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Submitted URL: https://www.whtenvlpe.com/acTcl2kTmPSJi_Ld_mhpLwyZedsuPVd55qfts2rYe_SbQX1bZFQTNzT1AscdIIXGwicDteyVV8vZEffYCeoYXg~~/16/371-...
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Submission: On January 24 via manual from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

<form id="questions" action="" style="display:none;">
  <div class="content">
    <h2><b>Survey About:</b></h2>
    <h1 style="margin-top:0px;"><span style="color:#22659C">
        <script type="text/javascript">
          document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))
        </script>Delta Air Lines
    <!-- <span class="logo text-center"><img src="/assets/images/auto-quote-logo.jpg" alt="" class="img-responsive"></span> -->
  <div class="dday">
    <!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>--> Online Traveler Survey: <script>
      var mydate = new Date()
      var year = mydate.getYear()
      if (year < 1000) year += 1900
      var day = mydate.getDay()
      var month = mydate.getMonth()
      var daym = mydate.getDate()
      if (daym < 10) daym = "0" + daym
      var dayarray = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
      var montharray = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")
      document.write("" + montharray[month] + " " + daym + ", " + year + "")
    </script>January 24, 2024
  <div data-count="1" class="question text-center active">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 1 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Ner lbh n Qrygn FxlZvyrf&ert; Perqvg Pneq ol Nzrevpna Rkcerff pnequbyqre?"))
      </script>Are you a Delta SkyMiles® Credit Card by American Express cardholder?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-1" style="display:none;"> <button name="q1" onclick="$('#radio-q-1').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q1"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-1').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q1" onclick="$('#radio-q-1').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="2" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 2 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Qbrf gur cbffvovyvgl bs rneavat Qrygn Nve Yvarf FxlZvyrf&ert; rapbhentr lbh gb geniry zber serdhragyl?"))
      </script>Does the possibility of earning Delta Air Lines SkyMiles® encourage you to travel more frequently?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-2" style="display:none;"> <button name="q2" onclick="$('#radio-q-2').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q2"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-2').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Sometimes</button> <button name="q2" onclick="$('#radio-q-2').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">No</button> <button name="q2" onclick="$('#radio-q-2').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="3" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 3 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Ubj bsgra qb lbh syl ba Qrygn Nve Yvarf?"))
      </script>How often do you fly on Delta Air Lines?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-3" style="display:none;"> <button name="q3" onclick="$('#radio-q-3').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Less than once per year</button>
      <button name="q3" onclick="$('#radio-q-3').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">One to two times per year</button> <button name="q3" onclick="$('#radio-q-3').attr('checked',true);"
        class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">More often</button></div>
  <div data-count="4" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 4 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Qb lbh hfr gur Qrygn Nve Yvarf ncc ba lbhe cubar/gnoyrg?"))
      </script>Do you use the Delta Air Lines app on your phone/tablet?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-4" style="display:none;"> <button name="q4" onclick="$('#radio-q-4').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">I use an Apple device</button>
      <button name="q4" onclick="$('#radio-q-4').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">I use an Android device</button> <button name="q4" onclick="$('#radio-q-4').attr('checked',true);"
        class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button></div>
  <div data-count="5" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 5 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Unir lbh gnxra n syvtug va gur ynfg gjb jrrxf?"))
      </script>Have you taken a flight in the last two weeks?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-5" style="display:none;"> <button name="q5" onclick="$('#radio-q-5').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q5"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-5').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q5" onclick="$('#radio-q-5').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="6" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 6 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Vf Qrygn lbhe cersreerq nveyvar?"))
      </script>Is Delta your preferred airline?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-6" style="display:none;"> <button name="q6" onclick="$('#radio-q-6').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q6"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-6').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q6" onclick="$('#radio-q-6').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="7" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 7 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Vs Qrygn bssrerq n qvfpbhag nveyvar bcgvba gb frpbaqnel nvecbegf, jbhyq lbh hfr fhpu n freivpr?"))
      </script>If Delta offered a discount airline option to secondary airports, would you use such a service?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-7" style="display:none;"> <button name="q7" onclick="$('#radio-q-7').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q7"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-7').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q7" onclick="$('#radio-q-7').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="8" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 8 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Qb lbh srry gung Qrygn fgnss ner sevraqyl naq pbhegrbhf?"))
      </script>Do you feel that Delta staff are friendly and courteous?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-8" style="display:none;"> <button name="q8" onclick="$('#radio-q-8').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q8"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-8').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q8" onclick="$('#radio-q-8').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="9" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 9 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Qb lbh srry gung Qrygn cebivqrf tbbq va-syvtug ragregnvazrag naq freivprf?"))
      </script>Do you feel that Delta provides good in-flight entertainment and services?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-9" style="display:none;"> <button name="q9" onclick="$('#radio-q-9').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q9"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-9').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q9" onclick="$('#radio-q-9').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="10" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 10 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Jbhyq lbh syl ba Qrygn zber bsgra vg syrj gb zber qrfgvangvbaf?"))
      </script>Would you fly on Delta more often it flew to more destinations?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-10" style="display:none;"> <button name="q10" onclick="$('#radio-q-10').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q10"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-10').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q10" onclick="$('#radio-q-10').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="11" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 11 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Jura obbxvat n syvtug, qb lbh hfhnyyl chepunfr geniry vafhenapr ng gur fnzr gvzr?"))
      </script>When booking a flight, do you usually purchase travel insurance at the same time?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-11" style="display:none;"> <button name="q11" onclick="$('#radio-q-11').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q11"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-11').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q11" onclick="$('#radio-q-11').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="12" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 12 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Ubj qb lbh abeznyyl obbx n syvtug?"))
      </script>How do you normally book a flight?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-12" style="display:none;"> <button name="q12" onclick="$('#radio-q-12').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Myself, via phone</button>
      <button name="q12" onclick="$('#radio-q-12').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Myself, via the internet</button> <button name="q12" onclick="$('#radio-q-12').attr('checked',true);"
        class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Via a travel agent</button> <button name="q12" onclick="$('#radio-q-12').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Other</button> <button
        name="q12" onclick="$('#radio-q-12').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="13" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 13 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Unir lbh sybja <v>vagreangvbanyyl</v> va gur ynfg fvk zbaguf?"))
      </script>Have you flown <i>internationally</i> in the last six months?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-13" style="display:none;"> <button name="q13" onclick="$('#radio-q-13').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q13"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-13').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q13" onclick="$('#radio-q-13').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div data-count="14" class="question text-center ">
    <div class="q-count"><!--<script type="text/javascript">document.write(r("Qrygn Nve Yvarf"))</script>-->Question: 14 of 14</div>
    <p class="q">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write(r("Ner lbh njner lbh pna chepunfr Qrygn Nve Yvarf tvsg pneqf sbe lbhe snzvyl & sevraqf?"))
      </script>Are you aware you can purchase Delta Air Lines gift cards for your family &amp; friends?
    <div class="form-inline"><input type="radio" id="radio-q-14" style="display:none;"> <button name="q14" onclick="$('#radio-q-14').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">Yes</button> <button name="q14"
        onclick="$('#radio-q-14').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio" type="button">No</button> <button name="q14" onclick="$('#radio-q-14').attr('checked',true);" class="btn btn-default action-button q1-radio"
        type="button">Not Sure</button></div>
  <div class="modal-footer">
    <button id="submit-answer" class="btn btn-default" type="button" style="visibility:hidden;">ACCEPT</button>

