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 2. Articles
 3. Market
 4. What are consumers searching for online?

Wednesday, March 16, 2022Market


In order to be as close as possible to the expectations of the general public,
the forecasting firm Spate sifts through the research done on the Internet (in
relation to cosmetics). The analysis of these data allows us to highlight
emerging trends and to calibrate the real needs of Internet users as accurately
as possible.

Reading time
~ 2 minutes

To conduct this report, Spate reviewed more than 20 billion queries made online.
Three categories stand out: skin care, hair care and makeup.

Skin Care
In this category, we find:
• Hydrocolloid patches (+37.0% projected growth)
• LED face masks (+36.7%)
• Cooling globes (+30.8%)
• Facial spatulas (+30.6%)
• Gua sha stones (+30.1%)
• Sun mists (+28.2%)
• Anti-blemish patches (+25.3%)
• Tinted sun creams (+23.3%)
• Tinted moisturizers (+22.8%)

Hair care
Included in this ranking are:
• Wigs (+42.8% projected growth)
• Rice water shampoos (+32.3%)
• Hair loss treatments (+28.7%)
• Scalp serums (+27.3%)
• root powders (+25.0%)
• Texturizing powders (+20.9%)
• Hair loss shampoos (18.1%)
• Color conditioning care (+17.4%)

Among the most popular searches were:
• Cat-eye lashes (+37.0% projected growth)
• Graphic eyeliner (+36.7%)
• Colored lash extensions (+31.9%)
• Contouring sticks (+28.1%)
• Plum lipsticks (+26.6%)
• Satin lipsticks (+24.8%)
• White eyeliner (+24.8%)
• Metallic lipsticks (+21.2%)
• Stick bronzers (+17.9%)
• Eye shadow sticks (+14.8%)

“The pandemic continues to influence consumer needs. In terms of skin and hair
care, they are looking to take care of themselves at home,” concludes Spate. “As
for makeup, consumer research shows a need …


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Beauty Devices Markets: Untapped Potential (Kline)
article - 2/18/13
Gluten-free cosmetics
article - 12/2/14
Selective beauty: growth returns in 2021
article - 3/8/22
Hair care: what women want
article - 3/9/22
Hair removal: an essential beauty
article - 4/11/16
CSR: which brands are the most appreciated by the French?
article - 10/6/21
Do you speak hairy?
article - 6/18/18
How pollution disturbs the skin
article - 9/30/15
Oily skins: ingredients to privilege
article - 1/25/10
Pinterest lists 2022's trends
article - 3/2/22
Perfume and infidelity: a link disclosed
article - 11/28/12
Dry and mature skin: active ingredients to look for
article - 4/29/14
Cosmetics for men: a step to parity?
article - 9/19/13
article - 3/30/10
Packaging: the new expectations of consumers
article - 3/17/21
When beauty and data become one
article - 7/5/17
Social networks: cosmetic trends for 2022
article - 2/23/22
Retail: Seduction operation
article - 9/10/18
Profile of the "clean" consumer
article - 3/2/22
A look back on the milestones of anti-aging innovation
article - 11/16/15
Hygiene/beauty market: the need to boost traffic
article - 3/16/22
Hair: multicultural yet very personal
article - 9/19/14
Where do French women buy their organic or natural cosmetics?
article - 3/2/22
What future for e-commerce?
article - 3/14/22
Covid-19: Are consumers going back to the store?
article - 3/8/22


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Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Hygiene/beauty market: the need to boost traffic
On March 11, 2022, the CEW France organized its “Beauty Business” in Paris, a
session where all the major forecasting firms gathered to decipher the f...
Monday, March 14, 2022
Cosmetic export codes in the Netherlands
To help French cosmetic brands in their internationalization strategy, the Team
France Export of Business France has listed all the countries of inter...
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
What are consumers searching for online?
In order to be as close as possible to the expectations of the general public,
the forecasting firm Spate sifts through the research done on the Inter...
Monday, March 14, 2022
What future for e-commerce?
Already important, online commerce has become unavoidable since the beginning of
the health crisis. But like all distribution channels, it faces chall...
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Hair care: what women want
Long, curly, straight, thick, short, highlighted… no matter what type, hair
needs care. And it’s not always easy to know the needs of consumers. That’...
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Covid-19: Are consumers going back to the store?
The health crisis has disrupted the retail landscape. New shopping habits have
been adopted in response to the various lockdowns and mandatory store c...
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
The secrets of cosmetic export in Switzerland
The mission of Business France’s Team France Export is to help French
manufacturers expand internationally. And depending on the field of activity,
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Selective beauty: growth returns in 2021
After a sharp decline in 2020, sales of selective beauty products in France have
returned to growth, increasing by 9% in 2021, compared to 2020. Accor...
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Luxury in China: deciphering the 2022 market
The Chinese market is increasingly attractive for high-end brands, however, the
dynamics that govern it have become more and more complex. Economic, s...
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Profile of the "clean" consumer
In cosmetics, there are several types of consumers: those who like conventional
products, those who only swear by organic care… And there are others, ...
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Pinterest lists 2022's trends
Pinterest is one of the most trend-setting social networks. For Internet users,
it’s a goldmine full of inspiration. The platform took a closer look a...
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Where do French women buy their organic or natural cosmetics?
From 4 to 8 February 2022, Harris Interactive conducted an online study among a
representative sample of French women aged 18 to 50 (according to the ...
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TrendsEcoresponsabilityCovidMarketTech /
DigitalConsumersExpertsIngredientsNewsProductsProducts newsPackaging newsRecalls
of productsFocus on French Launches
BasicsDossiersCosmetics glossaryAdvising consumersPortraitsThe language of
labelsAround babies



CosmeticOBS : 1st independent portal dedicated to cosmetics since 2008.

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