Mexico (México)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+52</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-fm" role="option" data-dial-code="691" data-country-code="fm" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Micronesia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+691</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Moldova (Republica Moldova)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+373</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Monaco</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+377</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Mongolia (Монгол)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+976</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Montenegro (Crna Gora)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+382</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Montserrat</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ma"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Morocco (‫المغرب‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+212</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Mozambique (Moçambique)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+258</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__mm"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+95</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-na" role="option" data-dial-code="264" data-country-code="na" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Namibia (Namibië)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+264</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-nr" role="option" data-dial-code="674" data-country-code="nr" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Nauru</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+674</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-np" role="option" data-dial-code="977" data-country-code="np" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Nepal (नेपाल)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+977</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Netherlands (Nederland)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+31</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-nc" role="option" data-dial-code="687" data-country-code="nc" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__nc"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+687</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__nz"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">New Zealand</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+64</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ni" role="option" data-dial-code="505" data-country-code="ni" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ni"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Nicaragua</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+505</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ne" role="option" data-dial-code="227" data-country-code="ne" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Niger (Nijar)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+227</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Nigeria</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+234</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-nu" role="option" data-dial-code="683" data-country-code="nu" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__nu"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Niue</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+683</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-nf" role="option" data-dial-code="672" data-country-code="nf" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__nf"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Norfolk Island</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+672</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-kp" role="option" data-dial-code="850" data-country-code="kp" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__kp"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+850</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-mk" role="option" data-dial-code="389" data-country-code="mk" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__mk"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">North Macedonia (Северна Македонија)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+389</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-mp" role="option" data-dial-code="1" data-country-code="mp" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__mp"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Northern Mariana Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-no" role="option" data-dial-code="47" data-country-code="no" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__no"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Norway (Norge)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+47</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-om" role="option" data-dial-code="968" data-country-code="om" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+968</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pk" role="option" data-dial-code="92" data-country-code="pk" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__pk"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+92</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pw" role="option" data-dial-code="680" data-country-code="pw" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Palau</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+680</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ps" role="option" data-dial-code="970" data-country-code="ps" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ps"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+970</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pa" role="option" data-dial-code="507" data-country-code="pa" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Panama (Panamá)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+507</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pg" role="option" data-dial-code="675" data-country-code="pg" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Papua New Guinea</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+675</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-py" role="option" data-dial-code="595" data-country-code="py" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Paraguay</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+595</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pe" role="option" data-dial-code="51" data-country-code="pe" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Peru (Perú)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+51</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Philippines</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+63</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pl" role="option" data-dial-code="48" data-country-code="pl" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__pl"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Poland (Polska)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+48</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pt" role="option" data-dial-code="351" data-country-code="pt" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__pt"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Portugal</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+351</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pr" role="option" data-dial-code="1" data-country-code="pr" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Puerto Rico</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-qa" role="option" data-dial-code="974" data-country-code="qa" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Qatar (‫قطر‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+974</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Réunion (La Réunion)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+262</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Romania (România)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+40</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ru" role="option" data-dial-code="7" data-country-code="ru" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Russia (Россия)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+7</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-rw" role="option" data-dial-code="250" data-country-code="rw" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Rwanda</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+250</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-bl" role="option" data-dial-code="590" data-country-code="bl" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Saint Barthélemy</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+590</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sh" role="option" data-dial-code="290" data-country-code="sh" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Saint Helena</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+290</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Saint Kitts and Nevis</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__lc"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Saint Lucia</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-mf" role="option" data-dial-code="590" data-country-code="mf" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__mf"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+590</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-pm" role="option" data-dial-code="508" data-country-code="pm" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__pm"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+508</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Samoa</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+685</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">San Marino</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+378</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__st"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+239</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__sa"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+966</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sn" role="option" data-dial-code="221" data-country-code="sn" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Senegal (Sénégal)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+221</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-rs" role="option" data-dial-code="381" data-country-code="rs" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Serbia (Србија)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+381</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Seychelles</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+248</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Sierra Leone</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+232</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Singapore</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+65</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Sint Maarten</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sk" role="option" data-dial-code="421" data-country-code="sk" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Slovakia (Slovensko)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+421</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-si" role="option" data-dial-code="386" data-country-code="si" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Slovenia (Slovenija)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+386</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sb" role="option" data-dial-code="677" data-country-code="sb" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Solomon Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+677</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-so" role="option" data-dial-code="252" data-country-code="so" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Somalia (Soomaaliya)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+252</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">South Africa</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+27</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-kr" role="option" data-dial-code="82" data-country-code="kr" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">South Korea (대한민국)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+82</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-ss" role="option" data-dial-code="211" data-country-code="ss" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ss"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+211</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-es" role="option" data-dial-code="34" data-country-code="es" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Spain (España)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+34</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-lk" role="option" data-dial-code="94" data-country-code="lk" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+94</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sd" role="option" data-dial-code="249" data-country-code="sd" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__sd"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+249</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sr" role="option" data-dial-code="597" data-country-code="sr" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Suriname</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+597</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+47</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__se"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Sweden (Sverige)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+46</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__ch"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Switzerland (Schweiz)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+41</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-sy" role="option" data-dial-code="963" data-country-code="sy" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__sy"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+963</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-tw" role="option" data-dial-code="886" data-country-code="tw" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Taiwan (台灣)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+886</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Tajikistan</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+992</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Tanzania</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+255</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__th"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Thailand (ไทย)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+66</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-tl" role="option" data-dial-code="670" data-country-code="tl" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Timor-Leste</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+670</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__tg"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Togo</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+228</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-tk" role="option" data-dial-code="690" data-country-code="tk" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Tokelau</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+690</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-to" role="option" data-dial-code="676" data-country-code="to" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Tonga</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+676</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Trinidad and Tobago</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-tn" role="option" data-dial-code="216" data-country-code="tn" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__tn"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+216</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-tr" role="option" data-dial-code="90" data-country-code="tr" aria-selected="false">
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Turkey (Türkiye)</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+90</span>
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__tm"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Turkmenistan</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+993</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Turks and Caicos Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
            <li class="iti__country iti__standard" tabindex="-1" id="iti-0__item-tv" role="option" data-dial-code="688" data-country-code="tv" aria-selected="false">
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                <div class="iti__flag iti__tv"></div>
              </div><span class="iti__country-name">Tuvalu</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+688</span>
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              </div><span class="iti__country-name">U.S. Virgin Islands</span><span class="iti__dial-code">+1</span>
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          <li>CDSS is named as one of several beneficiaries in our will.</li>
          <li>CDSS is the residual beneficiary of one of my IRAs.</li>
          <li>CDSS will receive a percentage (or x%) of our total estate.</li>
        <p><strong>Note:</strong> This is strictly optional. You do not have to share details of your plans.</p>
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        your story ready to share?</label><textarea id="wpforms-4627-field_13" class="wpforms-field-medium" name="wpforms[fields][13]"></textarea>
      <div class="wpforms-field-description">
        <p>If you have your story ready to share with us, you can paste it here. If not, we'll be in touch to help you with that.</p>
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        <p>We'll need a high quality (high resolution/large file) photo for the website. If you have one to share, upload it here. If not, we'll be in touch about that.</p>
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      <div class="wpforms-field-description">
        <p>If not, we'll work with you to secure permission.</p>
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        you like to set up a time to talk?</label>
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        <p>Look for your copy of <em>Estate Planning Basics</em> in the mail in the next couple of weeks. We'll be in touch!</p>
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It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links
below or a search?


 * Circle Up Calling Zine
 * Brattleboro Bal Folk
 * Fiddlehead Field Kids Orchestra
 * Housatonic Family Contra Dance
 * John C. Campbell Folk School


Try looking in the monthly archives. 🙂

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116 Pleasant Street, Suite 334
 •  Easthampton, MA 01027-2784
 •  413-203-5467  •

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Thanks to the Massachusetts Cultural Council for their generous support.

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Copyright 2023, Country Dance & Song Society. This site is protected by
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Submission Guidelines

The CDSS News is published in March, June, September, and December and is
distributed to about 2,000 people in print and 10,000 recipients digitally.
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. If your submission is
time-sensitive, please let us know as soon as you can (even if the full
submission isn’t ready); issues often fill up a few weeks before their
publication date.

We welcome submissions of any of the following, with a focus on contra dance,
English country dance, traditional square dance, morris and English sword dance,
dance tunes, folksongs, and the dance and music community.

photographs and other visual art
newly-composed dances and tunes

Please email for more information. We may edit for submissions for
length and clarity and to match CDSS’s grammar style. Photos accompanying
articles are welcome; please submit the largest size you have.

Paid article proposals
We are excited to offer the CDSS News as a platform for voices that aren’t often
heard in our communities. Currently, we are specifically seeking authors who are
Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color to write articles for the CDSS News
about traditional music, dance, or song, which may include personal experience.
Interested authors should send an email to with a brief article
proposal (4-5 sentences). The editorial team will select articles to publish
according to the guidelines about. Selected authors will be paid a stipend of

Memorial articles
The CDSS News publishes memorial articles only about people who have been
formally involved with CDSS (as camp program and organization staff, Lifetime
Contribution Award recipients, board members and officers, etc.). We know there
are so many other people who have touched lives and made communities great, and
we are considering other options for recognizing other folks who have passed. We
also know that local communities often do a better and faster job at getting the
word out to people who knew the person most closely. Please email
if you have any questions.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed
bibendum nunc. Suspendisse volutpat lorem vitae dolor auctor, ut semper nunc
molestie. Curabitur suscipit tortor at metus fermentum feugiat. Nullam volutpat
ligula varius, ultrices augue sed, facilisis massa. Donec magna velit, laoreet
sed lobortis pellentesque, semper in ex. Cras eleifend tellus eros, vitae
tincidunt quam pretium eget. 



   Archiving the full set of historic Marley family dances, from the Vaudeville
   Funded by the Anthony G. Barrand Research Fund

Apply for support   Support this fund



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed
bibendum nunc. Suspendisse volutpat lorem vitae dolor auctor, ut semper nunc
molestie. Curabitur suscipit tortor at metus fermentum feugiat. Nullam volutpat
ligula varius, ultrices augue sed, facilisis massa. Donec magna velit, laoreet
sed lobortis pellentesque, semper in ex. Cras eleifend tellus eros, vitae
tincidunt quam pretium eget. 



Apply for support   Support this fund

Affiliates at Camp


As a CDSS Affiliate, your group may designate up to two people to receive
priority admission to any camp program(s). Priority admission nominations must
be submitted before the lottery deadline (March 20, 2023). If a lottery is held
for the selected program(s), your designated registrants will automatically be
awarded space at the program. Priority admission is available for intensive
courses; the registrant must meet any participation requirements noted in the
course description (where applicable). The lottery deadline for intensive
courses is March 13, 2023. Use this form to make priority admission nominations.


CDSS matches contributions made by affiliate groups sending their members to
camps. Find more information and the application here on our camp website.

CDSS Bylaws

The following bylaws contain changes approved by the CDSS Membership in
September 2021.

