www.pennymac.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://loans.pennymacusa.com/-temporary-slug-4a737d78-18c1-4cd2-adb1-52250f7a8249
Effective URL: https://www.pennymac.com/compare-home-loan-options
Submission: On November 01 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: Compare Loan Options FormPOST https://quote.pennymac.com/api/v1/lead

<form id="velocify-form" name="Compare Loan Options Form" action="https://quote.pennymac.com/api/v1/lead" method="POST" novalidate="novalidate" class="fv-form fv-form-bootstrap4"><button type="submit" class="fv-hidden-submit"
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  <div class="form-group fv-has-feedback"> <label class="small ml-2 text-uppercase mb-0" for="propertystate">Property State:</label> <select class="form-control custom-select" name="propertystate" id="propertystate" title="State"
      <option value="">Property State - Select One</option>
      <option value="AL">Alabama</option>
      <option value="AK">Alaska</option>
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      <option value="RI">Rhode Island</option>
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      <option value="WA">Washington</option>
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      <option value="WI">Wisconsin</option>
      <option value="WY">Wyoming</option>
    </select><i class="fv-control-feedback" data-fv-icon-for="propertystate" style="display: none;"></i> <small class="form-control-feedback" data-fv-validator="notEmpty" data-fv-for="propertystate" data-fv-result="NOT_VALIDATED"
      style="display: none;">This field is required.</small></div>
  <div class="form-group fv-has-feedback"> <label class="small ml-2 text-uppercase mb-0" for="loanpurpose"> What are you interested in? </label>
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      <div class="form-check form-check-inline mr-4"> <label class="form-check-label"> <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="loanpurpose" id="purchase" value="Purchase" data-fv-field="loanpurpose"> Purchase </label> </div>
      <div class="form-check form-check-inline"> <label class="form-check-label"> <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="loanpurpose" id="refinance" value="No Cash-Out Refi" data-fv-field="loanpurpose"> Refinance </label> </div>
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  <div id="schedule-field-wrapper" class="bg-pennymac-gray-lightest rounded pt-3 px-3 mb-3 d-none">
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    <div class="form-group mt--2"> <label class="small ml-2 text-uppercase mb-0" for="scheduleTime"> Would you like to schedule a time to be contacted by a loan officer? </label>
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      <p><a id="calendar-reveal" data-toggle="collapse" href="#scheduler" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="scheduler"> Would you like to schedule a specific date/time for us to call you? </a></p>
    <div class="collapse" id="scheduler"> <input id="callback_submitted_date" type="hidden" name="callback_submitted_date" value="2022-11-01T06:31:56-07:00">
      <p class="mt-4 mb-2">You may select any 30-minute window within our regular business hours.</p>
      <p class="small d-none">Our call center is open Monday - Friday <span id="weekday-start"></span> to <span id="weekday-end"></span> and Saturday <span id="saturday-start"></span> to <span id="saturday-end"></span> <span id="timezone">GMT</span>.
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  <p class="mt-4 small"><label><input type="hidden" id="leadid_tcpa_disclosure"><span class="font-weight-bold">Communications Consent:</span> By clicking the Contact Me button, I agree that I am providing an electronic signature authorizing PennyMac
      Loan Services, LLC and its agents (Pennymac) to contact me for telemarketing and informational purposes at the telephone number provided, even if I have previously registered on a corporate, state or national Do Not Call registry. I have
      authority to provide this consent because I am the subscriber of the telephone number or I am a customary user who has authority to consent to these communications. I also agree that Pennymac may contact me using an automatic telephone dialing
      system or an artificial or prerecorded message, or text messages, even if the number is connected to a service for which I am charged. I understand that I am not required to provide consent as a condition of loan consideration or
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Compare Loan Options

Home loans aren’t one-size-fits-all. Whether you’re a first time homebuyer or
refinancing your home to save on your monthly payments, PennyMac Loan Services
has a wide range of mortgage options to suit your unique needs. See the table
below to compare a few key components over a range of mortgage options or, if
you already know the details of what you’re looking for, click the button to get
a customized rate quote.

