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Submission: On July 07 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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    <h2 class="heading">Apply for this Job</h2>
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      <label>LinkedIn Profile <br>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][0][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_0_question_id" value="33893730">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][0][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_0_priority" value="0">
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      <label>Website <br>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][1][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_1_question_id" value="33893731">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][1][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_1_priority" value="1">
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    <div class="field">
      <label>Are you a current Poshmark employee? <span class="asterisk" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp;*</span>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][2][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_2_question_id" value="33893732">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][2][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_2_priority" value="2">
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          <option value="">--</option>
          <option value="1">Yes</option>
          <option value="0">No</option>
    <div class="field">
      <label>Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?<span class="asterisk" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp;*</span>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][3][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_3_question_id" value="33893733">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][3][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_3_priority" value="3">
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          <option value="">--</option>
          <option value="1">Yes</option>
          <option value="0">No</option>
    <div class="field">
      <label>Will now or in the future require sponsorship for an employment visa?<span class="asterisk" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp;*</span>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][4][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_4_question_id" value="33893734">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][4][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_4_priority" value="4">
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          <option value="">--</option>
          <option value="1">Yes</option>
          <option value="0">No</option>
    <div class="field">
      <label>Please share your desired salary expectations. <br>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][5][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_5_question_id" value="33893735">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][5][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_5_priority" value="5">
        <input type="text" name="job_application[answers_attributes][5][text_value]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_5_text_value" aria-required="false" maxlength="255"
    <div class="field">
      <label>Are you looking for an in-person, hybrid or remote role? (Hybrid is 3x a week in-person) <span class="asterisk" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp;*</span>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][6][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_6_question_id" value="33893736">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][6][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_6_priority" value="6">
        <div class="select2-container" id="s2id_job_application_answers_attributes_6_answer_selected_options_attributes_6_question_option_id" style="width: 200px;">
          <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="select2-choice" tabindex="-1">   <span class="select2-chosen" id="select2-chosen-4">Please select</span><abbr class="select2-search-choice-close"></abbr>   <span class="select2-arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></a><label
            for="s2id_autogen4" class="select2-offscreen"></label><input class="select2-focusser select2-offscreen" type="text" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="select2-chosen-4" id="s2id_autogen4">
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            <ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-4"> </ul>
        </div><select name="job_application[answers_attributes][6][answer_selected_options_attributes][6][question_option_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_6_answer_selected_options_attributes_6_question_option_id" aria-required="true"
          style="width: 200px; display: none;" tabindex="-1" title="">
          <option value="">Please select</option>
          <option value="108066494">In-person</option>
          <option value="108066495">Hybrid</option>
          <option value="108066496">Remote</option>
    <div class="field">
      <label>I certify that the information I provided on the application is true. I authorize Poshmark to verify employment and education history provided and disclaim liability on the part of Poshmark and the parties contacted. I further understand
        that in accordance with Poshmark policy, falsification of information is grounds for refusal to hire or discharge should I be hired. I certify this information with my initials below.<span class="asterisk" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp;*</span>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][7][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_7_question_id" value="33893737">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][7][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_7_priority" value="7">
        <input type="text" name="job_application[answers_attributes][7][text_value]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_7_text_value" aria-required="true" maxlength="255"
    <div class="field">
      <label>"I acknowledge the confidentiality of all information I may receive in connection with the interview process and hereby agree to Poshmark’s Non Disclosure Agreement".<span class="asterisk" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp;*</span>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][8][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_8_question_id" value="33893738">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][8][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_8_priority" value="8">
        <div class="select2-container" id="s2id_job_application_answers_attributes_8_boolean_value" style="width: 385px;">
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            <ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-5"> </ul>
        </div><select name="job_application[answers_attributes][8][boolean_value]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_8_boolean_value" aria-required="true" tabindex="-1" title="" style="display: none;">
          <option value="">--</option>
          <option value="1">Yes</option>
          <option value="0">No</option>
    <div class="field">
      <label>What about the role interest you? <br>
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][9][question_id]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_9_question_id" value="33893739">
        <input type="hidden" name="job_application[answers_attributes][9][priority]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_9_priority" value="9">
        <input type="text" name="job_application[answers_attributes][9][text_value]" id="job_application_answers_attributes_9_text_value" maxlength="255" autocomplete="custom-question-what-about-the-role-interest-you-">
  <div id="eeoc_fields">
    <h3 id="eeoc_title">Voluntary Self-Identification</h3>
    <p> For government reporting purposes, we ask candidates to respond to the below self-identification survey. Completion of the form is entirely <strong>voluntary</strong>. Whatever your decision, it will not be considered in the hiring process or
      thereafter. Any information that you do provide will be recorded and maintained in a confidential file. </p>
    <p> As set forth in Poshmark’s Equal Employment Opportunity policy, we do not discriminate on the basis of any protected group status under any applicable law. </p>
    <div class="field" id="gender_dropdown_container">
      <label for="job_application_gender">Gender</label>
      <div class="select2-container" id="s2id_job_application_gender" style="width: 385px;">
        <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="select2-choice" tabindex="-1">   <span class="select2-chosen" id="select2-chosen-6">Please select</span><abbr class="select2-search-choice-close"></abbr>   <span class="select2-arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></a><label
          for="s2id_autogen6" class="select2-offscreen">Gender</label><input class="select2-focusser select2-offscreen" type="text" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="select2-chosen-6" id="s2id_autogen6">
        <div class="select2-drop select2-display-none">
          <div class="select2-search select2-search-hidden select2-offscreen"> <label for="s2id_autogen6_search" class="select2-offscreen">Gender</label> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false"
              class="select2-input" role="combobox" aria-expanded="true" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="select2-results-6" id="s2id_autogen6_search" placeholder=""> </div>
          <ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-6"> </ul>
      </div><select name="job_application[gender]" id="job_application_gender" tabindex="-1" title="Gender" style="display: none;">
        <option value="">Please select</option>
        <option value="1">Male</option>
        <option value="2">Female</option>
        <option value="3">Decline To Self Identify</option>
    <div class="field" id="hispanic_ethnicity_dropdown_container">
      <label for="job_application_hispanic_ethnicity">Are you Hispanic/Latino?</label>
      <div class="select2-container" id="s2id_job_application_hispanic_ethnicity" style="width: 385px;">
        <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="select2-choice" tabindex="-1">   <span class="select2-chosen" id="select2-chosen-7">Please select</span><abbr class="select2-search-choice-close"></abbr>   <span class="select2-arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></a><label
          for="s2id_autogen7" class="select2-offscreen">Are you Hispanic/Latino?</label><input class="select2-focusser select2-offscreen" type="text" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="select2-chosen-7" id="s2id_autogen7">
        <div class="select2-drop select2-display-none">
