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"vi_VN": "GroveX-Empower your Future with Grove", "zh_CN": "GroveX-Empower your
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"publishTime": 1646064000000, "currencyAmount": "75.00M", "mtime":
1687663407000, "publishAmount": "100.00M", "officialUrl":
"https://www.grovecoin.io/", "publishTimeStr": "2022/03/01", "coinSymbol":
"GRV", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://grvscan.io/", "ctime":
1687663407000, "id": 1, "shortName": "GRV", "introduction": "Empowering Your
Future with GroveCoin Where Technology Meets Green.GroveCoin $GRV serves as the
native currency within the GroveCoin Network, a Proof-of-Authority blockchain
that underpins an extensive ecosystem of in-house developed digital finance
utilities. This includes GroveX, our cryptocurrency exchange, GroveKeeper, a
secure and user-friendly digital wallet, and GroveSwap, our DeFi decentralized
exchange.The ecosystem is also home to GroveGold, a stable coin fully backed by
gold. Beyond offering these tools, the GroveCoin Network also allows for the
development and trading of various decentralized apps (dApps), contributing to a
vibrant and dynamic digital landscape.", "longName": "GroveCoin" }, {
"publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "1.00T", "mtime": 1687254146000,
"publishAmount": "1.00T", "officialUrl": "Alphax.io", "publishTimeStr": "",
"coinSymbol": "ALP", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "BSCscann.com",
"ctime": 1687254146000, "id": 2, "shortName": "ALP", "introduction": "At AlphaX,
we understand that launching a successful cryptocurrency project can be a
daunting task. That''''s why we''''ve created a comprehensive launchpad platform
that provides everything you need to turn your vision into a reality.Whether
you''''re launching a new token, building a decentralized application, or
creating a blockchain-based platform, AlphaX has everything you need to succeed.
With our help, you can take your crypto project to the next level and build a
successful, sustainable ecosystem that will benefit users around t", "longName":
"AlphaX" }, { "publishTime": 1685548800000, "currencyAmount": "10.00M", "mtime":
1687663551000, "publishAmount": "10.00M", "officialUrl":
"https://www.qxc.finance/", "publishTimeStr": "2023/06/01", "coinSymbol": "QXC",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "BSCscan.com", "ctime": 1687663551000,
"id": 3, "shortName": "QXC", "introduction": "QuantumXC Exchange: The QuantumXC
Exchange is a state-of-the-art trading platform that provides users with a
seamless and secure environment to engage in cryptocurrency trading. With
advanced features and intuitive user interface, the QuantumXC Exchange offers a
comprehensive set of tools and functionalities to cater to the needs of both
novice and experienced traders.", "longName": "QuantumXC" }, { "publishTime":
1233244800000, "currencyAmount": "19.41M", "mtime": 1687686788000,
"publishAmount": "21.00M", "officialUrl": "https://bitcoin.org/en/",
"publishTimeStr": "2009/01/30", "coinSymbol": "BTC", "langKey": "en_US",
"blockchainUrl": "https://blockchair.com/bitcoin", "ctime": 1687686788000, "id":
4, "shortName": "BTC", "introduction": "Bitcoin is a decentralized
cryptocurrency originally described in a 2008 whitepaper by a person, or group
of people, using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. It was launched soon after, in
January 2009.Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer online currency, meaning that all
transactions happen directly between equal, independent network participants,
without the need for any intermediary to permit or facilitate them. Bitcoin was
created, according to Nakamoto’s own words, to allow “online payments to be sent
directly from one party to another without going through a financial
institution.”Some concepts for a similar type of a decentralized electronic
currency precede BTC, but Bitcoin holds the distinction of being the first-ever
cryptocurrency to come into actual use.", "longName": "Bitcoin" }, {
"publishTime": 1498838400000, "currencyAmount": "155.85M", "mtime":
1687687056000, "publishAmount": "155.85M", "officialUrl":
"https://bnbchain.org/en", "publishTimeStr": "2017/07/01", "coinSymbol": "BNB",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://bscscan.com/", "ctime":
1687687056000, "id": 5, "shortName": "BNB", "introduction": "Launched in July
2017, Binance is the biggest cryptocurrency exchange globally based on daily
trading volume. Binance aims to bring cryptocurrency exchanges to the forefront
of financial activity globally. The idea behind Binance’s name is to show this
new paradigm in global finance — Binary Finance, or Binance.Aside from being the
largest cryptocurrency exchange globally, Binance has launched a whole ecosystem
of functionalities for its users. The Binance network includes the Binance
Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Binance Academy, Trust Wallet and Research projects,
which all employ the powers of blockchain technology to bring new-age finance to
the world. BNB is an integral part of the successful functioning of many of the
Binance sub-projects.", "longName": "BNB Chain" }, { "publishTime":
1438185600000, "currencyAmount": "120.19M", "mtime": 1687687187000,
"publishAmount": "120.19M", "officialUrl": "https://ethereum.org/en/",
"publishTimeStr": "2015/07/30", "coinSymbol": "ETH", "langKey": "en_US",
"blockchainUrl": "https://etherscan.io/", "ctime": 1687687187000, "id": 6,
"shortName": "ETH", "introduction": "Ethereum is a decentralized open-source
blockchain system that features its own cryptocurrency, Ether. ETH works as a
platform for numerous other cryptocurrencies, as well as for the execution of
decentralized smart contracts.Ethereum was first described in a 2013 whitepaper
by Vitalik Buterin. Buterin, along with other co-founders, secured funding for
the project in an online public crowd sale in the summer of 2014. The project
team managed to raise $18.3 million in Bitcoin, and Ethereum’s price in the
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) was $0.311, with over 60 million Ether sold. Taking
Ethereum’s price now, this puts the return on investment (ROI) at an annualized
rate of over 270%, essentially almost quadrupling your investment every year
since the summer of 2014.The Ethereum Foundation officially launched the
blockchain on July 30, 2015, under the prototype codenamed “Frontier.” Since
then, there has been several network updates — “Constantinople” on Feb. 28,
2019, “Istanbul” on Dec. 8, 2019, “Muir Glacier” on Jan. 2, 2020, “Berlin” on
April 14, 2021, and most recently on Aug. 5, 2021, the “London” hard
fork.Ethereum’s own purported goal is to become a global platform for
decentralized applications, allowing users from all over the world to write and
run software that is resistant to censorship, downtime and fraud.", "longName":
"Ethereum" }, { "publishTime": 1609430400000, "currencyAmount": "100.00B",
"mtime": 1687687445000, "publishAmount": "99.98B", "officialUrl":
"https://xrpl.org/", "publishTimeStr": "2021/01/01", "coinSymbol": "XRP",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://xrpscan.com/", "ctime":
1687687445000, "id": 7, "shortName": "XRP", "introduction": "Launched in 2021,
the XRP Ledger (XRPL) is an open-source, permissionless and decentralized
technology. Benefits of the XRP Ledger include its low-cost ($0.0002 to
transact), speed (settling transactions in 3-5 seconds), scalability (1,500
transactions per second) and inherently green attributes (carbon-neutral and
energy-efficient). The XRP Ledger also features the first decentralized exchange
(DEX) and custom tokenization capabilities built into the protocol. Since 2012,
the XRP Ledger has been operating reliably, having closed 70 million ledgers.",
"longName": "XRP" }, { "publishTime": 1509292800000, "currencyAmount": "10.00B",
"mtime": 1687687655000, "publishAmount": "10.00B", "officialUrl":
"https://polygon.technology/", "publishTimeStr": "2017/10/30", "coinSymbol":
"MATIC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://polygonscan.com/",
"ctime": 1687687655000, "id": 8, "shortName": "MATIC", "introduction": "Polygon
(previously Matic Network) is the first well-structured, easy-to-use platform
for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is
Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building multiple types
of applications.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of
Polygon Matic.Using Polygon, one can create optimistic rollup chains, ZK rollup
chains, stand alone chains or any other kind of infra required by the
developer.Polygon effectively transforms Ethereum into a full-fledged
multi-chain system (aka Internet of Blockchains). This multi-chain system is
akin to other ones such as Polkadot, Cosmos, Avalanche etc. with the advantages
of Ethereum’s security, vibrant ecosystem and openness.The $MATIC token will
continue to exist and will play an increasingly important role, securing the
system and enabling governance.Polygon (formerly Matic Network) is a Layer 2
scaling solution backed by Binance and Coinbase. The project seeks to stimulate
mass adoption of cryptocurrencies by resolving the problems of scalability on
many blockchains.Polygon combines the Plasma Framework and the proof-of-stake
