www.tascacdjrf.com Open in urlscan Pro
2600:141b:13::172f:91b0  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://tascafca.com/
Effective URL: https://www.tascacdjrf.com/
Submission: On March 25 via api from CA — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 10 forms found in the DOM

<form class="mycars-form register-form" id="mycars-register-form-login" data-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_REGISTER" data-mycars-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_REGISTER">
  <div class="error-text"></div>
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    data-content="<ul class='list-unstyled password-requirements-list'><li class='character-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> 6 or more characters</li><li class='numerical-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> At least 1 number</li><li class='uppercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> An uppercase letter</li><li class='lowercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> A lower case letter</li><li class='match-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> Confirm Password</li></ul> "
    data-container=".mycars-default .popup.login-container" type="password" name="contact.password" placeholder="Create Password*" required="" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w!&quot;#\$%&amp;'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_`\{\|}~\\]{6,}"
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    data-content="<ul class='list-unstyled password-requirements-list'><li class='character-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> 6 or more characters</li><li class='numerical-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> At least 1 number</li><li class='uppercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> An uppercase letter</li><li class='lowercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> A lower case letter</li><li class='match-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> Confirm Password</li></ul> "
    data-container=".mycars-default .popup.login-container" type="password" name="contact.passwordConfirm" placeholder="Confirm Password*" required=""
    pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w!&quot;#\$%&amp;'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_`\{\|}~\\]{6,}" data-initialized="true" data-original-title="" title="">
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<form class="mycars-form forgot-password-form" data-mycars-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_FORGOT_PASSWORD" cr-attached="true">
  <div class="error-text"></div>
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield email" type="email" name="contact.email" placeholder="Email Address*" required="" pattern="[^@]+@[^@]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}">
  <input type="submit" class="mycars-form-btn" value="Request Password Reset">
  <input class="hidden" type="hidden" name="formEventId" value="a86709af2e934a8082569da084a9f018">

<form class="mycars-form login-form" data-mycars-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_LOGIN">
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  <input class="mycars-form-textfield password" type="password" name="contact.password" placeholder="Password*" required="">
  <input type="submit" class="mycars-form-btn" value="Log In">
  <input class="hidden" type="hidden" name="formEventId" value="4db914dce3ae445b90e7d359facc8eb2">

<form class="mycars-form register-form" id="mycars-register-form-registerWrapperRecent" data-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_REGISTER" data-mycars-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_REGISTER">
  <div class="error-text"></div>
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield first" type="text" name="contact.firstName" placeholder="First Name*" required="">
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield last" type="text" name="contact.lastName" placeholder="Last Name*" required="">
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield email" type="email" name="contact.email" placeholder="Email Address*" required="" pattern="[^@]+@[^@]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}">
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    data-content="<ul class='list-unstyled password-requirements-list'><li class='character-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> 6 or more characters</li><li class='numerical-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> At least 1 number</li><li class='uppercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> An uppercase letter</li><li class='lowercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> A lower case letter</li><li class='match-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> Confirm Password</li></ul> "
    data-container=".mycars-default .popup.recent-cars" type="password" name="contact.password" placeholder="Create Password*" required="" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w!&quot;#\$%&amp;'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_`\{\|}~\\]{6,}"
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  <input class="mycars-form-textfield password-confirm" maxlength="20" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="left" data-trigger="focus" data-html="true"
    data-content="<ul class='list-unstyled password-requirements-list'><li class='character-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> 6 or more characters</li><li class='numerical-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> At least 1 number</li><li class='uppercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> An uppercase letter</li><li class='lowercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> A lower case letter</li><li class='match-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> Confirm Password</li></ul> "
    data-container=".mycars-default .popup.recent-cars" type="password" name="contact.passwordConfirm" placeholder="Confirm Password*" required="" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w!&quot;#\$%&amp;'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_`\{\|}~\\]{6,}"
    data-initialized="true" data-original-title="" title="">
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GET /all-inventory/compare.htm

