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Women Reaction and Renewal in South Africa Reaction and Renewal in South Africa
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Groeneberg, Oct. Gabriel WITSCHE, - Fredrik DE JONGH, are hereby requested to
forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Camber, within the term of
three months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; and those
who may stand indebted to the aforesaid Estates are desired to discharge their
respective Debts within the said period, on pain of prosecution at Law.

All Persons having any Claims against the Estate of the late Mrs. For Sale, and
may be had at the Whale-fishery of Messrs. Run away, a Hottentot named Prins
Maurits, bound by contract to the Undersigned; whoever lodges him in prison will
be liberally rewarded. Helena Bay. The day previous to her reaching the Bay,
when in the act of reefing in a gale of wind, a seaman fell overboard from the
yard, who succeeded in reaching a hen-coop which was thrown from the ship to his
assistance, when a boat was lowered, and the Chief-Mate and four men volunteered
to rescue him from his perilous situation, and in which they succeeded; but,
melancholy to relate, in returning to the ship a heavy sea struck the boat, it
swamped, and all hands perished.

After the ship had struck Capt. The passengers were all landed in safety, but
did not save their baggage; and we fear the Mails will be lost. We understand
the poop and quarter-deck are above water; and every effort will be made to save
as much of the cargo as possible, for which purpose the schooner Ann, with boats
and every requisite assistance was dispatched yesterday evening.

We are happy to be able to state that Mrs. The passengers are — Mrs. ROOK, 2
Messrs. Helena Bay and which she was to leave on Monday last. Her arrival,
therefore, may be hourly expected. Ditto — Duke of Gloucester, put back on
account of contrary winds. Ditto — Alexander, Danish Ship, J. By special
Licence. A Daughter of Robt.

A son of E. Two Daughters of W. Three Sons of J. Two Daughters of J. LOUW, Ws.
Baptized Hester Maria Jusina. NEL, Ws. RAS, baptized Elisabeth Cornelia.
Baptized Catharina Elisabeth. A Son of R. A Daughter of ditto, baptized Helena
Frances. Baptized Jacoba Margaretha.

Baptized David Fredrik Christiaan. On Thursday the 28 th September. On Saturday
the 30 th September. On Monday the 2d October. Baptized Sara Jacoba Debora.
District of Stellenbosch; together with the adjoining Quitrent Place, too well
known to need any description. The conditions will be very favourable. WOLFF, q.
All Persons having any claims against the Widow J. THYSSEN are requested to send
them in, with proper vouchers, within six weeks from this date; and those
indebted are requested to settle their Accounts within the same period.

October 25, Likewise will be sold, some clever Slaves, amongst which are a
tailor and a coachman; two teams of waggon Horses, some Mares, draught and
breeding Cattle, excellent Milch Cows, Sheep, and what further may be offered
for sale. Ditto — Hebe, English Brig, H. Ditto — Mary, Coasting Brig, S. Ditto —
Thomas, Coasting Schooner, R. Helena Bay, to assist the Brittania. Ditto —
Ellen, English Brig, C.

Baptized Dirk Gysbert. A Son of H. A Daughter of B. A House Clock. On Thursday
the 9 th instant, at No. All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of Johan
Godfried MOCKE, will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the
ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 30 th instant, for the inspection of
those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions. All Persons having any Claims
against the Estate of the late Alexander JOHNSTON, and his surviving Widow
Elizabeth MACKIE, surrendered by the Orphan Chamber as Insolvent, are hereby
required to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Office of the
Undersigned, within the term of six weeks from this date, on pain of deprivation
of further right; whilst those who may stand indebted to the above Estate are
desired to discharge their respective Debts within the same period, on pain of
legal prosecution.

Will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 6
th of next month, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the
Instructions. JOHN, Messrs.

Helena, Jas. Helena 7 th October, bound to this Port, with empty Casks. Ditto —
Dido, Dutch Bark, J. Ditto — Melago, Ditto Ship, Mons. Ditto — Harriet, ditto
Schooner, J. Ditto - Iberia, English Brig, J. Engineers, Rev. Arrivals at Port
Beaufort. On Sunday the 5 th November, by the same. A Daughter of Mr J. Ditto —
A Son of Captain A. Cape Corps, baptized Alexander Thomas. Ditto — A Daughter of
B. SMIT, aged 74 years and 2 days. Notice — All Persons having any Claims
against the Estate of John INGRAM, placed under Sequestration , are hereby
desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, to this Office,
within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement, on forfeiture
of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estate, are desired to be
liquidated within the said period, in failure of which the Parties will be
legally proceeded against.

