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The Trump Cases



By Jon Swaine
Shawn Boburg
Josh Dawsey
February 2, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. EST

Mike Roman, seen in his booking photo Aug. 25 in Atlanta, is charged along with
Donald Trump for allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia.
(Washington Post illustration; iStock; Fulton County Sheriff's Office/AP)

12 min

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As Mike Roman spoke to a gathering of fellow conservative activists in March
2022, he offered a glimpse of the intelligence-gathering skills he had honed
over the previous decade working as an opposition researcher for Donald Trump
and Republican megadonors.

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“I show my wife this all the time when we go to a hotel,” Roman told the crowd
in Harrisburg, Pa., according to an audio recording reviewed by The Washington
Post. “She logs on to the Hilton WiFi, and I go on and I ‘tap, tap, tap,’ and I
show her everybody else that’s on there and how we could get into their

After spending years digging in the shadows, Roman is now in the spotlight,
having landed a damaging blow to the racketeering case that Georgia prosecutors
are pursuing against Trump and more than a dozen others — including Roman — for
trying to overturn the 2020 election. Roman has pleaded not guilty.

In a bombshell legal filing on Jan. 8, Roman’s attorney alleged that Fulton
County District Attorney Fani T. Willis (D), who is heading the prosecution, is
in a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, an outside lawyer she hired for the
case. While Wade’s firm was receiving more than $650,000 in public funds, Wade —
who has been embroiled in a messy divorce — was paying for vacations with Willis
in the Caribbean and elsewhere, according to Roman, who alleges that Willis
improperly benefited.

Willis and Wade have not said whether they are in a relationship, and a
temporary agreement reached this week in Wade’s divorce case spared him from
having to answer questions under oath.


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Roman has asked a judge to toss out his indictment and disqualify both
prosecutors from the case, a request that will be the subject of a hearing
scheduled for Feb. 15. Whatever its outcome, the salacious allegations have
already given Trump ammunition for attacks aimed at discrediting the
prosecution. “When is Fani going to drop the case,” he asked on social media,
“or should it be dropped for her?”

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Roman’s defense attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, told The Post in a brief exchange
that she, rather than her client, unearthed the information that underpins the
claims against Willis and Wade. Roman has embraced the move: When fellow
conservative operatives wrote on X that Roman was “the guy who busted Fani
Willis” and that his 127-page court filing was “an object lesson in why you
don’t indict the oppo guy,” he clicked like on the posts.

Over a career as a political operative and investigator, including for the
conservative Koch brothers’ network, he has been described as intensely private
and driven in his work. He has hired former CIA analysts to train his staff,
arranged for drones to surveil campaign rallies and used military terminology,
according to former colleagues. While working for Trump in 2020, he recruited
poll-watchers for what the campaign called the “Army for Trump,” oversaw
election-day operations and played a key role in organizing the “alternate
elector plan” that is central to the charges in Fulton County, records show.

Merchant declined to answer detailed questions for this article. Roman did not


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Roman, 52, climbed to the upper echelons of Republican politics from
hardscrabble beginnings in North Philadelphia, in a strongly Catholic
blue-collar neighborhood within the city’s so-called “Badlands.”

“Mike’s got street smarts,” Philadelphia lawyer Bruce S. Marks, a friend of
Roman’s for more than 30 years, told The Post in 2020. “He’s not some Ivy League
guy with a bow-tie.”

Roman got a break in politics in 1993 knocking on doors for Marks’s Republican
campaign for the Pennsylvania state Senate. Marks appeared to lose in a close
race, but overturned the result in federal court by proving that his Democratic
opponent benefited from fraudulent absentee ballots. The case caused Roman to
fixate on voter fraud years before it became central to Republican politics.

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“At that point, I was just absolutely hooked on election security, and I’ve been
doing that ever since,” Roman said at the March 2022 event in Harrisburg, held
by the Conservative Partnership Institute. A recording of it was obtained by
Documented, a liberal-leaning watchdog group, which shared it with The Post.