Get a Customized Rate Quote

Loan Options Low Down Payment Fixed Rate Option Flexible Terms Easier To Qualify
ARM Loans

An adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM, is a home loan with two different phases:
The first phase offers low payments at a fixed interest rate. This rate is
usually very competitive — less than what fixed-rate mortgages can offer. After
the first phase ends, you will continue paying off your loan at a rate that will
adjust periodically.

Rates & More Info       Get Started
Conventional Loans

A conventional loan is not insured or guaranteed by the federal government,
which makes it different from programs like VA, USDA and FHA. These flexible
loans allow borrowers to get low rates and often avoid mortgage insurance with a
higher down payment.

Rates & More Info   Get Started
FHA Loans

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage program is managed by the
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which is a division of the
federal government. While these kinds of loans are typically most popular with
first-time homebuyers, FHA loans are available to all types of borrowers.

Rates & More Info Get Started
Home Equity Loans

A form of consumer debt that allows you to borrow money against your home’s
equity. The loan payments are in addition to the payments on your existing
mortgage, which is why a home equity loan is often called a “second mortgage.”

Rates & More Info Get Started
Investment Property Loans

If you’re looking to purchase a single-family, townhome, condo, or multi-unit
property with the intention of earning a return on the investment, an investment
loan may be just what you need.

Rates & More Info     Get Started
Jumbo Loans

A Jumbo Loan is a non-conforming loan used to finance an amount for a property
that is above the geographic area’s conforming loan limit traditionally accepted
by government-sponsored enterprises. A Jumbo Loan allows a borrower with a high
credit score and healthy reserves to secure financing for a larger amount.

Rates & More Info     Get Started
USDA Loans

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers a loan program for
borrowers who meet certain income requirements and live within designated
“rural” areas. This type of mortgage loan is designed for borrowers who have a
steady, low or modest income, and yet are unable to secure a conventional loan.
There are income restrictions on these types of loans, which vary by county.

Rates & More Info   Get Started
VA Loans

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ VA loan programs are intended for
military service members and their families. Being a government-backed mortgage
means that the VA will reimburse the lender for any losses that may result from
borrower default, allowing lenders to finance up to 100% of the property’s

Rates & More Info Get Started

Loan Options
ARM Loans

An adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM, is a home loan with two different phases:
The first phase offers low payments at a fixed interest rate. This rate is
usually very competitive — less than what fixed-rate mortgages can offer. After
the first phase ends, you will continue paying off your loan at a rate that will
adjust periodically.

Rates & More Info
Low Down Payment
Fixed Rate Option
Flexible Terms
Easier To Qualify

Conventional Loans

A conventional loan is not insured or guaranteed by the federal government,
which makes it different from programs like VA, USDA and FHA. These flexible
loans allow borrowers to get low rates and often avoid mortgage insurance with a
higher down payment.

Rates & More Info
Low Down Payment
Fixed Rate Option
Flexible Terms
Easier To Qualify

FHA Loans

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage program is managed by the
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which is a division of the
federal government. While these kinds of loans are typically most popular with
first-time homebuyers, FHA loans are available to all types of borrowers.

Rates & More Info
Low Down Payment
Fixed Rate Option
Flexible Terms
Easier To Qualify

Home Equity Loans

A form of consumer debt that allows you to borrow money against your home’s
equity. The loan payments are in addition to the payments on your existing
mortgage, which is why a home equity loan is often called a “second mortgage.”

Rates & More Info
Low Down Payment
Fixed Rate Option
Flexible Terms
Easier To Qualify

Investment Property Loans

If you’re looking to purchase a single-family, townhome, condo, or multi-unit
property with the intention of earning a return on the investment, an investment
loan may be just what you need.

Rates & More Info
Low Down Payment
Fixed Rate Option
Flexible Terms
Easier To Qualify

Jumbo Loans

A Jumbo Loan is a non-conforming loan used to finance an amount for a property
that is above the geographic area’s conforming loan limit traditionally accepted
by government-sponsored enterprises. A Jumbo Loan allows a borrower with a high
credit score and healthy reserves to secure financing for a larger amount.