Those Creditor who do not attend will be considered to have voted with the


Friday, November 17 th , London Gazette, Tuesday, August To be ensign, by
purchase, vice Vernon, all dated Aug. DUNN, from 49 th Foot. Ditto — John,
English Brid, G. Ditto — Louisa, English Brig, Thos. Helena Bay 11 th inst.
Laden with Wine, Beer, and Sundries, saved from the wreck of the Brittania, and
a basket of Letters, chiefly for Bombay. Ditto — Constance, French Ship, A.
Ditto — Brittania, English Brig, W. Baptised Engela. Baptized Martha Maria.
Baptized Geertruida Cornelia.

Aged 25 years, 7 months, and 20 days. Pieter E. The Slaves Maart and August.
Maria Johanna Botha. And surviving Widow Anna Elis. Friday, November 24 th ,
Ditto — Susannah, English Bark, R. For this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.


Ditto — Virginia, American Schooner, J. Ditto — Penelope, English Bark, W. Ditto
— Hon. Ditto — Kate, English Schooner, D. Ditto - George, Coasting Sloop, J.
Ditto — Columbine, English Brig, J. Agent, from the Isle of France 22d October,
bound to England. Ditto — Brittania, English Brig.


While the english dictionary contains roughlywords, giving us an extensive
vocabulary with which to express ourselves, it seems to fall short in helping us
express love. Brouwery, 5 Juny October 25, Gadina fatally injured by bursting
rifle breech during small arms practice. Ditto — Hottentot, English Brig, R. The
coaches were first class, well maintained and comfortable to travel on.
Lieutenant Rockford Boyd, on this, as on former occasions, showed himself
reliable and capable of acting without orders. Rich 1 1. Swipe horn, changing
possession 9 5. The services of this officer have been of the very highest value
to the State; his zeal is indefatigable, and he has carried out juan martin
Queenstown South Africa gay escort business of the force under my command so as
to relieve me of all anxiety; he is equally good in the field, and has the gift
of carrying with him all with whom he is brought in contact; I have every
confidence in recommending this officer for juan martin Queenstown South Africa
gay escort as one fitted for the highest commands. Ditto — A Son of P. Annual
Reports of the Navy Department. Cpl Tobias arrived in South Africa in December
Convertible roof faults sometimes the roof may fail edenton to fully open or
close fully, especially if it has newberg not been used for a while or if the
car battery is not in tip top condition. The following have been brought to my
notice by General Lyttelton as specially deserving consideration: .

On Monday the 20 th November, by the same. BECK, aged 70 years and 22 days.
Ditto — A Son of R. Town House November 16, Helena 1 st instant, cargo empty
Casks. Ditto — Penelope, English Bark, Wm. Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Coffee do. Tea
Pot, a do. Milk Pot, and a do. Sugar do. On the same day and place, the
following Goods, viz. The Undersigned intending to concentrate her Affairs, will
sell by Public Auction on Wednesday the 27 th instant, on very favourable terms,
her very fertile Estate, situated at the Paarl, having abundance of water during
the driest seasons, and which is planted chiefly with young Vines, yielding
already 40 Leaguers of Wine, and all sorts of Fruit Trees; also, Fustage, Store
Implements, Stills; Household Furniture, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Tables,
Chairs, a Clock, Tea Urn, Pots, Pans, Kettles, and what further may be offered
on the day of sale.

Paarl, Dec. Widow A. The Sale will be held at the above-named Place. Cape Town,
December 6, HAUPT, q. The Executors of the Estate of the late Mr. December 8,
Died on the 1 st instant December, aged 61 years, 11 months, and 9 days, my
beloved Husband, P. Died on the 22d November, in the George District, Mr.

George Town, November, 25, Ditto — Eliza, Dutch Ship, J. Ditto — William,
English Schooner, J. Passengers — The Reverend C. Colonial Chaplain Mr. Susanna
Black. On Sunday the 3d December. Colonial Chaplain, baptized Elice Ellen.
Colonial Chaplain, A Daughter of Mr. In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 3d
December. In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 3d December. That they, in their
aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, but, however, being
ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might
prevent their bringing it to a final settlement, are desirous the Court would be
pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of
what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of
the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of three Months subsequent to the
publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.

