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1Kosmos Blog / Authentication



PublishedJune 30, 2022
AuthorRobert MacDonald

Today (June 28, 0222), the FBI issued a warning stating that scammers may be
trying to score jobs at companies to access customer or financial data,
corporate IT databases, and/or proprietary information. It goes on to state that
there has been an increase in complaints reporting the use of deepfakes and
stolen Personally Identifiable Information data (PII) to apply for various
remote work and work-at-home positions. 

This is a solvable problem, beginning with strong identity verification during
the hiring process. Unfortunately, while identity verification is a standard
process, current practices have failed to keep up with fraudsters. 


Many organizations require the use of contractors, known as third parties.
Managing these non-employees through the HR system, the authoritative identity
source for their IT ecosystem, can be burdensome. In addition, third-party
individuals often require access to organizational resources such as shared
tools, applications, or data sets to provide critical services. 

The issue is that this access is usually for a limited period. Third parties
present challenges and bring additional risks, such as ensuring that access
rights and permissions are managed correctly and, when required, deprovisioned
quickly. With the rise of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, these
concerns have only been exacerbated

Many companies assume that virtually checking a photo of a new contractor’s
driver’s license and passport ensures that they are always the person logging in
and working from home every day. Unfortunately, this isn’t necessarily the case.
The increase in remote work in the last year has made it easier for fraudsters
to attack your organization. 


Let’s look at how identity fraud happens in an organization: When new
contractors get hired, they receive access to numerous company resources like
email and Slack. To gain access to these resources, they will likely use an
active directory username and password and a 2FA tool.

What happens if this contractor outsources their work? The employee will provide
a third-party outsourcer with usernames, passwords, and 2FA codes. It’s been
done before, and with today’s collaboration technologies like Whatsapp and
Slack, it can be done in seconds. This could be detrimental to an organization
if this person found someone cheaper to do their work or got paid by a third
party to let them into the organization to steal intellectual property. 

Your company likely did a thorough background check of your employees and
contractors. However, you did not do a background check on the subcontractor.
This means that this individual could have a questionable background that is not
suitable to work at your company. Your company resources and knowledge are
vulnerable to the subcontractor.


The reality is that nearly all organizations have a variety of these third-party
individuals who need access to infrastructure, applications, and data. 1Kosmos
improves the security of third-party access with our distributed digital
identity platform that is FIDO2, NIST, and PAD2 certified. 

The benefit of onboarding contractors with 1Kosmos BlockID is ensuring the
highest degree of identity assurance in a virtual environment, eliminating
fraudulent activities. Contractors who are bound to their proofed identity with
1Kosmos, they have identity-based biometric authentication and a passwordless
experience. In practice, contractors can utilize their secure mobile device for
physical or logical authentication and step-up authentication required for
privileged access. As a result, each access event is associated with a real,
verified identity. Overall, organizations will eliminate the risk of contractor
fraud and extra security exposures contractors introduce.

Are you interested in learning more? I invite you to check out a webinar where
we covered this very issue “Identity-Based Authentication and The Journey to
Passwordless” where Edward Amoroso and Mike Engle discussed third-party access
management and contractor fraud prevention.

Additionally, this whitepaper covers our integration with Saviynt Third Party
Access Governance. The combination of technologies ensures that when a
contractor authenticates into the organization, you will have a high assurance
that it is the contractor you hired, not someone else working on their behalf or
a hacker!


What Is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) & How Does It Work?
October 8, 2021
Best Password Management Solutions
July 12, 2021
What is Passwordless Authentication? (Does It Really Work?)
June 4, 2021
What Is a One-Time Password & When Is It Used?
March 22, 2022
Authentication vs Authorization: The Differences Explained
June 15, 2021


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Identity Management
Trusting no one and verifying everyone is a security measure businesses may not
think to take, but this measure becomes the main gatekeeper with zero-trust
identity. What is a zero-trust approac...


