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Pope Francis Tells American Priests: ‘Do Not Leave the Lord of the Tabernacle

What’s Next for Bishop Strickland?
Fr. Raymond de Souza
The removal of Bishop Joseph Strickland as bishop of Tyler, Texas, is a story
for our time; it could not have been imagined even 10 years ago. It is a tale of
partisanship threatening communion, social-media extremism and new rules for the
removal of bishops. The removal of a bishop from his diocese is a sad outcome,
even if thought best for the common good of the local Church...


Lesser evils, the Bishop of Strickland, and don’t drink alone...
Ed Condon
In Baltimore this week, the public sessions of the USCCB assembly opened with
state-of-affairs speeches from the apostolic nuncio, Cardinal Christophe Pierre,
and the conference president, Archbishop Timothy Broglio. The nuncio offered a
business-as-usual exhortation to the bishops on synodality, evangelization, and
encounter with Christ, especially as those things relate to the U.S. bishops’
ongoing project of the Eucharistic Revival...


The Holy Eucharist may seem like a lot to swallow for some people. But try as
they might, transubstantiation can’t be denied on scientific grounds...


Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who recently announced her conversion to Christianity, dares to
live as if God exists...
David Deavel
This weekend, the brilliant formerly-Muslim atheist, writer, and Nobel Peace
Prize nominee Ayaan Hirsi Ali announced to the world that she is now a
Christian. Almost immediately, suspicions about the sincerity and the reality of
her newly claimed faith were voiced by both secular thinkers she left behind and
some Christians. Are her reasons for conversion good? Does she know what she is


This Sunday, None of Us — Not Even the Best of Us — Has All the Talents We
Tom Hoopes
Jesus tells us that if we invest his talents well here and now it will mean a
fuller life now and for eternity, in the Parable of the Talents on the 33rd
Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. Good to know. One question, though: How does
one “invest” God’s talents? Jesus explains what he means in the parable itself,
but the Church helpfully provides excellent clues in the other readings this
Sunday. This parable is the reason we use the word “talent” the way we do.


Providential prospects for Christian unity...
Jeff Mirus
Reflecting back on the the (potential) Providential trajectory I outlined in
Friday’s commentary, I began wondering about how the turmoil we are witnessing
in the Church might relate to God’s plans for Christian unity. After all, the
multiplicity of different churches and denominations claiming the name
“Christian” seriously undermines the Christian claim to be “of God”, and
therefore rather obviously dampens the persuasiveness and impact of even an
authentic Catholic renewal.


Your brain’s ‘master switchboard’ is an underappreciated marvel...


The feminist fight isn’t just destroying babies — it’s destroying all of us...
Carrie Gress
To hear them talk about it, feminists are fighting an uphill battle with the
patriarchy, the pay gap, and gender inequality. But after Tuesday’s abortion
victories in Ohio, Virginia, and Kentucky, it might just be time for feminists
to spike the football and claim their victory: Feminism as an ideology has
triumphed in America. Until Tuesday night, hope remained that some pro-life
victories were to come post Dobbs. In 2021, Glenn Youngkin shocked pollsters in
the off-cycle election by becoming Virginia’s governor...


U.S. Bishops Approve Voting Guide That Calls Abortion ‘Preeminent Priority’...


What is the most poisonous spider in the world?


Vatican Doctrine Office Reaffirms That Catholics Cannot Be Freemasons...


St. Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus) taught us that the Church and science are
in harmony...
Dan Burke
St. Albert the Great was considered the “wonder and the miracle of his age” by
his contemporaries. He was an assiduous Dominican whose accomplishments and
gifts to the Church would be difficult to exaggerate. Born around 1206 and
joining the Order of Preachers in 1223, Albert quickly became a master of almost
every academic subject. Notwithstanding the standards of his own time, he became
a pioneer of the natural sciences, both empirical and philosophical. His
teachings on nature and theology were revolutionary, and he captured the
attention of a young and taciturn Dominican, St. Thomas Aquinas.


At USCCB, 2026 is the new 2024...


Bishop Strickland Saga: Ousted Bishop Speculates on the Reasons the Vatican
Removed Him...


What my Protestant relatives ask me about being a nun...


7 of the World’s Most Interesting and Extreme Bridges...


Pope’s Sunday Angelus: “Do You Nourish the ‘Oil’ of Your Soul?”...

After giving an interview full of digs against American Catholics, papal nuncio
Cardinal Pierre gets a frosty reception at the U.S. Bishops’ gathering...


Hic Non Est: The Relationship of the Empty Tomb to the Cult of the Saints...


Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life with fear. Trust in
Marlon De La Torre
Steve simply stared at me for thirty minutes as he thought about my question.
Fifteen minutes before this fateful encounter, Steve had entered my office
unbeknownst to my secretary with a prepared list of questions on the Catholic
faith. In conversation with a mutual friend, Steve was told that I was the “guy”
he needed to see to have his questions about God, Jesus, salvation, and hell


15 U.S. Cities and Towns That Look Like They Could Belong in Europe...


The Holy See Press Office did something last week that made the Pope look bad...
Phil Lawler
To avoid any misunderstanding let me begin by saying that what follows is not a
criticism of Pope Francis. It is a criticism of the Vatican press office. Last
Monday at an audience with the Conference of European Rabbis, Pope Francis did
not deliver his prepared speech, explaining that he was not feeling well. That’s
perfectly understandable, isn’t it? As he approaches his 87th birthday, we can
expect the Pope to make some concessions to his declining health—as he should.


The Catholic Cartoon Collection is here...
Philip Kosloski
Do you remember the “Sunday Funnies?” Were you a big fan of Calvin & Hobbes?
Garfield? Peanuts? Well, now we have a Catholic version. Joshua Masterson is a
very talented artist, whose work as the “Catholic Cartoonist” on Instagram is
gaining him much attention. He is a product of homeschooling and you can learn
more about him in this interview with America Magazine. “The Catholic Cartoon”
is a slice-of-life humor comic that follows Father Otto, a blond-haired,
big-nosed priest encountering the various stresses and joys of service.


The Common Sense of the Hillbilly Thomist...
Fr. Damian Ference
Several months ago, I found myself in small-town Georgia, listening to a career
retrospective lecture by Sarah Gordon, one of the most important professors in
Flannery O’Connor studies for her work establishing O’Connor’s archives. After
interlacing the story of her discovery of O’Connor’s fiction with some of the
southern Catholic author’s funniest one-liners, she made a surprising argument,
not only to that academic, generally left-leaning audience (I say at the risk of
redundancy), but to anyone who was aware of her career as a feminist literary
critic. While she had generally attempted to focus simply on what interested her
in O’Connor’s short stories and novels, she now argued that...


Paul McCartney speaks about “times of trouble,” Mother Mary and the Beatles’
song, “Let It Be”...
Christopher Kaczor
In a new podcast McCartney: A Life in Lyrics, Sir Paul McCartney talks about his
most famous songs with the poet Paul Muldoon. The podcast is aimed at
“dissecting the people, experiences, and art that inspired McCartney’s
songwriting.” A recent episode explored the meaning of the lyrics of the title
song of the Beatles’ last album, “Let it Be.” The song arose in times of
trouble. War raged in Vietnam, riots rocked the Chicago Democratic convention,
and students protested all over the world...


6 Mesmerizing Secret Passageways at the Vatican and Around the World...


Ousted Bishop Strickland Leads Rosary Outside US Bishops’ Conference Meeting...


There Will Surely Be a Divine Reckoning for Baby Indi’s Death...
E. Christian Brugger
There’s not much to add to the tragic story of the British health service’s
fatal abandonment of Baby Indi Gregory, except that it’s not the end of the
story — not for Indi, not for her dad and sister, and not for the reprehensible
English judicial system. As has been widely reported, the little 8-month-old had
a rare condition called mitochondrial disease. Her parents wished for everything
possible to be done to treat the condition...


Synod at halftime: Bishop Rhoades on synodality and evangelization...
Peter Jesserer Smith
Returning from the first session of the Synod on Synodality’s global, monthlong
gathering in Rome, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana,
has already seen much the Catholic Church can profit from, especially at the
local level for the sake of the church’s evangelization mission. The U.S. synod
delegate returns to Rome for the October 2024 session, but spoke with OSV News
Oct. 31 to share his takeaways from the first session ahead of the U.S. bishops’
meeting in Baltimore Nov. 13-17, where the synod’s synthesis report and inviting
the consultation of the faithful on its work so far, will be part of the


“He is good, this bishop” — Pope Francis raises eyebrows (and hackles) with
words of support for Sicily’s Bishop Rosario Gisana, accused of covering up sex


It took the Babylonian cataclysm 2,600 years ago to pave the way for a
renaissance of faithfulness. Will it be the same for America and the West?


Around the world, gravestones with family recipes tell stories of love, grief,
and remembrance...


Listen to this beautiful “Swan Sequence,” a 1,200-year-old poem set to music by
Logan Norman...


Convoluted trial may boil down to simple question: Is the Pope above the law?


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