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Windows 10 Groove Music More...Less

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First published on October 2, 2017. Revised on June 1, 2018, upon announcement
of the discontinuation of the Groove Music iOS and Android apps.

On October 2, 2017, we announced that we'd be partnering with Spotify to bring
the world’s largest music streaming service to you. We know that access to the
best streaming experience, the largest catalog of music, and a variety of
subscriptions are top of your list.

On January 1, 2018, the Groove Music Pass streaming service was discontinued. If
your Pass subscription went beyond December 31, 2017, we will give you (or
already gave you) a prorated refund or a Microsoft gift card (see timing details
below). We’ll continue to update the Windows 10 Groove Music app for PC, Xbox,
and Windows Phone so you can play and manage the music you’ve purchased and
downloaded to these devices, but the app will no longer stream or play Groove
Music Pass content.

What happened to the Groove Music Pass?

The Groove Music Pass streaming service was discontinued on January 1, 2018. The
Windows 10 Groove Music apps for PC and Windows Phone will continue to play all
the music you’ve purchased and downloaded but will no longer stream or play any
Groove Music Pass content.

What's happening to the Groove Music app?

We’ll continue to update the Windows 10 Groove Music apps for PC, Xbox, and
Windows Phone so you can play your purchased music. On December 31, 2017, the
option to stream, purchase, and download music from Groove Music was
discontinued. If your purchased music was downloaded, you’ll still be able to
listen to it.

What was Groove Music Pass content?

Groove Music Pass content was music and music videos that could be streamed or
downloaded during your Groove Music Pass subscription. The Music Pass provided
you with a streaming service of songs you didn’t need to own locally to play, as
well as editorial playlist recommendations and the ability to create your own

I pre-paid for an annual Groove Music Pass. What were my options?

Your recurring annual Groove Music Pass continued through December 31, 2017. If
your Pass subscription extended beyond December 31, 2017, then by February 1,
2018, Microsoft gave you a prorated refund from December 31, 2017 onwards (if we
were able to issue a refund to your credit card/payment instrument on file). If
we were unable to refund your payment instrument on file, Microsoft provided
120% of that prorated amount in a Microsoft gift card in your Microsoft account
to spend at the Microsoft Store.

If you canceled your annual Groove Music Pass subscription before December 31,
2017, then:

 * If you canceled your subscription within 30 days of the start of your
   subscription, we gave you a full refund if we have your credit card/payment
   instrument information and it supports refunds. If we couldn’t refund your
   payment instrument on file, we provided 120% of that amount in Microsoft gift
   card value.

 * If you canceled your subscription after 30 days from the start of your
   subscription, we gave you a prorated refund (if we could issue a refund to
   your credit card/payment instrument on file). If we couldn’t refund your
   payment instrument on file, Microsoft provided 120% of that prorated amount
   in Store credit.

I was a monthly Groove Music Pass subscriber. What were my options?

If your subscription extended beyond December 31, 2017, then by February 1,
2018, Microsoft provided you with a prorated refund from December 31, 2017
onwards (if we could issue a refund to your credit card/payment instrument on
file). If your payment instrument on file didn't support refunds, Microsoft
provided 120% of that prorated amount in a Microsoft gift card.

I bought a Groove Music Pass and haven’t redeemed it. What are my options?

As of October 2, 2017, you can no longer redeem your Groove Music Pass.
Microsoft will offer 120% of the value of your unused pre-paid Groove Music Pass
as store credit to spend at the Microsoft Store. This offer is valid until
December 31, 2018. If you haven’t redeemed your pass yet and want to get your
credit, contact customer support.

I was a Groove Music Pass subscriber. Will my subscription automatically
transfer to Spotify?

No. If you want access to tens of millions of streaming songs at no cost, you
can try Spotify anytime with Spotify’s free offering.

I got my Groove Music Pass as part of a promotional offer. Am I eligible for a

No. If you got your Groove Music Pass for free, and it didn’t come as part of
another Microsoft purchase, you don’t qualify for a refund.

Will I still be able to play music I downloaded with Music Pass?

No. As of December 31, 2017, all Groove Music Pass content is unplayable,
including streaming music, downloaded tracks, and music videos.

Will I still be able to play music I purchased from the Microsoft Store?

If you downloaded your purchased music to your devices before December 31, 2017,
you’ll be able to play it through the Windows 10 Groove apps for PC, Xbox, and
Windows Phone. Get more info about playing your music on iOS and Android
devices.  As of December 31, 2017, music isn't available for purchase or
download in the Microsoft Store or for streaming in Groove.

Can I still download all my purchased music?