<form class="mycars-compare-form" method="get" action="/all-inventory/compare.htm" cr-attached="true">
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<form class="mycars-form register-form" id="mycars-register-form-registerWrapperSaved" data-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_REGISTER" data-mycars-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_REGISTER">
  <div class="error-text"></div>
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield first" type="text" name="contact.firstName" placeholder="First Name*" required="">
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield last" type="text" name="contact.lastName" placeholder="Last Name*" required="">
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield email" type="email" name="contact.email" placeholder="Email Address*" required="" pattern="[^@]+@[^@]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}">
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    data-content="<ul class='list-unstyled password-requirements-list'><li class='character-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> 6 or more characters</li><li class='numerical-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> At least 1 number</li><li class='uppercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> An uppercase letter</li><li class='lowercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> A lower case letter</li><li class='match-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> Confirm Password</li></ul> "
    data-container=".mycars-default .popup.saved-cars" type="password" name="contact.password" placeholder="Create Password*" required="" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w!&quot;#\$%&amp;'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_`\{\|}~\\]{6,}"
    data-initialized="true" data-original-title="" title="">
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    data-content="<ul class='list-unstyled password-requirements-list'><li class='character-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> 6 or more characters</li><li class='numerical-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> At least 1 number</li><li class='uppercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> An uppercase letter</li><li class='lowercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> A lower case letter</li><li class='match-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> Confirm Password</li></ul> "
    data-container=".mycars-default .popup.saved-cars" type="password" name="contact.passwordConfirm" placeholder="Confirm Password*" required="" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w!&quot;#\$%&amp;'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_`\{\|}~\\]{6,}"
    data-initialized="true" data-original-title="" title="">
  <input type="submit" disabled="" class="mycars-form-btn disabled" value="Sign Up Now!">
  <input class="hidden" type="hidden" name="formEventId" value="40b7ef502398483b9ce55cea749604a9">

GET /all-inventory/compare.htm

<form class="mycars-compare-form" method="get" action="/all-inventory/compare.htm" cr-attached="true">
  <input type="submit" class="mycars-form-btn compare-btn disabled" data-mycars-compare-btn="" value="Compare Selected">
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  <input type="hidden" name="itemIds">
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<form class="mycars-form register-form" id="mycars-register-form-register" data-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_REGISTER" data-mycars-form-tracking-id="MYCARS_REGISTER">
  <div class="error-text"></div>
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield first" type="text" name="contact.firstName" placeholder="First Name*" required="">
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield last" type="text" name="contact.lastName" placeholder="Last Name*" required="">
  <input class="mycars-form-textfield email" type="email" name="contact.email" placeholder="Email Address*" required="" pattern="[^@]+@[^@]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}">
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    data-content="<ul class='list-unstyled password-requirements-list'><li class='character-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> 6 or more characters</li><li class='numerical-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> At least 1 number</li><li class='uppercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> An uppercase letter</li><li class='lowercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> A lower case letter</li><li class='match-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> Confirm Password</li></ul> "
    data-container=".mycars-default .popup.price-alerts" type="password" name="contact.password" placeholder="Create Password*" required="" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w!&quot;#\$%&amp;'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_`\{\|}~\\]{6,}"
    data-initialized="true" data-original-title="" title="">
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    data-content="<ul class='list-unstyled password-requirements-list'><li class='character-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> 6 or more characters</li><li class='numerical-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> At least 1 number</li><li class='uppercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> An uppercase letter</li><li class='lowercase-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> A lower case letter</li><li class='match-requirements'><i class='ddc-icon ddc-icon-checkmark-circle'></i> Confirm Password</li></ul> "
    data-container=".mycars-default .popup.price-alerts" type="password" name="contact.passwordConfirm" placeholder="Confirm Password*" required="" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w!&quot;#\$%&amp;'\(\)\*\+,-\./:;<=>\?@\[\]\^_`\{\|}~\\]{6,}"
    data-initialized="true" data-original-title="" title="">
  <input type="submit" disabled="" class="mycars-form-btn disabled" value="Sign Up Now!">
  <input class="hidden" type="hidden" name="formEventId" value="621e12d21242468aa25b9e66ec71082f">