          <div class="select2-search select2-search-hidden select2-offscreen"> <label for="s2id_autogen7_search" class="select2-offscreen">Are you Hispanic/Latino?</label> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"
              spellcheck="false" class="select2-input" role="combobox" aria-expanded="true" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="select2-results-7" id="s2id_autogen7_search" placeholder=""> </div>
          <ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-7"> </ul>
      </div><select name="job_application[hispanic_ethnicity]" id="job_application_hispanic_ethnicity" tabindex="-1" title="Are you Hispanic/Latino?" style="display: none;">
        <option value="">Please select</option>
        <option value="Yes">Yes</option>
        <option value="No">No</option>
        <option value="Decline To Self Identify">Decline To Self Identify</option>
    <div class="field" id="race_dropdown_container" style="display: none;">
      <label for="job_application_race">Please identify your race</label>
      <div class="select2-container" id="s2id_job_application_race" style="width: 385px;">
        <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="select2-choice" tabindex="-1">   <span class="select2-chosen" id="select2-chosen-8">Please select</span><abbr class="select2-search-choice-close"></abbr>   <span class="select2-arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></a><label
          for="s2id_autogen8" class="select2-offscreen">Please identify your race</label><input class="select2-focusser select2-offscreen" type="text" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="select2-chosen-8" id="s2id_autogen8">
        <div class="select2-drop select2-display-none">
          <div class="select2-search select2-search-hidden select2-offscreen"> <label for="s2id_autogen8_search" class="select2-offscreen">Please identify your race</label> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"
              spellcheck="false" class="select2-input" role="combobox" aria-expanded="true" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="select2-results-8" id="s2id_autogen8_search" placeholder=""> </div>
          <ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-8"> </ul>
      </div><select name="job_application[race]" id="job_application_race" tabindex="-1" title="Please identify your race" style="display: none;">
        <option value="">Please select</option>
        <option value="1">American Indian or Alaskan Native</option>
        <option value="2">Asian</option>
        <option value="3">Black or African American</option>
        <option hidden="hidden" value="4">Hispanic or Latino</option>
        <option value="5">White</option>
        <option value="6">Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander</option>
        <option value="7">Two or More Races</option>
        <option value="8">Decline To Self Identify</option>
    <a target="_blank" href="">
      Race &amp; Ethnicity Definitions
    <p> If you believe you belong to any of the categories of protected veterans listed below, please indicate by making the appropriate selection. As a government contractor subject to the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA),
      we request this information in order to measure the effectiveness of the outreach and positive recruitment efforts we undertake pursuant to VEVRAA. Classification of protected categories is as follows: </p>
    <p> A "disabled veteran" is one of the following: a veteran of the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws
      administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; or a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability. </p>
    <p> A "recently separated veteran" means any veteran during the three-year period beginning on the date of such veteran's discharge or release from active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval, or air service. </p>
    <p> An "active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran" means a veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized under
      the laws administered by the Department of Defense. </p>
    <p> An "Armed forces service medal veteran" means a veteran who, while serving on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was
      awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985. </p>
    <div class="field" id="veteran_status_dropdown_container">
      <label for="job_application_veteran_status">Veteran Status</label>
      <div class="select2-container" id="s2id_job_application_veteran_status" style="width: 385px;">
        <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="select2-choice" tabindex="-1">   <span class="select2-chosen" id="select2-chosen-9">Please select</span><abbr class="select2-search-choice-close"></abbr>   <span class="select2-arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></a><label
          for="s2id_autogen9" class="select2-offscreen">Veteran Status</label><input class="select2-focusser select2-offscreen" type="text" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="select2-chosen-9" id="s2id_autogen9">
        <div class="select2-drop select2-display-none">
          <div class="select2-search select2-search-hidden select2-offscreen"> <label for="s2id_autogen9_search" class="select2-offscreen">Veteran Status</label> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"
              spellcheck="false" class="select2-input" role="combobox" aria-expanded="true" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="select2-results-9" id="s2id_autogen9_search" placeholder=""> </div>
          <ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-9"> </ul>
      </div><select name="job_application[veteran_status]" id="job_application_veteran_status" tabindex="-1" title="Veteran Status" style="display: none;">
        <option value="">Please select</option>
        <option value="1">I am not a protected veteran</option>
        <option value="2">I identify as one or more of the classifications of a protected veteran</option>
        <option value="3">I don't wish to answer</option>
    <div class="eeoc_form_data">
      <p>Form CC-305</p>
      <p>OMB Control Number 1250-0005</p>
      <p>Expires 05/31/2023 </p>
    <h3 id="disability_status_header">Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability</h3>
    <strong>Why are you being asked to complete this form?</strong>
    <p> We are a federal contractor or subcontractor required by law to provide equal employment opportunity to qualified people with disabilities. We are also required to measure our progress toward having at least 7% of our workforce be individuals
      with disabilities. To do this, we must ask applicants and employees if they have a disability or have ever had a disability. Because a person may become disabled at any time, we ask all of our employees to update their information at least
      every five years. </p>
    <p> Identifying yourself as an individual with a disability is voluntary, and we hope that you will choose to do so. Your answer will be maintained confidentially and not be seen by selecting officials or anyone else involved in making personnel
      decisions. Completing the form will not negatively impact you in any way, regardless of whether you have self-identified in the past. For more information about this form or the equal employment obligations of federal contractors under Section
      503 of the Rehabilitation Act, visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) website at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p>
    <strong>How do you know if you have a disability?</strong>
    <p> You are considered to have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment or medical condition that substantially limits a major life activity, or if you have a history or record of such an impairment or medical condition. </p>
    <p>Disabilities include, but are not limited to:</p>
      <li>Autoimmune disorder, for example, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or HIV/AIDS</li>
      <li>Blind or low vision</li>
      <li>Cardiovascular or heart disease</li>
      <li>Celiac disease</li>
      <li>Cerebral palsy</li>
      <li>Deaf or hard of hearing</li>
      <li>Depression or anxiety</li>
      <li>Gastrointestinal disorders, for example, Crohn's Disease, or irritable bowel syndrome</li>
      <li>Intellectual disability</li>
      <li>Missing limbs or partially missing limbs</li>
      <li>Nervous system condition for example, migraine headaches, Parkinson’s disease, or Multiple sclerosis (MS)</li>
      <li>Psychiatric condition, for example, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD, or major depression</li>
    <div class="field" id="disability_status_dropdown_container">
      <label for="job_application_disability_status">Disability Status</label>
      <div class="select2-container" id="s2id_job_application_disability_status" style="width: 385px;">
        <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="select2-choice" tabindex="-1">   <span class="select2-chosen" id="select2-chosen-10">Please select</span><abbr class="select2-search-choice-close"></abbr>   <span class="select2-arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></a><label
          for="s2id_autogen10" class="select2-offscreen">Disability Status</label><input class="select2-focusser select2-offscreen" type="text" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="select2-chosen-10" id="s2id_autogen10">
        <div class="select2-drop select2-display-none">
          <div class="select2-search select2-search-hidden select2-offscreen"> <label for="s2id_autogen10_search" class="select2-offscreen">Disability Status</label> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"
              spellcheck="false" class="select2-input" role="combobox" aria-expanded="true" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="select2-results-10" id="s2id_autogen10_search" placeholder=""> </div>
          <ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-10"> </ul>
      </div><select name="job_application[disability_status]" id="job_application_disability_status" tabindex="-1" title="Disability Status" style="display: none;">
        <option value="">Please select</option>
        <option value="1">Yes, I have a disability, or have a history/record of having a disability</option>
        <option value="2">No, I don't have a disability, or a history/record of having a disability</option>
        <option value="3">I don't wish to answer</option>
    <p> <sup>1</sup>Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. For more information about this form or the equal employment obligations of Federal contractors, visit the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance
      Programs (OFCCP) website at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p>
    <p> PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. This survey should take about 5 minutes to
      complete. </p>
  <div id="captcha_container"></div>
  <div id="error_message"></div>
  <div id="submit_buttons">
    <input type="button" value="Submit Application" id="submit_app" class="button">