blockchain architecture. The Plasma framework used by Polygon as proposed by the
co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, allows for the easy execution of
scalable and autonomous smart contracts.Nothing will change for the existing
ecosystem built on the Plasma-POS chain. With Polygon, new features are being
built around the existing proven technology to expand the ability to cater to
diverse needs from the developer ecosystem. Polygon will continue to develop the
core technology so that it can scale to a larger ecosystem.Polygon boasts of up
to 65,000 transactions per second on a single side chain, along with a
respectable block confirmation time of less than two seconds. The framework also
allows for the creation of globally available decentralized financial
applications on a single foundational blockchain.The Plasma framework gives
Polygon the potential of housing an unlimited number of decentralized
applications on their infrastructure without experiencing the normal drawbacks
common on proof-of-work blockchains. So far, Polygon has attracted more than 50
DApps to its PoS-secured Ethereum sidechain.MATIC, the native tokens of Polygon,
is an ERC-20 token running on the Ethereum blockchain. The tokens are used for
payment services on Polygon and as a settlement currency between users who
operate within the Polygon ecosystem. The transaction fees on Polygon sidechains
are also paid in MATIC tokens.", "longName": "Polygon" }, { "publishTime": null,
"currencyAmount": "45.00B", "mtime": 1687687854000, "publishAmount": "35.92B",
"officialUrl": "https://cardano.org/", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol":
"ADA", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://explorer.cardano.org/en",
"ctime": 1687687854000, "id": 9, "shortName": "ADA", "introduction": "ardano is
a proof-of-stake blockchain platform that says its goal is to allow
“changemakers, innovators and visionaries” to bring about positive global
change.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of Cardano.The
open-source project also aims to “redistribute power from unaccountable
structures to the margins to individuals” — helping to create a society that is
more secure, transparent and fair.Cardano was founded back in 2017, and named
after the 16th century Italian polymath Gerolamo Cardano. The native ADA token
takes its name from the 19th century mathematician Ada Lovelace, widely regarded
as the world’s first computer programmer. The ADA token is designed to ensure
that owners can participate in the operation of the network. Because of this,
those who hold the cryptocurrency have the right to vote on any proposed changes
to the software.The team behind the layered blockchain say that there have
already been some compelling use cases for its technology, which aims to allow
decentralized apps and smart contracts to be developed with modularity.In August
2021, Charles Hoskinson announced the launch of the Alonzo hard fork, causing
Cardano price to surge, gaining 116% in the following month. On Sept. 12, 2021,
the Cardano ‘Alonzo’ hard fork officially launched, bringing smart contract
functionality to the blockchain. Over 100 smart contracts were deployed in the
following 24 hours after the launch.Cardano is used by agricultural companies to
track fresh produce from field to fork, while other products built on the
platform allow educational credentials to be stored in a tamper-proof way, and
retailers to clamp down on counterfeit goods.", "longName": "Cardano" }, {
"publishTime": 1598889600000, "currencyAmount": "394.37M", "mtime":
1687688852000, "publishAmount": "750.00M", "officialUrl":
"https://pancakeswap.finance/", "publishTimeStr": "2020/09/01", "coinSymbol":
"CAKE", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://bscscan.com/", "ctime":
1687688852000, "id": 10, "shortName": "CAKE", "introduction": "PancakeSwap is an
automated market maker (AMM) — a decentralized finance (DeFi) application that
allows users to exchange tokens, providing liquidity via farming and earning
fees in return.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of
Pancakeswap.It launched in September 2020 and is a decentralized exchange for
swapping BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain. PancakeSwap uses an automated
market maker model where users trade against a liquidity pool. These pools are
filled by users who deposit their funds into the pool and receive liquidity
provider (LP) tokens in return.These tokens can later be used to reclaim their
share of the pool, as well as a portion of the trading fees. These LP tokens are
known as FLIP. PancakeSwap also allows users to farm additional tokens such as
CAKE and SYRUP. On the farm, users can deposit LP tokens and get rewarded with
CAKE.PancakeSwap allows users to trade BEP20 tokens, provide liquidity to the
exchange and earn fees, stake LP tokens to earn CAKE, stake CAKE to earn more
CAKE and stake CAKE to earn tokens of other projects.", "longName":
"PancakeSwap" }, { "publishTime": 1518969600000, "currencyAmount": "162.23M",
"mtime": 1688620470000, "publishAmount": "162.23M", "officialUrl":
"https://www.huobi.com/", "publishTimeStr": "2018/02/19", "coinSymbol": "HT",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1688620470000, "id": 11, "shortName": "HT", "introduction": "Huobi
Token (HT) is the native token of the cryptocurrency exchange Huobi Global. It
is a decentralized digital asset based on the Ethereum blockchain and is ERC-20
compliant. HT’s value is in part reliant upon the reputation of the Huobi crypto
exchange, yet other factors also have an impact.To learn more about this
project, check out our deep dive of Huobi Token.Huobi Token is a relatively
young project. It first launched in January 2018, hot on the heels of the
release of a native token on rival crypto exchange Binance. Having its own token
allows Huobi to build a flexible marketing strategy in order to attract new
users and further grow its platform.One key function of the token is to reduce
commissions for trading operations on the exchange, which are usually paid from
users'''' wallets. Yet the token has much more to offer. Using HT, users can
purchase monthly VIP-status plans to receive discounts on transaction fees.
Token holders have the right to vote on exchange decisions, can receive crypto
rewards for seasonal buybacks, and also get early access to special events. HT
holders can, at any point, trade the token for other cryptocurrenci",
"longName": "Huobi Token" }, { "publishTime": 1685548800000, "currencyAmount":
"1.70M", "mtime": 1688620887000, "publishAmount": "1.70M", "officialUrl":
"https://www.grovecoin.io/", "publishTimeStr": "2023/06/01", "coinSymbol":
"USGD", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1688620887000, "id": 12, "shortName": "USGD", "introduction": "USGD is
a stablecoin, digitally backed and pegged to the value of $1, utilized on the
GroveBlockchain platform to enable trading between pairs.", "longName": "USGD"
}, { "publishTime": 1512662400000, "currencyAmount": "89.84B", "mtime":
1688951894000, "publishAmount": "89.84B", "officialUrl":
"https://tron.network/", "publishTimeStr": "2017/12/08", "coinSymbol": "TRX",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://tronscan.org/#/token/0/transfers",
"ctime": 1688951894000, "id": 13, "shortName": "trx", "introduction": "TRON
(TRX) is a decentralized blockchain-based operating system developed by the Tron
Foundation and launched in 2017. Originally TRX tokens were ERC-20-based tokens
deployed on Ethereum, but a year later they were moved to their own
network.Initially, the project was created with the aim of providing full
ownership rights to makers of digital content. The main goal is to help content
creators (who receive only a small part of the income) and encourage them with
more rewards for their work. How: invite content consumers to reward content
makers directly (without intermediaries like YouTube, Facebook or Apple).The
TRON software supports smart contracts, various kinds of blockchain systems, and
decentralized applications aka dApps. The cryptocurrency platform uses a
transaction model similar to Bitcoin (BTC), namely UTXO. Transactions take place
in a public ledger, where users can track the history of operations.Therefore,
the platform was built to create a decentralized Internet and serves as a tool
for developers to create dApps, acting as an alternative to Ethereum. Anyone can
create dApps on the TRON network, offer content, and in return receive digital
assets as compensation for their efforts. The ability to create content and
share it openly without hesitation regarding transaction fees is an undeniable
advantage of TRON.", "longName": "Tron" }, { "publishTime": 1402675200000,
"currencyAmount": "140.10B", "mtime": 1688952354000, "publishAmount": "140.10B",
"officialUrl": "https://dogecoin.com/", "publishTimeStr": "2014/06/14",
"coinSymbol": "DOGE", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"https://bscscan.com", "ctime": 1688952354000, "id": 14, "shortName": "Doge",
"introduction": "Dogecoin (DOGE) is based on the popular "doge"
Internet meme and features a Shiba Inu on its logo. The open-source digital
currency was created by Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon and Jackson Palmer
from Sydney, Australia, and was forked from Litecoin in December 2013.
