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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Luminary Gilded Rug
Gold Luminary Gilded Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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5 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Aurum Harmony Rug
Gold Aurum Harmony Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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Only 1 left!

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Solis Silhouette Rug
Gold Solis Silhouette Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Solis Brilliance Rug
Gold Solis Brilliance Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Radiant Gleam Rug
Gold Radiant Gleam Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Luminous Luxe Rug
Gold Luminous Luxe Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Imperial Aurum Rug
Gold Imperial Aurum Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Aurum Velvet Rug
Gold Aurum Velvet Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Aurum Splendor Rug
Gold Aurum Splendor Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Aurum Essence Rug
Gold Aurum Essence Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Auric Whisper Rug
Gold Auric Whisper Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Auric Opulence Rug
Gold Auric Opulence Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Auric Majesty Rug
Gold Auric Majesty Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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Only 1 left!

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Auric Enchantment Rug
Gold Auric Enchantment Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Gold Aureate Elegance Rug
Gold Aureate Elegance Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 7,189.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
R 809.00 - R 5,389.00
Current price R 809.00
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2 in stock

The Kristal Gold collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 25% Save % Jute Line Pattern Dark Beige Rug
Jute Line Pattern Dark Beige Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
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Only 1 left!

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

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Save up to 25% Save % Jute Cube Rug
Jute Cube Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
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3 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

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Save up to 25% Save % Jute Frame Rug
Jute Frame Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
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2 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

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Save up to 25% Save % Jute Labyrinth Rug
Jute Labyrinth Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
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3 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

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Save up to 25% Save % Jute Dark Line Rug
Jute Dark Line Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
2 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Jute Geometric Rug
Jute Geometric Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
2 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Jute Striped Rug
Jute Striped Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
3 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Jute Diamond White Rug
Jute Diamond White Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
3 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Jute Chane Rug
Jute Chane Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
4 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Jute White Beige Rug - 25277A
Jute White Beige Rug - 25277A
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
3 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Jute Dark Frame Pattern Brown Rug
Jute Dark Frame Pattern Brown Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
5 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Jute Mixed Pattern Brown Rug
Jute Mixed Pattern Brown Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
5 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Jute Triangle Pattern Brown Rug
Jute Triangle Pattern Brown Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
2 in stock

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

View full details


Save 15% Save % Dora Hand Knitting Yarn Black
Dora Hand Knitting Yarn Black
Original price R 339.00
Original price R 339.00 - Original price R 339.00
Original price R 339.00
Current price R 289.00
R 289.00 - R 289.00
Current price R 289.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 3 Article: Dora

Save 15% Save % Dora Hand Knitting Yarn White
Dora Hand Knitting Yarn White
Original price R 339.00
Original price R 339.00 - Original price R 339.00
Original price R 339.00
Current price R 289.00
R 289.00 - R 289.00
Current price R 289.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 3 Article: Dora

Save 13% Save % Favori Hand Knitting Yarn Pink
Favori Hand Knitting Yarn Pink
Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00 - Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00
Current price R 259.00
R 259.00 - R 259.00
Current price R 259.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 4, 4.5 Article: Favori

Save 13% Save % Favori Hand Knitting Yarn Red
Favori Hand Knitting Yarn Red
Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00 - Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00
Current price R 259.00
R 259.00 - R 259.00
Current price R 259.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 4, 4.5 Article: Favori

Save 13% Save % Favori Hand Knitting Yarn White
Favori Hand Knitting Yarn White
Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00 - Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00
Current price R 259.00
R 259.00 - R 259.00
Current price R 259.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 4, 4.5 Article: Favori

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 401
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 401
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 403
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 403
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 404
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 404
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 406
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 406
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 407
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 407
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 408
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 408
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 409
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 409
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 411
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 411
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 13% Save % Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 412
Magic Baby Hand Knitting Yarn 412
Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00 - Original price R 389.00
Original price R 389.00
Current price R 339.00
R 339.00 - R 339.00
Current price R 339.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3,
3.5 Crochet Size: 2.5 Article: Magic Baby