November 10, 2021
Authentication is used to verify a user’s identity to protect against data
breaches. But how do you authenticate someone’s ID? There are a number of ways.
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Identity Management
How can you ensure your employees are only accessing the data they are allowed
to? Identity and access management helps to put those checkpoints in place. Why
is identity management important? I...


September 2, 2021
Using distributed identity management for your business should be a no-brainer,
especially if you're worried about security for your employees' logins. But what
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December 14, 2021
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Performing strong, verified identity-based authentication for both workers and
customers, eliminating the need for passwords, one-time codes, and more.

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Seizure Safe Profile Clear flashes & reduces color
This profile enables epileptic and seizure prone users to browse safely by
eliminating the risk of seizures that result from flashing or blinking
animations and risky color combinations.
Vision Impaired Profile Enhances website's visuals
This profile adjusts the website, so that it is accessible to the majority of
visual impairments such as Degrading Eyesight, Tunnel Vision, Cataract,
Glaucoma, and others.
ADHD Friendly Profile More focus & fewer distractions
This profile significantly reduces distractions, to help people with ADHD and
Neurodevelopmental disorders browse, read, and focus on the essential elements
of the website more easily.
Cognitive Disability Profile Assists with reading & focusing
This profile provides various assistive features to help users with cognitive
disabilities such as Autism, Dyslexia, CVA, and others, to focus on the
essential elements of the website more easily.
Keyboard Navigation (Motor) Use website with the keyboard
This profile enables motor-impaired persons to operate the website using the
keyboard Tab, Shift+Tab, and the Enter keys. Users can also use shortcuts such
as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics)
to jump to specific elements.

Note: This profile prompts automatically for keyboard users.
Blind Users (Screen Reader) Optimize website for screen-readers
This profile adjusts the website to be compatible with screen-readers such as
JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack. A screen-reader is software that is
installed on the blind user’s computer and smartphone, and websites should
ensure compatibility with it.

Note: This profile prompts automatically to screen-readers.
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Accessibility StatementCompliance status

We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone
and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the broadest
possible audience, regardless of ability.

To fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web
Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA
level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people
with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us
ensure that the website is accessible to blind people, people with motor
impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.

This website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as
accessible as possible at all times. We utilize an accessibility interface that
allows persons with specific disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user
interface) and design it to their personal needs.

Additionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the
background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. This application
remediates the website’s HTML, adapts its functionality and behavior for
screen-readers used by blind users, and for keyboard functions used by
individuals with motor impairments.

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Screen-reader and keyboard navigation

Our website implements the ARIA attributes (Accessible Rich Internet
Applications) technique, alongside various behavioral changes, to ensure blind
users visiting with screen-readers can read, comprehend, and enjoy the website’s
functions. As soon as a user with a screen-reader enters your site, they
immediately receive a prompt to enter the Screen-Reader Profile so they can
browse and operate your site effectively. Here’s how our website covers some of
the most important screen-reader requirements:

 1. Screen-reader optimization: we run a process that learns the website’s
    components from top to bottom, to ensure ongoing compliance even when
    updating the website. In this process, we provide screen-readers with
    meaningful data using the ARIA set of attributes. For example, we provide
    accurate form labels; descriptions for actionable icons (social media icons,
    search icons, cart icons, etc.); validation guidance for form inputs;
    element roles such as buttons, menus, modal dialogues (popups), and others. 
    Additionally, the background process scans all of the website’s images. It
    provides an accurate and meaningful image-object-recognition-based
    description as an ALT (alternate text) tag for images that are not
    described. It will also extract texts embedded within the image using an OCR
    (optical character recognition) technology. To turn on screen-reader
    adjustments at any time, users need only to press the Alt+1 keyboard
    combination. Screen-reader users also get automatic announcements to turn
    the Screen-reader mode on as soon as they enter the website.
    These adjustments are compatible with popular screen readers such as JAWS,
    NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack.
 2. Keyboard navigation optimization: The background process also adjusts the
    website’s HTML and adds various behaviors using JavaScript code to make the
    website operable by the keyboard. This includes the ability to navigate the
    website using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, operate dropdowns with the arrow
    keys, close them with Esc, trigger buttons and links using the Enter key,
    navigate between radio and checkbox elements using the arrow keys, and fill
    them in with the Spacebar or Enter key.
    Additionally, keyboard users will find content-skip menus available at any
    time by clicking Alt+2, or as the first element of the site while navigating
    with the keyboard. The background process also handles triggered popups by
    moving the keyboard focus towards them as soon as they appear, not allowing
    the focus to drift outside.
    Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F”
    (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to jump to specific elements.

