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 * Why do I have to take the online tax interview?
 * How do I access or retake the interview?
 * I am a content partner with Twitch, does that mean I am considered a
 * Do I need Twitch's EIN?
 * I received an email saying I needed to complete the tax interview and 30
   minutes later I got an email saying my information has been completed, but I
   did not do anything. What does this mean?
 * I am a U.S. individual or I represent a U.S. company. Do I need to give you
   my tax information?
 * I am a non-U.S. individual or I represent a non-U.S. company. Do I need to
   give you my tax information?
 * What name should I provide during the tax information interview?
 * What is a U.S. Tax Identification Number (EIN or SSN)?
 * What is a Foreign Tax Identification Number?
 * Why does my tax information show as invalid?
 * How do you determine the rate of withholding tax, if any?
 * Do I have to consent to provide an electronic signature?
 * I am completing the interview for a company. Does that mean I am an "agent"?
 * I'm a partner that hasn't received their tax form for 2015 and beyond, what
   do I do?
 * When will I get my annual IRS Form 1099-MISC or Form 1042-S?
 * How do I get my annual IRS Form 1099-MISC or Form 1042-S electronically?


New in 2022! Here's how to download your forms online:

Why do I have to take the online tax interview?Twitch requires all providers
(eg. Partners, Affiliates) — including U.S. and non-U.S., non-profit or
tax-exempt organizations—to provide valid taxpayer identity information in order
to comply with U.S. tax reporting regulations.

The tax interview collects the tax identity information in the form of a W-9 or
W-8BEN form. This is used to determine whether US withholding tax is applicable
to your payment. If you do not complete the interview, a default withholding tax
of up to 30% may apply to your payments.

How do I access or retake the interview?If you need to retake the interview, you
can log into your Twitch account. Once logged in head to the Affiliate / Partner
section under your Dashboard or click here. Once there proceed through to the
Partner / Affiliate Onboarding and click Start Over.I am a content partner with
Twitch, does that mean I am considered a "partnership"?The tax interview is
asking whether you are an individual or a certain type of legal entity (for
example, a corporation, partnership, or other legal entity type). You are not a
“partnership” merely because you are a Partner at Twitch. Please evaluate
whether you are answering the interview questions on behalf of yourself as an
individual, or on behalf of an entity, like a corporation or partnership. If you
have any questions on whether you are a “partnership”, please consult your tax
advisor.Do I need Twitch's EIN?The tax interview is asking for your tax
information, including your tax identification number. We do not require you to
input Twitch’s EIN. For more information on tax identification numbers, please
consult your tax advisor.I received an email saying I needed to complete the tax
interview and 30 minutes later I got an email saying my information has been
completed, but I did not do anything. What does this mean?When we introduced our
automated tax identity collection process, an email was sent to all active
partners. However, you already had validated tax information on file and we were
able to update this in our system. When we updated the system, it triggered the
second email to notify you that the interview was complete. At this time, no
further action is required from you.I am a U.S. individual or I represent a U.S.
company. Do I need to give you my tax information?Twitch requires all U.S.
payees, including non-profit and tax-exempt organizations, to provide their U.S.
taxpayer information through our short online tax interview accessible from the
Dashboard. You will be required to provide your U.S. tax identification number.
 * Your nine-digit federal tax identification number is your Social Security
   Number (SSN),
 * Employer Identification Number (EIN), or
 * Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

I am a non-U.S. individual or I represent a non-U.S. company. Do I need to give
you my tax information?Twitch requires all non-U.S. payees to provide valid
taxpayer identification information by taking the tax information interview to
certify your non-U.S. status by completing IRS Form W-8 or Form 8233. A taxpayer
identification number (TIN) is not required unless you wish to claim a reduced
rate of withholding tax.What name should I provide during the tax information
interview?You should provide the name of the individual or organization that
will report the income on an income tax return. The name on the tax forms should
also agree with the name on the signed legal contract and payment information.

If you are completing the information as an organization, use the name as it
appears as follows:

 * Trust – The name as it appears on the trust deed
 * Partnership – The name as it appears in the partnership agreement
 * Corporation – The name as it appears in the certificate of incorporation, or
   other legal document that formed the corporation
 * Other - The name as it appears on the legal document that formed the entity

You are not a “partnership” merely because you are a Partner at Twitch.

What is a U.S. Tax Identification Number (EIN or SSN)?A U.S. Tax Identification
Number (TIN) is issued by the IRS and can be a Social Security Number (SSN),
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Employer Identification
Number (EIN). For U.S. persons, this is typically an SSN (generally for
individuals) or EIN (generally for companies). For non-U.S. persons, this may be
an ITIN (generally for individuals) or EIN (generally for companies). For more
information on tax identification numbers, please consult your tax advisor.What
is a Foreign Tax Identification Number?A foreign tax identification number is
issued by your local tax authority and is used for income tax reporting
purposes. Canadian individuals, for example, are given a Social Insurance
Number. If your local tax authority does not issue an income tax identification
number, a U.S. TIN must be provided if you wish to claim a reduced rate of
withholding tax under a tax treaty. For individuals claiming treaty benefits,
this is an ITIN. For non-individuals claiming treaty benefits, this is an EIN.
You can apply for an ITIN or EIN with the IRS.Why does my tax information show
as invalid?Twitch does not have insight into the details about why information
is invalid, but here are some common examples:
 * Misspelling your name, not including your middle initial or middle name, or
   entering an incorrect Tax Identification Number (TIN) may cause tax identity
   information to not match IRS records.
 * Use the name and TIN that appear on your Social Security card [SSN], CP565
   notice [ITIN], or CP575A notice [EIN], if applicable.
 * If you are providing an EIN, use the name that appears on the top line of the
   address header on your CP575A notice from the IRS if you are providing a
   business name.