By 2000, Roman was working for the Pennsylvania Republican Party. Michael
DuHaime, a veteran GOP consultant who got to know Roman 20 years ago, said
Roman’s upbringing as a Republican in Philadelphia’s bare-knuckle ward politics,
historically dominated by Democrats, made him extraordinarily suspicious of
Election Day chicanery.

“He’s tough as nails,” said DuHaime. “He was content to not be super well-known,
and he didn’t do the networking that a lot of people do.”

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In 2008, Roman launched an independent website dedicated to exposing election
“fraud, cheating and dirty tricks.” A video he published showing members of the
New Black Panther party outside a Philadelphia polling place, one holding a
billy club, was picked up by Fox News and sparked a years-long controversy.

During the 2008 campaign, Roman worked for the presidential campaigns of former
New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). The campaigns
paid him and a small consulting firm he had formed a total of more than $142,000
in pay and expenses, according to campaign finance reports.


Around that time, Roman was sued several times over small debts, court records
show. As the global economy collapsed, Roman and his partner, Adrienne
McAllister, fell behind on repaying their mortgage. In July 2009, their lender
moved to foreclose on their modest Philadelphia house.

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Two months later, McAllister filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which allows a
filer to repay debts through monthly installments and can protect against
foreclosure. McAllister reported in her bankruptcy filings that she and Roman
owed more than $12,400 in overdue mortgage payments and that she owed thousands
in other debts. She would file for bankruptcy four more times over the next
decade, even as Roman in some years received six-figure incomes.

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McAllister did not respond to questions.

Roman and McAllister have seven children together, according to court records
and social media posts. They have long referred to each other online and to some
friends as husband and wife. “I’m sure they’re married,” Marks said. “No, I did
not go to the wedding.”


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But across her five bankruptcy petitions, McAllister described Roman as her
“live-in boyfriend” or the father of her children, and wrote that he contributed
between $2,100 and $5,500 per month to help cover household expenses. Roman
would later give his marital status as “single” to the Fulton County Sheriff’s
Office when he was booked on the charges in Georgia. The Post was unable to find
any official record suggesting that they ever wed.

If they were married, McAllister would have been required to disclose Roman’s
income in her bankruptcy filing and to pay more each month toward her debts,
according to bankruptcy attorneys.

Around the time of McAllister’s first bankruptcy proceeding, Roman began working
for the Public Engagement Group Trust, a little-known firm in Arlington, Va.,
that said it aimed to raise public awareness of government spending and free
markets. Its tax returns show that Roman was paid $180,000 between July 2011 and
June 2013 to work as trustee.


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The trust was part of a network of conservative nonprofits backed by the
billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch, The Post has previously
reported. In November 2013, according to disclosure forms he later filed as a
Trump appointee, Roman switched to a higher-profile arm of the Kochs’ political
empire: Freedom Partners, a conservative political advocacy giant, which in the
previous year had reported revenue of $255 million. He served as vice president
of research, earning $286,377 in 2014, according to the organization’s tax

The bland job title belied the aggressive purpose of the unit he led, which
Politico dubbed “the Koch intelligence agency.”

Roman’s unit compiled a “Weekly Intelligence Briefing,” with information about
political races and recommendations about where the network’s donors should
contribute, according to a person who worked there with Roman and spoke on the
condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the
organization’s internal operations.


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Roman was instructed by the Koch network’s leadership to keep the unit under
wraps and seemed to relish the task, the person said. “He was like, ‘If you want
us to be secretive, we’ll be secretive.’”

Freedom Partners was later folded into other parts of the Koch network. In
response to questions from The Post about Roman’s work, a network spokesman said
that “the department carried out standard policy and political research that you
typically see in campaigns.”