Download the bylaws as a PDF


1.1 Name. The name of the corporation shall be THE COUNTRY DANCE AND SONG
SOCIETY, INC. (hereafter referred to in these Bylaws as “the Society”).

1.2 Purposes. The purposes of the corporation shall be as set forth in the
Articles of Organization as they may be amended from time to time and approved
by the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (hereafter
referred to in these Bylaws as “the Articles of Organization”).

1.3 Offices. The office(s) of the corporation shall be at such place or places
within or without the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as the Governing Board of
the Society (hereinafter referred to in these Bylaws as “the Board”) may
determine or the business of the corporation may require.

1.4 Seal. The seal of the corporation shall be in the form of a circle inscribed
with the name of the corporation, the year of its incorporation, and the word
“Massachusetts.” When authorized by the Board and to the extent not prohibited
by law, a facsimile of the corporate seal may be affixed or reproduced.

1.5 Members. All persons subscribing to the objectives of the Society are
eligible to become members. They become members upon payment of dues. Dues and
classes of membership shall be set by the Board, but the Board may delegate this
power to the Executive Director. Membership in the Society lapses on failure to
pay dues after reasonable notice. The Board may, at its discretion, terminate
the membership of any person at any time by returning that person’s current
dues. The Board may appoint to honorary office or honorary membership persons
who have contributed exceptional services to the Society.

1.6 Notice. Whenever notice is required in these Bylaws, it shall be considered
sufficient to deliver such notice by any communication protocol, the use of
which is reasonably likely to make the intended recipients aware of the proposed
action; provided that a record of the content, time and manner of communication
is maintained by the Secretary.

1.7 Written Communication. Whenever an action is required in these Bylaws to be
“written” or “in writing,” such action may be conveyed through any communication
protocol that ensures that the information is legible and that a written record
can be recorded and/or stored by the Secretary and by the recipients.

1.8 Meetings by Remote Communication. Whenever these Bylaws provide that a class
of people may participate in a meeting, those people are eligible to participate
through telephone or video conference or other electronic arrangements by means
of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the
same time. Participation by such means shall constitute presence in person at a

1.9 Votes. When conducting any vote or poll of the members authorized by these
Bylaws, the procedure employed shall preserve the secrecy of the voting and
provide for validation of the voter’s membership. Any ballot not appropriately
validated shall be rejected.


2.1 Place of Meeting. Meetings of members shall be held at the principal office
of the corporation or, to the extent permitted by the Articles of Organization,
at such other place within or without Massachusetts as the Board may from time
to time designate.

2.2 Special Meetings. The President may call a meeting of the general membership
of the Society when the President deems it appropriate to report to the
membership or to permit the membership to express its views directly to the
Board on matters of concern. The President must call a meeting upon vote of a
majority of the Board.

The President must call such a meeting, to be held within 90 days, upon written
application of five percent of the membership in good standing of the Society
stating the purpose of the proposed meeting. The Board must set the date, time,
and place of such a meeting.

2.3 Preliminary Agenda. The preliminary agenda of any meeting shall include any
item requested in writing by at least ten members in good standing of the
Society, received by the Secretary prior to the notice of the meeting as defined
in Article 2.4.

2.4 Notice of Meetings. At least 30 days in advance of all meetings the
Secretary shall give notice to all members entitled to attend. Such notice shall
include a preliminary agenda and proxy forms as needed.

2.5 Quorum. The quorum for the transaction of business is 10% of the membership,
present in person or by proxy.

2.6 Voting. At all meetings of members each member shall have one vote. Any such
member may vote in person or by proxy dated not more than six months prior to
the meeting and filed with the Secretary of the meeting. Every proxy shall be in
writing, signed by a member or his or her authorized attorney-in-fact, and
dated. No proxy shall be valid after the final adjournment of the meeting. A
proxy purporting to be executed by or on behalf of a member shall be deemed
valid unless challenged at or prior to its exercise and the burden of proving
invalidity shall rest on the challenger. Except as otherwise provided by law,
the Articles of Organization, or these Bylaws, at all meetings of members all
questions shall be determined by a vote of a majority of the members voting,
present in person or represented by proxy.


3.1 Powers. The Governing Board (referred to as “the Board” in the rest of these
bylaws) is elected by the members and is the governing body of the Society.
Except as otherwise provided by law, the Articles of Organization, or these
Bylaws, the business of the corporation shall be managed by a Board who may
exercise all the powers of the corporation.

3.2 Number. The Board shall consist of the following members, each with one

(a) The Officers (see Article 4)

(b) No less than 8 nor more than 21 Members-at-large. Within these bounds, the
Board shall determine each year at its annual meeting how many members-at-large
are to be elected the following year. If no action is taken, the number shall be
the same as the previous year.

3.3 Place of Meeting. Meetings of the Board may be held at any place within or
without the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

3.4 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Board shall be held in April each
year at such a time as may be designated by the Board or at such other time and
place as the Board may determine.

3.5 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be held at such time and
place as the Board may determine. Any Board members not present at the time of
the determination shall be advised in writing of any such determination.

The President may call special meetings of the Board and shall call a special
meeting, to be held within 90 days, on the written request of six or more Board

3.6 Notice of Meetings. The Secretary shall give Board members at least 30 days’
notice of the annual meeting and special meetings, except that at least two
weeks’ notice shall be given for special meetings held by remote communication
or email. Notice may be waived if all Board members agree in writing before the

3.7 Quorum. The quorum for the transaction of business is a majority of the

3.8 Voting. At any meeting of the Board the vote of a majority of those present
shall decide any matter except as otherwise provided by law, the Articles of
Organization, or these Bylaws.

3.9 Rules of Order. Meetings of the Board, committees, and task groups shall be
conducted in a spirit of cooperation. Should questions or disputes as to
procedure arise, they shall be settled by reference to the most recent available
edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

3.10 Executive Session. At any meeting of the Board, where a quorum is present,
the Board may, by a majority vote, decide to enter an executive session from
which some or all who are not voting members of the Board may be excluded, at
the Board’s discretion. The decision to enter executive session shall be
recorded in the minutes, and actions taken must be recorded in the minutes.
Executive session minutes may be kept separately and confidentially.

3.11 Open Meetings. Except for executive sessions, meetings of the Board and of
the Executive Committee are open to attendance by all members of the Society.
Such visitors have no votes, and shall not speak except on the express
invitation of the chair.

3.12 Acting Without Meeting. Any action which may be taken at any meeting of the
Board may be taken without a meeting if every member receives timely notice of
the proposal and the forum for discussion, the date for submitting written
consents is at least two weeks from the date the proposal is circulated, and all
of the Board members consent to the action in writing and the written consents
are filed with the records of the meetings of the Board. Such consents shall be
treated for all purposes as a vote at a meeting.

3.13 No Compensation for Board Members. Board members may not be paid
compensation for their Board service but may be reimbursed for expenses of
attendance at meetings. Board members may be paid reasonable compensation for
necessary work performed for the organization provided that doing so complies
with any restrictions and standards of conduct that the Board adopts.

3.14 Executive Committee.

(a) Between meetings of the Board all of its powers and duties are delegated to
the Executive Committee except that the following powers are reserved to the

 * to set dues for individual members (see Article 1.5);
 * to terminate individual membership (see Article 1.5) or group affiliation
   (see Article 9.1(c));
 * to set the time and place of meetings of the membership (see Articles
   2.1-2.3) and Board (see Articles 3.4 and 3.5) and the frequency of Executive
   Committee meetings (see Article 3.14(e));
 * to concur in renomination of an incumbent officer (see Article 4.3);
 * to appoint the Executive Director of the Society who serves at the pleasure
   of the Board;
 * to fill, until the next election, vacancies in the positions of officer (see
   Article 4.6) or member-at-large on the Board (see Article 5.5); or until the
   next annual meeting vacancies among appointed members on the Executive
   Committee (see Article 3.14(i));
 * to appoint honorary officers or honorary members (see Article 1.5);
 * to appoint members of an Advisory Board (see Article 8);
 * to appoint the Nominating Committee (see Article 6);
 * to appoint the Executive Committee (see Article 3.14(b)), and to set
   conditions for its operation;
 * to establish categories of group affiliation, and dues and privileges for
   these; and to modify standards for affiliation, including payment of dues
   (see Article 9.1);
 * to propose amendments to the Bylaws (see Article 11.1(a).
 * to amend or reverse an action of the Board

(b) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members, each with
one vote: the Officers, as set out in Article 4; and other members of the Board
for a total of no fewer than seven. The other members shall be appointed at the
Annual Meeting of the Board for a one year term.

(c) At each meeting of the Executive Committee fifty percent or more of members
present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

(d) An appointed member may be removed from the Executive Committee, with cause,
by vote of a majority of the entire Committee.

(e) The minimum frequency of Executive Committee meetings shall be determined by
the Board. A meeting of the Executive Committee must be called at the written
request of five Committee members.

(f) Any Board member may attend an Executive Committee meeting and speak, but
only officers and appointed members of the Executive Committee may vote.

(g) At any meeting of the Executive Committee the vote of a majority of those
present shall decide any matter except as otherwise provided by law, the
Articles of Organization, or these Bylaws.

(h) Any appointed member on the Executive Committee may resign from the
Executive Committee by giving written notice to the President or the Secretary.

(i) The Board may appoint a member of the Board to fill any vacancy among
appointed members on the Executive Committee for any reason until the next
annual meeting of the Board. The Board may, at its discretion, leave any such
position unfilled for such time as it may determine, provided that vacancies
which reduce the Executive Committee below the minimum number of appointed
members and all four officers must be filled within 30 days.

3.15 Committees.

(a) Authorization to form committees and task groups. The Board and Executive
Committee may form committees and task groups. Task groups cease to exist after
a term set by the authorizing body unless renewed by that body, whereas
committees are terminated only by explicit action of the Board or Executive
Committee. The chair of a committee or task group need not be a Board member.

(b) Definition of Committee. In the remainder of this article, the term
“committee” shall refer to committees and task groups constituted by the Board
or by these Bylaws.

(c) The Executive Director shall be a non-voting, ex officio member of each
committee unless otherwise decided by the Board or Executive Committee or
provided for elsewhere in these Bylaws. When the Executive Director is an ex
officio member, the Executive Director may designate, in writing to the
respective committee chair, other individuals to participate in this role,
alongside or in the stead of the Executive Director.

(d) Membership. In these Bylaws, membership in a committee or the full Board
includes, without limitation: being entitled to participate in the scheduling of
meetings; to receive reasonable notice of their place, time, and medium; to
speak at meetings; and to review and comment on minutes.

(e) Quorum and voting thresholds. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws,
fifty percent or more of members present shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Non-voting members of a committee are not counted when
determining whether a quorum is present, nor whether a voting threshold, such as
one-half or two-thirds, has been met.

(f) Voting. At any meeting of a committee the vote of a majority of voting
members present shall decide any matter except as otherwise provided by law, the
Articles of Organization, or these Bylaws.

(g) Inclusion of non–Board members. Unless otherwise decided by the Board or
Executive Committee, a committee may include people who are not members of the
Board. Unless otherwise decided by the Board or Executive Committee, the chair
of a committee need not be a Board member.

