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This Privacy Statement (this “Privacy Statement”) explains how information
about, and/or that directly identifies, you or makes you identifiable (“personal
information”) is collected, used and disclosed by Coda Project, Inc. (“Coda,”
“we” or “us”) in connection with our website at
(the “Site”), our mobile or tablet-based applications (“Apps”), and productivity
application services offered in connection with the Site (collectively, with the
Site and the Apps, the “Services”) and how you can exercise your privacy rights.
We recommend that you read this Privacy Statement in full to ensure you are
fully informed. However, if you only want to access a particular section of this
Privacy Statement, then you can click on the relevant link on the sidebar to
jump to that section.

What Does Coda Do?
Coda is the all-in-one interactive documents platform that brings words, data,
and teams together. We are headquartered in the United States and our website is
located at

What Does this Privacy Statement Cover
This Privacy Statement explains how we use your personal information when we use
your personal information for our own purposes, in our capacity as a data
In the event our users are subject to our
Terms of Service
or other services agreement to use the Services, we act as a processor of the
personal information that is provided to Coda via use of the Services, and we
contractually commit ourselves to process such information on behalf and under
the instruction of the applicable user, who is the data controller. This Privacy
Statement does not apply to such processing and we recommend you read the
Privacy Statement of the applicable user, if their processing concerns your
personal information.
In all other cases, we are the controller of your personal information,
including information we process in connection with your use of the Services.
This Privacy Statement describes how we process your personal information in
such cases.

Information We Collect, and How We Collect It
We collect personal information in connection with your visits to and use of the
Services. This collection includes information that you provide in connection
with the Services, information we obtain from third parties, and information
that is collected automatically such as through the use of cookies and other

Information that you voluntarily provide
We collect personal information from you. The categories of information we
collect can include:

Registration information. We collect personal and/or business information that
you provide when you register for an account to use the Services. We may also
collect such information when you register for certain events, such as webinars,
video and other informational sessions, talks, etc. This information may include
your name, email address, and password. In some circumstances, such as where you
are an employee of a customer, we may also collect business related information
about you, such as your job title, company name and business contact details.

Information collected through the use of the Services. After registration, you
may create, upload or transmit files, documents, data or information as part of
your use of the Services (collectively, “User Content”). User Content and any
information contained in the User Content, including personal information you
may have included, is stored and collected as part of the Services. You have
full control of the information included in the User Content.

Payment information. If you make a purchase or payment on the Site, such as for
a subscription, we collect information provided in connection with your purchase
or payment, such as your credit card and payment-related information, including
your billing address.

Troubleshooting and support. If you contact us for support, we will collect the
information you provide us and other details that help us provide support, such
as contact or authentication information, data about the state or condition of
your device(s), or the content of your chats and other communications with Coda.

Inquiries and feedback. If you contact us, we will collect the information that
you provide us, such as your contact information and the contents of your
communication with us.
We use this information to operate, maintain, improve and provide to you the
features and functionality of the Services, as well as to communicate directly
with you, such as to send you email messages about products and services that
may be of interest to you. Please see the section "How We Use Information" for
more detailed information about the purposes for which we process your
You are free to choose which personal information you want to provide to us or
whether you want to provide us with personal information at all. However, some
information, such as your name, address, payment information and information on
your requested Services may be necessary for the performance of our contractual

Information from third-party sources
We also collect and receive information about you from third-party sources. This
typically includes the following third parties:

Third-party sites: When you interact with the Services through third party sites
and services, such as when you login using an account or credentials from a
third party service, share or export User Content from the Services with third
party services, or integrate the Services with third party services, we may
receive information from those websites and services. For example, when you
login using an account or credentials from a third party service such as Google,
we may receive information such as your name, email address, access tokens, and
other information related to your account with the third party service. When you
create, share or export User Content from the Services with third party
services, we may receive information such as user names, IP addresses, device
identifiers, profile information, contacts, or e-mail addresses. When you
integrate the Services with third party services, we may receive information
such as user names, IP addresses, device identifiers, profile information,
contacts, or e-mail addresses. We also may receive any other information that a
third party site or service shares with us (or that you choose to allow it to
share with us). The data we receive may depend upon your privacy settings with
the site or service, though we do not control those settings or promise they
will be effective. You should always review and customize your privacy settings
with sites and services before using them in connection with the Services.