Disability profiles supported on our website
 * Epilepsy Safe Profile: this profile enables people with epilepsy to safely
   use the website by eliminating the risk of seizures resulting from flashing
   or blinking animations and risky color combinations.
 * Vision Impaired Profile: this profile adjusts the website so that it is
   accessible to the majority of visual impairments such as Degrading Eyesight,
   Tunnel Vision, Cataract, Glaucoma, and others.
 * Cognitive Disability Profile: this profile provides various assistive
   features to help users with cognitive disabilities such as Autism, Dyslexia,
   CVA, and others, to focus on the essential elements more easily.
 * ADHD Friendly Profile: this profile significantly reduces distractions and
   noise to help people with ADHD, and Neurodevelopmental disorders browse,
   read, and focus on the essential elements more easily.
 * Blind Users Profile (Screen-readers): this profile adjusts the website to be
   compatible with screen-readers such as JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack. A
   screen-reader is installed on the blind user’s computer, and this site is
   compatible with it.
 * Keyboard Navigation Profile (Motor-Impaired): this profile enables
   motor-impaired persons to operate the website using the keyboard Tab,
   Shift+Tab, and the Enter keys. Users can also use shortcuts such as “M”
   (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to
   jump to specific elements.

Additional UI, design, and readability adjustments
 1. Font adjustments – users can increase and decrease its size, change its
    family (type), adjust the spacing, alignment, line height, and more.
 2. Color adjustments – users can select various color contrast profiles such as
    light, dark, inverted, and monochrome. Additionally, users can swap color
    schemes of titles, texts, and backgrounds with over seven different coloring
 3. Animations – epileptic users can stop all running animations with the click
    of a button. Animations controlled by the interface include videos, GIFs,
    and CSS flashing transitions.
 4. Content highlighting – users can choose to emphasize essential elements such
    as links and titles. They can also choose to highlight focused or hovered
    elements only.
 5. Audio muting – users with hearing devices may experience headaches or other
    issues due to automatic audio playing. This option lets users mute the
    entire website instantly.
 6. Cognitive disorders – we utilize a search engine linked to Wikipedia and
    Wiktionary, allowing people with cognitive disorders to decipher meanings of
    phrases, initials, slang, and others.
 7. Additional functions – we allow users to change cursor color and size, use a
    printing mode, enable a virtual keyboard, and many other functions.

Assistive technology and browser compatibility

We aim to support as many browsers and assistive technologies as possible, so
our users can choose the best fitting tools for them, with as few limitations as
possible. Therefore, we have worked very hard to be able to support all major
systems that comprise over 95% of the user market share, including Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge, JAWS, and NVDA
(screen readers), both for Windows and MAC users.

Notes, comments, and feedback

Despite our very best efforts to allow anybody to adjust the website to their
needs, there may still be pages or sections that are not fully accessible, are
in the process of becoming accessible, or are lacking an adequate technological
solution to make them accessible. Still, we are continually improving our
accessibility, adding, updating, improving its options and features, and
developing and adopting new technologies. All this is meant to reach the optimal
level of accessibility following technological advancements. If you wish to
contact the website’s owner, please use the website's form

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