Dogecoin''s creators envisaged it as a fun, light-hearted cryptocurrency that
would have greater appeal beyond the core Bitcoin audience, since it was based
on a dog meme. Tesla CEO Elon Musk posted several tweets on social media that
Dogecoin is his favorite coin", "longName": "DogeCoin" }, { "publishTime":
1506787200000, "currencyAmount": "1.00B", "mtime": 1688952537000,
"publishAmount": "1.00B", "officialUrl": "https://chain.link/",
"publishTimeStr": "2017/10/01", "coinSymbol": "LINK", "langKey": "en_US",
"blockchainUrl": "https://etherscan.io/", "ctime": 1688952537000, "id": 15,
"shortName": "LINK", "introduction": "Founded in 2017, Chainlink is a blockchain
abstraction layer that enables universally connected smart contracts. Through a
decentralized oracle network, Chainlink allows blockchains to securely interact
with external data feeds, events and payment methods, providing the critical
off-chain information needed by complex smart contracts to become the dominant
form of digital agreement.The Chainlink Network is driven by a large open-source
community of data providers, node operators, smart contract developers,
researchers, security auditors and more. The company focuses on ensuring that
decentralized participation is guaranteed for all node operators and users
looking to contribute to the network.To learn more about this project, check out
our deep dive of Chainlink.", "longName": "Chainlink" }, { "publishTime":
1552838400000, "currencyAmount": "346.60M", "mtime": 1688976708000,
"publishAmount": "346.60M", "officialUrl": "https://cosmos.network/",
"publishTimeStr": "2019/03/18", "coinSymbol": "ATOM", "langKey": "en_US",
"blockchainUrl": "https://atomscan.com/", "ctime": 1688976708000, "id": 16,
"shortName": "ATOM", "introduction": "In a nutshell, Cosmos bills itself as a
project that solves some of the “hardest problems” facing the blockchain
industry. It aims to offer an antidote to “slow, expensive, unscalable and
environmentally harmful” proof-of-work protocols, like those used by Bitcoin, by
offering an ecosystem of connected blockchains.The project’s other goals include
making blockchain technology less complex and difficult for developers thanks to
a modular framework that demystifies decentralized apps. Last but not least, an
Interblockchain Communication protocol makes it easier for blockchain networks
to communicate with each other — preventing fragmentation in the
industry.Cosmos’ origins can be dated back to 2014, when Tendermint, a core
contributor to the network, was founded. In 2016, a white paper for Cosmos was
published — and a token sale was held the following year. ATOM tokens are earned
through a hybrid proof-of-stake algorithm, and they help to keep the Cosmos Hub,
the project’s flagship blockchain, secure. This cryptocurrency also has a role
in the network’s governance.", "longName": "Cosmos" }, { "publishTime":
1604160000000, "currencyAmount": "270.00M", "mtime": 1688979829000,
"publishAmount": "270.00M", "officialUrl": "https://axieinfinity.com/",
"publishTimeStr": "2020/11/01", "coinSymbol": "AXS", "langKey": "en_US",
"ctime": 1688979829000, "id": 17, "shortName": "AXS", "introduction": "Axie
Infinity is a blockchain-based trading and battling game that is partially owned
and operated by its players.To learn more about this project, check out our deep
dive of Axie Infinity.Inspired by popular games like Pokémon and Tamagotchi,
Axie Infinity allows players to collect, breed, raise, battle and trade
token-based creatures known as Axies.These Axies can take various forms, and
there are more than 500 different body parts available, including aquatic,
beast, bird, bug, plant and reptile parts. Parts from each type class come in
four different rarity scales: common, rare, ultra rare and legendary — and Axies
can have any combination of body parts, making them highly variable and often
rare and unique.Each Axie is a non-fungible token (NFT) with different
attributes and strengths and can be entered into 3v3 battles, with the winning
team earning more experience (exp) points that are used to level up an Axie''s
stats or evolve their body parts. These Axies can be bred together to produce
new and unique offspring, which can be used or sold on the Axie marketplace.The
Axie Infinity ecosystem also has its own unique governance token, known as Axie
Infinity Shards (AXS). These are used to participate in key governance votes and
will give holders a say in how funds in the Axie Community Treasury are spent",
"longName": "Axie Infinity" }, { "publishTime": 1564588800000, "currencyAmount":
"328.89M", "mtime": 1688980412000, "publishAmount": "352.17M", "officialUrl":
"https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ftx-token/#About", "publishTimeStr":
"2019/08/01", "coinSymbol": "FTT", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1688980412000, "id": 18, "shortName": "FTT", "introduction": "FTT is
the native cryptocurrency token of the crypto derivatives trading platform FTX
that launched on May 8, 2019. On Nov. 11, 2022, FTX filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection in the U.S., and is currently undergoing proceedings. Some
of the information below may not reflect the current standings of the FTX
exchange, please proceed with caution when interacting with the FTT token.The
team behind FTX comprises some of the largest crypto traders over the past few
years who, having found issues with most mainstream crypto futures exchanges,
decided to launch their own platform. FTX claims that it stands out due to such
features as clawback prevention, a centralized collateral pool and universal
stablecoin settlement. FTX is a centralized crypto exchange launched by Sam
Bankman-Fried in 2019, backed by significant trading companies in the industry,
including Almeda Research, OTPP, Temasek, BlackRock, Coinbase Ventures and
Sequoia Capital. As of 2022, the platform has over a million registered members,
and the daily trading volume has reached billions of dollars.In regards to
clawback prevention, a significant amount of customer funds on other derivative
exchanges have been claimed by socialized losses. FTX reduces this by using a
three-tiered liquidation model.On existing crypto futures exchanges, the
collateral is fragmented across separate token wallets; this can be difficult
for traders as it prevents positions from getting liquidated. On the other hand,
FTX derivatives are stablecoin-settled and only require one universal margin
wallet.Another feature of the FTT are leveraged tokens, which allow traders to
put leveraged positions without the need to trade on margin. If a trader wants
to short Bitcoin with 3x leverage, they can simply buy a 3x short Bitcoin
leveraged token on FTX. These tokens are ERC20-compatible and can be listed on
any spot exchange. FTX currently offers XRP, BNB, TRX, BTC, ETH, EOS, USDT and
LEO leveraged tokens.A year after its founding, FTX Exchange introduced the
exchange token called FTX Token or FTT. The FTT coin is an ERC-20 standard token
that is actively used by ecosystem participants.Initially, FTT was established
as a reward for exchange transactions; however, over the years the list of
functions has grown:FTT is applicable in the creation of leveraged tokens on the
FTX Exchange; users can receive VIP discounts in the form of FTT depending on
the number of coins they own, and it’s possible to earn rewards for providing
liquidity through futures positions.In order to maintain its value, the exchange
regularly buys back and burns its tokens, spending on the purchase of FTX: 33%
of trading fees, 10% of the reserve fund, and 5% of other commissions.FTT Token
use cases:1/3 of the commissions received from transactions on FTX are utilized
to buy back FTT. Tokens redeemed in this way are burned;FTT tokens are used to
reduce trading fees and to secure futures positions;Profits from massive market
movements are distributed among the holders;By purchasing a white label version
of FTX’s OTC portal and futures market, institutions and investors pay expenses
in FTT tokens;By creating leveraged tokens, projects can pay listing fees with
FTT;Users can stake FTT to benefit from discounts, bonus votes, and blockchain
fee waivers.One benefit of FTX Token (FTT) is commission discounts. Members pay
a low fee and obtain tighter spreads. Traders use FTT as collateral, and those
who are active on FTX Exchange see percentage differences of up to 60%. Traders
get insurance protection, which ensures a net profit in moments of market
volatility, then makes it possible to continue trading even without a margin
call.In addition to the fact that FTT is useful for opening positions with
leverage, FTT staking also offers perks: discounts, the opportunity to win NFTs,
participation in airdrops, bonus votes and IEO tickets.", "longName": "FTX
Token" }, { "publishTime": 1598889600000, "currencyAmount": "1.00B", "mtime":
1688980593000, "publishAmount": "1.00B", "officialUrl":
"https://blog.uniswap.org/uni", "publishTimeStr": "2020/09/01", "coinSymbol":
"UNI", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1688980593000, "id": 19, "shortName": "UNI", "introduction": "Uniswap
is a popular decentralized trading protocol, known for its role in facilitating
automated trading of decentralized finance (DeFi) tokens.An example of an
automated market maker (AMM), Uniswap launched in November 2018, but has gained
considerable popularity this year thanks to the DeFi phenomenon and associated
surge in token trading.Uniswap aims to keep token trading automated and
completely open to anyone who holds tokens, while improving the efficiency of
trading versus that on traditional exchanges.Uniswap creates more efficiency by
solving liquidity issues with automated solutions, avoiding the problems which
plagued the first decentralized exchanges.In September 2020, Uniswap went a step
further by creating and awarding its own governance token, UNI, to past users of
the protocol. This added both profitability potential and the ability for users
to shape its future — an attractive aspect of decentralized entities.",
"longName": "Uniswap" }, { "publishTime": 1596211200000, "currencyAmount":
"589.34T", "mtime": 1688980847000, "publishAmount": "589.58T", "officialUrl":
"https://www.shibatoken.com/", "publishTimeStr": "2020/08/01", "coinSymbol":
"SHIB", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1688980847000, "id": 20, "shortName": "SHIB", "introduction": "Once
upon a time, there was a very special dog. That dog was a Shiba Inu, and this
dog inspired millions of people around the world to invest money into tokens
with the dog''''s image on it.According to the SHIBA INU website, SHIB is the
"DOGECOIN KILLER" and is listed on their own ShibaSwap, a DEX.