Third-party information providers: We may obtain information from other sources,
such as third-party information providers, or publicly available sources, and
combine this with information previously collected. This helps us update,
expand, and analyze our records, identify new customers and opportunities, and
create more tailored advertising to promote services that may be of interest to
you. For example, we collect personal information (such as your contact details,
job title, company, interests social media profiles from joint marketing
partners, public databases, data providers, and social media platforms. In these
cases, our Privacy Statement governs the handling of the personal information we
obtain and combine with the information we hold about you.

Information that is automatically collected
We, and our third party partners, also automatically collect information about
you and any computer or device you use to access the Services, read our emails,
or otherwise engage with us. We collect this information through tracking
technologies, such as cookies, web beacons, and clear gifs. Please see the
section below headed "Cookies and similar tracking technologies" for more
information about cookies and similar tracking technologies that we use and the
choices available to you.
Some of the information we collect, and the ways we collect it, include
information about your computers, devices, applications and networks, including
your Internet Protocol (IP) address (or the proxy server you use to access the
internet), unique device identifiers; your browser settings and specification;
and information about how you use the Services (e.g., the pages you view, the
links you click, number of clicks, features and functionalities you utilize, how
frequently you access the Services, the site from which you came and the site to
which you are going when you leave our Services, whether you open emails or
click the links contained in emails, whether you access the Services from
multiple devices, and other actions you take on the Services. We may collect
analytics data, or use third-party analytics tools, to help us measure traffic
and usage trends for the Services and to understand more about the demographics
of our users. We may also work with third party partners to employ technologies,
including the application of statistical modeling tools, which attempt to
recognize you across multiple devices.
We may also record log file information each time you access the Services. This
information may include information such as: your requests or actions; IP
address; browser type; unique device identifiers; information about your
computer or device; number of clicks; how you interact with links, features, or
functionalities on the Services; and other such information.
The information we collect automatically is used to:

provide, improve, or enhance the Services;

diagnose or fix technology problems;

analyze overall trends to help us improve performance of the Services, including
to assess and improve user experience of the Services and identify future
opportunities for development of the Services;

review compliance with applicable usage terms to assess capacity requirements,
to identify user opportunities;

maintain the security of the Services; and

provide custom, personalized content and information, including targeted content
and advertising to promote Coda and the Services.

Cookies and similar tracking technologies
As explained above, Coda and its third-party partners use tracking technologies
such as cookies, web beacons and third-party analytics tools to automatically
collect information that may contain personal information from your computer or
mobile device as you navigate the Services or interact with emails we have sent
as further described above. This includes:

Cookies. When you use or visit the Services, we may send one or more cookies —
small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters — to your
computer or device that allows us to uniquely identify your browser, computer,
or device. Among other things, cookies help us improve our Services and your
experience. We use cookies to see which areas and features are popular and to
count visits to our Site and particular webpages. We also use cookies to display
targeted content, promotions, or advertisements. Cookies also allow us to track
your usage of the Services over time. You can find out more about the cookies
used on our websites in our
Cookie Notice

Clear GIFs. We may employ clear GIFs (also known as web beacons or pixel tags)
alone or in conjunction with cookies. Clear gifs are clear electronic images
that can recognize certain types of information on your computer, such as
cookies, when you viewed a particular website or service tied to the clear GIF,
and a description of a website or service tied to the clear GIF. This allows us
to understand how you interact with links, features, or functionalities of the
Services; and with the emails Coda sends you.

