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POST /Account/LogOff

<form action="/Account/LogOff" id="logoutForm" method="post"><input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="EpjHTMydbmm0JXgMnP6y-mX27SIQWXTKZxTPp3ANrE4gZPSsIN5YvI8sHY25h2wTPdI0fVubCrxVoZvjZ9eGOHkUdVOC9gqoqyleBTq2-B01"> <a class="kfds-btn-sidemenu" href="javascript:document.getElementById('logoutForm').submit()">
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POST /Buttons/GoToPayPalExpressCheckoutGiveGold?buttonId=T6T8BG4IO

<form action="/Buttons/GoToPayPalExpressCheckoutGiveGold?buttonId=T6T8BG4IO" class="giveGoldForm" method="post">
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  <div class="error" role="alert" v-for="error in paymentMethodsContext.stripeCheckout.elements.errors" style="display: flex; justify-content:center">
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    <span class="message" style="font-size: 14px; color: #e25950">{{ error }}</span>
  <button type="submit" class="kfds-btn-primary kfds-font-bold kfds-lyt-width-100 kfds-btm-mrgn-16 custom-color-solid-bg" style="font-size: 18px; margin-top: 15px; height: 47px;">Pay now</button>

POST /Onboarding/SocialLogin

<form action="/Onboarding/SocialLogin" id="social-onboarding-form" method="post"> <input type="hidden" v-model="intent" name="intent">
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POST /Report/Content

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POST /Account/Register

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POST /Account/ExternalLogin

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Hi! My name is mimzyyMay and I am an artist Vtuber. I run a small group for
Vtubers called En-V Arcade where we lift each other up and help provide things
for new streamers to do, such as our Minecraft server.

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> if you support me it will allow me to make my set up better and expand upon
> En-V Arcade so we can support more Vtubers!
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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
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Grat Grottenberg bought a coffee · 8 days

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for really poggers girlboss artwork :)
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

retrace bought a coffee · 3 months ago

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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
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shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
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mimzyyMay Creator · 9 months ago

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bark bark bark !
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

mimzyyMay · 1 yr ago

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Grat's Commission
grat gave me money to draw whatever i wanted, so i drew whatever i wanted. i
have been very into ball joined dolls recently and a lot of them are just a
little freaky looking

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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
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mimzyyMay Creator · 1 yr ago

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Here are my discount codes for the holidays! CHRISTMIMZ for 15% off until
12/31/2022 NEWYEARS for 7% off until 1/31/2022
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: True
hasSaidThankYou: True
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: True
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Wallow bought a coffee · 1 yr ago

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Thanks again for the model
thank you wallow it was a pleasure working on it with you!!! :^DDD
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
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Ice_puddle bought a coffee · 2 yrs ago

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Ur so epick and cool make me a vr model uwuwwuuwuw
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

mimzyyMay · 2 yrs ago

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Commission for AJ
Just finished a commission for my pal AJ! This guy was really fun to draw, live
and die for vampire dude.

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mimzyyMay 9 months ago
bark bark bark !
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mimzyyMay 1 yr ago
Grat's Commission
grat gave me money to draw whatever i wanted, so i drew whatever i wanted. i
have been very into ball joined dolls recently and a lot of them are just a
little freaky looking


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mimzyyMay 1 yr ago
Here are my discount codes for the holidays! CHRISTMIMZ for 15% off until
12/31/2022 NEWYEARS for 7% off until 1/31/2022
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mimzyyMay 2 yrs ago
Commission for AJ
Just finished a commission for my pal AJ! This guy was really fun to draw, live
and die for vampire dude.


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Free +
Vroid Iris Set 1 Includes 19 irises and 1 highlight. by CreatorName



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