Save 14% Save % Nako Sport Hand Knitting Yarn Blue
Nako Sport Hand Knitting Yarn Blue
Original price R 429.00
Original price R 429.00 - Original price R 429.00
Original price R 429.00
Current price R 369.00
R 369.00 - R 369.00
Current price R 369.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 75%, Wool 25% Knight
Size: 6-7 Crochet Size: 4.5 Article: Nako Sport Wool

Save 14% Save % Nako Sport Hand Knitting Yarn Green
Nako Sport Hand Knitting Yarn Green
Original price R 429.00
Original price R 429.00 - Original price R 429.00
Original price R 429.00
Current price R 369.00
R 369.00 - R 369.00
Current price R 369.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 75%, Wool 25% Knight
Size: 6-7 Crochet Size: 4.5 Article: Nako Sport Wool

Save 14% Save % Soft Baby Hand Knitting Yarn Red
Soft Baby Hand Knitting Yarn Red
Original price R 509.00
Original price R 509.00 - Original price R 509.00
Original price R 509.00
Current price R 439.00
R 439.00 - R 439.00
Current price R 439.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Micro Polyester 100% Knight
Size: 6.5 Article: Soft Baby

Save 14% Save % Soft Baby Hand Knitting Yarn Yellow
Soft Baby Hand Knitting Yarn Yellow
Original price R 509.00
Original price R 509.00 - Original price R 509.00
Original price R 509.00
Current price R 439.00
R 439.00 - R 439.00
Current price R 439.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Micro Polyester 100% Knight
Size: 6.5 Article: Soft Baby

Save 14% Save % Star Hand Knitting Yarn Antracite
Star Hand Knitting Yarn Antracite
Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00 - Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00
Current price R 249.00
R 249.00 - R 249.00
Current price R 249.00
| /
20 in stock

Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic Composition: Acrylic %100 NM: 3 Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 3.5 Article: Star Lenght: 300

Save 14% Save % Star Hand Knitting Yarn Beige
Star Hand Knitting Yarn Beige
Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00 - Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00
Current price R 249.00
R 249.00 - R 249.00
Current price R 249.00
| /
20 in stock

Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic Composition: Acrylic %100 NM: 3 Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 3.5 Article: Star Lenght: 300

Save 14% Save % Star Hand Knitting Yarn Black
Star Hand Knitting Yarn Black
Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00 - Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00
Current price R 249.00
R 249.00 - R 249.00
Current price R 249.00
| /
20 in stock

Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic Composition: Acrylic %100 NM: 3 Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 3.5 Article: Star Lenght: 300

Save 14% Save % Star Hand Knitting Yarn Bright Pink
Star Hand Knitting Yarn Bright Pink
Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00 - Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00
Current price R 249.00
R 249.00 - R 249.00
Current price R 249.00
| /
20 in stock

Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic Composition: Acrylic %100 NM: 3 Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 3.5 Article: Star Lenght: 300

Save 14% Save % Star Hand Knitting Yarn Dark Beige
Star Hand Knitting Yarn Dark Beige
Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00 - Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00
Current price R 249.00
R 249.00 - R 249.00
Current price R 249.00
| /
20 in stock

Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic Composition: Acrylic %100 NM: 3 Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 3.5 Article: Star Lenght: 300

Save 14% Save % Star Hand Knitting Yarn Dark Green
Star Hand Knitting Yarn Dark Green
Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00 - Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00
Current price R 249.00
R 249.00 - R 249.00
Current price R 249.00
| /
20 in stock

Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic Composition: Acrylic %100 NM: 3 Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 3.5 Article: Star Lenght: 300

Save 14% Save % Star Hand Knitting Yarn Dark Grey
Star Hand Knitting Yarn Dark Grey
Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00 - Original price R 289.00
Original price R 289.00
Current price R 249.00
R 249.00 - R 249.00
Current price R 249.00
| /
20 in stock

Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic Composition: Acrylic %100 NM: 3 Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 3.5 Article: Star Lenght: 300


Save up to 30% Save % Favori Labyrinth Pattern Rug
Favori Labyrinth Pattern Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Triangle Patterned Cream Rug
Favori Triangle Patterned Cream Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
3 in stock

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Dark Line Rug
Favori Dark Line Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
3 in stock

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Diamond Pattern Rug
Favori Diamond Pattern Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
3 in stock