Analytics. We collect analytics data, and use third-party analytics tools,
including Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC
(“Google”). Google Analytics and other third-party analytics tools use cookies
or other tracking technologies to help us analyze how users interact with our
Services, compile reports on their activity, and provide other services related
to their activity and usage. The technologies used by Google and other
third-party analytics tool providers may collect information such as your IP
address, time of visit, whether you are a returning visitor, and any referring
website. The technologies used by Google Analytics do not gather information
that personally identifies you. The information generated by Google Analytics
will be transmitted to and stored by Google and will be subject to Google's
privacy policies. You can learn more about Google Analytics
and opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across websites by installing
the browser plugin available

Third parties and online advertising. We may share, or we may permit third-party
online advertising networks, social media companies and other third-party
services, to collect information about you, your computer or device when you
visit or use the Services, open emails and otherwise interact with us. These
third-party online advertising networks, social media companies, and other
third-party services collect information about your use of our Site over time so
that they may play or display ads, on other devices you may use, and on other
websites, apps, or services. Typically, though not always, the information we
share is provided through cookies, social media plug-ins or similar online data
collection technologies, which recognize the device you are using and collect
information, including click stream information, browser type, time and date you
visited the site, and other information. We and our third-party partners use
this information to make the advertisements you see online more relevant to your
interests, as well as to provide advertising-related services such as reporting,
attribution, analytics, and market research.

Google advertising. We utilize certain forms of display advertising and other
advanced features through Google Analytics, such as Remarketing with Google
Analytics, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, and Google Analytics
Demographics and Interest Reporting. These features enable us to use first-party
cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as
the DoubleClick advertising cookie) or other third-party cookies together to
inform, optimize, and display ads based on your past visits to the Site. You may
control your advertising preferences or opt-out of certain Google advertising
products by visiting the Google Ads Preferences Manager, currently available at

How We Use Information
We collect, use, process, combine, retain, and store personal information and
information that we collect or receive for a variety of purposes, in each case,
as may be described in this Privacy Statement, when we collect your information,
or as otherwise disclosed to you as part of our Services, including the

For our business activities, including to provide and operate the Services and
to tailor certain features and functionality of the Services to your needs and
preferences. For example, we may process your contact details to allow you to
register an account with us;

To process your payment when you subscribe to the Services or otherwise make
payment to Coda;

To communicate with you and respond to your requests, such as to respond to your
inquiries, requests or other questions, contact you about changes to the
Services, and communicate about account related matters such as confirmations,
invoices, expiration and renewal notices, and technical notices;

To improve our Services. We may review and use certain information, including,
for example, the manner and methods through which you use or interact with the
Services, for our analytics and research purposes, and to improve our Services
or to develop new features, products, services, or other offerings. We may also
use User Content for analytics and research purposes, including, for example, to
understand how you use the Services, and to improve the Services and provide you
with a customized experience;

For marketing purposes, including, for example, to send you marketing
newsletters or emails, telemarketing calls, SMS or push notifications,
information and updates on our products or services we think that you may be
interested in, in accordance with your marketing preferences. Please see the
"Your Rights and Choices" section, below, to learn how you can control the
processing of your personal information by Coda for marketing purposes;

To display personalized advertisements and content. We may process your personal
information to conduct marketing research, advertise to you, provide
personalized information about us on and off the Services, and to provide other
personalized content or experience based on your activities and interests to the
extent that you have provided your prior consent where we are legally required
to obtain such consent. For these purposes, we may link or combine information
about you with other personal information we get from third parties to help
understand your needs and provide you with better and more personalized service
or content. Please note that we do not use User Content to serve you ads, and we
do not share User Content with any third parties for marketing or advertising
purposes, unless you have explicitly submitted it to us for that purpose;

To manage event registrations, seminars, panels, discussions and other event
attendance. We may process your personal information to plan and host events or
webinars for which you have registered, inquired about, or that you attend,
including sending related communications to you;

To enforce this Privacy Statement, deter against fraudulent, unauthorized, or
illegal activity, to resolve disputes, to carry out our obligations and enforce
our rights, and to protect our business interests and the interests and rights
of third parties;

To comply with contractual and legal obligations and requirements;

To fulfill any other purpose for which we inform you when you provide your
personal information; and

For any other lawful purpose, or other purpose that you consent to.