Now, the Court having taken the same into due consideration, has thought proper
to grant and accord it; and accordingly, by these Presents, doth summon and call
upon all Persons, who have any Claims upon the said Estate, either on account of
Bonds, Book-debts, Deeds of Security, Guardianships, Administrations, or
otherwise, to appear at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the
ensuing three Months subsequent to the Publication of these Presents, and there
give in such Claims, on pain of forfeiting their Right.

It is, however, to be understood, that by granting this Term, the Right of
Creditors Abroad will not be affected, nor are they in anywise included. And
that no Person may plead ignorance hereof, this shall be published and affixed
in the usual manner. Thus done and Granted in the Court of Justice at the Cape
of Good Hope, on the 7 th of December , and published and affixed the same day.

The Men Who Dropped the Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

By order of the Court, D. The late Pieter E. Cape Town, December 4, George Town,
November 25, Uit de hand te koop by P. Door Executeuren zat opden 16 dezer by
den Hr. Gedoopt, door den Eerw. Kaapstad den 4 December, Georgestad den 25
November Die Onderget. Ditto — George, Coasting Sloop, H. Helena Bay 6 th
December, bound to this Port, in ballast. Ditto - Diadem, English Ship, R. Ditto
— Clyde, English Ship, D. VOS, baptized Hercules Crosse. In the Lutheran Church,
on Monday the 11 th December. Ten Slaves of J.

Ditto — A Son of A. Notice is hereby given, that several People having been
found altering the Private Water Leading into their Houses, by means of False
Keys, rendering it impossible for the Burgher Senate to calculate the necessary
supply of Water to the Town, or make such arrangements as the convenience of the
inhabitants may requier, and Person found opening or otherwise meddling with the
Stop-cocks in the Streets, the same being Public Property, will be prosecuted
with the utmost rigour of the Law, and the Water Leading will be immediately
taken away.

Town House, December 13, P. The Undersigned hereby give Notice, that the
Co-partnerhship now existing between them will cease on the 31 st of this
present month; all Claims are therefore requested to be sent in on or before
that day for adjustment; and all Debts due to be paid forthwith. The Insolvent
Estate of Cornelis Herm.

On Friday the 22d instant, at No. On Friday, the 29 th instant, on account of
Johan Phil. Caledon-street, in the aforesaid Village. All Persons having any
claims or demands against the Estate of the late Mrs. Stellenbosch, Dec. Died on
the 24 th September last, at Batavia, my beloved Wife, Maria Christina DE MAN,
aged 28 years, - she has left behind four children of so tender an age as to be
a t present insensible of their loss.

WATT and Servant.


Passengers — Three Seamen for the Brig Usk. The Creditors of the Insolvent
Estates of H. Cape Town, 21 st December, By Order. This Day, the 22d instant, at
No. NOTICE — All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates,
are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Herbert PUGH, now given over as Insolvent, to this Office, within the term of
six weeks from the 19 th instant, Johan Nicolaas KNOOP, taken under
Sequestration to this Office, or to the Agent at Stellenbosch, within the term
of six weeks from the above date, Cornelis DE WAAL, [ Ts ] given over as
insolvent to this Office or to the Agent at Stellenbosch, within the term of six
weeks from the above date, on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due
to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said period, in
failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.

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Tulbagh, December 13, Ditto — Sarah, English Brig, P. Ditto — Georgiana, English
Ship, Wm. Cox, American Schooner, W. Ditto — Hebe, English Brig. BELL, and Mr.
Helena 29 th Nov. AMM, Master, for St. Chaplain to the Forces A Daughter of F.
Ditto — A Son of P. DE WIT. Ditto — A Son of Ditto — An Infant Son of J.

This day, 29 th instant, on account of Johan Phil. Written by Brenda Gassner.
Ditto — William, Coasting Schooner, G. Helena 16 th December, for this Port, in
ballast. Ditto — Hussaren, English Brig, G. Ditto — R. Ditto — Minstrel, English
Ship, C. Married, by Special Licence, on the 10 th instant, by the Reverend B.
On Wednesday the 10 th January, by the same , Mr. On Tuesday the 9 th January,
Mr. On the 10 th instant, in the English Church, by the Rev. On Sunday the 7 th
January, the same, Two sons of the late Mr.

Ditto — A Daughter of A. The Purchase Money can remain ten years on interest,
under good security. On Wednesday the 17 th inst. Daniel A. On Friday the 26 th
instant, at No. On Saturday the 27 th inst.

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