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 * Rental Unit in Park Slope at 375 Dean Street #806 for $5,500
   Open House, Mon 9-6
   Contains  Video
   New Development
   Rental Unit in Park Slope
   375 Dean Street #806
   $5,500 NO FEE
   $4,889 Net Effective Rent
   2.0 Months Free · 18-Month Lease
   1 Bed
   1 Bath
   Listing by Nest Seekers International
 * Rental Unit in Stuyvesant Heights at 841A Greene Avenue #2 for $2,800
   Contains  Video
   Rental Unit in Stuyvesant Heights
   841A Greene Avenue #2
   ↓ Price Drop $50
   2 Beds
   1 Bath
   Listing by Sunrise Real Estate
 * Rental Unit in Flatbush at 815 Flatbush Avenue #510 for $3,250
   Contains  Video
   Rental Unit in Flatbush
   815 Flatbush Avenue #510
   $3,250 NO FEE
   2 Beds
   1 Bath
   Listing by Highline Residential
 * Rental Unit in Williamsburg at 371 South 5th Street #6I for $3,250
   Open House, Tue 5-5:45
   Rental Unit in Williamsburg
   371 South 5th Street #6I
   2 Beds
   1 Bath
   Listing by Alpha Properties NYC I LLC
 * Rental Unit in Greenpoint at 60 Wharf Dr #2610 for $5,200
   Open House, Mon 12-5
   Contains  Video
   New Development
   Rental Unit in Greenpoint
   60 Wharf Dr #2610
   $5,200 NO FEE
   $4,767 Net Effective Rent
   1.0 Month Free · 12-Month Lease
   1 Bed
   1 Bath
   Listing by Halcyon Management Group LLC
 * Rental Unit in Farragut at 1665 Brooklyn Avenue #3E for $3,075
   Contains  3D Tour
   Rental Unit in Farragut
   1665 Brooklyn Avenue #3E
   $3,075 NO FEE
   $2,636 Net Effective Rent
   2.0 Months Free · 14-Month Lease
   2 Beds
   1 Bath
   Listing by Aron Fried, LREB
 * Townhouse in Carroll Gardens at 533 Hicks Street #2R for $4,400
   Townhouse in Carroll Gardens
   533 Hicks Street #2R
   1 Bed
   1 Bath
   Listing by Compass
 * Rental Unit in Flatbush at 144 Woodruff Avenue #3G for $2,500
   Rental Unit in Flatbush
   144 Woodruff Avenue #3G
   $2,500 NO FEE
   2 Beds
   1 Bath
   Listing by ERNY LLC
 * Rental Unit in Farragut at 1613 Brooklyn Avenue #505 for $3,000
   Rental Unit in Farragut
   1613 Brooklyn Avenue #505
   $3,000 NO FEE
   $2,571 Net Effective Rent
   2.0 Months Free · 14-Month Lease
   2 Beds
   1 Bath
   Listing by Aron Fried, LREB
 * Rental Unit in Sunset Park at 5119 Third Avenue #2F for $2,499
   Rental Unit in Sunset Park
   5119 Third Avenue #2F
   2 Beds
   1 Bath
   Listing by ERNY LLC
 * Condo in Sheepshead Bay at 2629 East 23rd Street #3D for $2,695
   Condo in Sheepshead Bay
   2629 East 23rd Street #3D
   1 Bed
   1 Bath
   Listing by Elmekies Equities
 * Rental Unit in Farragut at 1665 Brooklyn Avenue #5B for $2,960
   Contains  3D Tour
   Rental Unit in Farragut
   1665 Brooklyn Avenue #5B
   $2,960 NO FEE
   $2,368 Net Effective Rent
   3.0 Months Free · 15-Month Lease
   1 Bath
   Listing by Aron Fried, LREB
 * Rental Unit in Flatbush at 986 Rogers Avenue #4B for $2,800
   Contains  Video
   Rental Unit in Flatbush
   986 Rogers Avenue #4B
   $2,800 NO FEE
   2 Beds
   1 Bath
   Listing by Brooklyn High Rise LLC
 * Rental Unit in Bedford-Stuyvesant at 168 Throop Avenue #2B for $2,599
   Rental Unit in Bedford-Stuyvesant
   168 Throop Avenue #2B
   $2,599 NO FEE
   1 Bed
   1 Bath
   Listing by Brooklyn Group

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The appeal of Brooklyn's vibrant neighborhoods is found in a diverse mix of
local amenities. For streets punctuated by trees, classic brownstones, and an
array of independent shops from Beacon's Closet (for vintage clothing) to the
Bagel Hole (for breakfast), head to Park Slope. Greenpoint, Brooklyn, is
well-known for its pierogis, cozy cocktail dens, and convenient NYC Ferry
service. Meanwhile, Redhook, Brooklyn, with its historic cobblestone streets, is
home to two distilleries, Van Brunt Stillhouse and Widow Jane — plus, it’s a top
destination for seafood, thanks to establishments such as Red Hook Lobster Pound
and Brooklyn Crab. Music and sports fans living in the borough can easily catch
shows and games at Barclays Center in Downtown Brooklyn. And who needs a
Brooklyn gym membership when more than 50 public parks feature fitness
equipment? No matter your interest, all can enjoy Manhattan views from the
famous pedestrian walkway, Brooklyn Heights Promenade, or on a stroll over the
iconic Brooklyn Bridge.

What's the average rent for a Brooklyn, NY apartment?

The average rent in Brooklyn varies based on neighborhood, square footage, and
amenities. The median rent for Brooklyn as of January 2022 was $2,722.

What's the average sales price for a Brooklyn, NY apartment?

From townhouses to studio apartments, the Brooklyn housing market is stocked
with choices in a broad range of prices. The median sales asking price in
Brooklyn during January 2022 was $899,000.

Is Brooklyn more expensive than Manhattan?

The cost of living in Manhattan, which includes housing, food, travel, and
entertainment, is typically higher than the cost of living in Brooklyn.

What are some popular Brooklyn neighborhoods?

Brooklyn has more than 65 bustling communities worth exploring. Williamsburg,
Clinton Hill, Midwood, East Flatbush, Prospect Lefferts Gardens, and Crown
Heights are just a few.

What are the most dog-friendly neighborhoods in Brooklyn?

With more than 35 dog runs, most Brooklyn neighborhoods are pet-friendly. A
couple of favorites are Adam Yauch Park Dog Run in Brooklyn Heights and Brooklyn
Bridge Dog Run in Dumbo.

What can you do in Brooklyn?

With so many things to do both indoors and out, Brooklyn offers a lot. You can
wine and dine while watching a flick at Nitehawk Cinema. The Brooklyn Academy of
Music (BAM) is a must-visit for performance art fans. During warmer months, try
paddling around in a kayak or canoe with the North Brooklyn Boat Club, or you
can hit the beach, boardwalk, and rides in Coney Island, NYC's biggest amusement
area. For your year-round enjoyment, there's also the gorgeous greenery and
fabulous flora at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

How do you get around Brooklyn?

Like most parts of NYC, the MTA's subways and buses are typically the most
convenient and cost-effective ways to get around. There's also the Long Island
Railroad, which connects to Brooklyn's Atlantic Terminal, and of course, the NYC

Is Brooklyn a city or a borough?

Brooklyn, NY, is large enough to be the 4th largest city in the U.S. if it
weren't a borough. Soon its population may exceed Chicago, the 3rd largest city
in the country.

What county is Brooklyn in?

The borough of Brooklyn is in Kings County, which by the way, has more residents
than any other county in the state of New York.


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