<form id="s3_upload_for_resume" data-key-template="stash/applications/resumes/{timestamp}-{unique_id}-f81854cc4077fb9b7782c512ab1a4c50" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""
  accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓"><input type="hidden" name="x-amz-server-side-encryption" value="AES256"><input type="hidden" name="success_action_status" value="201"><input type="hidden" name="policy"
    type="hidden" name="x-amz-credential" value="AKIAVQGOLGY35ML45EC2/20220707/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request"><input type="hidden" name="x-amz-algorithm" value="AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"><input type="hidden" name="x-amz-date" value="20220707T042228Z"><input
    type="hidden" name="x-amz-signature" value="aae94c7d0cc5d966bdc49379cf2a9158bd5c1a468032ff48fc957d6b6846a5c4"><input type="file" name="file" tabindex="-1"><input type="hidden" name="key" id="key"></form>


<form id="s3_upload_for_cover_letter" data-key-template="stash/applications/resumes/{timestamp}-{unique_id}-afbc00797d2f8beb051abf68e134e6a8" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""
  accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓"><input type="hidden" name="x-amz-server-side-encryption" value="AES256"><input type="hidden" name="success_action_status" value="201"><input type="hidden" name="policy"
    type="hidden" name="x-amz-credential" value="AKIAVQGOLGY35ML45EC2/20220707/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request"><input type="hidden" name="x-amz-algorithm" value="AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"><input type="hidden" name="x-amz-date" value="20220707T042228Z"><input
    type="hidden" name="x-amz-signature" value="aae94c7d0cc5d966bdc49379cf2a9158bd5c1a468032ff48fc957d6b6846a5c4"><input type="file" name="file" tabindex="-1"><input type="hidden" name="key" id="key"></form>