Shiba Inu coin was created anonymously in August 2020 under the pseudonym
"Ryoshi." Ryoshi says about himself that he is a nobody and
not important and that the efforts to unmask his identity, even if successful,
would be underwhelming.This meme coin quickly gained speed and value as a
community of investors was drawn in by the cute charm of the coin paired with
headlines and tweets from personalities like Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin.
Vitalik Buterin was long believed to be the originator of Shiba Inu, but denied
such rumors on the Lex Fridman podcast on June 5, 2021.Shiba Inu aims to be the
Ethereum-based counterpart to Dogecoin''''s Srypt-based mining algorithm. Shiba
Inu and the SHIB token are part of a swarm of dog-themed cryptocurrencies,
including Baby Dogecoin (BabyDoge), Dogecoin (DOGE), JINDO INU (JIND), Alaska
Inu (LAS) and Alaskan Malamute Token (LASM). These lesser-valued tokens have
attracted investors who missed the Dogecoin pump from 0.0002 to nearly 0.75
USD.Shiba''''s success sparked an avalanche of copycats, such as BitShiba, Shiba
Fantom, Shibalana, King Shiba, SHIBAVAX, Captain Shibarrow, SHIBA2K22,
SpookyShiba and countless others. In total, there may be well over 100 Shiba Inu
copies, and the number keeps rising constantly.On Sept. 17, 2021, Coinbase, the
largest U.S.-based crypto exchange, listed Shiba Inu on their platform. This
news caused Shiba Inu price to rise by over 40% in the following two days,
bringing the meme dog token into the spotlight again.Shiba Inu has since
attracted more interest from other exchanges as well. Bitso, Mexico''''s biggest
cryptocurrency exchange, announced in September that SHIB would start trading on
its exchange. Giottus, an Indian crypto exchange, announced the same. Bitstamp,
the biggest crypto exchange in Europe, said that it would list Shiba Inu for
trading at the beginning of 2022. Korbit, a South Korean exchange, became the
country''''s first exchange to list the SHI", "longName": "Shiba Inu" }, {
"publishTime": 1601481600000, "currencyAmount": "14.47M", "mtime":
1688981312000, "publishAmount": "16.00M", "officialUrl": "https://aave.com/",
"publishTimeStr": "2020/10/01", "coinSymbol": "AAVE", "langKey": "en_US",
"ctime": 1688981312000, "id": 21, "shortName": "AAVE", "introduction": "",
"longName": "Aave" }, { "publishTime": 1598803200000, "currencyAmount":
"250.00M", "mtime": 1689041264000, "publishAmount": "230.74M", "officialUrl":
"https://www.sushi.com/", "publishTimeStr": "2020/08/31", "coinSymbol": "SUSHI",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"https://bscscan.com/token/0x947950BcC74888a40Ffa2593C5798F11Fc9124C4", "ctime":
1689041264000, "id": 22, "shortName": "Sushi", "introduction": "SushiSwap
(SUSHI) is an example of an automated market maker (AMM). An increasingly
popular tool among cryptocurrency users, AMMs are decentralized exchanges which
use smart contracts to create markets for any given pair of tokens.SushiSwap
launched in September 2020 as a fork of Uniswap, the AMM which has become
synonymous with the decentralized finance (DeFi) movement and associated trading
boom in DeFi tokens.SushiSwap aims to diversify the AMM market and also add
additional features not previously present on Uniswap, such as increased rewards
for network participants via its in-house token, SUSHI.", "longName":
"SushiSwap" }, { "publishTime": 1425139200000, "currencyAmount": "85.73B",
"mtime": 1689041611000, "publishAmount": "83.36B", "officialUrl":
"https://tether.to/", "publishTimeStr": "2015/03/01", "coinSymbol": "USDT",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://etherscan.io", "ctime":
1689041611000, "id": 23, "shortName": "USDT", "introduction": "USDT is a
stablecoin (stable-value cryptocurrency) that mirrors the price of the U.S.
dollar, issued by a Hong Kong-based company Tether. The token’s peg to the USD
is achieved via maintaining a sum of commercial paper, fiduciary deposits, cash,
reserve repo notes, and treasury bills in reserves that is equal in USD value to
the number of USDT in circulation.Originally launched in July 2014 as Realcoin,
a second-layer cryptocurrency token built on top of Bitcoin’s blockchain through
the use of the Omni platform, it was later renamed to USTether, and then,
finally, to USDT. In addition to Bitcoin’s, USDT was later updated to work on
the Ethereum, EOS, Tron, Algorand, and OMG blockchains.The stated purpose of
USDT is to combine the unrestricted nature of cryptocurrencies — which can be
sent between users without a trusted third-party intermediary — with the stable
value of the US dollar.Stablecoins are increasingly used as an inflation hedge
in recent times; compared to keeping fiat currency in a savings account
averaging 0.06%, users can lend their stablecoins and earn yields ranging from
3% to as high as 20%. However, keep in mind that regulatory, platform risks and
more entail.", "longName": "Tether" }, { "publishTime": 1362067200000,
"currencyAmount": "84.00M", "mtime": 1689042164000, "publishAmount": "73.33M",
"officialUrl": "https://litecoin.org/", "publishTimeStr": "2013/03/01",
"coinSymbol": "LTC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"https://litecoinblockexplorer.net/", "ctime": 1689042164000, "id": 24,
"shortName": "LTC", "introduction": "What Is Litecoin (LTC)?Litecoin (LTC) is a
cryptocurrency that was designed to provide fast, secure and low-cost payments
by leveraging the unique properties of blockchain technology.To learn more about
this project, check out our deep dive of Litecoin.The cryptocurrency was created
based on the Bitcoin (BTC) protocol, but it differs in terms of the hashing
algorithm used, hard cap, block transaction times and a few other factors.