GET /all-inventory/index.htm

<form action="/all-inventory/index.htm" method="get" class="facetbrowse-ajax-form" role="form" aria-label="Search" cr-attached="true">
    <div class="form-group hide hidden">
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        <option value="AUTO-new,AUTO-used" data-action="/all-inventory/index.htm?facetbrowseGridUnit=BLANK&amp;showSelections=true&amp;showCategories=true&amp;dependencies=model:make,city:province,city:state&amp;facetInstanceId="
          Auto Inventory</option>
        <option value="auto-all" data-action="/all-inventory/index.htm?facetbrowseGridUnit=BLANK&amp;showSelections=true&amp;showCategories=true&amp;dependencies=model:make,city:province,city:state&amp;facetInstanceId="
          Auto Inventory</option>
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        <option value="">All Conditions</option>
        <option value="new"> New (137) </option>
        <option value="used"> Pre-Owned (882) </option>
        <option value="certified"> Certified (88) </option>
    </div><!-- end .form-group -->
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      <select name="year" class=" form-control">
        <option value="">All Years</option>
        <option value="2005"> 2005 (2) </option>
        <option value="2007"> 2007 (1) </option>
        <option value="2008"> 2008 (1) </option>
        <option value="2009"> 2009 (1) </option>
        <option value="2010"> 2010 (3) </option>
        <option value="2011"> 2011 (6) </option>
        <option value="2012"> 2012 (2) </option>
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        <option value="2017"> 2017 (57) </option>
        <option value="2018"> 2018 (136) </option>
        <option value="2019"> 2019 (311) </option>
        <option value="2020"> 2020 (149) </option>
        <option value="2021"> 2021 (103) </option>
        <option value="2022"> 2022 (141) </option>
    </div><!-- end .form-group -->
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      <select name="make" class=" form-control">
        <option value="">All Makes</option>
        <option value="Acura"> Acura (4) </option>
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        <option value="Bentley"> Bentley (1) </option>
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        <option value="GMC"> GMC (69) </option>
        <option value="Honda"> Honda (8) </option>
        <option value="Hyundai"> Hyundai (18) </option>
        <option value="INFINITI"> INFINITI (7) </option>
        <option value="Jaguar"> Jaguar (1) </option>
        <option value="Jeep"> Jeep (211) </option>
        <option value="Kia"> Kia (44) </option>
        <option value="Land Rover"> Land Rover (3) </option>
        <option value="Lexus"> Lexus (3) </option>
        <option value="Lincoln"> Lincoln (36) </option>
        <option value="Mazda"> Mazda (64) </option>
        <option value="Mercedes-Benz"> Mercedes-Benz (9) </option>
        <option value="MINI"> MINI (1) </option>
        <option value="Mitsubishi"> Mitsubishi (5) </option>
        <option value="Nissan"> Nissan (14) </option>
        <option value="Porsche"> Porsche (2) </option>
        <option value="Ram"> Ram (60) </option>
        <option value="Scion"> Scion (1) </option>
        <option value="Subaru"> Subaru (10) </option>
        <option value="Toyota"> Toyota (34) </option>
        <option value="Volkswagen"> Volkswagen (2) </option>
        <option value="Volvo"> Volvo (25) </option>
    </div><!-- end .form-group -->
    <div class="form-group">
      <select name="model" class=" unsatisfiedDependent form-control" disabled="disabled">
        <option value="">All Models</option>
        <option value="3 Series"> 3 Series (2) </option>
        <option value="4Runner"> 4Runner (2) </option>
        <option value="5 Series"> 5 Series (2) </option>
        <option value="1500"> 1500 (28) </option>
        <option value="1500 Classic"> 1500 Classic (7) </option>
        <option value="2500"> 2500 (11) </option>
        <option value="3500"> 3500 (5) </option>
        <option value="3500 Chassis Cab"> 3500 Chassis Cab (3) </option>
        <option value="A4"> A4 (2) </option>
        <option value="A6"> A6 (3) </option>
        <option value="Acadia"> Acadia (16) </option>
        <option value="Accord"> Accord (2) </option>
        <option value="Altima"> Altima (3) </option>
        <option value="Armada"> Armada (3) </option>
        <option value="Aviator"> Aviator (4) </option>
        <option value="Blazer"> Blazer (4) </option>
        <option value="C-Class"> C-Class (3) </option>
        <option value="Camaro"> Camaro (5) </option>
        <option value="Canyon"> Canyon (4) </option>
