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SPHD - Invesco S&P 500® High Dividend Low Volatility ETF Mangalam Timber
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You can bet that most of the PTB want to avoid that.

It's just a question of what the results are going to be. During Great
Depression 1, America was a net creditor and not a debtor. Only 5. Today, we are
a net debtor. Today, we depend on credit FAR more than we did in the 30s. The
problem comes in that; You just don't know who to trust and who is broke. The
same is true for banks. In the crash, this rate went WAY up because nobody
trusted the other party.

Credit disappears. Gold was leaving the treasury at the rate of tons a week in
the summer of ' When the British rang up to say that they were going to drop by
and take tons, Nixon closed the gold window,. Price inflation shot up. Wages
remained sticky because our global competitors were willing to work for less.
The bankers extended our credit terms WAY out to preserve the consumer economy.
In the 80s, money was flowing into gold.


Historically, money flowed into gold when interest rates were too low and
inflation too high. In the early 80s, paper gold was created to massively
increase the apparent gold supply and keep interest rates down. Driving interest
rates down to stimulate the economy with cheap credit is like lighting the end
of your boat on fire to keep warm.

The runaway money drove interest rates down to zero. Everybody honest was either
debt-saturated or unwilling to borrow. It was left up the the dishonest people.
But adding money is a scam. And the only real growth is learning. Anything else
is a fraud. As the money supply fell, the price of money interest rates rose.
Oil is going to continue down because of a glut. The demographic crash and the
The Debt Time-Bomb. Probably, peak jobs. Probably, peak confidence. The most
expensive investment you can make is a family.

Nobody has the confidence to start a family if they are going to live in
poverty. Reverting to historical interest rates is an equally grave danger.
Long-term rates ratchet up VERY quickly making the sudden loss instant, while
exponentially increasing the funding cost of the borrower.

Most investors today have no idea what is happening in the bond market today and
have exposed themselves to incredible amounts of risk. They just keep pumping in
the money and hoping to keep rates down. By keeping rates down, they are
starving huge segments of the financial sector. Our entire economic system is
wrapped around the idea of pushing future consumption to today. Out entire
credit system relies on un-ending growth. There is NO growth in consumption and
credit when the producing population is falling.

Japan is showing us the way forward. Poor people have no confidence to start a
family. Kuroda just keeps printing. Bernanke just convinced him to issue
perpetual bonds that would never be repaid. You can print money but, you can't
print wealth or confidence,,,, or babies. America forestalled the demographic
crash by throwing open the southern border back when the birth rate in Mexico
was 6.


DOW JONES 30 Stocks Buy-Sell-Hold Ratings (Buy-Sell-Hold+ stocks iPhone app Book
1) - Kindle edition by Eric Katsov, Alexander Voloshko. DOW JONES 30 Stocks
Buy-Sell-Hold Ratings (Buy-Sell-Hold+ stocks iPhone app Book 1) eBook: Eric
Katsov, Alexander Voloshko: : .

The obvious answer was to ask UPS. Birth-control and poverty are eroding away
the entire system. Importing rabble, flotsam and jetsam from MENA isn't going to
fix the system. If one part falls, so must the other. The entire drive towards
globalization does, as do any and all drives toward centralization. But the
economy has collapsed. So all this will of necessity go into reverse, even if
there are very powerful forces that will resist such a development. All parts,
as separate as they may seem, or want to seem, fall apart together. Maybe not at
the same time, but certainly in rapid succession.

Fine, as long as they realize it has no chance of regaining stability, not with
its present components. There will have to be a big clean-up. But it will be
messy. The ultimate hubris. And it should come as no surprise that at a certain
debt level, growth and income begin to diminish. That is exactly what we are
seeing in the real world. There are basically two categories of debt: debt used
to purchase or create productive activities like tools for a carpenter or a new
factory for a business and debt used to consume.

It simply pulls supply forward in time. Pulling your consumption forward to the
present means you will consume less later. The difference was a result of
accounting rules that required states to hide the vast majority of their
unfunded pension liabilities off their balance sheets. What is the plan for
those who make it to the other side? The farm gets more automated every day. If
we're working for a global-mean-wage and competing with robots, what are we
going to buy outside of food? What are you going to do when the consumer economy
goes away? To end persistent poverty, a guaranteed job or free money?

Several writers are claiming that we are going to experience a total crash.
Evidently, GOV has a fear of the same thing. The federal government has tripled
the number of agents carrying weapons to defend the government in the past 20
years. They know what is coming. They know the socialistic system they
constructed is collapsing. Instead of reform, they are digging in their heels,
prepared to plow down any domestic uprising.

The establishment by no means wants to see Trump in the White House. His is not
one of them and they fear he will side with the people and reform government,
right down to the pervasive nepotism.


The flow of capital dictates the trend and within that trend lies the rise and
fall of empires, nations, and city-states. As goes confidence, so goes capital.
She can't very well drive up profits so, companies simply lie about earnings.
Unfortunately for us, in business debt delinquencies have already shot up above
the level they were sitting at just before the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and
every time debt delinquencies have ever gotten this high the US economy has
always fallen into recession.

There are now concerns in Italy and in Portugal as well.

The ECB cannot even understand why people would not want to keep their money in
banks with negative rates. They are simply incapable of managing the economy.
The ECB is bringing Europe to the brink of a widespread banking collapse. Once
this crisis becomes a contagion, there will be no stopping it.

How to Short the Market With Robinhood

Low rates will NOT encourage borrowing when banks have too much bad debt to
begin with. The negative rates are sending savers to hoard cash outside of
banks. It is amazing, but the ECB is in complete denial and unable to see that
it must reverse its policy to prevent disaster. Armstrong talks civil war.

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