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FILE - Former President Donald Trump pauses before ending his remarks at a rally
in Summerville, S.C., Sept. 25, 2023. A New York judge ruled, Tuesday, Sept. 26,
2023, that the former president and his company committed fraud for years while
building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the White House.
(AP Photo/Artie Walker Jr., File)

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FILE - Former President Donald Trump pauses before ending his remarks at a rally
in Summerville, S.C., Sept. 25, 2023. A New York judge ruled, Tuesday, Sept. 26,
2023, that the former president and his company committed fraud for years while
building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the White House.
(AP Photo/Artie Walker Jr., File)

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1 of 1

FILE - Former President Donald Trump pauses before ending his remarks at a rally
in Summerville, S.C., Sept. 25, 2023. A New York judge ruled, Tuesday, Sept. 26,
2023, that the former president and his company committed fraud for years while
building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the White House.
(AP Photo/Artie Walker Jr., File)

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Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] Updated
2:41 PM HST, September 26, 2023
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NEW YORK (AP) — A judge ruled Tuesday that Donald Trump committed fraud for
years while building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the
White House, and he ordered some of the former president’s companies removed
from his control and dissolved.

Judge Arthur Engoron, ruling in a civil lawsuit brought by New York Attorney
General Letitia James, found that Trump and his company deceived banks, insurers
and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on
paperwork used in making deals and securing loans.

Engoron ordered that some of Trump’s business licenses be rescinded as
punishment, making it difficult or impossible for them to do business in New
York, and said he would continue to have an independent monitor oversee Trump
Organization operations.

If not successfully appealed, the order would strip Trump of his authority to
make strategic and financial decisions over some of his key properties in the

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Trump, in a series of statements, railed against the decision, calling it
“un-American” and part of an ongoing plot to damage his campaign to return to
the White House.

“My Civil rights have been violated, and some Appellate Court, whether federal
or state, must reverse this horrible, un-American decision,” he wrote on his
Truth Social site. He insisted his company had “done a magnificent job for New
York State” and “done business perfectly,” calling it “A very sad Day for the
New York State System of Justice!”

Trump’s lawyer, Christopher Kise, said they would appeal, calling the decision
“completely disconnected from the facts and governing law.”

Engoron’s ruling, days before the start of a non-jury trial in James’ lawsuit,
is the strongest repudiation yet of Trump’s carefully coiffed image as a wealthy
and shrewd real estate mogul turned political powerhouse.

Beyond mere bragging about his riches, Trump, his company and key executives
repeatedly lied about them on his annual financial statements, reaping rewards
such as favorable loan terms and lower insurance costs, Engoron found.

Those tactics crossed a line and violated the law, the judge said, rejecting
Trump’s contention that a disclaimer on the financial statements absolved him of
any wrongdoing.

“In defendants’ world: rent regulated apartments are worth the same as
unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land;
restrictions can evaporate into thin air; a disclaimer by one party casting
responsibility on another party exonerates the other party’s lies,” Engoron
wrote in his 35-page ruling. “That is a fantasy world, not the real world.”

Manhattan prosecutors had looked into bringing criminal charges over the same
conduct but declined to do so, leaving James to sue Trump and seek penalties
that aim to disrupt his and his family’s ability to do business.

Engoron’s ruling, in a phase of the case known as summary judgment, resolves the
key claim in James’ lawsuit, but several others remain. He’ll decide on those
claims and James’ request for $250 million in penalties at a trial starting Oct.
2. Trump’s lawyers have asked an appeals court for a delay.

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“Today, a judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump and the Trump
Organization engaged in years of financial fraud,” James said in a statement.
“We look forward to presenting the rest of our case at trial.”

Trump’s lawyers, in their own summary judgment bid, had asked the judge to throw
out the case, arguing that there wasn’t any evidence the public was harmed by
Trump’s actions. They also argued that many of the allegations in the lawsuit
were barred by the statute of limitations.

Engoron, noting that he had rejected those arguments earlier in the case,
equated them to the plot of the film “Groundhog Day.” He fined five defense
lawyers $7,500 each as punishment for “engaging in repetitive, frivolous”
arguments, but denied James’ request to sanction Trump and other defendants.

James, a Democrat, sued Trump and the Trump Organization a year ago, accusing
them of routinely inflating the value of assets like skyscrapers, golf courses
and his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, padding his bottom line by billions.