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Cream Soft Rug
Favori Cream Soft Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Dark Diamond Rug
Favori Dark Diamond Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Straight Line Rug
Favori Straight Line Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
2 in stock

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Cube Pattern Rug
Favori Cube Pattern Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Softy Rug
Favori Softy Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
2 in stock

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Frame Cream Rug
Favori Frame Cream Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Kukri Beige Rug
Favori Kukri Beige Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
3 in stock

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Double Pattern Beige Rug
Favori Double Pattern Beige Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Frame Pattern Beige Rug
Favori Frame Pattern Beige Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Stick Pattern Beige Rug
Favori Stick Pattern Beige Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
2 in stock

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Kilim Pattern Grey Rug
Favori Kilim Pattern Grey Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Soft Pattern Grey Rug
Favori Soft Pattern Grey Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save 13% Save % Favori Hand Knitting Yarn Red
Favori Hand Knitting Yarn Red
Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00 - Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00
Current price R 259.00
R 259.00 - R 259.00
Current price R 259.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 4, 4.5 Article: Favori

Save 13% Save % Favori Hand Knitting Yarn Pink
Favori Hand Knitting Yarn Pink
Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00 - Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00
Current price R 259.00
R 259.00 - R 259.00
Current price R 259.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 4, 4.5 Article: Favori

Save 13% Save % Favori Hand Knitting Yarn White
Favori Hand Knitting Yarn White
Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00 - Original price R 299.00
Original price R 299.00
Current price R 259.00
R 259.00 - R 259.00
Current price R 259.00
| /
20 in stock

Package Included: 5 x 100g Weight: 100g Material: Acrylic 100% Knight Size: 3.5,
4 Crochet Size: 4, 4.5 Article: Favori

Save up to 30% Save % Favori Line Cream Rug
Favori Line Cream Rug
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00 - Original price R 6,639.00
Original price R 1,669.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
R 1,169.00 - R 4,649.00
Current price R 1,169.00
| /
2 in stock

Each Favori rug is meticulously crafted with high-quality materials and designed
to withstand the challenges of daily life. These rugs will welcome...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Polyester Brook Rug
Alin Polyester Brook Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
4 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 30% Save % Alin Almost Rug
Alin Almost Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 30% Save % Alin Liora Rug
Alin Liora Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Grandeur Rug
Alin Grandeur Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
2 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Delicate Essence Rug
Alin Delicate Essence Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
3 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Night Stripe Rug
Alin Night Stripe Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 30% Save % Alin Seraphine Rug
Alin Seraphine Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
4 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Velvet Dreams Rug
Alin Velvet Dreams Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
4 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Blaze Rug
Alin Blaze Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Mandala Rug
Alin Mandala Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
5 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Tranquil Embrace Rug
Alin Tranquil Embrace Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
3 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Dual-Toned Rug
Alin Dual-Toned Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Grey Modern Rug - 05331A
Alin Grey Modern Rug - 05331A
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
3 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Hushed Bliss Rug
Alin Hushed Bliss Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
2 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Loom Luxury Rug
Alin Loom Luxury Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
2 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Modern Whimsical Rug
Alin Modern Whimsical Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Pure Pulse Rug
Alin Pure Pulse Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
2 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Rust Rug
Alin Rust Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
3 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Sahara Rug
Alin Sahara Rug
Original price R 899.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 899.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 899.00
R 629.00 - R 4,759.00
R 629.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 629.00
| /
2 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Soothing Cascade Rug
Alin Soothing Cascade Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 30% Save % Alin Vice Rug
Alin Vice Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
2 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Gentle Serenity Rug
Alin Gentle Serenity Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 30% Save % Alin Harmony Rug
Alin Harmony Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
2 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 30% Save % Alin Inferno Rug
Alin Inferno Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
4 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 30% Save % Alin Modern Dynamic Rug
Alin Modern Dynamic Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
6 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

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Save up to 30% Save % Elit Ocean Grey Rug
Elit Ocean Grey Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

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Save up to 30% Save % Elit Crack Grey Blue Rug
Elit Crack Grey Blue Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
2 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Plain Grey Black Rug
Elit Plain Grey Black Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

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Save up to 30% Save % Elit Crack Grey Gold Rug
Elit Crack Grey Gold Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