Text Content

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at Poshmark (View all jobs)
Redwood City, CA

About Us

Poshmark is a leading social marketplace for new and secondhand style for women,
men, kids, pets, home, and more. By combining the human connection of physical
shopping with the scale, ease, and selection benefits of ecommerce, Poshmark
makes buying and selling simple, social, and sustainable. Its community of more
than 80 million registered users across the U.S., Canada, Australia, and India,
is driving the future of commerce while promoting more sustainable consumption.
For more information, please visit, and for company news and
announcements, please visit You can also find Poshmark
on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.


 * Drive the application security program in few product verticals
 * Participate in secure SDLC including threat modeling and product driven
   security testing
 * Participate in product requirement and technical design discussions to
   influence requirements and designs
 * Provide recommendations to security standards and trainings
 * Bubble up any security requirements specific to the tribes responsible for
 * Be responsible for SAST, IAST, SCA and other security tools
 * Create application security and secure coding standards and educate
 * Integrate, enhance and implement devsecops tooling SAST, IAST, SCA and others
   as required to shift left security
 * Bake security into every stage of the software development lifecycle for
   Backend/Mobile/Web applications
 * Develop custom tools and automations that enable DevSecOps and SecOps
 * Perform penetration testing of Poshmark applications and network
 * Triage penetration testing and bug bounty programs
 * Mitigate identified vulnerabilities by providing and/or implementing
   technical solutions
 * Evaluate and integrate security tools and solutions to improve application
   security posture