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Text Content



Complete the short survey about Delta Air Lines to select your exclusive offer
of up to $100 cash value.

This special is available until January 24, 2024





Online Traveler Survey: January 24, 2024
Question: 1 of 14

Are you a Delta SkyMiles® Credit Card by American Express cardholder?

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 2 of 14

Does the possibility of earning Delta Air Lines SkyMiles® encourage you to
travel more frequently?

Yes Sometimes No Not Sure
Question: 3 of 14

How often do you fly on Delta Air Lines?

Less than once per year One to two times per year More often
Question: 4 of 14

Do you use the Delta Air Lines app on your phone/tablet?

I use an Apple device I use an Android device No
Question: 5 of 14

Have you taken a flight in the last two weeks?

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 6 of 14

Is Delta your preferred airline?

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 7 of 14

If Delta offered a discount airline option to secondary airports, would you use
such a service?

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 8 of 14

Do you feel that Delta staff are friendly and courteous?

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 9 of 14

Do you feel that Delta provides good in-flight entertainment and services?

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 10 of 14

Would you fly on Delta more often it flew to more destinations?

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 11 of 14

When booking a flight, do you usually purchase travel insurance at the same

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 12 of 14

How do you normally book a flight?

Myself, via phone Myself, via the internet Via a travel agent Other Not Sure
Question: 13 of 14

Have you flown internationally in the last six months?

Yes No Not Sure
Question: 14 of 14

Are you aware you can purchase Delta Air Lines gift cards for your family &

Yes No Not Sure

Terms and Conditions | Contact Us

2023 All Rights Reserved.
This is an independent survey and marketing website which is not affiliated with
or endorsed by Delta Air Lines or any online retailer or brand. This website
does not claim to represent or own any of the trademarks, tradenames or rights
associated with any of the offers which are the property of their respective
owners who do not own, endorse, or promote this website. All images on this
website are readily available in various places on the Internet and believed to
be in public domain according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act. Offer shipping
and handling fees may apply. *See manufacturer's site for details as terms may
vary with offers. This website receives compensation in exchange for promoting
third party offers. See important terms and conditions regarding this survey,
site, and advertisement here.

Online Traveler Survey: January 24, 2024




Due to high participation today rewards can only be guaranteed for 10 minutes

Coupon Code: MYSHOP2125 has been applied.



19 hrs ·

This was great, I wasn't sure what to pick so I figured I couldn't go wrong with
a watch for my boyfriend. I got it in the mail and gave it to him as a surprise
gift - totally blew him away. Then i told him how I got it and he started
looking for the survey everywhere until he found it - he got himself a
bodybuildign supplement he's been wanting and he jsut had to pay for shipping.
Really amazing..


14 hrs ·

I was just shopping for a new TV and the survey popped up so I figured I'd give
it a try. I didn't really need any of the products so I gave the skin-care stuff
to a friend, I guess it's in high-demand because shes been raving about how
she's been wanting to try it!


11 hrs ·

Nice James! I got it for my mom last week - She's was looking for this cream but
said it was too expensive. I wasn't sure when it would get here but it came in
the mail Friday. My mom loves it so I'm trying to see if I can get one for


4 hrs ·

My wife got an e-mail abuot this survey.... I was skeptical but sure enough my
supplement and her cream came in the mail two days later. Time to get ripped,


52 mins ·

My friend told me about this Garcinia extract she's been taking that she's lost
a ton of weight with, but it was too expensive for me to try on a single-mom
budget. Then I see it as an option on here, so I guess I'll take that as a sign.
I hope it works for me too!


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word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word