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Save up to 30% Save % Elit Zenpine Grey Black Rug
Elit Zenpine Grey Black Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
2 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Bore Grey Blue Rug
Elit Bore Grey Blue Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

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Save up to 30% Save % Elit Cave Grey Blue Rug
Elit Cave Grey Blue Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
3 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Crack Grey Black Rug
Elit Crack Grey Black Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

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Save up to 30% Save % Elit Plain Grey Blue Rug
Elit Plain Grey Blue Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

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Save up to 30% Save % Elit Texture Grey Blue Rug
Elit Texture Grey Blue Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

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Save up to 30% Save % Elit Whisper Beige Brown Rug
Elit Whisper Beige Brown Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
2 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Whisper Grey Black Rug
Elit Whisper Grey Black Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Whisper Grey Gold Rug
Elit Whisper Grey Gold Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Wing Beige Brown Rug
Elit Wing Beige Brown Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
2 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Wing Grey Blue Rug
Elit Wing Grey Blue Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Zenpine Grey Gold Rug
Elit Zenpine Grey Gold Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Bore Grey Gold Rug
Elit Bore Grey Gold Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Gulf Greys Rug
Elit Gulf Greys Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Hole Beige Brown Rug
Elit Hole Beige Brown Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
3 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Ocean Beige Brown Rug
Elit Ocean Beige Brown Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
2 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Ocean Grey Blue Rug
Elit Ocean Grey Blue Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Post Grey Blue Rug
Elit Post Grey Blue Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
5 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Texture Beige Brown Rug
Elit Texture Beige Brown Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
2 in stock

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Texture Grey Black Rug
Elit Texture Grey Black Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Elit Texture Grey Rug
Elit Texture Grey Rug
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00 - Original price R 13,399.00
Original price R 1,339.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
R 939.00 - R 9,379.00
Current price R 939.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Explore the epitome of contemporary luxury with our Elite Collection, featuring
modern-patterned rugs that seamlessly blend bold patterns and subtl...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Plain Gray Rug
Artist Plain Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
4 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

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Save up to 30% Save % Artist Skyline Blue Rug
Artist Skyline Blue Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Modern Beige Rug
Artist Modern Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Elegant Gray Rug
Artist Elegant Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
6 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Dark Gray Rug
Artist Dark Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
3 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Deep Ocean Rug
Artist Deep Ocean Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
4 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Crisp Azure Rug
Artist Crisp Azure Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Chic Beige Rug
Artist Chic Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Gray Artist Rug
Artist Gray Artist Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
7 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Timeless Beige Rug
Artist Timeless Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
7 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Classic Beige Rug
Artist Classic Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
9 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Basic Gray Rug
Artist Basic Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
6 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Beige Rug
Artist Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Clear Blue Rug
Artist Clear Blue Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
4 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Elegant Beige Rug
Artist Elegant Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
3 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Sophisticated Beige Rug
Artist Sophisticated Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
4 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Gentle Beige Rug
Artist Gentle Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
5 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Modern Gray Rug
Artist Modern Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
6 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Sapphire Haze Rug
Artist Sapphire Haze Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Smooth Gray Rug
Artist Smooth Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
5 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Gentle Gray Rug
Artist Gentle Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Graceful Beige Rug
Artist Graceful Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
6 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Serene Beige Rug
Artist Serene Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
4 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Azure Breeze Rug
Artist Azure Breeze Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
5 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Cool Gray Rug
Artist Cool Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details


Save up to 30% Save % Artist Plain Gray Rug
Artist Plain Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
4 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Skyline Blue Rug
Artist Skyline Blue Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Modern Beige Rug
Artist Modern Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Elegant Gray Rug
Artist Elegant Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
6 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Polyester Brook Rug
Alin Polyester Brook Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
4 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Dark Gray Rug
Artist Dark Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
3 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Deep Ocean Rug
Artist Deep Ocean Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
4 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Crisp Azure Rug
Artist Crisp Azure Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Chic Beige Rug
Artist Chic Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Star Modern Beige Blue Crack Rug
Star Modern Beige Blue Crack Rug
Original price R 879.00 - Original price R 8,759.00
Original price R 879.00 - Original price R 8,759.00
Original price R 879.00
R 659.00 - R 6,569.00
R 659.00 - R 6,569.00
Current price R 659.00
| /
8 in stock

Star has a modern-stylish look to it’s design and would go perfectly with all
kinds of decor. Made using polypropylene and polyester features an ab...

