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Active With traffic All Deleted Источник 1All sources Группа кампаний 1All
groups TodayYesterdayLast 7 DaysLast 14 DaysThis MonthLast Month This YearLast
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id Name Group Traffic Source Clicks LP CTR Leads CR EPC CPC Revenue Spend Profit
ROI 88 dsstnsnidab sad ssik| tyhi r y|ksr Group 1 Pops 19380 29% 6194 5.37%
$1.623 $1.367 $1189.33 $4791.78 $3187 52% 10 sdes nzi|de zndybfrfk|ide |fabbk
Group 1 Pops 86790 84% 1587 2.62% $0.497 $1.892 $3752.68 $3313.89 $1980 152% 23
rri rzrrizdb fb|yi |yyyr||dhtbisszd Sweepstakes Redirects 67684 17% 6108 5.43%
$0.735 $0.201 $1187.92 $3223.89 $556 35% 14 ent||e| dbss te|atzzzrrtaefdahei ey
CPI Offers Facebook 12879 58% 2095 2.82% $0.189 $1.318 $2863.98 $649.27 $2036 2%
92 rte a|ibdsfatt|dhnzahitsd byshrbe New Campaigns Facebook 30095 2% 7017 1.83%
$0.541 $0.547 $3026.78 $3016.68 $3366 204% 90 dzdzn fdhathzi i nnadh bybdrnbt Hi
Defo Forum Facebook 24862 44% 6720 2.49% $0.514 $0.470 $1463.55 $1984.94 $3559
93% 33 |katysfezbiezts|fzhkaetkb tfe||at Group 1 Redirects 61393 69% 2841 4.85%
$1.158 $0.412 $1453.49 $4019.17 $1336 30% 53 nnabthdzen bryfr zehdetf zke dyrt
Diets Google Adwords 45309 81% 2398 1.20% $1.558 $0.544 $3538.74 $1318.64 $5255
71% 10 an eyinaf| ysrfn bnntthkrhnie ena Diets Google Adwords 20634 49% 9437
1.40% $0.118 $1.879 $536.23 $4235.70 $394 215% 28 ttn|y dabnfsh h fhf |thnfd hs
|h n Old Facebook 62159 98% 2460 5.10% $1.778 $1.725 $1188.37 $1540.35 $4706
119% 19 rrst|ibr keaaz sdybe|zaereses |sk h CPI Offers Facebook 26021 26% 9870
4.34% $1.611 $0.415 $902.42 $3635.94 $2523 4% 95 ie||zykhazkfbn hy abeab hh z
ennsb Hi Defo Forum Redirects 58016 42% 1487 3.52% $0.395 $0.925 $4743.76
$571.99 $1212 207% 91 eif rtia hdfazyaz|hf i f sasi bh|s| Old Facebook 13385 62%
9107 5.59% $1.705 $1.272 $309.44 $3874.37 $3952 171% 14 sn bfbaf btnns adhtr
|an|sebzti a| New Campaigns Redirects 37125 31% 4688 1.44% $0.914 $1.937
$3745.32 $122.37 $2615 226% 69 z|bd y tf |arnnfhkb ayrrhdh strs Hi Defo Forum
Google Adwords 37513 1% 5839 5.88% $1.712 $1.326 $4916.45 $1797.66 $5065 63% 40
hrrdnhbz rya|tarzk irdzkebn srdkd| Hi Defo Forum Other 61899 82% 8519 4.86%
$0.850 $0.839 $2051.44 $1735.33 $3602 252% 89 |ikyy skrfe his ke feiy k fbf|ryk
CPI Offers Facebook 91068 22% 6049 3.97% $0.144 $0.226 $2767.75 $2963.92 $5281
131% 41 hyrkryhnhidzdazztbsezy|tezbtffdnner CPI Offers Facebook 8023 43% 4189
5.67% $0.421 $0.786 $126.52 $1299.30 $4969 229% 97 fzhtn rdbsr e
dyfikrsninnfakiyhshsy Old Redirects 72714 98% 1383 3.86% $0.750 $0.115 $2951.85
$5001.16 $93 37% 21 ysztfrtaynnreb | tztbfybtfz tes Hi Defo Forum Facebook 55881
61% 7976 2.77% $1.263 $1.995 $165.17 $978.50 $1933 16% 2 sysi sedh ei hye
dathaadite f| iea Group 1 Other 42779 37% 2148 4.30% $1.173 $1.537 $1402.81
$131.82 $255 109% 22 hdhiii n|nbtna tzffrthna e fdana|t CPI Offers Pops 76702 7%
2966 3.17% $0.387 $0.947 $5116.11 $566.59 $3639 271% 88 i bbfibyfd|yty znyk
isdir fk ezne New Campaigns Redirects 11599 78% 3025 3.53% $0.573 $1.728 $873.45
$5235.31 $3049 16% 100 aarh bz dbyd izbkrsheenhrh ekezbnnn Group 1 Pops 22914
53% 7105 3.28% $0.453 $0.832 $434.28 $768.99 $1447 114% 44 iin etd|ef sknrrnn
yin|fa rrerrabat CPI Offers Google Adwords 98864 38% 4822 1.99% $1.158 $0.339
$5047.63 $182.97 $4702 244% 66 fdteb |efzddbfbzkhbs f ttbzffe yk Old Facebook
48503 25% 1276 3.60% $0.563 $0.433 $3648.55 $2819.75 $4494 104%


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