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The internet has brought enormous benefits, from enabling individuals to
communicate, shop and bank online to making it easier for businesses to trade
across borders.

Unfortunately, however, it is also a breeding ground for criminals intent on
making money. It provides opportunities for them to:

 * Infect your computer or mobile and tablet device with malware and steal your
 * Send you spam and scam emails
 * Trick you into visiting fake websites and handing over personal information
 * Hack into your wireless network and intercept your data, such as passwords
   and usernames
 * Take over your computer and use it to attack other people’s computers


There are a few simple steps you can take to protect yourself online, whether
you are a business owner or a private individual. There is always more that you
can do, but we suggest you follow the guidelines below as a minimum.


When creating passwords, remember the following things:

 * Keep them to yourself. No one at HSBC will ever ask you for your internet
   banking password
 * Make them hard to guess
 * Vary them. Try to use different passwords for different services
 * Change your passwords regularly
 * Never write them down

Keep your operating system, web browsers and other software up to date .
Collapsed. Elements of section hidden. Show section.

From time to time, weaknesses are discovered in computer programs and
applications, such as web browsers. These weaknesses can be exploited by virus
writers and hackers to gain access to computers. To fix these weaknesses,
software publishers regularly release ‘patches’.

Ensure your browser and operating system are set to automatically update so you
don’t miss out on important security patches. This is typically the default
setting for modern software, but refer to your software supplier if you have any
doubts. You can also check for patches and updates yourself by visiting the
publisher's website, typically their 'Download' section. Generally, the latest
versions of an operating system family (such as Microsoft Windows) or browser
(such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, etc) have the most
up-to-date security features.

Microsoft users can update Windows by clicking ‘All Programs’ on the ‘Start’
menu on their computer and then selecting ‘Windows Update’.

Apple Mac users can check for software updates by clicking on Updates in the App
Store toolbar, or by choosing Software Update from the Apple Menu.
Alternatively, visit https://www.apple.com/downloads.

Be wary of fake emails about bogus updates. Use the update software that comes
with your computer or via the software publisher’s own website – don't click on
links in emails.

Install anti-virus software . Collapsed. Elements of section hidden. Show

Anti-virus software protects you, your privacy and your money.

Viruses are bad news. They steal personal information, take over your PC, pop up
unwanted adverts and can even use your computer to attack other people’s

You may also hear them called malware, trojans, spyware or adware.

Anti-virus software protects you against all of them.

To work properly, anti-virus software has to download updates regularly over the
internet. Out-of-date anti-virus software will have flaws.

Any file with no extension (eg just named ‘file’) or a double extension (eg
file.wow.jpg) is almost certainly a virus and should never be opened. Also,
never open an email attachment that is unknown to you and in particular contains
a file ending with .exe, .pif and .vbs because these commonly contain viruses.

It is a good idea to install anti-virus software if you don’t have any already.
There are many effective programs to choose from. But be sure to visit the
software provider’s genuine site because there are many fake products claiming
to protect your computer but which may actually infect it with viruses.

Avoid online fraud and scams . Collapsed. Elements of section hidden. Show

If a deal or offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Criminals may contact you by email, through websites you use, via SMS or even by
phone. It pays to be on your guard because they can be quite convincing.

Here are some warning signs:

 * Big promises. “You have won the lottery”
 * Big threats. “Your account has been hacked”
 * A false sense of urgency. “Act now or it'll be too late”
 * Unnecessary secrecy. “Don’t tell anyone”
 * You can’t think of any reason why they’d need to contact you. Did you even
   buy a lottery ticket?
 * ‘‘Business opportunities’’ that involve holding or receiving money for

If an attachment looks suspicious, don’t open it. Don't install software unless
it comes from a website you trust. If it doesn’t feel right, take your time.

If you suspect that there is a problem with your personal or business internet
banking, talk to us first.

Learn to spot fake emails and fake websites . Collapsed. Elements of section
hidden. Show section.

Criminals use fake emails and fake websites.

They set them up to con people into giving away passwords and bank details. The
technical word for this is ‘phishing’.

For example, they might send you an email that looks like it comes from us and
it might contain a link to a website that looks like this one. When you try to
log on, they can steal your password. They could also ask you to make a phone
call or reply by email.

They are good at making their emails and websites look realistic. But the fake
ones often share some common characteristics:

 * Strange looking email or web addresses
 * Poor design, typos or bad spelling
 * They ask you to do something unusual
 * A site that requires you to log in but doesn't display the padlock symbol in
   the address bar when you do so

HSBC never asks customers to update or verify their personal security details by
email. If in doubt, stop. Don’t click on any links. Don’t open any attachments.
Just forward the email to phishing@hsbc.com and we will investigate it.
Alternatively refer to your local country page for appropriate ways to report.

Keep your passwords and personal information secure . Collapsed. Elements of
section hidden. Show section.

Fraudsters use personal information from different sources to steal people’s

Viruses are one way to do it. But they also use paper documents containing
personal details, such as receipts and bank statements.

Fraudsters use many methods such as searching in dustbins to obtain these

You should take simple precautions to keep your details safe. Store your bank
documents in a safe place and always shred them when they are no longer
required. You may also want to switch to online statements.