View full details

Save up to 70% Save % Halhal Yellow Rug
Halhal Yellow Rug
Original price R 1,729.00 - Original price R 2,529.00
Original price R 1,729.00 - Original price R 2,529.00
Original price R 1,729.00
R 519.00 - R 759.00
R 519.00 - R 759.00
Current price R 519.00
| /
10 in stock

This Rug” is well-deserving of all of its accolades and popularity! it is
unique, goes-with-anything design captures the unique spirit, but is als...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Almost Rug
Alin Almost Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Gray Artist Rug
Artist Gray Artist Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
7 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Timeless Beige Rug
Artist Timeless Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
7 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Liora Rug
Alin Liora Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
Only 1 left!

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Classic Beige Rug
Artist Classic Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
9 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 35% Save % Diva Grey Trans Rug
Diva Grey Trans Rug
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 10,689.00
Original price R 1,079.00 - Original price R 10,689.00
Original price R 1,079.00
R 699.00 - R 6,949.00
R 699.00 - R 6,949.00
Current price R 699.00
| /
3 in stock

Kristal Diva is a made of polyester yarn. It is suitable for use in living room,
living room, corridor, kitchen, etc., underfloor heating areas. Kr...

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Save up to 25% Save % Jute Line Pattern Dark Beige Rug
Jute Line Pattern Dark Beige Rug
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00 - Original price R 5,839.00
Original price R 1,469.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
R 1,099.00 - R 4,379.00
Current price R 1,099.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Our Jute Collection is a testament to the beauty of nature and minimalist
design. Crafted with precision and inspired by earthy tones, this collect...

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Save up to 25% Save % Star Modern Tex Grey Rug
Star Modern Tex Grey Rug
Original price R 879.00 - Original price R 8,759.00
Original price R 879.00 - Original price R 8,759.00
Original price R 879.00
R 659.00 - R 6,569.00
R 659.00 - R 6,569.00
Current price R 659.00
| /
Only 1 left!

Star has a modern-stylish look to it’s design and would go perfectly with all
kinds of decor. Made using polypropylene and polyester features an ab...

View full details

Save up to 25% Save % Star Slit Green Rug
Star Slit Green Rug
Original price R 879.00 - Original price R 8,759.00
Original price R 879.00 - Original price R 8,759.00
Original price R 879.00
R 659.00 - R 6,569.00
R 659.00 - R 6,569.00
Current price R 659.00
| /
3 in stock

Star has a modern-stylish look to it’s design and would go perfectly with all
kinds of decor. Made using polypropylene and polyester features an ab...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Alin Grandeur Rug
Alin Grandeur Rug
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00 - Original price R 6,799.00
Original price R 689.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
R 479.00 - R 4,759.00
Current price R 479.00
| /
2 in stock

The Kristal Alin collection features abstract designs that are inspired by the
sky and the galaxy. Using gold, silver and neutral shades, these hig...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Basic Gray Rug
Artist Basic Gray Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
6 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Beige Rug
Artist Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
2 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Clear Blue Rug
Artist Clear Blue Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
4 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Save up to 30% Save % Artist Elegant Beige Rug
Artist Elegant Beige Rug
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00 - Original price R 11,999.00
Original price R 1,199.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
R 839.00 - R 8,409.00
Current price R 839.00
| /
3 in stock

Kristal Artist is a woven carpet produced on a special loom with viscose and
polyester material. It doesn't shed. It contributes significantly to t...

