www.wickfordappliance.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://wickfordapplianceonline.com/
Effective URL: https://www.wickfordappliance.com/index.html
Submission: On November 22 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

<form class="nav-sign-in-content">
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Name: pn_search_formGET /_CGI/SEARCH3

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Skip disability assistance statement.

Welcome to our website! As we have the ability to list over one million items on
our website (our selection changes all of the time), it is not feasible for a
company our size to record and playback the descriptions on every item on our
website. However, if you have a disability we are here to help you. Please call
our disability services phone line at (401) 726-4240 during regular business
hours and one of our kind and friendly personal shoppers will help you navigate
through our website, help conduct advanced searches, help you choose the item
you are looking for with the specifications you are seeking, read you the
specifications of any item and consult with you about the products themselves.
There is no charge for the help of this personal shopper for anyone with a
disability. Finally, your personal shopper will explain our Privacy Policy and
Terms of Service, and help you place an order if you so desire.



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Wickford Appliance
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Pawtucket, RI 02861

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Wickford Appliance
8236 Post Rd.
North Kingstown, RI 02852

Call or Text:
(401) 294-2667

Wickford Appliance
108 Atwood Ave.
Cranston, RI 02920

Call or Text:
(401) 383-7700

Wickford Appliance
1180 West Main Rd.
Middletown, RI 02842

Call or Text:
(401) 619-4119

Wickford Appliance - Outlet Store
380 Mendon Rd.
Cumberland, RI 02864

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(401) 725-3690

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145 Granite Street
Westerly, RI 02891

Call or Text:
(401) 596-1068

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Welcome to our website! As we have the ability to list over one million items on
our website (our selection changes all of the time), it is not feasible for a
company our size to record and playback the descriptions on every item on our
website. However, if you have a disability we are here to help you. Please call
our disability services phone line at (401) 726-4240 during regular business
hours and one of our kind and friendly personal shoppers will help you navigate
through our website, help conduct advanced searches, help you choose the item
you are looking for with the specifications you are seeking, read you the
specifications of any item and consult with you about the products themselves.
There is no charge for the help of this personal shopper for anyone with a
disability. Finally, your personal shopper will explain our Privacy Policy and
Terms of Service, and help you place an order if you so desire.

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