(h) Removal of members. At its discretion, the Board or the Executive Committee
may by a majority vote remove non–ex officio members of a committee.

(i) Executive session. At any meeting of a committee, where a quorum is present,
the body may, by a majority vote, decide to enter an executive session from
which some or all who are not voting members of the body may be excluded, at the
body’s discretion. The decision to enter executive session shall be recorded in
the minutes, and actions taken must be recorded in the minutes. Executive
session minutes may be kept separately and confidentially.


4.1 Officers. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a
Treasurer, a Vice President, and a Secretary. Each is responsible for the duties
set out in this Section but may delegate the actual performance of said duties,
subject to any restrictions stated elsewhere in the Bylaws. No individual shall
hold more than one office concurrently.

(a) President. The President presides at meetings of the general membership, of
the Board, and of the Executive Committee. The President is the official
representative of the Society in conducting its general affairs and promoting
its purposes, may serve ex officio on any committee, and reports annually to the
members on the state of the Society.

(b) Vice President. The Vice President performs the duties of the President in
the absence, or at the request, of the President.

(c) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the lead Board member for oversight of the
financial condition and affairs of the Society. The Treasurer shall oversee and
keep the Board informed of the financial condition of the corporation and of
audit or financial review results. The Treasurer shall oversee budget
preparation and shall ensure that appropriate financial reports, including an
account of major transactions and the financial condition of the corporation,
are made available to the Board on a timely basis or as may be required by the
Board. The Treasurer may appoint, with approval of the Board, a qualified fiscal
agent or member of the staff to assist in performance of all or part of the
duties of the Treasurer.

(d) Secretary. The Secretary keeps minutes of all meetings of the general
membership, Board, and Executive Committee; circulates notices of meetings; and
circulates to the general membership notices of vacancies to be filled and
required ballots, and records the returns. The Secretary maintains the list of
members of the Society, the Board, the Executive Committee, the Nominating
Committee, and all appointed committees.

(e) The Secretary shall be available to receive service of process on the
Corporation and shall perform all functions required of clerks under
Massachusetts Law. The Secretary shall certify all documents requiring his or
her certification, and shall be the keeper of the corporate seal. The Secretary
shall be a resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts unless a resident agent
has been appointed by the Board pursuant to law to accept service of process.

4.2 Election. Except as provided in Article 4.6, the Officers are nominated and
elected in accordance with the provisions for nomination and election set out in
Article 7 of these Bylaws.

4.3 Term of Office. Officers shall hold office for five years or until their
successors are chosen and qualified. Any individual who becomes an officer shall
have served as a member-at-large for the year immediately prior, with the
additional title of officer-elect; however the Nominating Committee may make
exceptions to this requirement. Officers may not serve more than one consecutive
full term; however, the Nominating Committee may, in rare and compelling
circumstances, request an exception from the Board in order to renominate an
incumbent officer. The Nominating Committee shall state in writing why it
believes the renomination to be essential for the welfare of the Society;
dissenting opinion from the Nominating Committee, if any, shall also be put in
writing for the consideration of the Board. The Board must concur in the request
to renominate by two-thirds of the votes cast.

4.4 Resignations. Any officer may resign by giving written notice to the
President or the Secretary.

4.5 Removal. An officer may be removed from office with or without cause by a
vote of two-thirds of the Board orby vote of two-thirds of all members of the
Society present at a duly constituted meeting of the membership; or by a vote of
two-thirds of those responding to a poll of all members of the Society,
providing that a number equal to the quorum for a meeting of the membership cast
a vote.

4.6 Vacancies. The Board may appoint a member of the Society to fill any vacancy
among the officers for any reason until the next annual election, at which time
the appointee or another person may be elected to serve out the remainder of the
term. The Board shall fill as soon as is practicable any vacancies in the
offices of President, Treasurer, or Secretary.

A person appointed to fill a vacancy until the next annual election, and/or
elected to complete the unexpired term of an officer, is then eligible to be
nominated and elected to an additional full term. However, they may not be
appointed or elected to complete a different unfinished term as an officer until
at least one year has elapsed from the end of their last previous interim
appointment or elected term.


5.1 Election. Except as provided in Article 5.5, members-at-large on the Board
are nominated and elected in accordance with the provisions for nomination and
election set out in Article 7 of these Bylaws.

5.2 Terms.

(a) Members-at-large elected to the Board shall serve on the Board for
three-year terms, approximately one-third with terms to expire in each
successive year. They may not serve more than two consecutive full terms as
Board members, but may be reelected after a lapse of one year.

(b) Members-at-large may be nominated to an officer position. At the discretion
of the Nominating Committee the nominee lay serve one year as an officer-elect
(see Article 4.3). When a member-at-large assumes the role of the officer they
will serve that role for five years.

5.3 Resignations. Any member-at-large may resign from the Board by giving
written notice to the President or the Secretary.

5.4 Removal. A member-at-large may be removed from office with or without cause
by a vote of two-thirds of the Board, or by vote of two-thirds of all members of
the Society present at a duly constituted meeting of the membership; or by a
vote of two-thirds of those responding to a poll of all members of the Society,
providing that a number equal to the quorum for a meeting of the membership cast
a vote.

5.5 Vacancies. The Board may appoint a member of the Society to fill any vacancy
among members-at-large for any reason until the next annual election, at which
time the appointee or another person may be elected to serve out the remainder
of the term. The Board may, at its discretion, leave unfilled for such time as
it may determine any member-at-large position.

A person appointed to fill a vacancy until the next annual election, and/or
elected to complete the unexpired term of another member-at-large, is then
eligible to be nominated and elected to two more terms of their own. However,
they may not be appointed or elected to complete a different unfinished term as
a member-at- large until at least one year has elapsed from the end of his or
her last previous interim appointment or elected term.


6.1 Members. The Nominating Committee shall have 5 to 6 members, of whom not
more than three are members of the Board. Their terms are three years, no more
than two to expire in any one year. They may not serve more than two consecutive
full terms, but may be reappointed after a lapse of one year.  In addition, the
Executive Director and President are non-voting, ex officio members. The
Executive Director may designate other individuals to participate in this role,
alongside or in the stead of the Executive Director.

6.2 Slate of Candidates. A slate of candidates for the Nominating Committee is
proposed each year by the Executive Committee and circulated to each member of
the Board. Additions to the slate may be made by any member of the Board either
in writing or from the floor. On the basis of the slate, the Board appoints the
Nominating Committee at its regular annual meeting.

6.3 Vacancies. The President has the power to appoint persons to fill vacancies
on the Nominating Committee, such appointees to serve until the next election.


7.1 Nomination.

(a) Each year the Nominating Committee nominates one or more candidates for each
position becoming vacant among Officers and Members-at-large on the Board.

(b) Members of the Society may ensure that a specific person is included in the
candidates considered by the Nominating Committee by submitting a nomination in
writing, signed by ten members of the Society, and sent to the Secretary by
April 30. 

(c) To be nominated, a person must provide the Nominating Committee with written
assent for the nomination.

(d) Candidates for Officers and Board Members-at-large shall be members in good
standing when nominated. Those elected must maintain membership in good standing
in the Society throughout their term of office.

(e) The slate should reasonably reflect the geographical distribution and
variety of activities of the membership of the Society.

(f) The Nominating Committee sends the slate to the Secretary by December 1.

7.2 Election.

(a) If there are no more nominees than vacancies, the nominees are deemed
elected and take office at the beginning of the first day of the Annual Meeting
of the Board. The Secretary sends to every member by January 15 a listing of
nominees selected, along with a description of the procedure for ensuring that a
candidate of one’s choice is included for consideration by the Nominating
Committee as described in section 7.1(b).

(b) If there are more nominees than vacancies the Secretary sends to every
member by January 15 a written ballot containing the names of the nominees and
the pertinent positions, together with information about the nominees’

(c) Ballots must reach the Secretary by February 15 to be valid. Electronic
balloting, if any, will close at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on February

(d) Tellers appointed by the President will verify the validity and count of the
votes. The Secretary certifies the result to the Executive Committee and the
successful candidates take office at the beginning of the first day of the
Annual Meeting of the Board. In the case of a tie the Executive Committee
decides between the tied candidates.


8.1 The Board may establish one or more Advisory Boards. The Board shall appoint
members of any such Advisory Board, who will serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Such persons need not be members of the Society. Goals and procedures of any
Advisory Board will be set by the Board.


9.1 Affiliation.

(a) Groups or organizations whose objectives are similar and who wish to support
and further the goals of the Society may affiliate with it. Categories and dues
of group affiliation are established by the Board, but the Board may delegate
this power to the Executive Director.

(b) Affiliation carries the privileges approved by the Board, and carries the
responsibility of continuing to meet the established standards. In exceptional
circumstances any of the standards, including payment of dues, may be waived or
modified by the Board.

(c) Affiliation in any category becomes effective upon payment of dues and
acceptance of the application. Affiliation lapses on failure to pay dues after
notification and may be terminated for other cause by the Board.


10.1 No officer or director of the corporation shall be personally liable to the
corporation or its members for monetary damages for or arising out of a breach
of fiduciary duty as an officer or director notwithstanding any provision of law
imposing such liability; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not
eliminate or limit the liability of an officer or director to the extent that
such liability is imposed by applicable law (i) for a breach of the director’s
duty of loyalty to the corporation or its members, (ii) for acts or omissions
not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation
of the law, or (iii) for any transaction from which the officer or director
derived an improper personal benefit. No provision adopted pursuant to the
provisions of this paragraph shall eliminate or limit the liability of an
officer or director for any act or omission occurring prior to the date upon
which such provision becomes effective.


11.1 General.

(a) The Board has the authority to amend these Bylaws by a vote of three-fourths
of the Board. Notice of proposed Amendments and opportunity to comment on them
must be given to the membership at least 60 days before final approval of the
Board. The Board will consider all member comments and respond as they deem
appropriate and in accordance with the existing Bylaws.

(b) Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by five percent of the members of
the Society and submitted to the Board for approval.




Joel Bluestein (Arlington, VA) has been involved in traditional music and dance
for pretty much his whole life. His father was a folk musician and scholar, so
Joel’s exposure started at birth. He later performed in a folk group with his
father and three siblings. He first attended a CDSS camp at Pinewoods as a
teenager in the early 1970s. He and his family have been part of the CDSS
Buffalo Gap/Timber Ridge/Cascade community for the last 20 years, and he and his
wife Michal Warshow were Program Directors for the camp for three years.

Joel has been an active member of the Washington, DC area dance community since
1979, dancing and playing for dances. He served on the Board of the Folklore
Society of Greater Washington for 8 years including as President and Treasurer.
He was a co-founder and organizer of the Chesapeake Dance Weekend for 36 years,
and currently helps to organize the Terpsichore’s Holiday program. He serves as
a sound technician for dances and festivals in the DC area and elsewhere.



Avia Moore (Montreal, QC) grew up in the British Columbia folk arts scene; it
rubbed off on her and is evident in almost everything she does. Avia has worked
extensively as a creative producer with festivals and cultural organizations
across North America as well as on individual artistic projects in North America
and Europe. Avia is the Artistic Director of KlezKanada.