Roman insisted on housing the unit, which grew to about two dozen people, in a
windowless office near the Koch network’s main offices in Arlington, the person
said. There, Roman became suspicious that an environmental group with an office
on the same floor might be monitoring them, the person added. Roman researched
the group but found nothing to substantiate his suspicions, according to the


“Mike wasn’t afraid about being aggressive,” the person said, adding that
Roman’s concern was partly justified because left-leaning advocacy groups
routinely tried to dig up damaging information about the Koch network.

Members of Roman’s unit were also tasked with attending donor retreats to make
sure that liberal activists did not infiltrate the gatherings and that no
sensitive documents were left behind, the person said.

Roman brought in former CIA analysts to train the team, the person said, and
purchased a drone the unit used to surveil political rallies in Virginia’s 2013
gubernatorial race.

In 2016, Roman worked for Trump’s long-shot presidential campaign, overseeing
volunteers who observed at the polls on Election Day to look for irregularities.
When Trump won, Roman joined the transition team.

Roman was made a special assistant to the president and White House director of
special projects and research, reporting to then-White House counsel Donald
McGahn and earning $115,000 per year. Roman was a private investigator of sorts
for McGahn’s office, responsible for vetting potentially controversial
nominations, according to a former senior administration official.

“It would be like, ‘We’ve heard an appointee might have a shady business deal,’
or ‘Counsel is hearing something about a presidential nominee that could cause a
huge problem for us. Can you figure it out?’” the former official said, speaking
on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive White House work.

As he joined the White House in January 2017, Roman reported to government
ethics regulators that he had received more than $505,000 in pay and severance
for his work at Freedom Partners and as a political consultant during 2016.

Eleven days after he signed his ethics report, Roman also signed an official
declaration that he and McAllister were “experiencing a financial hardship.” The
declaration, part of an application to an Obama-era federal program to help
struggling homeowners, was submitted in one of McAllister’s bankruptcies. The
couple secured a reduced interest rate and a lengthened 40-year repayment
period, according to another document filed in that bankruptcy, but the couple’s
lender eventually succeeded in foreclosing on their house and sold it.

For the 2020 election campaign, Roman was responsible for Trump election
integrity efforts. He was charged with recruiting thousands of poll watchers and
ensuring that a network of pro-Trump lawyers were ready to sue state
authorities, a former senior campaign official said.

“We had 50,000 volunteers signed up and trained, 10,000 lawyers that had been
recruited,” the former campaign official said, speaking on the condition of
anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly for the campaign.
“It’s the best Republicans have ever done on this by multitudes.”

As director of Election Day operations, Roman scooped up intelligence from his
network of observers around the nation, hunting for reports of irregularities.
He warned in a September 2020 radio interview that far-left activists could
destroy Trump ballots, and he stoked claims of fraud in Election Day tweets
about Democrats in Philadelphia. “They are stealing it,” he wrote in one post.

After Trump lost in 2020, Roman was deeply involved in the president’s efforts
to overturn the result, participating in activities that Georgia prosecutors
allege amounted to racketeering.

Working alongside some of Trump’s lawyers and top aides, Roman helped coordinate
the alternate elector plan in which Republicans in states Biden won signed
official-looking paperwork purporting to cast electoral college votes for Trump
instead. Emails circulated by Roman about the plan, including a detailed
spreadsheet tracking the effort in several states, were later published by the
House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.
When asked in a committee interview about his post-election activities, Roman
repeatedly invoked his rights under the Fifth Amendment, which protects against

In Fulton County, Roman is charged with seven counts, including conspiring to
impersonate a public officer, to commit first-degree forgery and to file false
documents. Following his indictment in August, he organized an online
fundraising campaign to pay for his defense against what he described as the
“highly partisan, media hungry District Attorney.” So far he has raised $59,000
toward a goal of $300,000.

Going on the offense against the prosecutor was a trademark Roman tactic,
according to the former senior official on Trump’s 2020 campaign. “This is a
classic Mike Roman move,” the former official said. “When I saw the filing, I
said, ‘That’s Mike.’ It’s a good one.”

Holly Bailey contributed to this report.

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