tunnelhillchristian.churchcenter.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://prayprogram.tunnelhillchristian.church/
Effective URL: https://tunnelhillchristian.churchcenter.com/people/forms/710725
Submission: On March 21 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

      <div id="new-person-form">
        <div class="mt-3">
          <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="your_name_1" class="f-1">Your name<span class="fs-3 c-ruby"> * </span></label></div>
          <div class="d-f@md f_1 d-b@iframe">
              <div class="
      "><input type="text" id="your_name_1" placeholder="First name" autocomplete="given-name" spellcheck="false" required="" value=""></div>
            <div class="ml-0 ml-1@md ml-0@iframe mt-1 mt-0@md mt-1@iframe"><label class="screen-reader-text" for="last_name">Last name</label>
              <div class="
      "><input type="text" id="last_name" placeholder="Last name" autocomplete="family-name" spellcheck="false" required="" value=""></div>
        <div class="mt-3">
          <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="email_address_1" class="f-1">Email address<span class="fs-3 c-ruby"> * </span></label></div>
          <div class="
      "><input type="email" id="email_address_1" placeholder="name@example.com" autocomplete="email" required="" value=""></div>
      <div class="mt-3">
        <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="household_5522678" class="f-1">Household members</label></div>
        <p class="fs-4 c-tint2 mb-1 mt-4p lh-tight p-r b-8p">Please list any adults who can be contacted for emergencies.</p><button type="button" class="btn secondary-btn minor-btn mr-1">+ Add adult</button><button type="button"
          class="btn secondary-btn minor-btn">+ Add child</button>
      <div class="mt-3">
        <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="undefined_5522684" class="f-1"></label></div>
        <div class="section-header pt-4 pb-1">
          <h2 class="h2">Student Details</h2>
      <div class="mt-3">
        <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="string_5522683" class="f-1">Student #1's Name<span class="fs-3 c-ruby"> * </span></label></div>
        <div class="
      "><input type="text" id="string_5522683"></div>
      <div class="mt-3">
        <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="string_5558482" class="f-1">What grade is Student #1 currently enrolled in?<span class="fs-3 c-ruby"> * </span></label></div>
        <div class="
      "><input type="text" id="string_5558482"></div>
      <div class="mt-3">
        <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="checkboxes_5522706" class="f-1">Is Student #1 currently enrolled in any of the following programs?<span class="fs-3 c-ruby"> * </span></label></div>
        <p class="fs-4 c-tint2 mb-1 mt-4p lh-tight p-r b-8p">Check all that apply.</p>
        <div class="">
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986832"><label for="checkbox_5986832" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Cub Scouts</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986833"><label for="checkbox_5986833" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Boy Scouts of America (BSA)</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986834"><label for="checkbox_5986834" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Girl Scouts</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986835"><label for="checkbox_5986835" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Brownies</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986836"><label for="checkbox_5986836" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">American Heritage Girls</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986837"><label for="checkbox_5986837" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Trail Life</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986838"><label for="checkbox_5986838" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Homeschool</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986839"><label for="checkbox_5986839" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Homegrown Hoosiers</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986840"><label for="checkbox_5986840" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">None of the above</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="other_5522706"><label for="other_5522706" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Other</label></div>
      <div class="mt-3">
        <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="checkboxes_5522713" class="f-1">Is Student #1 currently affiliated with, or a member of a local church?<span class="fs-3 c-ruby"> * </span></label></div>
        <div class="">
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986841"><label for="checkbox_5986841" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">Yes</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986842"><label for="checkbox_5986842" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">No</label></div>
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_5986843"><label for="checkbox_5986843" class="checkbox-label mb-4p">We are looking for a church</label></div>
      <div class="mt-3">
        <div class="d-f jc-sb"><label for="text_5522716" class="f-1">Please describe any special accommodations that Student #1 may need, or anything else that you would like their counselor to know.<span class="fs-3 c-ruby"> * </span></label></div>
        <div class=""><textarea rows="5" id="text_5522716"></textarea></div>
      <div class="mt-3">
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_Please check this box to register a second student._5522720"><label for="checkbox_Please check this box to register a second student._5522720"
              class="checkbox-label c-tint0 fw-500 mb-4p">Please check this box to register a second student.</label></div>
        <p class="fs-4 c-tint2 mb-1 mt-4p lh-tight p-r b-8p">If you do not have an additional student, you can submit the form.</p>
      <div class="mt-3">
          <div class=""><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox_Please check this box to register a third student._5522735"><label for="checkbox_Please check this box to register a third student._5522735"
              class="checkbox-label c-tint0 fw-500 mb-4p">Please check this box to register a third student.</label></div>
        <p class="fs-4 c-tint2 mb-1 mt-4p lh-tight p-r b-8p">If you do not have an additional student, you can submit the form.</p>
      <div class="my-4 ta-c"><button type="button" class="btn ladda-button" data-style="slide-left" data-spinner-color="#999999"><span class="ladda-label">Submit</span><span class="ladda-spinner"></span></button></div>

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Please complete this form to sign up for the Programs of Religious Activities
for Youth (P.R.A.Y.) Non-Denominational Protestant Program, hosted by Tunnel
Hill Christian Church.

Please note, if you have more than three students to register, you will need to
fill out an additional form.

The dates are April 14, April 21, and May 5.
Your name *
Last name

Email address *

Household members

Please list any adults who can be contacted for emergencies.

+ Add adult+ Add child


Student #1's Name *

What grade is Student #1 currently enrolled in? *

Is Student #1 currently enrolled in any of the following programs? *

Check all that apply.

Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
Girl Scouts
American Heritage Girls
Trail Life
Homegrown Hoosiers
None of the above
Is Student #1 currently affiliated with, or a member of a local church? *
We are looking for a church
Please describe any special accommodations that Student #1 may need, or anything
else that you would like their counselor to know. *

Please check this box to register a second student.

If you do not have an additional student, you can submit the form.

Please check this box to register a third student.

If you do not have an additional student, you can submit the form.


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the code using their phone's built-in code reader ("Camera" on iOS, "Google
Assistant" on Android) to be brought straight to this URL – without having to
type it.

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 * Privacy Policy

 * Tunnel Hill Christian Church
 * office@tunnelhillchristian.church
 * 812.923.5344

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