Litecoin has a block time of just 2.5 minutes and extremely low transaction
fees, making it suitable for micro-transactions and point-of-sale
payments.Litecoin was released via an open-source client on GitHub on Oct. 7,
2011, and the Litecoin Network went live five days later on Oct. 13, 2011. Since
then, it has exploded in both usage and acceptance among merchants and has
counted among the top ten cryptocurrencies by market capitalization for most of
its existence.The cryptocurrency was created by Charlie Lee, a former Google
employee, who intended Litecoin to be a "lite version of Bitcoin," in
that it features many of the same properties as Bitcoin—albeit lighter in
weight.", "longName": "Litecoin" }, { "publishTime": 1500825600000,
"currencyAmount": "21.00M", "mtime": 1689042750000, "publishAmount": "19.44M",
"officialUrl": "https://bch.info/en/", "publishTimeStr": "2017/07/24",
"coinSymbol": "BCH", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689042750000, "id": 25, "shortName": "BCH", "introduction": "Bitcoin
Cash (BCH) is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that aims to become sound
global money with fast payments, micro fees, privacy and larger block size. As a
permissionless, decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin Cash requires no trusted
third parties.Bitcoin Cash was created as an alternative to the first and most
valuable cryptocurrency — Bitcoin (BTC). In 2017, BCH developers modified the
BTC code, releasing their software version and a full-fledged competitive
product, which split Bitcoin into two blockchains: Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Cash is a result of a hard fork in the blockchain due to differences in
the community over Bitcoin scaling and the SegWit upgrade. Moreover, another
hard fork, which divided Bitcoin Cash into two parts, Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin
SV, took place in the fall of 2018.The scaling debate involved two sides: small
block supporters opposed increasing block size as it could lead to blockchain
centralization and vulnerability by making it harder to host full nodes. Large
block supporters, however, advocated for a faster solution, concerned that
rising transaction fees could hinder growth.", "longName": "Bitcoin Cash" }, {
"publishTime": 1469980800000, "currencyAmount": "210.70M", "mtime":
1689045474000, "publishAmount": "141.89M", "officialUrl":
"https://ethereumclassic.org/", "publishTimeStr": "2016/08/01", "coinSymbol":
"ETC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "https://etcblockexplorer.com/",
"ctime": 1689045474000, "id": 26, "shortName": "ETC", "introduction": "Ethereum
Classic (ETC) is a hard fork of Ethereum (ETH) that launched in July 2016. Its
main function is as a smart contract network, with the ability to host and
support decentralized applications (DApps). Its native token is ETC.Since its
launch, Ethereum Classic has sought to differentiate itself from Ethereum, with
the two networks’ technical roadmap diverging further and further from each
other with time.Ethereum Classic first set out to preserve the integrity of the
existing Ethereum blockchain after a major hacking event led to the theft of 3.6
million ETH.", "longName": "Ethereum Classic" }, { "publishTime": 1595433600000,
"currencyAmount": "36.66K", "mtime": 1689046163000, "publishAmount": "33.03K",
"officialUrl": "https://yearn.finance/", "publishTimeStr": "2020/07/23",
"coinSymbol": "YFI", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689046163000, "id": 27, "shortName": "YFI", "introduction":
"Yearn.finance is an aggregator service for decentralized finance (DeFi)
investors, using automation to allow them to maximize profits from yield
farming.Its goal is to simplify the ever-expanding DeFi space for investors who
are not technically minded or who wish to interact in a less committal manner
than serious traders.Launched in February 2020, the service, formerly known as
iEarn, has seen huge growth in recent months as new products debuted and
developers released in-house token YFI.", "longName": "yearn.finance" }, {
"publishTime": 1539532800000, "currencyAmount": "27.39B", "mtime":
1689048099000, "publishAmount": "27.39B", "officialUrl":
"https://www.centre.io/usdc", "publishTimeStr": "2018/10/15", "coinSymbol":
"USDC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689048099000, "id": 28, "shortName": "USDC", "introduction": "USD Coin
(known by its ticker USDC) is a stablecoin that is pegged to the U.S. dollar on
a 1:1 basis. Every unit of this cryptocurrency in circulation is backed up by $1
that is held in reserve, in a mix of cash and short-term U.S. Treasury bonds.
The Centre consortium, which is behind this asset, says USDC is issued by
regulated financial institutions.The stablecoin originally launched on a limited
basis in September 2018. Put simply, USD Coin’s mantra is “digital money for the
digital age” — and the stablecoin is designed for a world where cashless
transactions are becoming more common.Several use cases have been unveiled for
the USD Coin. As well as providing a safe haven for crypto traders in times of
volatility, those behind the stablecoin say it can also allow businesses to
accept payments in digital assets, and shake up an array of sectors including
decentralized finance and gaming.Overall, the goal is to create an ecosystem
where USDC is accepted by as many wallets, exchanges, service providers and
dApps as possible.", "longName": "USD Coin" }, { "publishTime": 1572537600000,
"currencyAmount": "4.64B", "mtime": 1689048857000, "publishAmount": "4.64B",
"officialUrl": "https://makerdao.com/en/", "publishTimeStr": "2019/11/01",
"coinSymbol": "DAI", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689048857000, "id": 29, "shortName": "DAI", "introduction": "DAI is an
Ethereum-based stablecoin (stable-price cryptocurrency) whose issuance and
development is managed by the Maker Protocol and the MakerDAO decentralized
autonomous organization.The price of DAI is soft-pegged to the U.S. dollar and
is collateralized by a mix of other cryptocurrencies that are deposited into
smart-contract vaults every time new DAI is minted.It is important to
differentiate between Multi-Collateral DAI and Single-Collateral DAI (SAI), an
earlier version of the token that could only be collateralized by a single
cryptocurrency; SAI also doesn’t support the DAI Savings Rate, which allows
users to earn savings by holding DAI tokens.Multi-Collateral DAI was launched in
November 2019.", "longName": "Dai" }, { "publishTime": 1533052800000,
"currencyAmount": "14.88M", "mtime": 1689054516000, "publishAmount": "12.07M",
"officialUrl": "https://quant.network/", "publishTimeStr": "2018/08/01",
"coinSymbol": "QNT", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689054516000, "id": 30, "shortName": "QNT", "introduction": "Quant
launched in June 2018 with the goal of connecting blockchains and networks on a
global scale, without reducing the efficiency and interoperability of the
network. It is the first project to solve the interoperability problem through
the creation of the first blockchain operating system.To learn more about this
project, check out our deep dive of Quant.The project is built as an operating
system distributed ledger technology— and Overledger Network — for connecting
different blockchain networks. The project is billed as the first OS to be built
for blockchains.The main aim of Quant — using Overledger — is to bridge the gap
that exists between different blockchains. The backbone of the project is the
Overledger network, which Quant bills as the ecosystem on which the future
digital economy ecosystem will be built.Overledger allows developers to build
decentralized multi-chain applications (known as MApps) for their customers. For
developers to build a Mapp on the network, they must hold a certain amount of
Quant tokens (QNT).", "longName": "Quant" }, { "publishTime": 1596211200000,
"currencyAmount": "3.30B", "mtime": 1689054955000, "publishAmount": "867.88M",
"officialUrl": "https://curve.fi/#/ethereum/swap", "publishTimeStr":
"2020/08/01", "coinSymbol": "CRV", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689054955000, "id": 31, "shortName": "CRV", "introduction": "Curve is
a decentralized exchange for stablecoins that uses an automated market maker
(AMM) to manage liquidity.Launched in January 2020, Curve is now synonymous with
the decentralized finance (DeFi) phenomenon, and has seen significant growth in
the second half of 2020.In August, Curve launched a decentralized autonomous
organization (DAO), with CRV as its in-house token. The DAO uses Ethereum-based
creation tool Aragon to connect multiple smart contracts used for users’
deposited liquidity. Issues such as governance, however, differ from Aragon in
their weighting and other respects.", "longName": "Curave DAO Token" }, {
"publishTime": 1606752000000, "currencyAmount": "1.50B", "mtime": 1689055282000,
"publishAmount": "945.25M", "officialUrl": "https://1inch.io/",
"publishTimeStr": "2020/12/01", "coinSymbol": "1INCH", "langKey": "en_US",
"ctime": 1689055282000, "id": 32, "shortName": "1INCH", "introduction": "The
1inch Network unites decentralized protocols whose synergy enables the most
lucrative, fastest, and protected operations in the DeFi space.The 1inch
Network''s first protocol is a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator solution
that searches deals across multiple liquidity sources, offering users better
rates than any individual exchange. The 1inch Aggregation Protocol incorporates
the Pathfinder algorithm for finding the best paths across over 300+ liquidity
sources on 10 chains: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimistic
Ethereum, Arbitrum, Fantom, Gnosis Chain, Klaytn and Aurora.In just over two
years the 1inch DEX aggregator has reached 1M users and surpassed $150B in
overall volume on the Ethereum network alone.The 1inch Liquidity Protocol is a
next-generation automated market maker (AMM) that protects users from
front-running attacks and offers attractive opportunities to liquidity
providers.The 1inch Limit Order Protocol facilitates the most innovative and
flexible limit order swap opportunities in DeFi. The protocol’s features, such
as dynamic pricing, conditional orders, and extra RFQ support, power various
implementations, including stop-loss and trailing stop orders, as well as
auctions.The 1inch Wallet is a multichain mobile platform that provides an
easy-to-navigate interface with secure storing, transaction, and staking
capabilities. This versatile wallet was built from the ground up to streamline
interacting with 1inch’s features.The 1INCH token is the governance and utility
token of the 1inch Network. 1INCH holders can stake their tokens to participate
in the 1inch Network''s DAO governance, including the 1inch DAO Treasury
management. Also, holders can choose resolvers and earn a part of their
fees.With the 1inch Fusion, users can stake 1INCH tokens to receive Unicorn
Power (UP), then subsequently delegate their UP to any 1inch Fusion Resolver to
start receiving rewards from them. When staking, there is the option to set a
custom or preset lock period. User’s st1INCH tokens cannot be unstaked/withdrawn
without penalty until the designated lock period expires.In December 2020, 1inch
raised $12 million in Series A funding, led by Pantera Capital, with others
including ParaFi Capital, Blockchain Capital, Nima Capital, and Spartan Group.