Avia holds a BA Honors in Drama from the University of Alberta and an MA in
Devised Theatre from Dartington College of Arts (England). A PhD candidate in
Theatre and Performance Studies at York University (Toronto), she studies
heritage cultural practices in/as contemporary performance.

Avia has been making theatre, dancing, and singing her whole life. She has
danced with several folk dance performance ensembles and teaches Yiddish dance
at festivals and private events around the world. She has been part of
organizing committees for contra dances (Brooklyn Contra) and contra weekends
(Form the Ocean) and has danced with Ring O’Bells Morris (New York) and Toronto
Women’s Sword.




Gaye Fifer (Pittsburgh, PA) hasn’t stopped dancing since she found contras in
1979. Introduced to the community in St. Louis, she has found dancing wherever
she goes. Gaye learned to call contras in Charlottesville, VA and has been
traveling to call and dance for the past 25 years. After 15 years of dancing,
she finally realized that someone had to be doing work to make the dances
happen. She began serving on her local dance committee, organizing her local
dance weekend, serving on the CDSS Board and leading workshops for other
organizers. Gaye is also a passionate teacher and dancer of waltz, having led
workshops with her partner, Wayne, at numerous dance weekends around the
country. She participated in a course at Pinewoods several years ago to learn
how to call English Country dances and now includes that in her repertoire of
offerings. She now lives in Pittsburgh, PA. where she retired from a 30 year
elementary school teaching career.

Gaye believes in the power of our dance and song community and is delighted to
be part of the work CDSS does!



Jeremy Carter-Gordon (Concord, MA) grew up singing and dancing around Boston and
has woven the threads of that upbringing through the rest of his life. Upon
graduating college, Jeremy spent a year on a Watson Fellowship studying sword
dancing, which led to an MA in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage from
Choreomundus, a multi-university EU initiative. Jeremy currently tours and
teaches most of the year with Windborne, an acclaimed vocal ensemble, singing
music from the US and countries and cultures around the world, with a focus on
songs of social struggle. Jeremy works for Village Harmony as the Strategic
Planning Officer and teaches singing camps for teens. The rest of the time, he
can be found teaching rapper and longsword, traditional dance from France (Bal
Folk) and Sweden, juggling, dancing ECD, waltzing, and dabbling in tango.



Marni Rachmiel (Cambridge, UK) grew up outside Detroit and studied Music
History/Musicology at the University of Michigan, where she played & sang in
concert bands, Early Music Ensemble, Javanese Gamelan, and the U-M Gilbert &
Sullivan Society. She started dancing and playing for contra and English dances
in 1990 in Albuquerque, NM, when she stumbled into a Bare Necessities weekend
that totally changed her life. Returning to Michigan, she was active in the Ann
Arbor dance and music scenes and became an avid dance-wanderer, including
pilgrimages to Buffalo Gap and Pinewoods.

Shifting west in the later ‘90s, Marni danced and played in and around Boulder,
CO, while getting her MA in Contemplative Psychotherapy at Naropa University.
The siren song of the Northwest Folklife Festival drew her further west to
Seattle, where she moved in 2004.

After many years in Seattle playing with bands, including Contra Sutra, Reverie,
and The End Effects, among other dance band configurations, serving on the
boards of the Seattle Folklore Society and FAR-West (Folk Alliance Region West),
and co-hosting Two Pools House Concerts, currently Marni is on a British
adventure living in Cambridge, UK, and gradually getting involved in dance music
and organizing across the pond. If you’re traveling to England, say hello!



David Smukler (Syracuse, NY) grew up singing folk songs with his mom and began
dancing contras in New Hampshire as a teen. In 1981 he was drafted to call for
his local dance and has been calling ever since. David calls contras and
squares, English country dances, and family and community dances, and is also a

David served two previous terms on the CDSS Board and has been a long-time Board
member of the Syracuse (New York) Country Dancers. He was involved in creating
an innovative Central New York callers gathering, as well as the world’s first
Contra Prom.

David is a retired inclusive early childhood and childhood educator who has also
taught for years at the college level in a teacher preparation program. He has
frequently used dance and song in his teaching, both with children and adults,
sometimes to the great surprise of his students. A teacher through and through,
David believes that people can always learn and grow. While welcoming change and
evolution, David has enormous respect for the value of folk traditions and is
the author (with David Millstone) of Cracking Chestnuts: The Living Tradition of
Classic American Contra Dances, published in 2008 by CDSS.



Glenn Manuel (Richardson, TX) started contra dancing in the early 1980’s, when a
co-worker posted a flyer about the dance on the office bulletin board. When the
informal dance group morphed into the CDSS affiliate North Texas Traditional
Dance Society, Glenn was a founding member. Over the years, he has served on the
Board in every role except Secretary, as well as chairing dance weekends, and
doing sound at the dances. He took the Sound Operator’s Course at Pinewoods
taught by Warren Argo, so actually helped with sound there.

Glenn is the webmaster for the dance group, and has developed and released a
free open-source online registration system that is used by several groups. One
of Glenn’s hobbies is photography. Besides dance events, his favorite subjects
are landscapes and abstracts. He has won a few awards at local photo shows.
Besides enjoying the music and dancing, Glenn loves the community aspect of
contra dancing. Walking into a dance in nearby cities, neighboring states, or
across the country, it always feels like one big dance family. He is excited to
support the dance community by serving on the CDSS board.



Michael Bean (Ann Arbor, MI) was introduced to the dance community by joining a
local back row band and learning to play for contra dances. He was asked to join
a local committee to organize a monthly contra and was soon after nominated for
the Ann Arbor Community for Traditional Music and Dance’s Board of Directors.
Michael was elected to two terms and served two consecutive years as President
of the AACTMAD Board.

Michael is active as an organizer and leader in AACTMAD, Michigan Dance
Heritage’s Fall Camp, and CDSS’s Dance, Music, and Spice Camp. Michael led the
contra dance band Hotline Strings for four years and still actively plays for
contra and ECD. When at home, he enjoys making and restoring violins.



Juliette Webb (Nashville, TN) started dancing in California after seeing a
performance by a demonstration team at the local Scottish Highland Gathering and
Games. She and her husband, John Webb, moved away less than a year later. In
Tennessee, she enrolled in a class on English country dancing. Seeing the age
range of the dancers there made her realize that dancing was an activity that
she and her husband could enjoy together throughout their entire lifetimes.

Juliette’s home dance community runs weekly English country dance classes,
monthly English dances, and weekly contra dances. The Nashville Country Dancers
also hold both an English country dance weekend, the Nashville Playford Ball,
and a contra dance weekend, Music City Masquerade, each year, in addition to
hosting special dance events when visiting musicians or callers come to town.
She feels lucky to have such an amazing, supportive dance community and
leadership at home.

Juliette is also fortunate to enjoy dancing regularly in the San Francisco Bay
Area. Juliette began calling English as a way of helping to ensure that her home
dance community would continue.

Juliette’s earliest memory of dancing is of a Maypole, in a place where May Day
baskets of flowers were still left for friends and neighbors. After an early
childhood filled with the typical ballet classes, she didn’t dance again for
decades, not even in gym class in school. Now, she dances as often as she can.



Justin Morrison (he/him, Richmond, VT) has been a part of song and dance
communities in Canada and the US for as long as he can remember. He earned his
first Pinewoods crew t-shirt around age 7, and has taught Morris classes there
in (much) later years. During a tour with the dance collective he co-founded,
Maple Morris, Justin won the Best New Entrant prize at the Sidmouth Folkweek
Morris jig competition in 2011 and respectfully declines to mention how many
other new entrants were performing that year. In 2013, he was an organizer and
artistic director of an international Morris stage show for Maple, which brought
together dancers from Canada, the US, and the UK. He currently travels various
distances to enjoy English, Contra, and song, and dances Morris with the Toronto
Morris Men, Pinewoods Morris Men, and Thames Valley International.

He is an educator in his professional life, and seeks to bring singing, music,
or dance into the classroom every day. He has been excited to share songs with
colleagues to bring into their own classrooms and even teach them to play

Justin feels that dance and song can find a chord in all of us, and comprise a
natural language understood by young and old alike.

Cultural Equity Advisory Group

Last updated September 29, 2022

The Cultural Equity Advisory Group met from March 2021 to March 2022 to
critically analyze our programs, operations, and governance, and to provide
recommendations for changes. In recognition of the importance of this work,
members were paid an honorarium for their time, energy, and participation.

 * Click here to view the Executive Summary and Recommended Equity Action
   Plan from the CDSS Cultural Equity Advisory Group. We are taking these
   recommendations into consideration as we plan for 2023 and our new strategic

 * Click here to view the steps we are taking to intertwine equity and
   inclusion in the remainder of our work this year. (We will update this list
   to include our 2023 work later this year.)

 * See the original job description for the CEAG.



Dena Ross Jennings (she/her) is a human rights activist, musician,
instrument-maker, and a medical doctor, and brings over 20 years of experience
working on conflict transformation with her organization Imani Works.

You can find out more about Dena’s work on her website.


Hannah Assefa (she/her) is an elementary educator who has worked with children
for most of her life, whether it be through private instruction in traditional
fiddle or as an educator in the classroom. She grew up in Northern Vermont
playing Scottish and Cape Breton style fiddle. Hannah has taught in various
classroom settings from early childhood education to elementary and, in each
environment, she has worked to make a classroom community in which each student
is celebrated, nurtured, seen, and heard.

Hannah currently teaches kindergarten at Milton Elementary School. She holds a
Master of Education degree in curriculum & instruction from Southern New
Hampshire University (2016) and a Bachelor of Arts degree in music & elementary
education from Saint Michael’s College (2013).


Cayley Buckner (she/her or they/them) will be graduating from the University of
Florida in May 2021 with a B.A. in English and a B.S. in natural resource
conservation and a minor in education. She is passionate about outdoor
education. She fell in love with contra dancing in August 2016 at Warren Wilson
College in Swannanoa, NC.

Cayley is the 2020-2021 president of the Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society,
where she has been a strong advocate for gender neutral calling, especially
positional calling. She is also the co-founder of the Safety Team (a group of
individuals who ensure that all feel welcome and secure) and the I.D.E.A.
(inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility) subcommittee (which brings a
diverse group of individuals together to address social justice issues within
our community).


Rima (she/her) has over 25 years of experience working with nonprofit
organizations in public media, arts, education & the human service sectors. She
is currently the general manager at WSHU Public Radio in Fairfield, CT, having
previously worked at New England Public Radio in Springfield, MA. Rima is
passionate about the essential role of public media in our communities and the
transformational power of the arts. Rima was the executive director for the
Country Dance & Song Society during its centennial celebration in 2015,
transitioning the membership organization to a capacity building, arts service
organization through a multi-city community residency model to build resilient
dance, music, and song communities and improve skills of dance organizers. Rima
was also a founding faculty member in the Nonprofit Management & Philanthropy
master’s degree program at Bay Path University. She continues to enjoy teaching
online as an adjunct professor in the program.

