zokri.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:20::681a:a69  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://lunar.partners/
Effective URL: https://zokri.com/
Submission Tags: phishingrod
Submission: On June 28 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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   * 2024 CEO Success Playbook
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   * What Are OKRs?
   * Improve Performance With KPI Trees
   * Using KPI Scorecards To Increase Alignment
   * Implementing AI Research
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   * KPI / Metric Improvement Program
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   * Free Strategy Assessment
   * 2024 CEO Success Playbook
   * 2024 COO Success Playbook
   * Force Multipliers – The Book
   * What Are OKRs?
   * Improve Performance With KPI Trees
   * Using KPI Scorecards To Increase Alignment
   * Implementing AI Research
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   * Meet The Team You Would Work With
   * Consulting Costs
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   * Free Strategy Assessment
   * 2024 CEO Success Playbook
   * 2024 COO Success Playbook
   * Force Multipliers – The Book
   * What Are OKRs?
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   * Using KPI Scorecards To Increase Alignment
   * Implementing AI Research
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   * 2024 COO Success Playbook
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   * Using KPI Scorecards To Increase Alignment
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Contact Us



Connect OKRs to strategy, metrics, people, and everything you do that creates
customer value and competitive advantage.

What are OKRs?


Mastering OKRs and achieving game-changing outcomes requires your teams to have
other complementary knowledge, skills, information, data and the right tools.

Great Strategy

Most consultants/trainers and tools don't want to tackle this with you because
you might see it as a separate requirement, or they worry that you think it's a
big task to review and hone it as part of the project. When the reality is that,
in most cases, it's not.

Learn More

OKR & Metrics

Most don't want to tell you that if you don't have quality metrics across the
business, your Key Results will not be outcomes that act on lead measures.
Instead, they will be biased towards projects, tasks and due dates. And the
capability loss does not end there.

Learn More

Better Decisions

Improving team planning meetings and reducing unnecessary meetings might feel
out of scope. What most won't tell you is that the best barometer of the likely
success of an OKR implementation is the frequency and quality of conversations
and decision-making.

Learn More

Smart Scaling

Getting a few teams to adopt new and better ways of working is one thing.
Scaling these skills and competencies throughout the organization and getting
what is new to become normal both now and in the future requires education, data
and tools.

Learn More


 * Tell us what you're trying to achieve, and you can benefit from our
   implementation know-how. We will not dumb our advice down because we know you
   are smart.

 * Let us help you determine if OKRs are right for you and give you a plan for
   implementing them based on your current situation and where you need to be in
   90 days, 180 days, and 3 years.

 * If it's the right thing to do the plan can include articulating your
   strategy, clarifying the right KPIs, metrics and levers are in the business,
   and improving how and when teams meet to make decisions.

 * Let us show you how to easily scale these powerful skills and competencies
   throughout your organization. In doing so, leveraging the power of strategy,
   OKRs, metrics and people.

 * If you'd like to try our software as part of the project that is an option
   you have. It's follows and guides OKR best-practices by ensuring strategy,
   metrics and decision making are also being optimized.

Meet Us & Learn More


After engaging our strategy and OKR consultants and onboarding our software
solution, your winning strategy and OKRs will be executed efficiently.

 * Teams now share ideas and turn the best ideas into outcome based goals.

 * Cross team collaboration is commonplace and teams often share OKRs.

 * Purpose and belief is everywhere as progress and wins are being communicated.

 * There’s an increase in competitiveness and you can see it in the revenue KPI.

 * Important metrics that have been missing are now measured and are being
   talked about.

 * OKRs progress is being tracked, issues are getting solved, and goals are
   being achieved.

 * You find yourself in an upward winning spiral, the mood is positive and
   people are happy.

 * Customers, employees and shareholders are all benefiting from your work.

Meet Us & Learn More



Join the ranks of high-performing companies successfully navigating their growth
journey using our software.

Learn More About Our Vision & Values

 * Consulting & Training

 * Strategy & OKR Consulting

 * Meet The Team

 * Consulting Costs

 * Staff Course Training Login

 * Software

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 * Features & Pricing

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 * Need To Know For The CEO

 * 2024 CEO Success Playbook

 * 2024 COO Success Playbook

 * Blog

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KT21 1RZ
+44 20 7046 1328

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 * United States

447 Broadway
New York
NY 10013
+1 646-718-4720

 * ZOKRI helps leaders and teams achieve strategic goals using the OKR
   (Objectives & Key Results) framework. Our platform aligns strategy, goals,
   and people, fostering engagement and growth through comprehensive training
   and management systems.

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