The funding round was conducted through a SAFT (simple agreement for future
tokens) sale.In December 2021, 1inch has closed a $175 million Series B round,
led by Amber Group. Among about 50 investors that participated in the funding
event are Jane Street, VanEck, Fenbushi Capital, Alameda Research, Celsius,
Nexo, Tribe Capital and Gemini Frontier Fun", "longName": "1inch Network" }, {
"publishTime": 1543593600000, "currencyAmount": "30.26B", "mtime":
1689056115000, "publishAmount": "25.26B", "officialUrl": "https://crypto.com/",
"publishTimeStr": "2018/12/01", "coinSymbol": "CRO", "langKey": "en_US",
"ctime": 1689056115000, "id": 33, "shortName": "CRO", "introduction": "Cronos
(CRO) is the native cryptocurrency token of Cronos Chain — a decentralized,
open-source blockchain developed by the Crypto.com payment, trading and
financial services company.Cronos Chain is one of the products in Crypto.com’s
lineup of solutions designed to accelerate the global adoption of
cryptocurrencies as a means of increasing personal control over money,
safeguarding user data and protecting users’ identities. The CRO blockchain
serves primarily as a vehicle that powers the Crypto.com Pay mobile payments
app.In the future, Crypto.com plans to expand the reach of the CRO platform to
power its other products as well.CRO went live in November-December 2018.",
"longName": "Cronos" }, { "publishTime": 1504195200000, "currencyAmount":
"2.19B", "mtime": 1689056783000, "publishAmount": "1.89B", "officialUrl":
"https://decentraland.org/", "publishTimeStr": "2017/09/01", "coinSymbol":
"MANA", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689056783000, "id": 34, "shortName": "MANA", "introduction":
"Decentraland (MANA) defines itself as a virtual reality platform powered by the
Ethereum blockchain that allows users to create, experience, and monetize
content and applications.In this virtual world, users purchase plots of land
that they can later navigate, build upon and monetize.Decentraland was launched
following a $24 million initial coin offering (ICO) that was conducted in 2017.
The virtual world launched its closed beta in 2019 and opened to the public in
February 2020. Since then, users have created a wide range of experiences on
their parcels of LAND, including interactive games, sprawling 3D scenes and a
variety of other interactive experiences.Decentraland uses two tokens: MANA and
LAND. MANA is an ERC-20 token that must be burned to acquire non-fungible
ERC-721 LAND tokens. MANA tokens can also be used to pay for a range of avatars,
wearables, names, and more on the Decentraland marketplace.Decentraland (MANA)
is a decentralized virtual world platform with software based on the Ethereum
blockchain, where users create, test and monetize content. In short: users buy
virtual plots of land as NFTs with MANA tokens on the Decentraland platform.
Progress in the game depends only on players themselves, their efforts and their
imagination.The digital platform is completely owned by its users. Within the
Decentraland metaverse, participants can explore the virtual world, purchase
plots of land that can be monetized, create works of art, own non-fungible
tokens (NFTs), and take part in a decentralized autonomous organization of the
platform Decentraland DAO. Due to the DAO, the community influences the
development vector of the project.In addition, users have access to interactive
applications, in-world payments and peer-to-peer communication. The 3D world
resonates with many participants as Decentraland has many applications, both
entertainment for gamers and business for investors.Two types of tokens called
MANA and LAND govern operations in Decentraland. They also allow users to
interact with the platform.MANA is the official currency of Decentraland. It’s
an ERC-20 standard token that powers the Decentraland platform. With MANA, users
can purchase plots of LAND, as well as pay for in-game items and services.MANA
gives its holders the right to vote in Decentraland DAO. MANA can be purchased
on a cryptocurrency exchange or by selling collectibles on Decentraland
Marketplace. The owner of tokens converts them to wrapped MANA, or wMANA, and
then commits them to the DAO. One wMANA equals one vote. MANA can be exchanged
for fiat currency and other digital assets.As for LAND, it’s a non-fungible
token (NFT) based on Ethereum (ETH). It is used to track ownership of land
parcels aka digital real estate. Like MANA, LAND is part of the protocol and
confers voting rights, but LAND does not need to be fixed in the DAO. One LAND
is equal to two thousand votes.Players choose what to do with their land. Owners
store tokens in crypto wallets and buy necessities with MANA tokens on the
Decentraland Marketplace. Moreover, on the marketplace, participants can manage
or exchange LAND tokens (priced in MANA). Holders use the marketplace to
transact or transfer in-game items. All transactions are conducted, regulated
and registered via the Ethereum blockchain.Decentraland combines an online
gaming space and blockchain technology. All control over the rules is given to
the players, and token holders vote on in-game and organizational policies. The
original goal was to form a decentralized virtual reality, but in practice,
Decentraland has turned into a massive NFT market.A special role in Decentraland
is assigned to NFTs, such as collectibles, virtual equipment and real estate
(LAND). However, for new players who want to join the universe and seize NFTs,
the entry barrier will be high.The Decentraland protocol is built on three
levels using Ethereum smart contracts. On the consensus layer, the ownership of
LAND is tracked and managed. The land content layer displays the content of the
Decentraland virtual world. Finally, on the real-time layer, participants
interact with each other.The platform was co-founded by two blockchain experts,
Ari Meilich and Esteban Ordano, in 2015. Officially it was launched a year later
and became available only in February 2020, gradually turning from a 2D
experiment into a full-fledged 3D world.To sum up, Decentraland is a
decentralized game and a 3D virtual reality platform where players own lands and
create limitlessly. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) software is at
the core, and governance is in the hands of the community. Through the native
token MANA, players participate in any proposals for managing and improving the
ecosystem, the auction system, and the in-game policy.", "longName":
"Decentraland" }, { "publishTime": 1519833600000, "currencyAmount": "3.17B",
"mtime": 1689057405000, "publishAmount": "3.17B", "officialUrl":
"https://fantom.foundation/", "publishTimeStr": "2018/03/01", "coinSymbol":
"FTM", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689057405000, "id": 35, "shortName": "FTM", "introduction": "Fantom is
a directed acyclic graph (DAG) smart contract platform providing decentralized
finance (DeFi) services to developers using its own bespoke consensus
algorithm.Together with its in-house token FTM, Fantom aims to solve problems
associated with smart-contract platforms, specifically transaction speed, which
developers say they have reduced to under two seconds.The Fantom Foundation,
which oversees the Fantom product offering, was originally created in 2018, with
the launch of OPERA, Fantom’s mainnet, coming in December 2019.Fantom is an
open-source decentralized smart contract platform for DApps and digital assets
that was created as an alternative to Ethereum. Fantom has the goal of
overcoming the limitations of previous generation blockchains and balancing
three components: scalability, security and decentralization. The project offers
a set of tools to simplify the process of integrating existing DApps, as well as
a detailed staking reward system and built-in DeFi instruments.Fantom is a
Layer-1 blockchain that uses a scratch-built consensus mechanism and independent
consensus layer, Lachesis, to facilitate DeFi and related services on the basis
of smart contracts. Lachesis provides security for other layers as well,
including Opera, Fantom''s EVM-compatible smart contract chain. The long-playing
mission of the project is to “grant compatibility between all transaction bodies
around the world.”One of Fantom''s key strengths is its performance and
efficient transaction processing, namely thousands of transactions per second,
where transactions are settled in 1-2 seconds, and the cost is fractions of a
cent per transaction. As a result, Fantom provides higher scalability but at a
lower cost.The ecosystem is based on two main technologies: Lachesis protocol
and Opera.The Lachesis protocol is the core consensus layer that secures the
Fantom network by providing both transaction speed and security.Lachesis is an
aBFT consensus engine that uses a directed acyclic graph (DAG) algorithm. How it