View full details

Rugs by SizeThe right size rug gives your room the perfect feel. We can help
make it easy.
   Small Rugs
   Medium Rugs
   Large Rugs
   Oversize Rugs

Rugs by ColorWhatever your décor and palette, we have rugs that complete the
   Beige Rugs
   Black Rugs
   Blue Rugs
   Brown Rugs
   Green Rugs
   Grey Rugs
   Orange Rugs
   Pink Rugs
   Purple Rugs
   Red Rugs
   White Rugs
   Yellow Rugs


1 Cnr Main Reef and Dorado Avenue, Crown Mines 2025,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Opposite China Mall


Carpet and rug are the most important details for the home interior decor. There
are different fabric, materials and styles in wide variety of choices as well as
the price. Kristal Carpets offers carpet and rug prices with best service
worldwide shipping option. The price may change depending on carpet and rug
sizes. Online shopping makes your life easier and you can find the best carpets
for sale cheap and affordable way through the color and size selection. Check
out and find the best piece of carpet and rug options such as bedroom rugs,
kitchen rugs, indoor outdoor rugs of the Kristalcarpets collection and save up
to %70 discount or free shipping service.

Read More


Are you bored with your living room decoration or do you want to change the vibe
of your home decor? Why don’t you start with using rugs into your living room?
There are new collection with modern touch that modern rugs can change the vibe
of the environment. Although oriental rugs are popular and traditional shopping
trends are observed there are many kinds of rugs that can be found either modern
rugs, contemporary rugs or hertex rugs. Modern rugs and contemporary rugs are
recently preferred in living room decoration. They are easy to clean, gives both
fresh and modern look and defitinely change the vibe of your living room. The
rug sizes also give different look to your room; for example small rugs may give
modern look whereas the large rugs may give more oriental and elegant look. You
can easily check the rug collection for sale now and enjoy your living room
today with a new look.


The final touch of your living room is mostly the rugs. Rugs are traditionally
hand made and in natural colors. Rugs are light and enables to sound control for
the floor especially if you live on upper floors. Today there are many rugs that
are used as indoor outdoor rugs. There a great number of reason for the question
Should I buy a rug for a living room? Now lets’s have a look the reasons to buy
a rug and buy the best rug for your taste from Kristalcarpets.

- Rugs are colourful. Different colors can show your furniture, armchair or
coffetable vibrantly. Contrast colors of modern rug or contemporary rug can be a
good fit.

 * Rugs are light and easy to use. Why don’t you spend time cleaning with your
   house? Rugs are light so you can move and place anywhere in the house and
   easy to use. There antiallergic rug options that you can gve safer
   environment to your living room with a modern energetic look. Hertex rugs are
   preferred too.
 * Rugs are the best friend of hardwood floors. Rugs can be used under the
   dinner table to give a warmth and cosy effect. Also rugs protects the damages
   or any scratches of the dinner chairs. Let’s not forget any stains on the
 * Rugs are used as seperator for decoration. If you have a big living room you
   can define the limits of sitting area and dining area or any other reading
   area and child area. The size of rugs and rug colors gives the right message
   to the visitors as well as the family members. Choosing the best matching
   size and color of the rug gives perspective, modern look, and cosy and
   healthy environent to your home.

For more rug styles options, check the new collection as well as the fabric,
pattern and size portfoglio on Kristalcarpets.


You decide to buy a rug for your living room but there are important details on
how do you pick a good quality rug.

 * Colors. Check the color whether it gives comfort and quality look.
 * Density. The best quality rug stands with its knots. The more densed knots
   gives the quality, durability and clarity of the pattern.
 * Details. Authentic and oriental rugs are the best rugs with their details.
   However there are modern and contemporary rugs that with great details of
 * Fabric. The wool used in rugs definitely reflects its quality. The best
   quality wool for rugs are Persian wool.


The ideal and the ost preferred area rug size is 8x10 area rug. However you
should consider your comfort, your living room layout and arrangements while
deciding on the rug size. 8x10 area rug size can be considered as golden ratio
as it fits almost every living room with ten feet wide. You may consider 5x7
area rug as well. Generally its placed in front of a sitting sofa and couch
underlying a coffetable. The idea is keep the rug in center without going under
the furnitures. You can check the best area rugs and order today with worldwide
free shipping.


There are different carpet types such as wool, nylon or blend. The premium
materials and fabrics are the best known of wool. The most and the best carpet
types are berber carpet, plushpile carpet, shag carpet, frieze carpet


The best carpets depend on your choice where to use, how to use and what is the
traffic on the carpet and most importantly to your budget and taste of your

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