        <option value="Challenger"> Challenger (10) </option>
        <option value="Charger"> Charger (6) </option>
        <option value="Cherokee"> Cherokee (11) </option>
        <option value="Colorado"> Colorado (12) </option>
        <option value="Compass"> Compass (27) </option>
        <option value="Continental"> Continental (4) </option>
        <option value="Corolla"> Corolla (3) </option>
        <option value="Corsair"> Corsair (6) </option>
        <option value="Corvette"> Corvette (18) </option>
        <option value="CR-V"> CR-V (2) </option>
        <option value="CT6"> CT6 (3) </option>
        <option value="CX-3"> CX-3 (3) </option>
        <option value="CX-5"> CX-5 (25) </option>
        <option value="CX-30"> CX-30 (3) </option>
        <option value="Durango"> Durango (4) </option>
        <option value="EcoSport"> EcoSport (6) </option>
        <option value="Edge"> Edge (20) </option>
        <option value="Encore"> Encore (10) </option>
        <option value="Envision"> Envision (3) </option>
        <option value="Equinox"> Equinox (13) </option>
        <option value="Escalade"> Escalade (7) </option>
        <option value="Escape"> Escape (36) </option>
        <option value="Expedition"> Expedition (6) </option>
        <option value="Explorer"> Explorer (25) </option>
        <option value="F-150"> F-150 (33) </option>
        <option value="F-250"> F-250 (4) </option>
        <option value="F-250SD"> F-250SD (4) </option>
        <option value="F-350"> F-350 (5) </option>
        <option value="F-350SD"> F-350SD (7) </option>
        <option value="Focus"> Focus (3) </option>
        <option value="Fusion"> Fusion (9) </option>
        <option value="Gladiator"> Gladiator (28) </option>
        <option value="GLE"> GLE (3) </option>
        <option value="Grand Cherokee"> Grand Cherokee (36) </option>
        <option value="Grand Cherokee WK"> Grand Cherokee WK (12) </option>
        <option value="Grand Wagoneer"> Grand Wagoneer (4) </option>
        <option value="Highlander"> Highlander (6) </option>
        <option value="Malibu"> Malibu (4) </option>
        <option value="Mazda CX-5"> Mazda CX-5 (14) </option>
        <option value="Mazda3"> Mazda3 (12) </option>
        <option value="MKC"> MKC (3) </option>
        <option value="MKZ"> MKZ (4) </option>
        <option value="Mustang"> Mustang (6) </option>
        <option value="Nautilus"> Nautilus (9) </option>
        <option value="Navigator"> Navigator (5) </option>
        <option value="New Grand Cherokee"> New Grand Cherokee (21) </option>
        <option value="Optima"> Optima (7) </option>
        <option value="Outlander Sport"> Outlander Sport (3) </option>
        <option value="ProMaster"> ProMaster (4) </option>
        <option value="QX60"> QX60 (3) </option>
        <option value="Ranger"> Ranger (9) </option>
        <option value="RAV4"> RAV4 (7) </option>
        <option value="Renegade"> Renegade (7) </option>
        <option value="S60"> S60 (4) </option>
        <option value="Santa Fe Sport"> Santa Fe Sport (3) </option>
        <option value="Sierra 1500"> Sierra 1500 (19) </option>
        <option value="Sierra 2500HD"> Sierra 2500HD (4) </option>
        <option value="Sierra 3500HD"> Sierra 3500HD (3) </option>
        <option value="Silverado 1500"> Silverado 1500 (30) </option>
        <option value="Silverado 1500 LD"> Silverado 1500 LD (3) </option>
        <option value="Sonata"> Sonata (5) </option>
        <option value="Sorento"> Sorento (11) </option>
        <option value="Soul"> Soul (3) </option>
        <option value="Sportage"> Sportage (14) </option>
        <option value="Suburban"> Suburban (3) </option>
        <option value="Tacoma"> Tacoma (8) </option>
        <option value="Tahoe"> Tahoe (5) </option>
        <option value="Telluride"> Telluride (6) </option>
        <option value="Terrain"> Terrain (15) </option>
        <option value="Traverse"> Traverse (4) </option>
        <option value="Tucson"> Tucson (4) </option>
        <option value="Wagoneer"> Wagoneer (7) </option>
        <option value="Wrangler"> Wrangler (48) </option>
        <option value="Wrangler 4xe"> Wrangler 4xe (3) </option>
        <option value="WRX"> WRX (3) </option>
        <option value="X5"> X5 (3) </option>
        <option value="XC40"> XC40 (8) </option>
        <option value="XC60"> XC60 (4) </option>
        <option value="XC90"> XC90 (6) </option>
        <option value="XT5"> XT5 (7) </option>
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Rotation Balance Tires Other Service Front-End Alignment Adjust Brakes Replace
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 * Service: 401-414-4072
 * Parts: 401-208-0341



