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Submitted URL: https://enchantedpig.com/
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Submission: On June 06 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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May seems to have flown by. It was so much fun checking out everyone's amazingly
magical attire at the Spring Fairy Festival put on by Crescent Moon Gifts. Our
lovely water, air, and fire fairy steins will be at Black Bird Apothecary. They
are one of a kind, so don't miss out.

We are quite booked for June, so there are plenty of chances to catch us. June
1-2 we have the Point Defiance Flower and Garden Festival at point Defiance
park. It will be a huge event and as local Tacomans we are so excited to be a
part of it!

The next weekend June 9th we will be at the Fremont Sunday Market, on the Bridge
Bazaar side.

Then on June 15th we will be at Ebony and Ivory Coffee's Pop-up Event in Lacey.
This is much shorter event from 10-2pm, but we will probably be there early
enjoying some delightful drip.

Many more exciting events coming this year! Follow me on Instagram for most up
to date information.


The Enchanted Pig is proud to be part of the Point Defiance Flower & Garden
Festival. It’s the perfect place to find garden inspiration, shopping, food, and
fun. Mark your calendar for June 1-2 and we hope to see you there!


Just across the street from the Fremont Sunday Market, we are excited to be back
in Seattle representing some south sound pride.


Find us sipping on some Blissful Brews at Ebony & Ivory Coffee in Lacey. They
have another location in Downtown Tacoma, so even if you can't make it you'll
still have a great way to start your Sunday.



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Orders may take 2-3 weeks for delivery.

I try to keep things as consistent as possible but each item is handcrafted and
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