Originally from the Philippines, Rima spent her early years in Connecticut, and
in several Southeast Asian countries with her family attending international
schools. Living overseas also exposed Rima to military coups in Thailand, the
People’s Revolution in the Philippines, and she participated in the Tiananmen
Square protests in Hong Kong as a teenager. These foundational experiences
brought forth Rima’s interest in working in mission driven organizations that
promote social justice and community advancement.

Rima received her bachelor’s degree in anthropology and theater arts from Mt.
Holyoke College. Her master’s degree is in nonprofit management from the Milano
School of Management & Urban Policy at the New School University, where she was
a Community Development Finance Fellow.


Ezra (he/him) started making the trip from his home in New Jersey to Pinewoods
for Campers’ Week 30 years ago. Since then, that trip has become a regular part
of his life and much shorter since he moved to the Boston area where he now
lives in Arlington, MA. He was particularly thrilled to work for CDSS as a
Salesforce admin and consultant over the past few years because of the
opportunity to contribute to an organization that has been such a steadily
positive influence on his life. Ezra dances with Still River Sword, sings with
Boston Harmony, and studiously does not play either the trombone or concertina.


Nadia Gaya (she/her) was the little kid sleeping under the piano at her
fiddle-playing parents’ gigs and grew up immersed in the traditional music and
dance community of Western New York, where she was raised. Nadia currently lives
in Brooklyn, New York, and was on the organizing board of Brooklyn Contra from
2012-2015. Nadia currently dances and plays diatonic button accordion with the
Ring O’ Bells Morris team, plays piano for the CDNY in-house band, the
Contrapolitans, and plays piano accordion with the scottish-inspired contra
dance band, Torrent. When she’s not playing, dancing, singing or crafting, Nadia
is a tax attorney/accountant for an advertising technology company and is busy
raising her 4-year old daughter in whom she hopes to foster a lifelong love of
traditional music, song and dance.


Aravind Natarajan (he/him) is a contra dancer and identifies as a cis-hetero
male from India. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University,
and is passionate about fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in academic
spaces. He founded the Science Blender podcast to capture the experiences of
scientists from diverse backgrounds and identities. He loves how music and dance
bring people together and is eager to make this joy more widely accessible.


Stephanie Marie Voncannon (she/her) is a contra dancer and caller in the
Charlotte, NC, area. She has been dancing mostly in North Carolina since 2009
and calling regularly since 2013. Stephanie attended Lisa Greenleaf’s week-long
caller class at Pinewoods Camp in summer 2016. She has called at both mainstream
and gender-free dances. Stephanie also enjoys helping others discover a love of
dancing, whether calling or dancing at home. Stephanie was also very involved in
the LGBT community in Charlotte, including planning the Transgender Day of
Remembrance from 2008 to 2010.


Bailey Walton (she/they) is a community organizer, research ethicist by trade,
and banjo player from Missouri. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a
master’s in public administration, and currently studies studio art. She is
passionate about community-building, growing and sharing food, and connecting
people with resources. She is excited to have the opportunity to provide her
input in this advisory group as a relative newcomer to the traditional music


Earl White (he/him) has been a prominent member of the music and dance community
for more than 50 years. He is an original and founding member of the famed Green
Grass Cloggers. He is one of few Black Americans perpetuating Appalachian music,
which was once an important part of Black communities. Now retired from
healthcare as a Registered Respiratory Therapist, he continues to play music as
a semi-professional, and co-owns and runs the Big Indian Farm sourdough bakery
in Floyd County, VA.


CDSS is convening a Cultural Equity Advisory Group to help us move forward in
our commitment to cultural equity. We are asking ourselves: In a CDSS with a
fully realized core value of cultural equity, how would things look/feel
different? How would we know that we were successful in an ongoing way?

We recognize that our organization and leadership do not currently have the kind
of representation—particularly of non-white people—needed for this work. We want
to make decisions informed by the voices of the people most affected; however,
we don’t want to tokenize anyone by placing the expectation of labor solely on

We are asking the Advisory Group to give guidance within the broad framework of
our existing mission. We seek to support and promote the living traditions that
are dear to us in ways that are actively anti-oppressive. We want to understand
the ways that harm was done in the past and work to stop perpetuating that harm.
We want to make sure that, in our work and play, we carry out our mission of
strengthening and supporting communities in a way that builds more equitable

We are engaged in the process of analyzing how the ways that we operate – both
historically and currently – contribute to inequity. We are re-evaluating our
programming, research and scholarship, education, access, marketing,
relationships with other organizations, organizational structure, and
compensation. We are committed to investing labor and financial resources into
this work.


The Cultural Equity Advisory Group will consist of a contracted facilitator and
6-10 people, drawn from our current communities as well as the larger
participatory arts community and beyond. The group will prioritize the voices of
those who have been marginalized and/or erased in the history and current
practice of North American folkways. The group should also include a diversity
of skill sets, including non-profit experience, DEI (diversity, equity, and
inclusion) work, and historical scholarship.


 * The CEAG will be a primarily internally-focused group, evaluating the
   operations and programs of CDSS.
 * CEAG will provide CDSS with recommendations to improve cultural equity in
   these areas:
 * Help CDSS prioritize these recommendations and suggest action steps.
 * Reflect on our self-analysis and point us to areas and issues that we have
 * CDSS will publish a report of the group’s recommendations as part of our
   accountability to the community.


 * Conducting a critical internal analysis of current operations and programming
 * Sharing information with openness and transparency
 * Providing the CEAG with a critical summary of CDSS history
 * Providing access to staff and board leadership
 * Being accountable through public reporting and ongoing work informed by the
   CEAG’s recommendations
 * Providing opportunities to observe and participate in programs as well as
   office and board work.


We are asking that Advisors commit to 1 year of service, which will include
attending monthly remote group meetings, and some research and preparation
between meetings. The Facilitator will work with the Cultural Equity Task Group
(staff and board) to create a timeline and benchmarks.


In recognition of the time and labor inherent in a working Advisory Group, CDSS
is able to offer the Advisors an honorarium in the amount of $750. The Group
Facilitator will receive a consulting fee of $3000.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A CRT is a way to put significant appreciated assets into a trust whose
beneficiaries are charities. You get a tax deduction up front by not having to
pay taxes on the appreciated values; you get a yearly dividend from the trust,
and the charities get the remainder when you die. Ask your financial advisor
whether a CRT makes sense for you.

Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you are age 72 or older, IRS rules require you to take required minimum
distributions (RMDs) each year from your tax-deferred retirement accounts. A
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a direct transfer of funds from your
IRA, payable directly to a qualified charity, as described in the QCD provision
in the Internal Revenue Code.

Amounts distributed as a QCD can be counted toward satisfying your RMD for the
year, up to $100,000. The QCD is excluded from your taxable income. This is not
the case with a regular withdrawal from an IRA, even if you use the money to
make a charitable contribution later on. If you take a withdrawal, the funds
would be counted as taxable income even if you later offset that income with the
charitable contribution deduction.

Stock Gifts Instructions


Transfer of Securities from an Existing Brokerage Account
Deliver to Vanguard DTC Clearing 0062 (there is no additional code number)
Account Name: Country Dance and Song Society
Account Number 37210623

Please send us a letter in reference to this gift (include your name, the name
and number of shares of security transferred to us, and the specific purpose);
otherwise, we have no way of knowing who the gift is from.




Luanne Stiles (Asheville, NC) discovered traditional dance later in life upon
spotting an advertisement in the local Amherst, MA, newspaper for a Monday night
English country dance. She thought, “‘No experience needed, no partner needed,
all dances taught,’ that’s me!” Her love of the variety of dance tempos, amazing
musicians, thoughtful teaching, and a generous community had her immediately
hooked. For over 15 years, Luanne has danced extensively in communities and at
camps throughout the Northeast and Southeast as well as California, Ohio,
Illinois, and Canada. Luanne organized dance events in Massachusetts, and, after
moving to the Carolinas, she and her husband John lead a biweekly ECD in South
Carolina. After moving to Asheville, she continues calling and has joined the
Ashegrove Garland team. It was the move south that really drove home the support
CDSS provides to its affiliates. She was a community member on the Fund
Development Committee for the past two years and is happy to continue to “pay it
forward” by contributing as a board member. Luanne believes that her
professional experiences within the corporate world of insurance services will
serve to assist CDSS’s vision and goals.




Susan English (Wooster, OH) taught her first dance class on a rooftop in China
in 1980. In 2017, she returned to China with a $50,000 cultural exchange grant
from the US State Department featuring the Country Dancers of Berea, KY. With
living and working experience also in Europe, West Africa, and the US, Susan
brings her enthusiasm for people of every background.

A competitive swing dancer for a year in DC, Susan has called monthly contra and
square dances since 1990. With her late husband, Bill Alkire, Susan co-developed
the intergenerational program at Terpsichore’s Holiday. Together, they
choreographed and performed “Minuet to Macarena: The History of Couple Dance in
20 Minutes.”

At home in Wooster, OH, Susan is artistic director of the Madrigal Dancers, an
intergenerational performing group. Since the start of the pandemic, Susan has
broadcast weekly Zoom dances from her basement and has called virtual contra
dances for Atlanta; Glen Echo; Bloomington, IN; and Lake City, WA. She looks
forward to again calling live contra, square, and English country dances, plus
weddings and barn dances, homeschool, Civil War, and Jane Austen Balls. With her
PhD in higher education and consulting experience with strategic evaluation,
Susan cares a lot about quality programs for lifelong growth and learning.



Jenna Barron (Easthampton, MA) literally stumbled across contra dancing almost
15 years ago in Washington, DC. Heading to Glen Echo to see a performance, she
spied a large group of people in the ballroom holding hands and walking in a
circle. After blowing off the performance and spending all night at the Friday
Night Dance instead, she was hooked! After dancing contras, squares, waltzes,
and English in the DC area for several years, she and her husband moved to the
Pioneer Valley, in no small part due to the great music and dance community. She
is a founding member of Oxbow Morris and has enjoyed attending programming at
Pinewoods and Cascade camp weeks.

After a decade in regional theater as a stage manager, Jenna is now the Director
of Communications and Development for a nonprofit focused on equitable clean
energy deployment. Jenna also serves on the Board of Directors for her local
library, leading their fundraising efforts. She looks forward to using these
skills to help CDSS build and sustain vibrant communities through participatory
dance, music, and song.



Margaret Bary (Brooklyn, NY) is a lifelong dancer and dance educator. She
teaches English country dance at Country Dance New York and other dances in the
region, founded a family folk dance at her school, and calls community dances at
a variety of local venues. Along with her family, she has been a regular
participant in CDSS Campers’ Week for many years, leading dances for all ages,
teaching sword dance workshops, and serving a stint as Program Director.

Margaret is active on the steering committee of Pourparler, a national gathering
of teachers of traditional dance and music in schools and communities. As a
member of Half Moon Sword, she hosts the NYC English Sword Dance Ale and
performs locally, as well as at festivals such as NEFFA and the Marlboro Ale.