Sharing of Information We also share, transmit, disclose, grant access to, make
available, and provide personal information with and to third parties, including

Service providers, subcontractors, partners, vendors, consultants, and other
third parties that help us provide, operate, improve and secure the Services or
that otherwise assist us with any of the purposes noted in this Privacy
Statement, including by performing services on our behalf such as, enriching our
marketing and sales database, sending marketing communications about our
Services, processing payments, sending postal mail, providing back-office
services (e.g., IT services), or measuring site traffic. These entities are
bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and
can use it only for the purposes for which we disclose the information to them;

Our affiliates, parent companies, subsidiaries, and other related companies, all
for the purposes noted in this Privacy Statement, including to fulfil requests
you have made via our Services or for user support, marketing, technical
operations, and account management purposes;

Our marketing and advertising partners in accordance with your marketing choices
and preferences. We may also partner with third party advertising networks,
exchanges and social media platforms to display advertising on the Services and
third party websites and we may share personal information with them for this
purpose. To turn off certain tracking technologies, click

Third parties to respond or comply with, in our sole discretion, a court order,
subpoena, law enforcement or other government request (with or without notice to
you, in our discretion) under applicable law;

Buyers, successors, or others in connection with a merger, divestiture,
restructuring, reorganization, dissolution or other sale or transfer of some or
all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy,
liquidation or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by us may
be among the assets transferred;

Other third parties with your consent; and

Third parties, in our discretion, to: (i) satisfy any applicable law or
regulation, (ii) enforce this Privacy Statement, including the investigation of
potential violations thereof, (iii) investigate and defend ourselves against any
third party claims or allegations, or (iv) protect against harm to the rights,
property or safety of us, the Service, other Service users, or third parties
(including financial loss, or in connection with preventing fraud or illegal
activity, and/or to enforce our Terms of Service).

Additional Limits on Use of Your Google Information
Our Service uses certain Google services, such as the Google Gmail API. You may
connect your Gmail account using OAuth authentication, a secure mechanism to
give Coda access to your Google account data without letting it know your
password. Notwithstanding anything else in this Privacy Statement to the
contrary, if you provide Coda access to your Google Gmail data, Coda’s use of
that Google Gmail data will be subject to the following additional restrictions:

The Services will only use access to read, write, modify, or control email
messages, metadata, headers, and settings to provide a web email client that
allows users to compose, send, read, and process emails.

The Services will not transfer this Gmail data to others unless doing so is
necessary (i) to provide and improve the features of the Services we provide to
you, (ii) to comply with applicable law, or (iii) as part of a merger,
acquisition, or sale of assets.

We will not use or share this Gmail data for serving advertising, including
retargeting, personalized, or interest-based advertising.

We will not allow humans to read this data unless:

we have your affirmative agreement for specific messages,

doing so is necessary for security purposes (such as investigating a bug or

it is necessary to comply with applicable law, or

the data has been aggregated and anonymized and is used only for our own
internal operations purposes.
Our Service's use of information received, and the Service's transfer of
information to any other app, from Google APIs will adhere to
Google's Limited Use Requirements

Legal Basis for Processing your Personal information (for European Residents
If you are located in the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom, note
that we will only process your personal information if we have a legal basis to
do so. The legal basis on which we rely depend on the personal information
concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. Generally, we rely on
the following legal bases:

Contractual necessity. We process your personal information as a matter of
“contractual necessity”, meaning that we need to process the information to
enter into or perform a contract with you, such as to provide you with the
Services, process your payment, or respond to your request. When we process your
information due to contractual necessity, failure to provide such information
will mean you cannot use some or all portions of the Services.

Legal obligations, or vital or public interests. From time to time we may also
need to process personal information to comply with a legal obligation, if it is
necessary to protect the vital interests of you or other individuals, or if it
is necessary for a task carried out in the public interest.

Legitimate interests. We may also process your personal information in our
legitimate interests, including our own legitimate interests and those of other
entities and branches in our group of companies (provided these are not
overridden by your interests and fundamental rights and freedoms), such as:

to contact you and respond to your requests and inquiries;

for business administration, including statistical analysis;

to maintain, customize and improve the Services;

to promote Coda and the Services;

to protect Coda's interests and rights; and

for fraud prevention and detection and to secure our Services.