 * $60,595
 * $13,500
 * $74,095

Engine I6 Cummins Turbo Diesel Engine, Transmission 6-Speed Automatic Aisin
AS69RC HD Transmission

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 * $60,560
 * $19,550
 * $80,110

Engine I6 Cummins Turbo Diesel Engine, Transmission 6-Speed Automatic Aisin
AS69RC HD Transmission

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 * $66,000
 * Ram Offer:$1,000
 * $65,000
 * Bonus Cash Offer:$750
 * Bonus Cash Offer:$750
 * Conquest Offer:$500
 * $63,000

Engine Turbo Diesel V-6 182, Transmission Automatic

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 * $51,940
 * $1,886
 * $53,826
 * Ram Offer:$1,250
 * $52,576
 * Bonus Cash Offer:$750
 * Bonus Cash Offer:$750
 * Loyalty Offer:$500
 * Bonus Cash Offer:$500
 * $50,076

Engine V6 24V VVT eTorque Engine, Transmission 8-Speed Automatic 850RE

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Tasca Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram FIAT of Johnston, RI serves drivers all around the
Providence area and throughout the state of Rhode Island. From new and used car
sales to auto repairs, we can provide all of the services and support you need
to have an excellent vehicle ownership experience.


Tasca Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram FIAT of Johnston, RI offers local shoppers a
robust inventory of new models. Whether you shop online or in person, you'll
have access to a great variety of cars, trucks, and SUVS.

Jeep: Our Jeep inventory offers Johnston shoppers a selection of
industry-leading SUVs. The legendary Jeep Wrangler continues to wow off-road
enthusiasts with its uncompromising capability. We're excited to share the newly
redesigned Wrangler JL with local drivers. If you're looking for a full-size
option, the Jeep Grand Cherokee may be for you. Its available HEMI V8 engine
options mean it has power for both off-roading and towing. A great midsize
option is the Jeep Cherokee, which offers comfort for five passengers and
available four-wheel drive. Finally, the Jeep Compass gives you the rugged looks
and adventurous spirit you crave in a manageable, compact size.