Margaret has a background in modern dance, holds an MFA in Dance Choreography
and is a Certified Laban Movement Analyst. She recently retired as Dance
Specialist and the Performing Arts Chair at Brooklyn Friends School, where she
incorporated folk and sword dances into her creative dance curriculum.
Underlying all of her work with children and adults, Margaret believes that
participatory dance experiences foster joy, self-expression, and connection
between people.



Norman Farrell (Ridgefield, WA) discovered community dance by accident in 2006
after years of wondering why the dancing he enjoyed so much at fiddle camp
wasn’t happening everywhere. Go figure. Tulsa, OK, and Lawrence, KS, were
Norman’s original dance communities, and he soon found himself volunteering at
the annual Pilgrims Progression Dance Weekend and playing for a local family
dance in Bartlesville, OK.

Now, retired in the Pacific Northwest, Portland, OR, and Vancouver, WA, have
become Norman’s dance home where weekly dancing (in the “before times”), paid
and volunteer music, and being part of the Vancouver contra dance organization
are a vital part of life. Playing in the Portland Megaband horn section has been
an annual thrill since 2017.

Norman grew up in Oklahoma as part of a large dairy farming family and has been
a lifelong musician since successfully begging for piano lessons at age 10. An
omnivorous musical appetite led to performing at local cultural events and
festivals and playing for several years with the Amarillo Wind Ensemble.
Work-related travel brought a chance to encounter the rich tapestry of community
dance and music around the world from Alaska to Australia and life-enriching
experiences which Norman hopes to support and grow through direct CDSS



Alice Kenney (Leyden, MA) moved to southern Vermont where she was introduced to
contra dancing, shape note singing, and the wonderful music and storytelling of
Peter and Mary Alice Amidon. She was introduced to CDSS Family Week to help the
Amidons care for their (then) toddler, Sam, while they worked. Long before they
were married, it was there she met Stuart Kenney, with whom she established a
successful dance series at the renowned Guiding Star Grange in Greenfield, MA.
In addition to contra dancing, they offered a Quebecois Immersion Weekend
intensive for musicians for ten years and produced countless concerts of
traditional music.

Alice believes that music and dance are an integral part of her life and
others’. In her longtime professional career as a physical therapist, she is
known to dance with her clients, using music to facilitate their recovery. For
all it has brought and continues to bring to her quality of life and the lives
of so many others, Alice is delighted to give back to CDSS!



Robbin Marcus (Stonecrest, GA) is a well-known caller of contras, squares and
community dances. Robbin started dancing contra, English and morris in
Baltimore, MD after college, and happily attended American Week at Pinewoods for
the first time in 1986. As a music educator, Robbin quickly ascertained the
importance of accurate traditional music and dance performance styles in the
classroom — something she might not have understood were it not for CDSS.
Subsequently she has been on staff for numerous CDSS weeks at Pinewoods Camp
teaching both adult and kids classes (including a stint as Program Director of
Family Week), and has enjoyed several recent opportunities to call contras and
teach Alexander Technique at Christmas Country Dance School in Berea, KY.

Robbin teaches graduate level certification courses in Kodály Music Education,
Folk Song Research/Analysis, Folk Dance, and Alexander Technique in the summer
at George Mason University, where she is the Summer Kodály Program Director
Emeritus. She is frequently in demand as a clinician throughout the United
States. At home, Robbin teaches piano and Alexander Technique lessons in
Atlanta, GA. Robbin plays piano for both contras and English country dances
throughout the South, and is greatly enjoying branching out as a musician in
bands with her husband Dave Marcus.



Craig Meltzner (Santa Rosa, CA) began contra dancing in the late 1980s. Craig
and his wife Elaine met international folk dancing and later took up contra
dancing with a passion. They raised their daughters dancing and value how this
community embraced their family. Craig began English country dancing 10 years
ago and enjoys sharing ECD with his contra dance friends. He is also an avid
modern western square dancer.

Craig has been a board member of North Bay Country Dance Society (NBCDS) in
California’s Bay Area for about 15 years, serving several terms as president.
Pre-COVID, Craig helped program a monthly contra dance series and the two NBCDS
contra dance weekends. During the pandemic, Craig has assisted with the popular
weekly Saturday Evening Waltz Party on Zoom.

Craig leads a small affordable housing finance group, working extensively with
non-profit organizations. He has also worked as a non-profit executive director
and senior program director.

Craig previously served on the CDSS Board from 2015-2018, including as
Treasurer. “Participation – that’s what’s gonna save the human race,” said Pete
Seeger. That’s how Craig sees our local dance and music communities functioning
and that’s what CDSS is here to encourage and support. Craig is honored to
rejoin the CDSS Board. Let’s spread the joy we share singing, dancing, and
making music together!



Diane Silver (Asheville, NC) is an environmental educator with 20+ years
providing environmental outreach and action-taking in the non-profit arena. From
work with zoos, residential program centers, the NC Extension Service, and
charter schools, she brings extensive experience in program development and
management, teaching, team-building, staff supervision and evaluation, budget
management, grant writing, and logistics. She also has significant training in
conflict resolution and positive communication. She has over 15 years’
experience serving on other boards-of-directors for educational, environmental,
and dance organizations, including terms as President.

Diane has been a contra dancer, flatfoot-clogger, caller, teacher, and
developing fiddle-player for over 20 years. She has served in many roles in her
local dance and music community: booking performers, serving on the board,
helping produce the annual dance weekend, and serving on various task forces and
committees. She continues to be drawn by the sense of community within and among
local dance groups, and the generally welcoming culture of home-grown music and
dance. She sees in the dance community the opportunity to discuss, practice, and
model the ideals she holds for larger society, facilitating joy and
neighborliness from the grass-roots up.



Chris Weiler (South Burlington, VT) discovered contra dancing on New Year’s Eve
in 1995 after being prodded by a friend for months to give it a try. Even though
he didn’t believe he could dance, he had so much fun that he kept going to David
Kaynor’s Friday night dances in Greenfield, MA. Eventually learning he was wrong
about his abilities, he started dancing ECD, ballroom & swing. In 2004, he
attended his first CDSS camp (American D&M Week) and called his first dance at
camper’s night. After that first camp, with Seth Seeger, he started Shared
Weight, an e-mail list serve where callers, organizers and musicians can
exchange ideas. He became a regular caller in the New England area and started
the Mill City Dance in Manchester, NH in 2005. He has also choreographed a few
contra dances that get called here and there. In 2008 he was one of the founding
members of Boston Intergenerational Dance Advocates (BIDA) in Cambridge, MA.

Chris supports his dance habit as a freelance mechanical engineer helping
companies design new consumer products. Recently relocated to the Burlington VT
area, he and his wife Anne are looking forward to getting involved in local
dance events and bringing up their toddler son in the dance community.

CDSS Logos for Affiliates

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Legacy of Joy Society Frequently Asked Questions


A will is the most common way for a person to make a gift at death to charitable
organizations. It’s important for a will to be kept up to date and valid, making
sure it reflects the person’s wishes and clearly expresses the desired
distributions. Since the laws and requirements for wills vary by location and
tax laws change frequently, we recommend seeking professional help to create or
update your will.

To name CDSS as a beneficiary, the following wording is suggested: “I bequeath
to the Country Dance and Song Society, Inc., a nonprofit corporation in
Easthampton, Massachusetts, the following…”


Legal name: Country Dance and Song Society, Inc.
Address: 116 Pleasant St., Suite 334, Easthampton, MA 01067


CDSS is incorporated in the state of Massachusetts. 
CDSS is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit educational organization.
Our IRS employer identification number (EIN) is 04-3031125.


Bequests made through wills do not qualify for a current tax charitable
contributions deduction. However, the value of the gift will be deductible for
federal estate tax, and possibly state estate tax, purposes. In estates large
enough to be subject to the federal estate tax, the savings can be substantial.


 * A specific dollar amount, to be paid out of liquid estate assets.
 * Named property items, such as specific securities, real estate, or valuable
   tangible personal property.
 * The residuary estate, or a percentage of the residual value that remains
   after all costs have been paid and specific bequests made.
 * A contingent gift, passing to CDSS only when the named beneficiary dies
   before the donor.


 * Establish a living trust with provisions that direct the distribution of
   estate assets.
 * Name CDSS as a beneficiary (or one of the beneficiaries) of a life insurance
   policy. It could be an existing policy that is no longer needed for its
   original purpose or a new policy purchased specifically to carry out
   charitable objectives.
 * Make a “payable on death” (POD) designation on a certificate of deposit or
   other personal account, naming the CDSS to receive the asset on death of the

Please consult your financial or legal adviser on these and other planned giving


It is not necessary to share with us your plans for a future gift to CDSS. We
understand and respect the personal and confidential nature of such decisions.
We do, however, appreciate having the opportunity to personally thank the
members and friends who have planned future gifts. When we are informed of such
a plan, the information is treated in confidence and with the understanding that
the donor’s plans may change in future years.

To share your plans, please fill out this form.


If you have questions about making a future gift to CDSS, please write or call
Robin Hayden, Director of Development:, 413-203-5467 x107.

Join the Legacy of Joy Society
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Which of the following best describes you? *
 * I'm ready to join the Legacy of Joy Society.
 * I'm interested in joining, but would like more information before I decide.

Name *
Email *
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   Austria (Österreich)+43
   Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan)+994
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   French Guiana (Guyane française)+594
   French Polynesia (Polynésie française)+689
   Georgia (საქართველო)+995
   Germany (Deutschland)+49
   Ghana (Gaana)+233
   Greece (Ελλάδα)+30
   Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)+299
   Guinea (Guinée)+224
   Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)+245
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   Libya (‫ليبيا‬‎)+218
   Lithuania (Lietuva)+370
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   Mauritania (‫موريتانيا‬‎)+222
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   North Macedonia (Северна Македонија)+389
   Northern Mariana Islands+1
   Norway (Norge)+47
   Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)+968
   Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)+92
   Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)+970
   Panama (Panamá)+507
   Papua New Guinea+675
   Peru (Perú)+51
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   Puerto Rico+1
   Qatar (‫قطر‬‎)+974
   Réunion (La Réunion)+262
   Romania (România)+40
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   Saint Helena+290
   Saint Kitts and Nevis+1
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   Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))+590
   Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)+508
   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines+1
   San Marino+378
   São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)+239
   Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)+966
   Senegal (Sénégal)+221
   Serbia (Србија)+381
   Sierra Leone+232
   Sint Maarten+1
   Slovakia (Slovensko)+421
   Slovenia (Slovenija)+386
   Solomon Islands+677
   Somalia (Soomaaliya)+252
   South Africa+27
   South Korea (대한민국)+82
   South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)+211
   Spain (España)+34
   Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)+94
   Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)+249
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   Ukraine (Україна)+380
   United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)+971
   United Kingdom+44
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   Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)+998
   Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)+39
   Vietnam (Việt Nam)+84
   Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)+681
   Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)+212
   Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)+967
   Åland Islands+358

Name(s) for Legacy of Joy Listing *
Would you like to share any details of your planned gift to CDSS?


 * CDSS is named as one of several beneficiaries in our will.
 * CDSS is the residual beneficiary of one of my IRAs.
 * CDSS will receive a percentage (or x%) of our total estate.