Consent. We may also process your personal data on the basis of your freely
given, specific, informed and unambiguous consent. When we process personal
information based on your consent, it will be expressly indicated to you at the
point and time of collection.
For information about choices that you may have about the information collection
and use described in this Section, see the “Your Rights and Choices” Section

Your Rights and Choices
We strive to allow you to exercise your privacy rights and to give you choices
about how your personal information is used. These choices include the

Marketing communications
As explained above, we may send you marketing communications from time to time,
in accordance with your marketing preferences. If you do no longer wish to
receive them, you can opt-out at any time by following the unsubscribe
instructions in the e-mail or the communication, as applicable, or by contacting
us at
or using the contact information provided under the section headed "Contacting
Us" below. We will honor your request within 10 business days. If you opt-out,
we will still send you communications for service or transactional purposes,
such as for communications about your account or subscription, performance,
maintenance windows, downtime, and/or responses to your inquiries or requests.

Account information
If you have registered for an account with the Services, you can access, update
or delete your personal information. For example, you can change your
registration information using your Google profile settings. You can delete the
information contained in your account by signing in to your account and
requesting deletion of your account. More information on account deletion is
available at
. If there is personal information in User Content, you can use the features and
functionality of the Services to edit or delete the personal information or User
Content. Please note that not all personal information is maintained in a format
that you can access or change.

Privacy rights
You may have certain rights in respect of your personal information, subject to
local data protection and privacy laws. Depending on applicable law, this may
include the following rights:

Right of access. The right to confirm whether we are processing your
information, access your information and/or obtain a copy of your information.

Right to correction. The right to correct your personal information, for example
where your information is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right to deletion. The right to obtain the deletion of your personal
information, subject to certain exceptions.

Right to portability. The right to obtain a copy of your information that you
have provided to us in a portable and readily-usable format (where technically

Right to object or restrict processing. If you are located in the European
Economic Area or the United Kingdom, you have the right to object to the
processing of your personal information based on our legitimate interests. You
also have the right to restrict our processing of your information in certain
cases, such as where you contest the accuracy of your information and we require
a period of time to verify its accuracy.

Right to appeal decisions. In certain locations, you may have the right to
appeal our decision in respect of your request. To appeal our decision, please
email us at
enclosing a copy of our decision so that we can adequately address your appeal.

Right to complain. If you are located in the European Economic Area or the
United Kingdom, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data
protection authority. You can find contact information for data protection
authorities in the European Economic Area
and contact information for the UK Information Commissioner
If you have registered for an account with the Services, you may be able to
exercise some of these rights through the Services (as described above). You may
also send your request by emailing
or by using the contact details provided under the section headed "Contacting
Us" below.
We will respond to your request in accordance with applicable law and may
require you to provide additional information to verify your request. In order
to verify your identity, we will generally either require the successful login
to your account or the matching of sufficient information you provide us to the
information we maintain about you in our systems. Although we try to limit the
personal information collected in connection with a request, certain requests
may require us to obtain additional personal information from you. In certain
circumstances, we may decline a request, for example where we are unable to
verify your identity.

Cookies and advertising
As described above, we utilize third-party providers to engage in online
analytics and targeted advertising involving the collection of personal
information, including identifiers, internet/network information, and
geolocation data, directly from your browser or device through cookies or
related technologies when you visit or interact with our online services or
otherwise engage with us online. You can control your cookie preferences,
including analytics and ads personalization cookies, through your cookie
If you are a resident of certain US states, such as California and Virginia, you
also have the right to opt out from the “sale” of your personal information and
the “processing” or “sharing” of your personal information for targeted
advertising. To the extent our third-party providers’ collection of information
from visitors of our website constitutes a “sale” under such laws, or you wish
to opt out from targeted advertising, you can access additional information
about the choices and opt-out options you have in relation to those practices