works: network data can be processed at different times, and the network filters
the participants, allowing only one third, which are allocated due to erroneous
or malicious behavior, without compromising network processes.Fantom''s
Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant (aBFT) Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus
mechanism maintains the efficiency of the entire network, its design provides
security at maximum speed. Fantom developers emphasize that the PoS mechanism is
a leaderless phenomenon — there are no leaders of blocks and participants, and
anyone can join (or leave) the network of nodes at a convenient moment.The key
qualities of Lachesis are: asynchronous, leaderless, Byzantine fault-tolerant,
and near-instant finality.As for Opera, it''s an application development layer
or Fantom''s mainnet deployment platform, permissionless and open-source hosting
DApps. Thanks to EVM integration and support for the Solidity programming
language, Fantom has a full set of smart contract capabilities, which allows
users to seamlessly interact with Ethereum platforms while maintaining the
advantage of Fantom''s transaction efficiency.The Fantom Foundation concluded
that removing block leaders improves network security, so Opera uses a PoS model
and leaderless validators (validators do not determine which blocks are
valid).In addition to being a fast, secure and cheap payment platform that
enables to make fast and secure payments at minimal cost, Fantom also features
on-chain governance where users vote with FTM tokens (one token equals one
vote). Of the features: users have the right to express the degree of agreement
/ disagreement on a scale from 0 to 4.FTM is the native utility in-house PoS
token of Fantom that powers the ecosystem and is applied for payments, network
fees, staking, and governance. FTM forms the backbone of transactions, and
allows fee collection and staking activities, along with the user rewards the
latter repre", "longName": "Fantom" }, { "publishTime": 1593532800000,
"currencyAmount": "31.41M", "mtime": 1689058487000, "publishAmount": "25.68M",
"officialUrl": "https://multiversx.com/", "publishTimeStr": "2020/07/01",
"coinSymbol": "EGLD", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"https://bscscan.com/token/0xbf7c81fff98bbe61b40ed186e4afd6ddd01337fe", "ctime":
1689058487000, "id": 36, "shortName": "EGLD", "introduction": "MultiversX is a
blockchain protocol that seeks to offer extremely fast transaction speeds by
using sharding. The project describes itself as a technology ecosystem for the
new internet, which includes fintech, decentralized finance and the Internet of
Things. Its smart contracts execution platform is reportedly capable of 15,000
transactions per second, six-second latency and a $0.001 transaction
cost.MultiversX rewards the community and active participants with EGLD tokens.
EGLD, or Electronic Gold, is Elrond''s native token. It acts as a store of value
currency to pay for network usage. The coin also serves as a medium of exchange
between platform users and validators. Users pay transaction fees in EGLD and
validators provide services.EGLD allows developers to deploy smart contracts,
protocols, and dApps on the platform. It empowers participants to perform any
network action. Through staking and validation rewards, as well as transaction
fees, EGLD manages the Elrond network. Plus, EGLD is endowed with the
functionality of a governance token, so its holders can vote on network
decisions.MultiversX was first announced in August 2019, and its mainnet went
live in July 2020", "longName": "MultiversX" }, { "publishTime": 1685548800000,
"currencyAmount": "10.00M", "mtime": 1689058815000, "publishAmount": "10.00M",
"officialUrl": "https://www.qxc.finance/", "publishTimeStr": "2023/06/01",
"coinSymbol": "QXXC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689058815000, "id": 37, "shortName": "QXXC", "introduction":
"QuantumXC Exchange: The QuantumXC Exchange is a state-of-the-art trading
platform that provides users with a seamless and secure environment to engage in
cryptocurrency trading. With advanced features and intuitive user interface, the
QuantumXC Exchange offers a comprehensive set of tools and functionalities to
cater to the needs of both novice and experienced traders.", "longName":
"QuantumXC" }, { "publishTime": 1598889600000, "currencyAmount": "50.00B",
"mtime": 1689059441000, "publishAmount": "21.62B", "officialUrl":
"https://gala.com/", "publishTimeStr": "2020/09/01", "coinSymbol": "GALA",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689059441000, "id": 38, "shortName": "GALA", "introduction": "Gala
Games was created by industry-leading game developers who came together to bring
value back to the players with the help of Web3 and blockchain tech. Its
founders saw major problems with the way today’s leading game publishers demand
that players continually spend to keep enjoying a game they love. Scrapping the
old model, Gala is creating a huge platform with AAA-level games (many free to
play) designed to give players more freedom, control, and rewards than ever.With
dozens of Web3 games (including many well-known IPs) in various stages of
development or already released, Gala Games is poised to become a Web3 gaming
ecosystem large enough to compete with mainstream platforms.", "longName":
"Gala" }, { "publishTime": 1561910400000, "currencyAmount": "8.88B", "mtime":
1689059632000, "publishAmount": "7.02B", "officialUrl":
"https://www.chiliz.com/", "publishTimeStr": "2019/07/01", "coinSymbol": "CHZ",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689059632000, "id": 39, "shortName": "CHZ", "introduction": "Chiliz is
the leading digital currency for sports and entertainment by the eponymous
Malta-based FinTech provider. It operates the blockchain-based sports
entertainment platform Socios, which enables users to participate in the
governance of their favorite sports brands. Multiple fan tokens by Socios.com
are an example of that. For sports clubs and associations, fan tokens offer a
way of connecting with their fans and unlocking new revenue streams.For
instance, fans can participate and influence club-related decisions through
surveys and polls, such as messages the captain should wear on his armband. The
company aims to bridge the gap between being an active and a passive fan. Chiliz
has developed partnerships with some of the biggest sporting institutions in the
world: FC Barcelona, Manchester City, Juventus Turin, and Paris Saint-Germain.
It also boasts partnerships with the UFC and gaming organizations. By purchasing
CHZ, fans get access to various fan tokens and literally have a stake in their
club.", "longName": "Chiliz" }, { "publishTime": 1596211200000,
"currencyAmount": "3.00B", "mtime": 1689059932000, "publishAmount": "1.86B",
"officialUrl": "https://www.sandbox.game/en/", "publishTimeStr": "2020/08/01",
"coinSymbol": "SAND", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689059932000, "id": 40, "shortName": "SAND", "introduction": "Launched
in 2011 by Pixowl, The Sandbox is a blockchain-based virtual world allowing
users to create, build, buy and sell digital assets in the form of a game. By
combining the powers of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) and
non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the Sandbox creates a decentralized platform for a
thriving gaming community.According to the official whitepaper, the Sandbox
platform’s main mission is to introduce blockchain technology in mainstream
gaming successfully. The platform focuses on facilitating a creative
“play-to-earn” model, which allows users to be both creators and gamers
simultaneously. The Sandbox employs the powers of blockchain technology by
introducing the SAND utility token, which facilitates transactions on the
platform.", "longName": "The Sandbox" }, { "publishTime": 1504195200000,
"currencyAmount": "1.37B", "mtime": 1689060200000, "publishAmount": "1.33B",
"officialUrl": "https://loopring.org/#/", "publishTimeStr": "2017/09/01",
"coinSymbol": "LRC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689060200000, "id": 41, "shortName": "LRC", "introduction": "LRC is
the Ethereum-based cryptocurrency token of Loopring, an open protocol designed
for the building of decentralized crypto exchanges.In 2020, the average daily
trading volume of the entire cryptocurrency market fluctuated in the approximate
range of $50-$200 million. Most of that trading is conducted on centralized
cryptocurrency exchanges — online platforms operated by private companies that
store users’ funds and facilitate the matching of buy and sell orders.Such
platforms have a number of downsides common to all of them, so a new type of
exchange — decentralized— has emerged to try to alleviate these disadvantages.