Note: This is strictly optional. You do not have to share details of your plans.

Is your story ready to share?

If you have your story ready to share with us, you can paste it here. If not,
we'll be in touch to help you with that.

Do you have a photo we can use with your story?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

We'll need a high quality (high resolution/large file) photo for the website. If
you have one to share, upload it here. If not, we'll be in touch about that.

Who is the photographer?
Do you have the photographer's permission to use the photo?
 * Yes
 * No

If not, we'll work with you to secure permission.

Do you have any specific questions that we can answer right now?
Would you like to set up a time to talk?
 * Yes
 * No



Look for your copy of Estate Planning Basics in the mail in the next couple of
weeks. We'll be in touch!

Insurance FAQs


CDSS has a single, group policy that Affiliates and callers may join that
provides general liability insurance for those Affiliates and callers. The
limits on the policy have been calculated to provide enough coverage for all
covered groups.


The CDSS policy is a general liability insurance policy, which generally covers
the organization, volunteers, employees directors and officers, for their work
for the insured entity if there is a claim of liability brought due to their
operations. It potentially covers the legal costs, expenses, and settlement. In
all cases, a claim would need to be submitted to the underwriter who will assign
a council and determine payment. In addition to the $4,000,000 aggregate,
$2,000,000 per-occurrence limits on liability coverage, the following is

$300,000 Rented To You Limit (any one premises)
$5,000 Medical Expense Limit (any one person)


A claim could be submitted for any of these scenarios if an allegation of
negligence made against the group. The carrier/adjuster will review the
specifics of the incident to determine if coverage applies.


Many venues require groups to have insurance before renting or holding events in
their space. The CDSS policy meets and exceeds the minimum coverage amounts
required by most venues. Many groups find the peace of mind afforded by the
policy to be worth the cost when thinking about the long-term health of their


We are unable to offer D&O insurance because we are under a single policy, which
cannot cover multiple directors and officers of different organizations. We’re
happy to put you in touch with our insurance agent, who has helped other
Affiliates obtain D&O insurance.


It’s difficult to give generalized advice on this subject—each organization is
unique and has different needs. You’ll need to decide for yourself if the cost
of D&O insurance is worthwhile. General Liability and D&O insurance cover
separate things. The General Liability policy CDSS has covers directors or
officers (or employees, volunteers, etc.) for their work for the insured entity
if there is a claim of liability brought due to their operations. A D&O policy
covers you as officers/directors of the organization.

This article provides some information on the difference and what D&O covers,
but you should speak with a lawyer or insurance agent if you have further

$500-$1000 is a very general estimate of the cost of a D&O policy. The exact
amount will depend on the size of the organization and location.


Only list a venue as Additional Insured if specifically requested by the venue.
This is additional coverage for the venue and is not required unless
specifically requested.


Some insurers require waivers for certain activities; ours does not. A waiver
won’t prevent you from being sued, but may provide additional protection if you
are. It may be worth consulting with a lawyer to discuss your particular
situation if you feel it’s necessary.


You are not required to notify the insurer of every incident, but the policy
states that the insurer needs to be notified in a timely manner in the event of
a claim.


This will probably depend on the details of the suit. Per our agent “The General
Liability policy CDSS has covers Directors or Officers (or employees,
volunteers, etc) for their work for the insured entity if there is a claim of
liability brought due to their operations.” But there are other situations where
board members wouldn’t be covered by our General Liability policy, or could be
sued separately from the organization.


There are usually between 0 and 2 claims under our policy per year.


We cannot offer definitive advice on what hypotheticals will or will not be
covered by the policy. Each situation is unique and handled individually.
Speaking to a lawyer or expert in the area is advised when exploring such
hypotheticals. Feel free to contact us with questions and we can forward your
question to our insurance agent if necessary.


Our policy beginning on May 1, 2021, will NOT allow for COVID-19 related claims
due to an added virus exclusion—a change from the previous year’s policy. We are
not aware of any general liability policy that will do so.


Yes! As long as they are essentially the same as other events you would be
holding (dancing led or taught by an instructor/caller). As usual, filing a
claim would require someone who attended your online event to sue and prove your


Events held at this time are covered by our insurance policy as they usually
are, just not for COVID-related claims.


Some insurers require waivers for certain activities; ours does not. A waiver
won’t prevent you from being sued, but may provide additional protection if you
are. It may be worth consulting with a lawyer to discuss your particular
situation if you feel it’s necessary.


Absolutely! Email and we’ll be happy to provide a copy of the
policy for your review.


Have questions or need more information? Call Ben Williams at 413-203-5467 x106
or email

CD+S Online Editorial Guidelines

CD+S Online is written in a style that is accessible and engaging. Articles are
rigorously researched and analyzed so that scholars are pleased to include the
journal on their publications list. Generally speaking, we do not accept opinion
pieces. When reviewing articles for publication, we ask reviewers to consider
the following points:


 * Does the submission engage in critical and analytical work or is it merely
   descriptive? (Note: there will be submissions that are very descriptive of a
   group’s practice or history, but they should not be merely descriptive; there
   should be some framing of the practice within the larger context of the
   transmission of culture or a similar broad idea.)
 * Does the content meet a high standard in terms of the quality, breadth and
   depth of research? Are the arguments supported by the research and is the
   research replicable?
 * Would the submission require a substantial amount of editing/reworking on our
   part? Is it engaging and accessible?


 * Does the content fit with our mission to explore music, song, and dance
   rooted in England and North America?
 * Would the submission work in terms of formatting/layout? (For example, we do
   not want a link to a 30-minute video where the specific material the reader
   is supposed to view is buried deeply; we prefer snippets.)
 * Does it come with practical, usable media or media ideas?


 * Has this submission been published elsewhere? If so, we cannot accept it for
   publication in CD+S Online.
 * Do the arguments seem fresh or have you heard them before?


Is the content usable or does it require extensive, expensive, or impossible
permissions issues?


Reviewers are asked to give one of the four following opinions on the

 1. Accept as is.
 2. Accept with revisions (in this case, please indicate ideas, paragraphs or
    sentences that need work).
 3. Revise and resubmit for review (in this case, please indicate areas or
    sentences that need work; this would be an extensive rewrite and the results
    would be submitted to the original reader as well as a second reader).
 4. Reject Please provide some concrete reasoning as to why it should be
    rejected based on the criteria above. A reviewer may also request that
    another or an additional reader(s) review the submission.

Note that the General Editor, in consultation with CDSS staff, retains final
decision-making authority.

Submissions for CD+S Online

We welcome submissions at any time on topics addressing traditional dance,
music, and song rooted in England and North America. Articles in CD+S Online are
longer and more detailed than those found in its sister publication, CDSS News,
and represent an exploration of the past, a celebration of the present,
speculations as to the future, and a means for future generations to mark the
status and development of our shared art form at any given point in time.

Generally speaking, we do not accept personal memoirs or group histories unless
they can be fitted into a broader theme or argument.

Requirements for publication: Articles should be limited to 2,000 to 3,500 words
and conform to the MLA Style Manual, with parenthetical documentation for all
sources and with American spelling and punctuation (except for historical
quotations, as noted in the style sheet). Place any notes at the end, preceding
the Works Cited list.

Submission of a paper to CD+S Online is a representation that it is the author’s
original, unpublished work, that it has not been submitted elsewhere, and that
the author has secured permission to publish any copyrighted material, including
illustrations, and video or audio links. Authors retain the copyright to their
essays, but essays accepted for publication in CD+S Online may not be reprinted
elsewhere without the permission of CDSS and its journal Editor.

All articles should follow the style guide and editorial guidelines linked from
this page. Email your paper as a text file to Allison Thompson at

CD+S Online Style Guide

CD+S Online refers to the MLA Style Manual in matters of grammar, usage, and,
especially, documentation; exceptions are described later in these guidelines.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the writer to put the manuscript
into our preferred style.


The essential difference between MLA style and others is its system of
parenthetical documentation. This is what we are asking for when we request a
conversion to that style: sources noted in parentheses within the text, at the
first natural pause.

Sources are cited by author’s name (unless recently mentioned) and page number
(unless recently mentioned). The title of the source is included only if more
than one source by the author is being used in the article and only if that
title has not been clearly and recently mentioned. The aim is to keep the
parenthetical reference as clean and brief as possible while still identifying
the source clearly. If you have information to add, you may use endnotes.
Because of space limitations, however, we encourage careful consideration of
their inclusion in your article. Use endnotes for 1) comments, explanations, or
information that the text cannot accommodate, or 2) a listing of several sources
or comments on the source(s).

The parenthetical references are then keyed to a Works Cited list at the end of
the article.


In the parenthetical reference, use only what is needed for readers’ clear
understanding of the source. They will refer to the Works Cited section for

 1. In the Works Cited section, abbreviate publishers’ names as far as possible.
    For example, use “Chicago: UCP,” instead of “Chicago: U Chicago P” as MLA
    recommends. There is no need to state the name of the university if it is
    clear by the name of the city. Another example: use “Berkeley: UCP” since
    Berkeley is clearly a reference to a California university press. If the
    reader can easily deduce the name of the publisher from the city’s name,
    simply give initials. However, use “Philadelphia: U Pennsylvania P,” etc.,
    for greatest clarity.
 2. When citing an article in an anthology, please remember to include page
    numbers in the list of works cited.


 * Articles from Country Dance & Song, CD+S Online, The Country Dancer and CDSS
   News should be cited like any other periodical source, with the author’s name
   and/or page reference in parentheses, and the full citation in the Works
   Cited list.
 * Close up spaces around em-dashes.
 * Do not use brackets around ellipses, as MLA recommends. For an ellipsis that
   signifies an omission within a sentence, space three points evenly (one space
   before/after each period); for an ellipsis that signifies an omission between
   sentences, use a period, space, and then even spacing.
   Spell out all numbers under 10; thereafter use numerals. Use “’s” for
   singular possessive: e.g., Brian Jenkins’s tunes.
 * Use “1820s” not “1820’s.”
 * Use “morris dance” not “Morris dance,” unless the phrase is at the beginning
   of the sentence.
 * Use “English country dance,” not “English Country Dance.”
 * Do not italicize “CD+S Online.”
 * Use “poussette” not “poucete” or any other variants unless it is in quoted
 * When you refer to the Country Dance and Song Society, the English Folk Dance
   and Song Society or the Royal Scottish Dance Society, use these full titles
   with the acronym in parentheses (CDSS, EFDSS, RSCDS) and thereafter use the
 * In older quotations, please substitute an “s” for the eighteenth-century
   “long esses,” but leave other spellings, capitalizations and punctuation as
   in the original.
 * Please check all quoted material and make sure you have quoted exactly; this
   step is particularly important as Microsoft Word, for example, thinks it
   knows better than you and will “correct” spellings without notice!
 * You do not need to italicize foreign words that describe common dance terms
   (i.e., révérence, pas de basque, cinque pace) but follow MLA rules for
   italicizing other foreign words such as “non pareil” or “caro sposo.”
 * We have a separate set of guidelines for notating dances; write to the Editor
   for details.
 * Please use the so-called Oxford or serial comma: (I.e., “CD+S Online
   publishes articles that explore aspects of traditional music, song, and