How do you determine the rate of withholding tax, if any?The U.S. IRS requires
Twitch to collect up to 30% from payments issued to non-U.S. persons who receive
certain payments. Any applicable withholding tax will automatically be deducted
from your payment(s).

You may be eligible for a reduced rate of U.S. withholding tax under certain
circumstances. For example, if your country of permanent residence has an income
tax treaty with the U.S. The list of tax treaty countries and applicable rates
can be found in IRS Publication 515.

Applicable to non-U.S. Payees only
Do I have to consent to provide an electronic signature?Electronic signature is
not required. However, if you consent to an electronic signature, you will be
able to certify, sign and submit your form electronically.

If you do not provide consent, you will be required to print a hard copy of your
IRS Form W-8 or Form W-9, sign with blue or black ink, and mail to the address

Please note that consenting to electronic signature allows Twitch to validate
your information in real-time, which generally enables you to have your tax
information and account processed immediately. If you do not consent to
electronic signature, it can take up to seven to ten business days after receipt
of the form before processing.

I am completing the interview for a company. Does that mean I am an
"agent"?Generally, an “agent acting as an intermediary” refers to a business or
individual that will receive income on behalf of another person. Merely
completing the tax interview on behalf of a company does not necessarily make
you an agent. We have provided a couple of examples for your convenience:
 * Example 1: For services payments, a company (or individual) could potentially
   be an “agent acting as an intermediary” where they are receiving payments for
   services someone else is providing, as an agent for that person. However, a
   company (or individual) would typically not be an “agent acting as an
   intermediary” if they simply hire a subcontractor.
 * Example 2: For royalties, a company (or individual) would typically be
   considered an agent if they receive payment for the use of copyrights or
   content which are owned by clients of the company (or individual).

I'm a Partner that hasn't received their tax form for 2015 and beyond, what do I
do?First, make sure that you have your address up to date on the Amazon tax
interview. You can retake the interview by visiting your Partner settings page.

After you have completed that, please log in to
with your existing account under that same email address, or create a new
account under that email address if one does not already exist, click View/Edit
next to one of your forms, and then finally click Contact Us at the top of the
page for a number of helpful FAQs and information.

When will I get my annual IRS Form 1099-MISC or Form 1042-S?Your Form 1099-MISC
is available on or before January 31 of the following calendar year via snail
mail as the form will be postmarked on or before January 31 and will be sent to
the physical address that you have provided in your Twitch onboarding process.
If you have consented to electronic delivery and successfully logged into Tax
Central, on or before January 31 of the following year, you will receive an
email from Twitch with instructions on how to retrieve your Form 1099-MISC.

Your Form 1042-S is available on or before March 15 of the following calendar
year via snail mail as the form will be postmarked on or before March 15 and
will be sent to the physical address that you have provided in your Twitch
onboarding process. If you have consented to electronic delivery and
successfully logged into Tax Central, on or before March 15 of the following
year, you will receive an email from Twitch with instructions on how to retrieve
your Form 1042-S.

If you have any questions about the “agent acting as an intermediary” status,
please contact your tax advisor.

How do I get my annual IRS Form 1099-MISC or Form 1042-S electronically?

Manage Amazon Tax Central’s connection to your Twitch account from your account
connections page at You can read Twitch’s
Privacy Policy here.

 1. Click here to go to your Channel Analytics dashboard. (Or, from,
    click your portrait, select Creator Dashboard -> Insights -> Channel
 2. From your Channel Analytics dashboard, visit your payout history by clicking
    here or by clicking View My Payouts.
 3. Click View Tax Forms.
 4. Depending on the nature of your agreement with Twitch and the type of
    revenue you received, you may receive one (1) or two (2) separate tax forms.
    Many creators who earned reportable income in the form of royalty and
    service income will You may receive two (2) separate forms. These creators’
    royalty income will be reported on Form 1099-MISC and their service income
    will be reported on Form 1099-NEC. Please download forms one at a time. Some
    creators may only receive one form.
 5. To access these tax forms electronically, you must authorize Amazon Tax
    Central to access your Twitch account. If you have not done this, a pop-up
    will ask you to give permission. Once you have authorized Amazon Tax Central
    to access your Twitch account, click "Find Forms" and select the document
    under the Download link.

While Twitch is committed to helping our creators understand the requirements
under these tax regulations, we do not provide tax guidance. Please contact a
tax professional.



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