Engoron found that Trump consistently overvalued Mar-a-Lago, inflating its value
on one financial statement by as much as 2,300%. The judge also rebuked Trump
for lying about the size of his Manhattan apartment. Trump claimed his
three-story Trump Tower penthouse was nearly three times its actual size,
valuing it at $327 million.

“A discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up
his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud,” Engoron wrote.

On X in the wake of the ruling, Eric Trump insisted his father’s claims about
Mar-a-Lago were correct, writing that the Palm Beach estate is “speculated to be
worth well over a billion dollars making it arguably the most valuable
residential property in the country.” He called the ruling and the lawsuit “an
attempt to destroy my father and kick him out of New York.”

Under the ruling, limited liability companies that control some of Trump’s key
properties, such as 40 Wall Street, will be dissolved and authority over how to
run them handed over to a receiver. Trump would lose his authority over whom to
hire or fire, whom to rent office space to, and other key decisions.

“The decision seeks to nationalize one of the most successful corporate empires
in the United States and seize control of private property all while
acknowledging there is zero evidence of any default, breach, late payment or any
complaint of harm,” Kise said after the decision.

James’ lawsuit is one of several legal headaches for Trump, the Republican
front-runner in next year’s election. He has been indicted four times in the
last six months — accused in Georgia and Washington, D.C., of plotting to
overturn his 2020 election loss, in Florida of hoarding classified documents,
and in Manhattan of falsifying business records related to hush money paid on
his behalf.

The Trump Organization was convicted of tax fraud last year in an unrelated
criminal case for helping executives dodge taxes on perks such as apartments and
cars. The company was fined $1.6 million. One executive, Trump’s longtime
finance chief Allen Weisselberg, pleaded guilty and served five months in jail.

James’ office previously sued Trump for misusing his charitable foundation to
further his political and business interests. Trump was ordered to give $2
million to charity as a fine while his own charity, the Trump Foundation, was
shut down.


Associated Press reporters Eric Tucker in Washington, D.C., Jill Colvin in
Summerville, South Carolina and Bernard Condon and David B. Caruso in New York
contributed to this report.

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Cassidy Hutchinson’s new book says Mark Meadows’ suits smelled ‘like a bonfire’
from burning papersA former aide in Donald Trump's White House says chief of
staff Mark Meadows burned papers so often after the 2020 election his wife
complained his suits smelled “like a bonfire.”AP News
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Commander Biden bites another Secret Service employee at the White
HousePresident Joe Biden’s dog Commander has bitten another U.S. Secret Service
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With cameras capturing every word, the pressure is on for the Georgia judge over
Trump’s indictmentPast high-profile trials suggest additional scrutiny and
stress for the four judges overseeing the indictments against former President
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Canadian fashion mogul lured women and girls to bedroom suite at his Toronto HQ,
prosecution allegesCanadian prosecutors say former fashion mogul Peter Nygard
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DeSantis purposely dismantled a Black congressional district, attorney says as
trial over map beginsLawyers representing Black voters told a three-judge
federal panel that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis violated the U.S.AP News


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7 candidates have qualified for the second Republican presidential debate.
Here’s who missed the cutThe field for the second Republican presidential debate
will be smaller than the first. Former President Donald Trump will be missing
from the stage and will instead hold events in Michigan.AP News


Former President Jimmy Carter makes appearance at peanut festival ahead of his
99th birthdayThe Carter Center says former President Jimmy Carter and his wife,
Rosalynn, took a ride through the Plains Peanut Festival in their Georgia
hometown over the weekend.AP News


Trump admires a Glock handgun — but stops short of buying — as he campaigns in
South CarolinaFormer President Donald Trump has stopped by a gun shop and
admired a Glock handgun while returning to in-person campaigning in South
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Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani and another lawyer over accessing and sharing of
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the two wrongly accessed and shared his personal data after obtaining it from
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Driver pleads not guilty in Vermont crash that killed actor Treat WilliamsA
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Washington State’s Cameron Ward adding his name to list of Pac-12’s high-profile
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Trump argues First Amendment protects him from ‘insurrection’ cases aimed at
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attempts to kick him off the presidential ballot under a rarely used
constitutional clause for engaging in “insurrection” are improper attempts to
interfere with his freedom of speech.AP News


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