 * Format the essay in Times New Roman, font size 12.
 * Justify the left margin only.
 * Use one space after a period.
 * Use the Tab key (rather than the space bar) to indent the beginning of
 * Double space the entire document including indented quotations, notes, and
   the Works Cited page.
 * Number your pages, but please do not include a running head with your name.
 * To offset a long quotation, adjust the margins by ½ inch on each side. Please
   do not insert extra hard returns to achieve the same effect.
 * To indent the items on the Works Cited list, please use the hanging indent
   function. Please do not insert a hard return and tab in the middle of the


 * Images must be submitted as .jpg files.
 * Musical clips must be submitted as .mp3 files.
 * Video clips must be submitted as .flv files supported by Adobe’s Flash
 * Written music may be submitted in .pdf form at the time of first review. If
   the music is laid out using a musical formatting program, indicate which
   program. You may be asked to send a copy of the file upon acceptance.
 * Permission to publish any copyrighted material or to obtain video/audio
   releases is the author’s responsibility. Copies of the permission releases
   must be sent to the Editor along with the final draft of the accepted


 * MLA Style Manual (our primary resource)
 * The Chicago Manual of Style (for points not covered in the MLA; for greater
 * Webster’s New World Dictionary
 * The American Heritage Dictionary
 * The Elements of Style
 * Fowler’s Modern English Usage

Requirements for Grantees


 * Acknowledge CDSS support in any print and online publicity, including our
   logo (download a file below) and a link to our website. For example:
   “This event (or project) is supported in part by a Community Grant from the
   Country Dance & Song Society,” Include the CDSS logo (download it
   just below).
 * Arrange to have skilled photographers take quality photos during your
   event/project (and video if possible).


 * Make announcements to acknowledge CDSS support.
 * Make CDSS promotional materials available. (We will mail these to you.)
 * Have photos (and video) taken.


 * Submit follow-up report within one month, including successes, challenges,
   feedback from participants, financial outcome, etc. Include photos (and
   video) with corresponding name(s) of photographer(s), so we can provide
 * Provide a list of anyone helping to organize your event/project, including
   contact information.
 * Return the mailing list sign-up sheet included in your promotional materials.



CDSS grant recipients must use the CDSS logo on their printed materials,
website, and/or social media. When included on a web page, blog, or social media
site, please link the logo to the CDSS website,

The logo is available in two versions, horizontal and square, in either two
colors (2C) or black and white (B/W). It must be produced as shown without


Click on the link below the logo you want and the logo will open in another
browser window. Then follow the instructions below

PC users: Right-click on the link below the image you desire and select ‘Save
Target As’ or ‘Save Link Target As’ to save the file to your desktop or
appropriate folder. 

Mac users: Control-click on the link below the image you desire and select “Save
Link As” to save the file to your desktop or appropriate folder.

 * Print 2C (eps)
 * Web 2C (jpg)
 * Web 2C transparent (png)
 * Download all (zip)

 * Print B/W (eps)
 * Web B/W (jpg)
 * Web B/W transparent (png)
 * Download all (zip)

 * Print 2C (eps)
 * Web 2C (jpg)
 * Web 2C transparent (png)
 * Download all (zip)

 * Print B/W (eps)
 * Web B/W (jpg)
 * Web B/W transparent (png)
 * Download all (zip)

Join Our Mailing List


You can unsubscribe at any time using the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of
every email.


Get news from CDSS 2-3 times a month.


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Last Name

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By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from:
Country Dance and Song Society, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 334, Easthampton, MA,
01027, US, You can revoke your consent to receive emails at
any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email.
Emails are serviced by Constant Contact.

Sign up!




Ben Williams grew up in the suburbs of Boston and now lives in Northampton, MA.
He began working for CDSS in fall of 2018. He’s responsible for CDSS’s
publications, including digital publications and the online library. He also
runs the store and coordinates insurance and 501(c)(3) services for Group

Ben has been a life-long singer and began contra dancing in Greenfield while he
attended UMass Amherst for journalism and psychology (after a brief stint in
chemistry). While not singing and dancing he enjoys playing games (board, card,
and otherwise), woodworking, and other craft projects. He also helps run a local
meditation center and a Buddhist summer camp for children ages 10-16.




Anne lives and works in Orlando, FL. She graduated from Hampshire College in
1995 and has been designing and building websites ever since. In 2019, she
joined the CDSS team as webmaster, taking care of updates, maintenance, and

Anne’s dance career began and ended at age 4, when the ballet teacher told her
parents not to bother sending her back. However, she enjoys singing with the
Orlando Gay Chorus, and her time with CDSS has inspired her to dip a toe into
contra dance. Her other interests include travel, cooking, needlepoint, and Star




Nicki Perez is a long-time singer and dancer who grew up performing with Revels
North, Village Harmony, and various other local groups in New England. After
touring in Europe with Northern Harmony, she moved to Northampton, MA, where she
now resides.

Nicki has worked at CDSS since 2016. Most recently, as the Gifts & Database
Coordinator, she works with the Finance Team to ensure your gifts are processed
quickly and correctly. Outside of work, you can find Nicki reading novels,
powerlifting, and learning new languages.




Hailing from Honolulu and now living in San Diego, Audrey cut her folk teeth in
the Boston area, attending Berklee College of Music and spending years exploring
the thriving New England folk scene and attending her first Pinewoods camp
thanks to the CDSS youth scholarship.

You probably know Audrey best as a contra and English country dance fiddle
player, having traveled the country with her bands The Free Raisins, The
Gaslight Tinkers, Audacious (with Larry Unger), and Wake Up Robin. As the new
Membership Coordinator, she’s excited to get to know you more and pay it forward
in the community.




Sarah grew up contra dancing near the Washington-Idaho border and now lives in
Burlington, VT. She was introduced to English country dance at Oberlin College,
where she also studied neuroscience, biology, math, and music. She has served on
the board of directors for Pinewoods Camp in Plymouth, MA, and has a
professional background in customer service and data management.

Sarah plays viola and violin for English country dances, where she has found her
music and dance home. She loves her garden, native bee and bird visitors, and
the bike path along Lake Champlain, where she also enjoys cross-country skiing
and rollerblading. She appreciates a good word game or jigsaw puzzle and wishes
she had more time for weaving and pottery.




Robin started dancing when she arrived at Swarthmore College in 1983, and soon
after, following only a few years of teaching 4th grade, began working for CDSS
as a volunteer when both she and the office (coincidentally) moved to Western
MA. What began in 1987 as a volunteer Membership Secretary role grew, as CDSS
grew over the next 35 years, into Robin’s deeply fulfilling work as Director of
Development, in which she is grateful to be able to offer CDSS’s many friends
the opportunity to support our important work through membership and generous

After 22 years of residing and raising her two children in Amherst, MA, she has
settled in a quiet house of her own in Greenfield. A widely-traveled English
country dancer and leader, she recently retired from 25 years as the organizer
of the weekly English dance in Amherst.




Sarah is a New England transplant from Takoma Park, MD, now living in Winooski,
VT. Her first involvement with CDSS was as a young camper at Family Week. She
went on to join the Governing Board as a college student, and then later in
2016, was hired to work in the office in Easthampton. Sarah currently serves as
the Director of Operations, guiding the smooth functioning of the organization’s
systems and processes.

Sarah grew up in a music & dance family and has been involved in the folk
community her entire life. Recently, she has been developing her mellophone
chops by playing with The Brass Balagan, an activist street band based in
Burlington, VT. Sarah is a graduate of Oberlin College and Boston University and
holds a M.A. in Marine Biology (ask her about talking to fish!). Other
hobbies/interests include: board games, crochet, flower gardening, and parades.




Although many people in our community know Joanna as an excellent dance leader,
what makes her perfect for this role is her expertise in nonprofit financial
management and experience working with cultural organizations on data-driven
program design. Joanna joins CDSS from SMU DataArts, where she evaluated
cultural organization needs and designed organizational strength trainings for
adult learners in the cultural community. She lives in Cheltenham, PA.




Kelsey works for CDSS from her home near Nashville, TN. As Marketing and
Communications Manager, she oversees News publications, designs camp promotions,
writes social media content, and much more.

Kelsey works with Robin Hayden and Nicki Perez on the Development team and with
anyone else in the office who needs art! She joined CDSS in 2019 after having
been a primary school music teacher, a university graphic designer, and a guitar

Kelsey plays fiddle and banjo in the dance bands Turnip the Beet and Silver
Sail, spending many weekends traveling to dance festivals around the country.
She is the founder and co-leader of the Nashville Country Dancers community open
band and served as the US delegate to the world folk music project Ethno
Flanders in 2017. Outside of playing music, Kelsey enjoys making crankies and
hiking with her pup, Isham.




Anna grew up in Canada and went to the University of Manitoba for her B.S. in
Accounting and Mathematics. She now lives in West Springfield, MA with her
husband and two children. Prior to joining CDSS, she started and ran her own
business for 5 years in Canada, and then worked for Girl Scouts of Pioneer
Valley as their Accounting/Finance Manager. She joined CDSS in December 2011. As
Accounting Manager, she oversees organization accounting activities and

During most of her time off from CDSS, she is busy driving her two kids to their
activities and taking care of her mother both remotely and in Canada. She loves
traveling and learning about different cultures from the places she visits. She
was fortunate enough to be able to give her children their first overseas trip
to Asia last summer. She hopes she will be able to continue her travels after
the kids are all grown up.




Julie grew up in Barkhamsted, CT and after graduating from the University of
Central Florida moved out to Missoula, MT for a brief period before moving back
to Barkhamsted to raise her three children. She has a M.S. in Accounting from
the University of Connecticut and B.S. in Business Administration from the
University of Central Florida. Prior to joining CDSS, Julie worked at several
nonprofit organizations in CT. She joined CDSS in December of 2019 as the
Director of Finance and is responsible for the organization’s finances and human

When Julie is not at the office, she is enjoying the outdoors, running, skiing
or hiking with family and friends. She loves traveling and was fortunate to
enjoy a month-long RV trip across the United States with her family in 2018. She
visited 28 states and drove 9529 miles.




A native of Berea, Kentucky, Katy grew up immersed in traditional song, dance,
and music. Her first involvement with CDSS was as a camper at CDSS Family Week
at Pinewoods as a teenager, where she fell in love with the work of CDSS. Over
the years she’s continued to support the organization as a CDSS member, donor,
camp instructor, camp program director, and board member.

Before becoming the Executive Director of CDSS in 2017, Katy spent 6 years in
clinical trials data management, and 7 years in food banking, where she
supervised a remote team that worked with 200 partner agencies to end hunger in
western North Carolina. Today Katy is blending her previous professional
experiences with her love of traditional dance, music, and song, as she leads
CDSS in becoming a high-functioning remote team, rooted in a strong mission, and
harnessing today’s technology to bridge geographic distance.

Outside the office you might find Katy paddle-boarding with her family, singing
with others, driving her two kids around to any number of activities, working in
the yard, reading novels, or planning some big gathering or adventure.