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 1. Blogs
 2. Preparing for the End of the Public Health Emergency

Government June 08, 2022


By Michael Barnes

As the Public Health Emergency unwinds, state and county social service benefits
agencies can prepare by learning best practices from L.A. County DPSS
adaptations during the PHE itself.

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The nation’s public health emergency (PHE) was last renewed on April 16, and the
Department of Health and Human Services has indicated that it will give a 60-day
notice if it intends to let it expire at the end of this most recent 90-day
extension. Once it ends, many may be left without critical social service
benefits that were expanded under the PHE. For example, as many as 16 million
people could fall off Medicaid, at which point state agencies will have to
re-determine whether those individuals still qualify for the program. And with
every extension, the redeterminations backlog is growing, with as many as one in
four Americans now insured by the program.

Government agencies across the nation have faced significant increases to social
service benefits applications and renewal requests, due largely to heightened
need during the public health emergency (PHE). This influx of activity made
verifying income and employment – an essential step in most benefit eligibility
determinations – even more difficult. In fact, many agencies were tasked with
serving more people in need than ever before, with the same or fewer resources
than they had pre-pandemic.

Rather than shying away from the challenge, the Los Angeles County (L.A. County)
Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) saw in the crisis an opportunity to
innovate and improve its processes to better serve clients – through the
pandemic and beyond. A recent case study from Equifax Workforce Solutions shows
how L.A. County DPSS continued providing quick relief to those in need – serving
one in three residents in the nation’s largest county – with help from The Work



The nation’s PHE was last renewed on April 16, and the Department of Health and
Human Services has indicated that it will give a 60-day notice if it intends to
let it expire at the end of this most recent 90-day extension. Once it ends,
many may be left without critical social service benefits that were expanded
under the PHE. For example, as many as 16 million people could fall off
Medicaid, at which point state agencies will have to re-determine whether those
individuals still qualify for the program. And with every extension, the
redeterminations backlog is growing, with as many as one in four Americans now
insured by the program. 

Since expanding access for caseworkers to The Work Number, among other
solutions, L.A. County DPSS has realized 70-80 percent same-day eligibility
determinations for renewals – and other agencies may be able to do the same. 

States and local social service agencies can prepare now for the pending influx
of redeterminations by utilizing The Work Number service to enable near-instant
verifications of income and employment, with data as current as the most recent
payroll cycle. By doing so, they can identify changes in income, ensure those
enrolled can demonstrate continued eligibility, and more. 



Despite the influx of applications at the onset of the pandemic, L.A. County
DPSS knew that resolving cases at the point of first contact would allow the
agency to continue timely access to its services. This helped lay the groundwork
for continuous process improvement at the organization. 

Because even under “normal” circumstances, hand-delivering paystubs or uploading
income and employment information to a web portal can be a challenge for many
applicants, part of the solution for L.A. County was to improve its income and
employment verifications process. While it had already been using The Work
Number, with the help of Equifax Workforce Solutions, it invested time into
fully training employees on the service, enabling them to fully leverage the
database to achieve benefit determinations at the point of first contact. 

“The Work Number is an important component of verifying the income,” said
Antonia Jimenez, Director of L.A. County DPSS. “Having a reliable, accurate
source of information that helps us move to being able to provide a disposition
at the first point of contact is helpful.”

With help from The Work Number, L.A. County DPSS enabled caseworkers to fulfill
more determinations at the point of first contact while minimizing the need for
requesting additional information or documentation from the applicants. As
agencies prepare for the end of the PHE, they may be able to realize similar
efficiencies in their own programs by fully leveraging The Work Number. 

Automate and gain access to timely data to help maintain continuity of coverage
during the PHE transition period. Learn how by visiting this link here. 


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