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Intentional Essentials


 * Home
 * Life Coaching
 * Essential Oils / Aromatherapy
 * Zentangle®
 * Nancy Lubin Design – Handweaving
 * About Nancy

 * Home
 * Life Coaching
 * Essential Oils / Aromatherapy
 * Zentangle®
 * Nancy Lubin Design – Handweaving
 * About Nancy

 * Life Coaching

 * Essential Oils / Aromatherapy

 * Zentangle®

My intense curiosity about our inner lives, and a varied and deep interest in
the plant world have taken me through certifications as a Life Coach, a
Zentangle® teacher and an Aromatherapist. In my 20’s, this curiosity led me to
living alone on a wilderness farm, supporting myself with my handweaving. The
meditative quality of time spent at the loom, and the life metaphor that arose
from the intersection of threads, moved me to explore ways I could share my
insights. Life coach training and certification provided the perfect structure
to assist people to draw on their own strengths and learning process, as I had
done. Today I weave the many threads of my life into a whole that suits me. It
is that holistic philosophy which is present is the work I do with others,
whether it is aromatherapy, or coaching, or Zentangle®.


Handwoven scarves, stoles, throws from Maine wool and other luxury fibers.
Custom orders invited. Hand-beaded eyeglass necklaces and Aromatherapy gifts add
to the beautiful colors and textures. Learn more.


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Nancy resides in Camden, Maine. Coaching and aromatherapy consultations are
conducted by phone, by Skype or in her office at Camden Whole Health.

Email: nancy@intention.com
Call: 207-200-4069


Email Address
For occasional updates, please select one or more of these topics:
 * Life Coaching
 * Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
 * Nancy Lubin Design - Handweaving
 * Zentangle®

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