No. When Microsoft announced the discontinuation of the Groove Music Pass
streaming service on October 2, 2017, we notified customers that purchased music
would be available to download until December 31, 2017. Unfortunately, that
window has now passed. If you've already downloaded your music, you can listen
to it on your PC with the Windows 10 Groove apps for PC, Xbox, and Windows
Phone. You can also transfer your purchased music from one of your devices to
another device for your own personal, non-commercial use.

What happened to my purchased music if I didn't download it?

When Microsoft announced the discontinuation of the Groove Music Pass streaming
service on October 2, 2017, we notified customers that music would be available
to download until December 31, 2017. Unfortunately, that window has now passed.
If you've already downloaded your music, you can listen to it on your PC with
the Windows 10 Groove apps for PC, Xbox, and Windows Phone. You can also
transfer your downloaded purchased music from one of your devices to another
device for your own personal, non-commercial use.

Will I still be able to play my local music files?

Yes. Local files will still be playable with the Windows 10 Groove Music apps
for PC and Windows Phone.

Will I still be able to play music from OneDrive?

No. On March 31, 2019, OneDrive music streaming in Groove Music will be retired.
Get more info about OneDrive music streaming in Groove Music.

I wasn't a Groove Music Pass subscriber. How does this affect me?

Nothing has changed for you. You can continue to play your local, or purchased
content that you have downloaded through the Windows 10 Groove Music apps for
PC, Xbox, and Windows Phone. If you want access to tens of millions of streaming
songs at no cost, you can try Spotify anytime with Spotify’s free offering.

Can I still move my music to Spotify?

No. When Microsoft announced the discontinuation of the Groove Music Pass
streaming service on October 2, 2017, we notified customers that Groove Music
Pass content would be available to move to Spotify until January 31, 2018.
Unfortunately, that window has now passed.

What happened to my music after I moved it to Spotify?

All the music that had a match in Spotify’s catalog now appears in your Spotify
library and playlists. All your purchased or uploaded non-Groove Music Pass
music will remain untouched in the Windows 10 and Xbox Groove Music apps. Music
you own and that is stored locally on your hard drive or on OneDrive is
untouched and will continue to be playable from your local hard drive through
the Windows 10 and Xbox Groove Music apps.

When moving my music to Spotify, I was asked to give Groove access to some
information. What did you ask for and why?

To effectively move your music to Spotify, there were five pieces of information
we needed temporary access to. After moving your music to Spotify, all the data
we accessed from Spotify was deleted.

 * "Access your subscription details" gave Groove access to your region so we
   could add the correct songs to your Spotify library, since song availability
   differs from region to region.

 * "Access your saved tracks and albums" let Groove see what was in your Spotify
   library at the time so we didn't add duplicate tracks or more tracks than the
   library can hold.

 * "Manage your saved tracks and albums" let Groove add tracks from your Groove
   collection to your Spotify library.

 * "Access your private playlists" let Groove see what tracks you already had in
   playlists in Spotify so we didn't add duplicates.

 * "Manage your private playlists" let Groove create and add songs to playlists
   in Spotify to replicate the playlists you created in Groove.

I can’t find all my music from Groove after moving my collection to Spotify.
What happened to it?

We did our best to preserve your collection and playlists when moving, but there
may have been some cases where we couldn’t find a matching song in Spotify’s
collection. If you used a Windows 10 PC to move your music, we stored a list of
the songs we were unable to move in a file on your computer named
GrooveMigration.txt. The file is in your music library folder, which for most
people is found at C:\users\[username]\Music\. Music you own and that is stored
on your hard drive or OneDrive can still be played with the Windows 10 Groove
Music app.

Did playlists I followed move to Spotify?

No. Playlists you created moved to Spotify, but playlists created by Groove

As a part of my Groove Music Pass subscription, I had additional OneDrive
storage. What happened to that?

If OneDrive storage was included in your Groove Music Pass subscription, your
storage was reduced to OneDrive’s standard free tier plan on December 31, 2017,
unless you were contacted by Microsoft.

What did you do about the Groove Music Pass customers who are over their
OneDrive free storage plan limit?

Microsoft followed up directly with the small number of Groove Music Pass
customers in this situation and provided options to take care of their needs.

Does Spotify stream from OneDrive?

No. Spotify doesn’t stream music from OneDrive. Music you upload to your
OneDrive music folder can still be downloaded to a PC for playback in the
Windows 10 Groove Music app.

What’s happening to Groove Music on iOS and Android?

The Groove Music iOS and Android apps were removed from download from the Apple
App Store and the Google Play Store on June 1, 2018. They were retired on
December 1, 2018. After that date the apps won’t work and should be uninstalled.
Get more info about the Groove Music apps for iOS and Android.

What other music streaming apps are available for Windows?

Depending on your region, there are many other streaming music apps in the
Microsoft Store, including Pandora, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Deezer, TuneIn
Radio, and SiriusXM.





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