However, fully decentralized exchanges are not without their own
flaws.Loopring’s purported goal is to combine centralized order matching with
decentralized on-blockchain order settlement into a hybridized product that will
take the best aspects of both centralized and decentralized exchanges.LRC tokens
became available to the public during an initial coin offering (ICO) in August
2017, while the Loopring protocol was first deployed on Ethereum mainnet in
December 2019.", "longName": "Loopring" }, { "publishTime": 1590940800000,
"currencyAmount": "536.87M", "mtime": 1689060531000, "publishAmount": "368.85M",
"officialUrl": "https://rendertoken.com/", "publishTimeStr": "2020/06/01",
"coinSymbol": "RNDR", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"ctime": 1689060531000, "id": 42, "shortName": "RNDR", "introduction":
"RenderToken (RNDR) is a distributed GPU rendering network built on top of the
Ethereum blockchain, aiming to connect artists and studios in need of GPU
compute power with mining partners willing to rent their GPU capabilities out.
Conceived in 2009 by OTOY, inc. CEO Jules Urbach and launched in 2017, RNDR held
its first public token sale in October of that same year, followed by a private
sale period lasting from January 2018 – May 2018, wherein a total of 117,843,239
RNDR were sold at a price of 1 RNDR = $0.25 USD equivalent of token. During the
private sale period, early adopters were onboarded onto the RNDR Beta Testnet,
where beta node operators and artists worked collaboratively with the RNDR team
in building and testing the network, up until its public launch on April 27th
2020.", "longName": "Render Token" }, { "publishTime": 1522512000000,
"currencyAmount": "86.71B", "mtime": 1689060800000, "publishAmount": "72.71B",
"officialUrl": "https://www.vechain.org/", "publishTimeStr": "2018/04/01",
"coinSymbol": "VET", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"https://vechainstats.com/", "ctime": 1689060800000, "id": 43, "shortName":
"VET", "introduction": "VeChain (VET) is a versatile enterprise-grade L1 smart
contract platform.VeChain began in 2015 as a private consoritium chain, working
with a host of enterprises to explore applications of blockchain. VeChain would
begin their transition to public blockchain in 2017 with the ERC-20 token VEN,
before launching a mainnet of their own in 2018 using the ticker VET.VeChain
aims to use distributed governance and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to
create an ecosystem which solves major data hurdles for multiple global
industries from medical to energy, food & beverage to sustainability and SDG
goals. By leveraging the power of trustless data, VeChain is building the
digital backbone that will underpin the fourth industrial revolution, which
demands real-time and trustless data sharing between many participants.The
platform uses two tokens, VET and VTHO, to manage and create value based on its
VeChainThor public blockchain. VET generates VTHO and acts as the store of value
and value transfer medium. VTHO is used to pay for GAS costs, separating the
need to expend VET when writing data. This has the additional benefit of
ensuring costs of using the network can be kept stable by tweaking certain
variables such as the amount of VTHO required to service a transaction, or by
increasing the VTHO geneation rate. Such actions first require all-stakeholder
community votes.VeChain has been able to demonstrate massively boosted
efficiency, traceability and transparency across data trails, supply chains and
within novel kinds of ecosystems, such as those in San Marino targeting UN SDGs,
among others.", "longName": "VeChain" }, { "publishTime": null,
"currencyAmount": "", "mtime": 1692612508000, "publishAmount": "",
"officialUrl": "http://www.geoleaf.io/", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol":
"GLT", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl":
"https://bscscan.com/token/0x5bacf846595cd00379592f07831f734653e6feb2", "ctime":
1692612508000, "id": 44, "shortName": "GLT", "introduction": "Geoleaf, a unique
and ambitious cryptocurrency project, aims to address the global water crisis by
offering products, innovative technology, and monetary donations to registered
charities and communities around the world. The project operates on the
GroveCoin Network, a blockchain-based platform promoting sustainability and
positive social impact through incentivizing eco-friendly practices. By using
the GroveCoin blockchain, Geoleaf extends its environmental impact, allowing
users to earn rewards for holding a token that benefits the environment through
action, such as recycling, using renewable energy sources, or reducing carbon
emissions.The Geoleaf project has a multichain launch on both the Binance Smart
Chain and the Grove Blockchain, with plans to add more chains over time. It
employs a tax system that remains constant at 10%, comprising 4% GroveCoin
reflections, 3% marketing, 1% charity donations, 1% buy back and burn of GRV
tokens, and 1% buy back and burn of GLT tokens. This tax structure encourages
holders to hold and earn rewards, while also supporting the donation wallet,
ensuring the project''''s success and growth.Geoleaf differentiates itself from
other projects launching on the Grove Blockchain through its high rewards in
GroveCoin, its community-driven approach, and its commitment to addressing the
global water crisis.The project''''s utility lies in its 1% donation allocation,
which will be used to fund various charitable efforts to combat the water
crisis. Geoleaf is currently exploring innovative solutions such as 3D printing
water filters and other products that can be donated. The project is in
discussions with water charities and organizations to form strong partnerships,
and plans to launch an online store where users can purchase products and
merchandise. Geoleaf''''s social channels, including Twitter, Telegram, website,
and Discord, provide additional ways for individuals to connect and engage with
the", "longName": "GeoLeaf" }, { "publishTime": 1681833600000, "currencyAmount":
"391.79T", "mtime": 1692943615000, "publishAmount": "391.79T", "officialUrl":
"https://www.pepe.vip/", "publishTimeStr": "2023/04/19", "coinSymbol": "PEPE",
"langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "www.etherscan.com", "ctime":
1692943615000, "id": 45, "shortName": "PEPE", "introduction": "PEPE is a
deflationary memecoin launched on Ethereum. The cryptocurrency was created as a
tribute to the Pepe the Frog internet meme, created by Matt Furie, which gained
popularity in the early 2000s.The project aims to capitalize on the popularity
of meme coins, like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, and strives to establish itself as
one of the top meme-based cryptocurrencies. PEPE appeals to the cryptocurrency
community by instituting a no-tax policy, a redistributive system rewarding
long-term stakers, and a burning mechanism to maintain scarcity of the PEPE
coin.In late April to May 2023, the explosive surge of PEPE caused its market
cap to reach a high of $1.6 billion at one point, minting millionaires out of
early holders and attracting a strong community of like-minded followers. It has
induced what some may dub a "memecoin season," causing
other memecoins — some launched within hours — to go on spectacular pumps and
just as astounding dumps. It remains to be seen if PEPE and other memecoins will
go on to new highs, although that is certainly the hope of many bagholders.The
PEPE roadmap features three phases, where phase one includes listing on
CoinMarketCap, and getting $PEPE trending on Twitter, while phase two includes
listing on centralized exchanges (CEXs) and phase three includes “tier 1”
exchange listings and what the team terms a “meme takeover.”", "longName":
"PEPE" }, { "publishTime": 1639670400000, "currencyAmount": "1.00T", "mtime":
1693549549000, "publishAmount": "1.00T", "officialUrl": "https://safemoon.com/",
"publishTimeStr": "2021/12/17", "coinSymbol": "SFM", "langKey": "en_US",
"blockchainUrl": "https://bscscan.com/", "ctime": 1693549549000, "id": 46,
"shortName": "SFM", "introduction": "A human-focused technology and innovation
business expanding blockchain technologies for a brighter tomorrow. Deeply
connected to and driven by its award winning community (The SafeMoon Army),
SafeMoon is innovating for good. Building blockchain, commerce, metaverse and
NFT products to derive new kinds of value from crypto technology and to apply it
to increasingly better use.According to the SafeMoon website, SafeMoon is a
decentralized finance (DeFi) token that has four functions that take place
during each trade: Reflection, LP Acquisition, Token Burn and Growth
Fund.SafeMoon is now addressing the second part of its mission – the expansion
and channeling of its technology to propel new innovations for good, and a
Venture Philanthropy model to advance those innovations to every part of the
world.With SafeMoon Protocol, token holders will earn more SAFEMOON depending on
how many tokens they have. SafeMoon protocol will gain value over time thanks to
its coin-burning strategy, making it a deflationary digital currency.",
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