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Home Shop Live Global Surgery Package 2022


Date : July 21, 2022
Time: 01:00 PM ET
Duration: 60 Minutes
Speaker : Lynn Anderanin
AAPC Credits : 1.0



Purchase Options
Live - $199.00
Live + Transcript - $239.00
Transcript - $159.00
Webinar Recording Downloadable Copy - $199.00
Webinar Recording Downloadable Copy + Transcript - $239.00
Webinar Recording Downloadable Copy + Live + Transcript - $259.00
Live + Downloadable Recording - $239.00
Global Surgery Package 2022 quantity
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Categories: All Trainings, Healthcare, Live
 * Description
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 * Certification


CMS has assigned the number of follow up days are inclusive in the reimbursement
for procedure codes in the relative value file.  This information assigns 0, 10
or 90 day global surgery days to each procedure code that has pre and
post-operative allowances in the reimbursement.  But what happens when unrelated
services and procedures occur during these periods of time?  Utilization of
modifiers allows providers to identify these types of services and procedures
and allows reimbursement to occur.  There are also adjustments made to
reimbursement based on certain modifiers affecting contract compliance.


Session Objective:

This session will allow attendees to understand inclusions and exclusions in the
post-operative period based on the procedure, and the tools available in order
to report for reimbursement circumstances that are non-related and should be
separately reimbursed.

 * Using the relative value file for post-op days
 * Keeping track of the global period and when billing related services can be
 * Knowing services that aren’t considered included in the global period
 * Understand the modifiers that identify the services and procedures unrelated
   to previous surgery


Session Highlights:

 * The relative value file and customization of the file
 * Evaluation and management services that are not related to surgery
 * Modifiers 24,58,78, and 79 and their affect on reimbursement
 * Services and supplies not included in the post-operative period
 * Handling inappropriate denials related to the global surgery period


Who should attend ?

Billers, coders, reimbursement staff, RCM representative, collector,
administrator, manager, claims processer, claims adjuster



Lynn Anderanin, CPC, CPPM, CPMA, CPC-I, COSC, has over 35 years’ experience in
all areas of the physician practice, specializing in Orthopaedics. Lynn is
currently a Workshop and Audio Presenter. She is a former member of the American
Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) National Advisory Board, as well as
several other boards for the AAPC. She is also the founder of her Local Chapter
of the AAPC.


This program has the prior approval of AAPC for 1.0 continuing education units


   Date: March 22, 2022
   Time: 01:00 PM ET
   Duration: 90 Minutes
   Speaker: Vicki Lambert
   CEU Credits : 1.5 HRCI $0.00 Add to cart

   Date : April 28, 2022
   Time: 01:00 PM ET
   Duration: 60 Minutes
   Speaker : Dr. Toni G. Cesta $0.00 Add to cart

   Date : February 23, 2022
   Time: 01:00 PM ET
   Duration: 120 Minutes
   Speaker : Laura A. Dixon $0.00 Add to cart

   Date : March 10, 2022
   Time: 01:00 PM ET
   Duration: 120 Minutes
   Speaker : Laura A. Dixon $0.00 Add to cart


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