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Submission: On October 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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HomeHow it WorksThe MoPodDonate
Sign InSign Up
Sign up to be a Connector and fill out the MoDate Connector form.
Send your friends a link to MoDate.org to sign up as Connectors, MoDaters, or
Tell your MoDaters to assign you as their Connector on the MoDate form.
Fill out a couple of questions about your friends and start receiving matches to
review for them.
MoDate - "The Mutual Friend You Wish You Had"
MoDate makes dating in the Modern Orthodox world more accessible by expanding
people’s networks and creating connections. MoDate is not just a dating
platform, but rather a dating community. The various offerings of the MoVerse
including: MoDate, The MoPod, MoEvents, & more, aim to remove any stigmas that
surround dating, allow everyone to be a part of the conversation, and help
people find their perfect match in a fun and easy way.
Sign Up
Our Story
In the summer of 2020, Evan decided to enter the shidduch system and download
various dating apps.
After trying various dating methods, Evan felt as though the most comfortable
and efficient form of dating for a Modern Orthodox
Jew was being set up by friends. However, Evan felt this system was very limited
and didn't have an effective medium
through which to facilitate the process. Thus, the idea of MoDate was born.
MoDate - the mutual friend you wish you had,
became a way to scale up the process of setting up friends and expanding
people’s networks. After a couple of months of attempting
different approaches and having conversations about dating with different
people, Evan recruited his good friend Menachem to create
a system in which people would both be able to help their friends and maintain a
level of anonymity in dating. After building a proof
of concept and experiencing rapid growth within the Modern Orthodox community,
MoDate expanded to Israel, threw various events,
and created "The MoPod". While The MoVerse was growing, it was clear that
although the MoDate process had produced many dates, there
was still work to be done to improve the process. Thus, Evan and Menachem
started on a new web app which would streamline the process.
Menachem’s background in software development enabled him to both design an easy
to use UI/UX and build the front-end and backend
of the new MoDate. Evan and Menachem spent months brainstorming the various
capabilities and features of the new MoDate and
are very excited to see the results of their labor and continue to pump the

Connector Dashboard
The Connector Dashboard is critical to learn in order to be successful in the
connecting of your friends. Thankfully, it's not too complicated and we're here
to help! There are 4 sections that one needs to understand in order to be
comfortable with the process.
New Matches
Here you will be able to see all of the new matches for your MoDaters. Click
start matching and select one of your MoDaters that has a match. Here you will
be able to see all the information about the potential match for your MoDater
aside from their name and picture. We do this to maintain a level of anonymity
and privacy for the MoDaters. We do believe that MoDaters that match must be
able to see the names and pictures of the MoDaters that they match with, but
that the Connectors of their prospective matches just need to see if it’s a good
call personality wise. If you flip the profile card by clicking “Flip Card” you
will see additional information about the potential match including hashkafa and
more. If you want to reach out to a Connector to learn more about a potential
match, you can access their phone number by clicking on their names. Anyone who
abuses this privilege, however, will be removed from the platform at the
discretion of the administrators. To the right of the card you will be able to
see the answers to the questions from that MoDater’s Connector review.
Connectors must rank matches on a scale of 1-5 with “1” being not a fit and “5”
being an amazing fit. If the composite scores of both Connectors exceed the
MoDate threshold then the match will be sent to the MoDaters with names and
pictures on the profiles as well.
MoDater Reviews Needed
When a MoDater signs up and assigns you as their Connector, you will need to
review them in order for them to become active. You will be prompted to answer a
few personality questions about your MoDater that will later be visible to both
the Connectors of their prospective matches and their prospective matches. On
the off chance that someone you don’t know signs up as your MoDater you will be
able to reject the opportunity to become their Connector.
Verified MoDaters
This is your list of MoDaters that you have verified. If for whatever reason
they no longer want to be active MoDaters, feel free to click on their names to
access their profiles and click “Change Status” on their profiles and make them
inactive so that they will no longer get matches.
Matches Status
Here you will be able to see the status of all open matches. If the other
Connector does not review the match after 5 days you will be able to remove the
match. The reason to remove a match is that you will only be able to have a
certain number of matches for each of your MoDaters at a time, so if another
Connector is being unresponsive it may prevent you from receiving future matches
for your MoDaters.
MoDater Dashboard
When you have a match you will be able to see the entire profile of your match
including name and picture. Based on their profile you will decide whether or
not you’d like to go on a date. If a MoDater says yes to going on a date before
the other MoDater has a chance to review the match then the match will disappear
from that MoDater’s dashboard and will only reappear if the other MoDater
accepts the date as well. The MoDater that you have matched with will not be
aware of your response, so you do not have to worry about saying yes or no right
away. If you said yes to a MoDater and never heard back, there’s a chance that
they either did not see the match or have become busy, but did not mark
themselves inactive. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
You are always able to edit your profile if you would like to switch any answers
from the original form that you filled out. You will also be able to change
Connectors for whatever reason, but then you must wait for your new Connector to
review you in order to become active again. You can mark yourself as inactive in
order to stop receiving matches for whatever reason.
If both parties agree to a match then the accounts of those MoDaters will become
inactive. If, unfortunately, things do not work out then those MoDaters will
need to return to their accounts and close out the match.

Michael Losev - CTO
Born and raised in the 5 towns, Michael Losev attended the Yeshiva of South
Shore and MAY before graduating from New York University in May 2020 with a
degree in computer science. Michael has a passion for building products that are
intuitive and easy to use that also look great. While not currently employed he
has recently begun actively looking for potential opportunities to grow and
develop in his career. Some of Michael's other interests include traveling
(cross-countries/national parks), options trading, and snowboarding.
Evan Harris - CEO
Evan Harris grew up Modern Orthodox in the 5 towns community of New York. He
attended HAFTR, Yeshivat Orayta, and went on to graduate summa cum laude with a
degree in finance from the Macaulay Honors program at Baruch College. Evan
currently works in a marketing strategy role while living on the Upper West Side
of Manhattan. Growing the MoVerse which includes MoDate, The MoPod, MoEvents, &
more is something that Evan is very passionate about. There are two types of
people in this world: those who make things happen and those who let things
happen to them. Evan always strives to make things happen and encourages others
to do the same.