6-Month Accomplishments 

 * Take over responsibility for few Tribes/Products
 * Get up to speed with the security tooling and start managing them
 * Own the external bug bounty program, triage coordinate with the security
   researches to reproduce the issues
 * Create security training for developers
 * Triage and provide remediation solutions for critical vulnerabilities


 * 5+ years of professional hands-on experience in application security
 * Strong foundation of security architecture, protocols, vulnerabilities, and
 * Strong understanding of secure coding standards and security risks (e.g.
   OWASP, SANS and others).
 * Familiarity with cryptography primitives and fundamentals (e.g. SSL/TLS, PKI)
 * Experience with programming on one of the programming languages (e.g. JRuby,
   Java, Kotlin, Swift, and/or JavaScript) and development tools (e.g. Gradle,
 * Experience with AWS or cloud environments and pen testing cloud
 * Strong attention to detail and accountability under minimal supervision

Why Poshmark?

Founded in 2011, Poshmark is the largest social marketplace for fashion where
anyone can buy, sell and share their style with others. Poshmark’s mission is to
make shopping simple and fun by connecting people around a shared love of
fashion, while empowering entrepreneurs to become the next generation of
retailers. Recognized as the go-to shopping destination for millennials,
Poshmark’s community of over two million Seller Stylists help shoppers discover
the perfect look from over 25 million items and 5,000 brands. The company is
backed by the world’s leading venture capital institutions including Mayfield,
Menlo Ventures, GGV Capital, Inventus Capital, SoftTech VC, Union Grove Venture
Partners, Shea Ventures and AngelList. For more information, please visit, or find us on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Snapchat.

Here’s what we’ll set you up with:

 * A team that invests in your career growth and training
 * Competitive salary and equity, based on experience
 * Fully sponsored health, dental and vision plans
 * Amazing IT setup and smartphone reimbursement
 * Work alongside world-class talent
 * Flexible Vacation / Paid Time Off Policy
 * Parental Leave
 * Healthy and exciting lunches and snacks offered daily
 * Personal Style Encouraged (or not, whatever you’re into)
 * Fun company happy hours, parties, and off-site events


About Us

Poshmark is a leading social marketplace for new and secondhand style for women,
men, kids, pets, home, and more. By combining the human connection of physical
shopping with the scale, ease, and selection benefits of e-commerce, Poshmark
makes buying and selling simple, social, and sustainable. Its community of more
than 80 million registered users across the U.S., Canada, Australia, and India,
is driving the future of commerce while promoting more sustainable consumption.
For more information, please visit, and for company news and
announcements, please visit You can also find Poshmark
on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Why Poshmark?

At Poshmark, we’re constantly challenging the status quo and are looking for
innovative and passionate people to help shape the future of Poshmark. We’re
disrupting the industry by combining social connections with e-commerce through
data-driven solutions and the latest technology to optimize our platform. We’re
nothing without our amazing team who deliver an unparalleled social shopping
experience to the millions of people we connect each day.

We built Poshmark around four core values: 1) focus on people to create
empowered communities that drive success; 2) together we grow to support each
other to strive for our dreams; 3) lead with love to foster genuine connections
built upon a foundation of respect; and 4) embrace your weirdness to accept and
empower one another on their own unique journey. We’re invested in our team and
community, working together to build an entirely new way to shop. That way, when
we win, we all win together. Come help us build the most connected shopping
experience ever.

Here’s what we’ll set you up with:

 * A team that is invested in your career growth and training
 * Competitive salary and equity, based on experience
 * Company sponsors up to 100% cost for your health, dental and vision plans and
   up to 90% for your dependents
 * Work alongside world-class talent
 * Flexible vacation / paid time off policy
 * Parental leave
 * Personal style encouraged (or not, whatever you’re in to)

Poshmark is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We celebrate diversity and are
committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.


* Required


First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Drop files here
Attach Dropbox Google Drive Paste

Cover Letter
Drop files here
Attach Dropbox Google Drive Paste


LinkedIn Profile


Are you a current Poshmark employee?  *


-- Yes No
Are you legally authorized to work in the United States? *


-- Yes No
Will now or in the future require sponsorship for an employment visa? *


-- Yes No
Please share your desired salary expectations.