Meanwhile, you should review your bank and credit card statements for any
unusual transactions or withdrawals and notify the bank immediately if you
suspect any discrepancies. You should also tell us of any changes in your
personal details (eg address change).

If you plan to cancel a bank/credit card (or it expires), immediately destroy
the card by cutting it into small pieces to ensure it cannot be re-used.

Your HSBC internet banking password, together with your other internet banking
credentials, permit access to your bank accounts.

Don’t share private information online . Collapsed. Elements of section hidden.
Show section.

Double-check privacy settings on social networking sites.

What’s your mother’s maiden name? What’s the name of the first school you went
to? What was your favourite subject at school? What's your address? Birthday?
Phone number?

All this information is useful to people who want to steal your identity or
break into your personal internet banking. You wouldn’t give this information
away to a stranger in the street but if you use social networking sites, such as
Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, you could be over-sharing personal data.

You may want to think carefully about the information you put into your profiles
on sites like this. It is also a good idea that you check the privacy settings
of your social media accounts, to make sure you only share personal information
with people you trust.

Please also remember that you must take all reasonable precautions to keep your
details safe and prevent any unauthorised use of any cards and security details.
Do not disclose your security details to anyone else – see the terms and
conditions that apply to your account(s) for more detail.

Secure your wireless network . Collapsed. Elements of section hidden. Show

A wireless network allows you to connect your computer to the internet without
having to use a cable. It typically contains a wireless router, which uses radio
signals to transfer data to computers within the network. Some wireless routers
are pre-set with very insecure settings to help users connect to them for the
first time – but this also means that other people could access your internet
account quite easily. For this reason, you should always consult your manual or
online guide to find out how to connect more securely through your wireless
network – usually by creating a password.

Protect your mobile phone and tablet devices . Collapsed. Elements of section
hidden. Show section.

As the use of mobile phones and tablet devices has risen, they have become an
increasingly attractive target for criminals.

For example, a criminal might send you an email that looks like it comes from us
and it might contain a link to a website that looks like this one. When you try
to log on, they can steal your password. They could also ask you to make a phone
call or reply by email.

You may want to think about:

 * Setting and using a security PIN code. If you use a mobile device which
   supports biometrics such as fingerprint identification, ensure yours is the
   only fingerprint registered on the device
 * Not storing your home phone number and address under ‘home’ in the contact
   list (you wouldn’t want a thief to be able to know your address and be able
   to check if you’re at home)
 * Adjusting the phone settings so that it locks automatically if you don’t use
   it for a minute or two
 * Not storing passwords or other sensitive information on your phone in a way
   that can be understood by someone else. Your HSBC Online Banking username and
   password should not be stored on your mobile handset or tablet at all
 * Do not use a jailbroken Apple® iPhone®, rooted Android™ phone or any other
   mobile device that has been jailbroken or rooted. These are techniques which
   remove important security features that have been inbuilt on your device by
   the mobile operating system manufacturer
 * When using WiFi, only use secured and trusted WiFi networks or service
 * Disable Bluetooth if you are not using it, or set the smartphone or tablet to
   non-discovery mode. This will make it harder for people to find your device
   and send malicious data to it
 * Be wary of voicemail and text message scams, also known as ‘smishing’.
   Clicking on links in text messages can be risky – be careful

Criminals may also create fraudulent mobile applications that look like ours so
when you try to log on, they can steal your password. Be sure that mobile
applications – including virtual keyboards – are downloaded from trusted app
stores, such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play, and understand what you are
permitting mobile applications to do before you install them.

If you lose your phone, report it to your mobile phone provider immediately.
Make a note of your phone’s IMEI number (dial *#06# to get it). This will make
it easier for your phone company to disable a stolen phone.

How HSBC protects you online . Collapsed. Elements of section hidden. Show

We are constantly reviewing the ways we protect our customers online. Our
proactive approach includes meeting some of the world’s leading security experts
to discuss key issues and sponsoring joint initiatives to improve your online

We protect you by:

 1. Ensuring your online transactions are safe and secure. We use
    industry-standard security technology and practices to safeguard your
    account from any unauthorised access.
 2. Using logons and passwords to make sure we’re dealing with you. Online
    access to your account is only possible once you have authenticated yourself
    using the correct Internet Banking ID and security details.
 3. Using two-factor authentication to provide an extra layer of protection. The
    secure key or security device is a two-factor authentication device that
    will help protect you from internet banking fraud. It is designed to make
    sure only you can access your personal information. Two-factor
    authentication means you not only need a password or PIN but you also need a
    device unique to you to access your account.
 4. Creating secure online sessions. When you log in to internet banking you are
    said to be in a secure session. You know you are in a secure session if the
    URL address begins with https:// and a padlock symbol appears at the top of
    the page as part of the address bar.
 5. Using encryption. We use industry-standard encryption to protect your data.
 6. Using session timeouts. If you forget to log off after banking online or
    your computer remains inactive for a period of time during a session, our
    systems automatically log you off.
 7. Having automatic lockouts. After a number of incorrect attempts to log in,
    we disable online access to your account. To re-activate your account, you
    should contact your usual helpdesk number.



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