Data Protection
We maintain appropriate technical and organizational security measures to help
protect personal information that we collect, but we do not guarantee that
personal information will be completely protected. For example, the transmission
of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Any transmission of
personal information by you is at your own risk. We are not responsible for
circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the
Services, including the illegal acts of third parties (such as criminal
The safety and security of your information also depends on you. For example, it
is important to keep your password for your account for the Services
confidential. We also recommend that you log out of the Services when you are
done using it. If you believe that any account credentials for the Services have
been compromised, please contact us immediately at
. You can find more detailed information about Security at Coda at

Data Storage and International Transfer
Your information may be transferred, stored and processed in the United States
or any other country in which Coda or its subsidiaries, affiliates or service
providers maintain facilities, which may not offer the same level of protection
of personal information as your country of residence. However, we have taken
appropriate safeguards to ensure that your personal information will remain
protected in accordance with this Privacy Statement.
If you are located in the European Economic Area, Switzerland or United Kingdom,
please note that these safeguards include implementing the European Commission's
Standard Contractual Clauses with our group companies and applicable partners,
or vendors and users.

Data Retention
We tend to keep personal information for as long as we have an ongoing
legitimate business need to do so (for example, to operate the Services, for the
security of the Services, to comply with your requests, or comply with
applicable law) and for a period consistent with the purposes for which we have
collected the information. When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to
process your personal information, we may either delete or anonymize your
personal information. If it is not possible to delete or anonymize your
information (for example, because your personal information has been stored in
backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information until we
can safely delete or anonymize such information., or as otherwise required to
operate the Service, comply with your requests, or comply with applicable law.

Information from Children
The Services are not directed to children, and we do not knowingly collect
personal information from children. If you are a parent or guardian of a child
and believe that your child may have provided us with personal information,
please contact us at
and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete that information.

Third Party Websites
The Services may provide links to third party websites and online services. This
Privacy Statement does not describe the privacy practices of those websites or
services. Please review the privacy policies or privacy statements of those
websites or services before providing personal information to them.

Updates to This Privacy Statement
We may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time. When we do so, we will
update the “Last Updated Date” at the end of this Privacy Statement and take
appropriate measures to alert you consistent with the significance of the
changes we make. We will obtain your consent to any material changes if and
where this is required by applicable data protection laws.

Contacting Us
If have questions about this Privacy Statement or our privacy practices, please
contact us at
or 888 Villa Street, Floor 4, Mountain View, CA 94041. If you are located in the
European Economic Area or in the United Kingdom, the data controller of your
personal information is Coda Project, Inc.

Last Updated Date
This Privacy Statement was last updated on January 1, 2023.

For Residents of California

Scope of Disclosures
This additional California Notice (this “CA Notice”) supplements the information
contained in our Privacy Statement above and applies solely to individual
residents of the State of California (“consumers” or “you”).
This CA Notice provides additional information about how we collect, use,
disclose and otherwise process personal information of individual residents of
the State of California, either online or offline, within the scope of the
California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) as modified by the California
Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”).
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all terms in this CA Notice have the same
meaning as defined in our Privacy Statement or as otherwise defined in the

Collection and Use of Personal Information
When we use the term “personal information” in this CA Notice, we mean
information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of
being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to
you or your household. This term does not include aggregated or de-identified
information that is maintained in a form not reasonably capable of being
associated or linked to you.

Categories of personal information collected by Coda
In the last 12 months, we have collected the following categories of personal

Identifiers, including name, email address, home address, etc.

Commercial information, including name, credit or debit card information,
address, telephone number, etc.

Internet/network information, including your IP address, interaction with our
website, page loads, clicks, etc.

Geolocation data, including your IP Address, city, state, country, etc.

Profession/employment information, including job title and current employer.

Sensitive personal information, such as your account log in combined with the
log-in password or credentials.

Inferences, such as behavior, responses to surveys, product usage, etc.
For more detailed information about the personal information we collect, please
see the "Information We Collect" Section of our Privacy Statement.

Sources of personal information
In the last 12 months, we have collected personal information from the sources
described in the "Information We Collect" section of our Privacy Statement.

Purposes for which Coda uses your personal information
In the last 12 months, we have used personal information for the purposes
described in the "How We Use Information" section of our Privacy Statement.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties
In the last 12 months, we have disclosed personal information with third parties
for our business purposes as described under the "Sharing of Information"
section of our Privacy Statement.