Rates & More Info
Low Down Payment
Fixed Rate Option
Flexible Terms
Easier To Qualify

USDA Loans

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers a loan program for
borrowers who meet certain income requirements and live within designated
“rural” areas. This type of mortgage loan is designed for borrowers who have a
steady, low or modest income, and yet are unable to secure a conventional loan.
There are income restrictions on these types of loans, which vary by county.

Rates & More Info
Low Down Payment
Fixed Rate Option
Flexible Terms
Easier To Qualify

VA Loans

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ VA loan programs are intended for
military service members and their families. Being a government-backed mortgage
means that the VA will reimburse the lender for any losses that may result from
borrower default, allowing lenders to finance up to 100% of the property’s

Rates & More Info
Low Down Payment
Fixed Rate Option
Flexible Terms
Easier To Qualify


It’s important to compare mortgage options when you’re looking for a new loan.
One of the benefits of working with Pennymac is that you get a full range of
products so you can compare home loan options and find the one that is best
suited to your profile and financial goals. Whether you need to find a loan that
allows a lower down payment or you require a flexible term, Pennymac will work
with you to find the loan that is right for you.


How Much is That House Really Worth?

Whether you’re checking the value of a house you want to buy or the house you
need to sell, check our Home Value Estimate to get fast, free home estimates and
recent sales information on any property.

Loan Calculators

Armed with today’s rates and information on loan programs, you’ll be able to
crunch the numbers before chatting with one of our licensed loan officers.

Customer Reviews & Testimonials

The best place to learn about our commitment to great service is by hearing from
one of the thousands of real Pennymac customers we help with their mortgage
needs every month. Read about their experiences here.

Apply Now Call Us: (866) 549-3583 Request a Call
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Enter your contact information below and a loan officer will reach out to you to
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Communications Consent: By clicking the Contact Me button, I agree that I am
providing an electronic signature authorizing PennyMac Loan Services, LLC and
its agents (Pennymac) to contact me for telemarketing and informational purposes
at the telephone number provided, even if I have previously registered on a
corporate, state or national Do Not Call registry. I have authority to provide
this consent because I am the subscriber of the telephone number or I am a
customary user who has authority to consent to these communications. I also
agree that Pennymac may contact me using an automatic telephone dialing system
or an artificial or prerecorded message, or text messages, even if the number is
connected to a service for which I am charged. I understand that I am not
required to provide consent as a condition of loan consideration or approval.

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Equal Housing Opportunity © 2022 PennyMac Loan Services, LLC,
3043 Townsgate Rd, Suite 200, Westlake Village, CA 91361, 818-224-7442.
NMLS ID # 35953. For licensing information, go to: www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org.
Trade/service marks are the property of PennyMac Loan Services, LLC and/or its
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Arizona Mortgage Banker License # 0911088. Licensed by the Department of
Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage
Lending Act. Colorado office: 5500 South Quebec Street, Suite 260 Greenwood
Village, CO 80111, (877) 215-2552. Massachusetts Mortgage Lender License #
MC35953. Minnesota: This is not an offer to enter into an agreement and an offer
may only be made pursuant to Minn. Stat. §47.206 (3) & (4). Licensed by the N.J.
Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Banker-NYS Department of
Financial Services. North Carolina Permit No. 119504607, 119505929, 119506567,
119506570, 119507419. Rhode Island Lender License # 20092600LL. Texas office:
2201 W. Plano Parkway, Suites 150 and 300, Plano, TX 75075. For more
information, review Pennymac’s state licenses and important notices. Co-op loans
not available. Some products may not be available in all states. Information,
rates and pricing are subject to change without prior notice at the sole
discretion of PennyMac Loan Services, LLC. All loan programs subject to
borrowers meeting appropriate underwriting conditions. This is not a commitment
to lend. Other restrictions apply. (10-2022)

This website may include combined information from PennyMac Financial Services,
Inc. (“PFSI”) and PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust (“PMT”) collectively