Are you looking for an in-person, hybrid or remote role? (Hybrid is 3x a week
in-person)  *

Please select

Please selectIn-person Hybrid Remote
I certify that the information I provided on the application is true. I
authorize Poshmark to verify employment and education history provided and
disclaim liability on the part of Poshmark and the parties contacted. I further
understand that in accordance with Poshmark policy, falsification of information
is grounds for refusal to hire or discharge should I be hired. I certify this
information with my initials below. *

"I acknowledge the confidentiality of all information I may receive in
connection with the interview process and hereby agree to Poshmark’s Non
Disclosure Agreement". *


-- Yes No
What about the role interest you?



For government reporting purposes, we ask candidates to respond to the below
self-identification survey. Completion of the form is entirely voluntary.
Whatever your decision, it will not be considered in the hiring process or
thereafter. Any information that you do provide will be recorded and maintained
in a confidential file.

As set forth in Poshmark’s Equal Employment Opportunity policy, we do not
discriminate on the basis of any protected group status under any applicable

Please select Gender
Please selectMale Female Decline To Self Identify
Are you Hispanic/Latino?
Please select Are you Hispanic/Latino?
Are you Hispanic/Latino?
Please selectYes No Decline To Self Identify
Please identify your race
Please select Please identify your race
Please identify your race
Please selectAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino White Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Two or More
Races Decline To Self Identify
Race & Ethnicity Definitions

If you believe you belong to any of the categories of protected veterans listed
below, please indicate by making the appropriate selection. As a government
contractor subject to the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act
(VEVRAA), we request this information in order to measure the effectiveness of
the outreach and positive recruitment efforts we undertake pursuant to VEVRAA.
Classification of protected categories is as follows:

A "disabled veteran" is one of the following: a veteran of the U.S. military,
ground, naval or air service who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the
receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws
administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; or a person who was
discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected

A "recently separated veteran" means any veteran during the three-year period
beginning on the date of such veteran's discharge or release from active duty in
the U.S. military, ground, naval, or air service.

An "active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran" means a veteran who served on
active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service during a war, or
in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized under
the laws administered by the Department of Defense.

An "Armed forces service medal veteran" means a veteran who, while serving on
active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service, participated in
a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was
awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985.

Veteran Status
Please select Veteran Status
Veteran Status
Please selectI am not a protected veteran I identify as one or more of the
classifications of a protected veteran I don't wish to answer


Form CC-305

OMB Control Number 1250-0005

Expires 05/31/2023


Why are you being asked to complete this form?

We are a federal contractor or subcontractor required by law to provide equal
employment opportunity to qualified people with disabilities. We are also
required to measure our progress toward having at least 7% of our workforce be
individuals with disabilities. To do this, we must ask applicants and employees
if they have a disability or have ever had a disability. Because a person may
become disabled at any time, we ask all of our employees to update their
information at least every five years.

Identifying yourself as an individual with a disability is voluntary, and we
hope that you will choose to do so. Your answer will be maintained
confidentially and not be seen by selecting officials or anyone else involved in
making personnel decisions. Completing the form will not negatively impact you
in any way, regardless of whether you have self-identified in the past. For more
information about this form or the equal employment obligations of federal
contractors under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, visit the U.S.
Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
website at

How do you know if you have a disability?

You are considered to have a disability if you have a physical or mental
impairment or medical condition that substantially limits a major life activity,
or if you have a history or record of such an impairment or medical condition.

Disabilities include, but are not limited to:

 * Autism
 * Autoimmune disorder, for example, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis,
   or HIV/AIDS
 * Blind or low vision
 * Cancer
 * Cardiovascular or heart disease
 * Celiac disease
 * Cerebral palsy
 * Deaf or hard of hearing
 * Depression or anxiety
 * Diabetes
 * Epilepsy
 * Gastrointestinal disorders, for example, Crohn's Disease, or irritable bowel
 * Intellectual disability
 * Missing limbs or partially missing limbs
 * Nervous system condition for example, migraine headaches, Parkinson’s
   disease, or Multiple sclerosis (MS)
 * Psychiatric condition, for example, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD, or
   major depression

Disability Status
Please select Disability Status
Disability Status
Please selectYes, I have a disability, or have a history/record of having a
disability No, I don't have a disability, or a history/record of having a
disability I don't wish to answer

1Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. For more information
about this form or the equal employment obligations of Federal contractors,
visit the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Programs (OFCCP) website at

PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no
persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such
collection displays a valid OMB control number. This survey should take about 5
minutes to complete.


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