Ram: Whether you're looking for a personal vehicle or an addition to your fleet,
the Ram 1500 is a worthy choice. This durable half-ton truck has everything you
need, from a sturdy body-on-frame design to a range of powerful engines. The
newly redesigned 2019 Ram 1500 even offers a mild hybrid powertrain option that
provides extra torque when you need it.

FIAT: Italian heritage and retro fun are standard features for every new FIAT
model available at our dealership. The new 500X offers just that, along with
crossover flexibility and available all-wheel drive. The new 124 Spider takes
its name from the world-famous sports car from the mid-20th century. The new
model, like its predecessor, is a two-passenger roadster with a focus on
handling and performance.

Dodge: From muscle cars to crossovers, this American manufacturer takes pride in
its aggressively styled, powerful vehicles. A standout in our inventory is the
Durango SUV. This three-row vehicle is a ringer for those with families, towing
needs, and more. With the available 5.7-liter V8, the Durango can to up to 7,400

Chrysler: Refinement is the name of the game with Chrysler. A favorite for many
shoppers near Cranston is the Chrysler Pacifica. This minivan offers stylish
looks and a gamut of practical features. Stow n' Go seats mean the Pacifica can
provide cavernous cargo capacity. Plus, its standard V6 engine produces 287
horsepower and can achieve up to 28 mpg highway. Choose the Pacifica Hybrid and
you could get up to 84 mpg.


Our vehicle inventory is expanded even more by a substantial selection of
pre-owned vehicles. These high-value vehicles help shoppers find great deals
near Lincoln, RI. Our expansive selection of used cars, trucks, and SUVs extends
beyond our own Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram brands, and you'll never know what
you might find through our trade-in program, so check back often!

If you have concerns about pre-owned quality, rest easy. Our service center
inspects every trade-in vehicle to make sure they all meet our sales standards.
Plus, many have mileage well under 100,000 miles.


Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, and Fiat lease and loan opportunities are great ways
for Providence RI shoppers to afford new vehicles, and we're here to make sure
they find the best options. We have a team of auto finance specialists and a
network of lenders that make securing a loan much simpler for local buyers.
Additionally, we offer a variety of new model lease specials directly from our

If you're interested in learning more about auto financing options, give us a
call to set up a consultation. We'll help you navigate the terms and crunch the
numbers to find the best financing avenue. If you're ready to apply already, you
can do so easily with our online application.


We want you to get the most from your car -- that means helping you take care of
it for the long road. From emergency repairs to scheduled maintenance, you can
trust our service center to take care of your vehicle right. Our team of MOPAR
technicians uses specialized training and durable OEM parts to provide top-notch


We can't wait to help guide you through the car buying process, so stop by today
for a test drive in a new or used vehicle in Johnston. Our conveniently located
dealership and expert sales, service, and finance staff are here to help you
with any and all of your automotive needs!

Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the
information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Specifications, features, safety and warranty data are based on what is
available as standard specs/features per trim level, for the designated
model-year, and may not apply to vehicles with added packages or options. See
dealer for written warranty information. Dealer makes no guarantees or
warranties, either expressly or implied, with respect to the accuracy of any
data listed on this page which was obtained from third party sources. All
vehicles are subject to prior sale. Prices include all eligible factory rebates
to dealer. Prices do not include upfits, plows, or other accessories. Price does
not include applicable tax, title, license, processing and/or documentation
fees, destination charges, and any emissions testing charges. Doc fees vary by
state (Rhode Island $399, Massachusetts $399, Connecticut $499). Price and
availability subject to change. Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) is
listed for customer information and customer comparison purposes only, and the
actual sales price may vary depending on changing market conditions and other
factors. Any information contained on this page should be used for informational
purposes only. All vehicles may not be physically located at this dealership but
may be available for delivery through this location. Transportation charges may
apply. Please contact the dealership for more specific information.

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