Sales and sharing of personal information
For purposes of the CCPA/CPRA, a “sale” is the disclosure of personal
information to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration, and
“sharing” is the disclosure of personal information to third parties for
cross-context behavioral advertising (whether or not for monetary or other
valuable consideration).
We utilize third-party providers to engage in online analytics and targeted
advertising involving the collection of personal information, including
identifiers, internet/network information, and geolocation data, directly from
your browser or device through cookies or related technologies when you visit or
interact with our online services or otherwise engage with us online. We use
these third-party providers to analyze and optimize our online services, provide
more relevant content and ads to users of our online services and other third
parties, and perform other services related to analytics or advertising
consistent with this CA Notice and our Privacy Statement. These third-party
businesses may use the information they collect directly from you for their own
purposes in accordance with their own privacy notices, which may include using
this information for services provided to other third parties, including other
parties operating in advertising networks.
To the extent that these practices qualify as “sales” or “sharing” under the
CCPA/CPRA, we may have “sold” or “shared” your internet/network information and
geolocation data to third-party analytics and advertising partners in the last
12 months. You have the right to opt out of such "sales" or “sharing” as
described below.

Your California Privacy Rights
Consumers who are California residents have the following rights under the

Right to know. You have the right to know certain information about our data
practices in the preceding 12 months. In particular, you have the right to
request the following from us”

the categories of personal information we have collected about you;

the categories of sources from which the personal information was collected;

the specific pieces of personal information we have collected;

the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal

the categories of personal information that we have disclosed for a business
purpose or “sold” or “shared”; and

the categories of third parties to whom personal information has been disclosed
for a business purpose or “sold” or “shared”.

Right to correct. You have the right to request that we correct any of your
personal information that we collected from you that is inaccurate, subject to
certain exceptions.

Right to delete. In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to
delete the personal information we have collected from you.

Right to limit the use of sensitive personal information. We do not use or
disclose sensitive personal information except to provide the Services to you
and as otherwise permitted under the CCPA/CPRA.

Right to opt out of sale/sharing. You have the right to ask us not to “sell” or
“share” your personal information.
California’s “Shine the Light” law also permits California residents to request
certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third
parties for their direct marketing purposes. We do not disclose personal
information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

How to exercise your rights
To exercise your right to know, right to correct and right to delete, please
submit a request by:

with the subject line “California Rights Request,” or

Completing an
Export My Data
Delete My Account
request through the
Account Settings
We will need to verify your identity before processing your request. In order to
verify your identity, we will generally either require the successful login to
your account or the matching of sufficient information you provide us to the
information we maintain about you in our systems. Although we try to limit the
personal information collected in connection with a request to exercise the
right to know and the right to deletion, certain requests may require us to
obtain additional personal information from you. In certain circumstances, we
may decline a request, particularly where we are unable to verify your identity.
In certain circumstances, you are permitted to use an authorized agent to submit
requests on your behalf where (i) you provide sufficient evidence to show that
the requestor is an authorized agent with written permission to act on your
behalf and (ii) you successfully verify your own identity with us.
To the extent our third-party providers’ collection of information from visitors
of our website constitutes a “sale” or “sharing” under the CCPA/CPRA, you can
access additional information about the choices and opt-out options you have in
relation to those practices
. You can also control your cookie preferences, including analytics and ads
personalization cookies, through your cookie settings

Minors Under Age 16
We do not “sell” or “share” the personal information of consumers we know to be
less than 16 years of age.

Updates to This CA Notice
We will update this CA Notice from time to time. When we make changes to this CA
Notice, we will change the "Last Updated Date" date set forth above. If we make
material changes to this CA Notice, we will notify you by email to your
registered email address, by prominent posting on our online services, or
through other appropriate communication channels. All changes shall be effective
from the date of publication unless otherwise provided in the notification.

Contact Us
If have questions about this CA Notice or our privacy practices, please contact
us at
or 888 Villa Street, Floor 4, Mountain View, CA 94041.

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