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Today's The Day! This Giving Tuesday, DOUBLE your IMPACT!

DOUBLE your IMPACT! Give someone like Baden a new start

Someone like Baden needs you, right now.

When you give to First Step, you’re helping some of the most vulnerable
individuals in Victoria.

And when you give to our Giving Tuesday Appeal, your donation will be MATCHED*
by our generous major donor.

Most people who come to First Step have survived childhood traumas such as
abuse, neglect and homelessness.  They need help across many areas including
mental health, physical health, addiction and legal support.

We’re here for people brave enough to reach out for help at their most
vulnerable, and survivors like Baden should get all the help they want and need
from one team in one place.

“It was not easy”, says Baden, “I knew I needed help, but I just didn’t know how
I was going to do it. I just thought, ‘why not rock up to these appointments? 
It’s going to be better than being in the rooming house.’ So, I just rocked up. 
I turned up to every appointment. I just kept turning up.”

Baden got through it and has come out the other side, a journey that was only
made possible thanks to donations from compassionate people like you.

Please donate to our appeal and join the global spirit of generosity.

About First Step

First Step is an addiction, mental health and legal services hub supporting over
1,800 people each year. 

We focus on incremental, whole of life improvements that build gently towards
stabilisation of physical and mental health.  We work to keep people connected
to their families, participating in society and taking control of their own

This is delivered by a uniquely multi-disciplinary team of GPs, psychologists,
psychiatrists, lawyers, mental health nurses, care coordinators, counsellors and
psycho-social supports. 

All for free. All from one team. All at one site.

With deep gratitude to our major donor:

*Donations will be matched up to $20,000

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Original Goal: $20,000

New Goal: $25,000

We've Raised: $6,359


We are at 25% of our goal.

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Today's The Day! This Giving Tuesday, DOUBLE your IMPACT!

DOUBLE your IMPACT! Give someone like Baden a new start

Someone like Baden needs you, right now.

When you give to First Step, you’re helping some of the most vulnerable
individuals in Victoria.

And when you give to our Giving Tuesday Appeal, your donation will be MATCHED*
by our generous major donor.

Most people who come to First Step have survived childhood traumas such as
abuse, neglect and homelessness.  They need help across many areas including
mental health, physical health, addiction and legal support.

Click to

We’re here for people brave enough to reach out for help at their most
vulnerable, and survivors like Baden should get all the help they want and need
from one team in one place.

“It was not easy”, says Baden, “I knew I needed help, but I just didn’t know how
I was going to do it. I just thought, ‘why not rock up to these appointments? 
It’s going to be better than being in the rooming house.’ So, I just rocked up. 
I turned up to every appointment. I just kept turning up.”

Baden got through it and has come out the other side, a journey that was only
made possible thanks to donations from compassionate people like you.

Please donate to our Giving Tuesday appeal and join the global spirit of

About First Step

First Step is an addiction, mental health and legal services hub supporting over
1,800 people each year. 

We focus on incremental, whole of life improvements that build gently towards
stabilisation of physical and mental health.  We work to keep people connected
to their families, participating in society and taking control of their own

This is delivered by a uniquely multi-disciplinary team of GPs, psychologists,
psychiatrists, lawyers, mental health nurses, care coordinators, counsellors and
psycho-social supports. 

All for free. All from one team. All at one site.

*Donations will be matched up to $20,000

With deep gratitude to our major donor:

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Supporters (97)

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Ignacio Zuniga

donated to

Giving Tuesday Appeal

1 yr ago

I'm sorry I can't afford more it was my last $5 in account. But first step is
amazing. Thanks for all U do. Ignacio Zuniga


Neuk Foundation

donated to

Giving Tuesday Appeal

1 yr ago


Rob Phillpot

donated to

Giving Tuesday Appeal

1 yr ago


Victoria Tordy

donated to

Giving Tuesday Appeal

1 yr ago


Ross Closter

donated to

Giving Tuesday Appeal

1 yr ago


Cameron Dare

donated to

Giving Tuesday Appeal

1 yr ago

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$50 will provide [add your description]
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$75 will provide [add your description]
(the donation button above can be hidden)

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

At First Step Program (ABN: 51 093 661 995), we use the GiveEasy platform so
your donations are secure. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in
touch via 0413827829 or via email

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