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Text Content

 * Table of Contents
 * Author’s Notes

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> Jerusalem is builded as a city that is in the public domain.
> — kingjamesprogramming.tumblr.com


1. Dark Satanic Mills
(Interlude א: The Cracks In The Sky)
2. Arise To Spiritual Strife
(Interlude ב: The Code of the World)
3. On A Cloud I Saw A Child
4. Tools Were Made And Born Were Hands
5. Never Seek To Tell Thy Love
(Interlude ג: Cantors and Singers)
6. Till We Have Built Jerusalem
7. The Perishing Vegetable Memory
8. Laughing To Scorn Thy Laws And Terrors
9. With Art Celestial
10. Bring The Swift Arrows Of Light
(Interlude ד: N-Grammata)
11. Drive The Just Man Into Barren Climes
(Interlude ה: The Right Hand Of God)
12. Borne On Angels’ Wings
(Interlude ו: There’s A Hole In My Bucket)
13. The Image Of Eternal Death
14. Cruelty Has A Human Heart
15. O Where Shall I Hide My Face
16. If Perchance With Iron Power He Might Avert His Own Despair
(Interlude ז: Man On The Sphere)

17. No Earthly Parents I Confess
18. That The Children Of Jerusalem May Be Saved From Slavery
19. The Form Of The Angelic Land
20. When The Stars Threw Down Their Spears
21. Thou Also Dwellest In Eternity
(Interlude ח: War And Peace)
22. Whose Ears Have Heard The Holy Word
23. Now Descendeth Out Of Heaven A City
(Interlude ט: The General Assembly)
24. Why Dost Thou Come To Angels’ Eyes
25. Lie Down Before My Feet, O Dragon
(Interlude י: The Broadcast)
26. For Not One Sparrow Can Suffer And The Whole Universe Not Suffer Also
(Interlude כ: The Outer Gate)
27. The Starry Floor, The Watery Shore
28. Hid As In An Ark
(Interlude ל: New York City)
29: He Who Respects The Infant’s Faith
30: Over The Dark Deserts
31: The Foundation Of Empire
32. The Human Form Divine
33. The Doors Of Perception
34. Why Wilt Thou Rend Thyself Apart, Jerusalem
35. The Voices Of Children In His Tents
36. My Father’s Business
(Interlude מ: Miss American Pie)
37. Love That Never Told Can Be
38. I Will Not Cease From Mental Fight
39. Fearful Symmetry
40. In Terrible Majesty

41. Go Love Without The Help Of Any Thing On Earth
(Interlude נ: CHANGELOG)
42. Whose Whole Delight Is In Destroying
43. Lest They Be Annihilated In Thy Annihilation
44. A World Within Opening Its Gates
45: In The Remotest Bottoms Of The Caves
46. To Talk Of Patience To The Afflicted
47. For He Beheld New Female Forms
48. Bring Me My Chariot Of Fire
(Interlude ס: Binary)
49. Terrors Of The Sun And Moon
(Interlude ע‎: Hell On Earth)
50. Silent As Despairing Love
(Interludes פ and צ: The 80s And 90s)
51. He Wondered That He Felt Love
52. The King Of Light Beheld Her Mourning
53. Lover Of Wild Rebellion
(Interlude ק: Bush)
54. My Course Among The Stars
55. None Can Visit His Regions
(Interlude ר: The Shrouded Constitution)
56. Agony In The Garden
(Interlude ש‎: Obama)
57. Now Taking On Ahania’s Form
58. And Now The Form Of Enion
(Interlude ת‎: Trump)
59. Clothe Yourself In Golden Arms
60. O Rose, Thou Art Sick
61. And Ololon Said, Let Us Descend Also, And Let Us Give Ourselves To Death In
Ulro Among The Transgressors.
62. That The Wide World Might Fly From Its Hinges
63. My Wrath Burns To The Top Of Heaven
64. Another Better World Shall Be
65. The Fruit Of My Mysterious Tree
66. In The Forests Of The Night
67. The Night Of Enitharmon’s Joy
68. Puts All Heaven In A Rage

69. Love Seeketh Not Itself To Please
70. Nor For Itself Hath Any Care
71. But For Another Gives Its Ease
72. And Builds A Heaven In Hell’s Despair


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   * Epilogue
   * Chapter 72: And Builds A Heaven In Hell’s Despair
   * Postscript 1: Wrap Parties + Fan Music
   * Chapter 71: But For Another Gives Its Ease
   * Chapter 70: Nor For Itself Hath Any Care

   * Tux1 on Chapter 1: Dark Satanic Mills
   * Tux1 on Interlude ג: Cantors and Singers
   * Tux1 on Interlude ח: War and Peace
   * Tux1 on Chapter 14: Cruelty Has A Human Heart
   * The Personhood Contract – Voidgoddess on Chapter 72: And Builds A Heaven In
     Hell’s Despair

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